Michigan Central Restored and Opening

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  1. #651


    A perfect example of OUTRAGE!!!!! Television.

  2. #652


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    I absolutely agree that the numbers I've taken concerning the USS Roosevelt testing don't all add up. I don't know why that is, other than that the initial numbers reflected partial testing that was ongoing still, and do welcome corrections.
    Detroit is the anomaly to me anyways,because the only factor they have is underlying conditions.

    New York as a hot spot

    Centered in an erea That has a high immigrant population that relies on a charity hospital.

    The private sector hospitals are not having the demand or same result,and had plenty of supplies to deal with it,the outrage displayed by the governor was over the charity hospitals that were underfunded and lacked necessary supplies. .

    The UK

    Last year the common flu overwhelmed the NHS to the breaking point,people were waiting over 3 hours in the parking lot ambulances in order to gain hospital admission.

    An underfunded and overwhelmed public healthcare system not centrally located.


    Years ago amidst a mafia war that included car bombs,assignation of judges and political officials they made a deal with the devil so to speak,stop the violence in the northern cities and we will look the other way in the southern half.

    National healthcare system,but the southern cities received the hand me downs from the north,a one new hospital was built in 20 years but not hardly stocked or staffed.

    High elderly population because the young ones moved to the northern cities because of the ability to make a living.

    High underlining heath issues because the mafia makes 100s of millions burying the worlds toxic waste,which directly contaminated the food and water supply to the south.


    Public healthcare but well funded and run and has a higher survival rate.

    When we see high death rates in comparison across the world there are so many factors that seem to apply,not to even mention some of the country’s are the population size of one of our states.

    The UK alone has the land mass of less then Florida.

    Our population is 325 million,we see that they say the United States has the most amount of deaths.

    Makes sense that a country of 325 million has more reported deaths compared to a country of 35 million.

    That are not doing it like you Dumpling,they are only looking at number of deaths and going no further then that.

    It appears to me anyways,the death rate compared to the population is low,the causes of those numbers is directly related to the local parameters as to how they apply an not as a worldwide view.

    Your numbers narrow it down.

    There are other countries that are practicing the herd approach,mingle,catch it and get over it and hospitalize the worst cases.

    This is yesterday’s posting about the Roosevelt

    Roughly 60 percent of the over 600 sailors who tested positive so far have not shown symptoms of COVID-19, the potentially lethal respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, the Navy says. The service did not speculate about how many might later develop symptoms or remain asymptomatic.


    So even a discrepancy in the numbers actually tested.
    Last edited by Richard; April-17-20 at 05:35 PM.

  3. #653


    Is anybody else bothered by all the 50K suv's lined up at food bank donation sites. I assume these people have no money and need the food or they wouldn't line up for hours but a lot of them had a decent income and never set anything aside. It takes food away from those making minimum wage who lost their jobs and really have no choice.

  4. #654


    Just now I skimmed photos of food bank donation sites. Many of them have pedestrians lined up. The Greater Pittsburgh site does have lines of cars. Two appear to be maroon Jeeps and another is a Ford crossover from what I can tell. The cars at the food bank look like a cross-section of the cars you would see on any midwestern road.


    Due to consumer demand and pressure from non-midwestern car makers building high quality cars and trucks, so that U.S. car makers have to also build higher quality vehicles if they want to remain in business, rarely do you see cars on the side of the road any more. Labor unions are not so strong as to support workers who have trouble getting to work because of having to having to drive vehicles that are in poor condition.

    So the average person in a food bank line DURING
    THIS CORONAVIRUS CRISIS has just lost their job but would be able
    to do their job if the pandemic were not here and further would need
    their car once their job starts again. On average, they are
    making reasonable payments on a monthly basis for their vehicle. Their
    financing arrangements last for several years. It makes little sense to
    dump their vehicle. They are still on the hook for the payments.

    It DOES make sense to pick up free groceries so that cash on hand can be allocated towards car payments and medical expenses or whatever is
    most necessary.

    Probably luxury SUVs ARE in food bank drive thru lines but probably in a lower proportion than are on the road. Many who drive luxury SUVs have enough funds to afford even upscale groceries and these would have no inclination to wait in a long line for basic groceries.
    Last edited by Dumpling; April-18-20 at 08:21 AM.

  5. #655


    I'm thinking there are not a few in that situation. Spent to the hilt with the same $38- dollars in their checking accounts every two-weeks as someone making tens of thousands of dollars or less yearly.

    The fall here will be higher if it all comes apart. The pressure to consume, high pricing, taxing, poor decisions, job losses, and a multitude of other factors has many of us prepared up and down the economic scale.

    I just hope they're not hoarders in those lines as we saw with toilet paper.

    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Is anybody else bothered by all the 50K suv's lined up at food bank donation sites. I assume these people have no money and need the food or they wouldn't line up for hours but a lot of them had a decent income and never set anything aside...
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-18-20 at 01:34 PM.

  6. #656


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Is anybody else bothered by all the 50K suv's lined up at food bank donation sites. I assume these people have no money and need the food or they wouldn't line up for hours but a lot of them had a decent income and never set anything aside. It takes food away from those making minimum wage who lost their jobs and really have no choice.

    A lot of people have different priorities. Drive around some of the neighborhoods in Detroit. You'll see ramshackle homes with visqueen on the windows, a blue tarp for a roof, and a $50k vehicle parked on the lawn next to it. It's the same in affluent communities. The homes are better but the credit cards are maxed out and checking accounts overdrawn. It's the way we're encouraged to live. I doubt anyone is going without food that can get to where it's being given away.

  7. #657


    Yep. My point exactly. Some think this sorta thing is only going on in the 'hood'!

    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    It's the same in affluent communities. The homes are better but the credit cards are maxed out and checking accounts overdrawn....

  8. #658


    Did The Gretch really respond to protests calling for an end to restrictions by extending those restrictions?

    Cuz, that would be really super petty i9f she did.

  9. #659


    It would amaze me years ago doing residential service work for sears that there were times I would have a Department of Social Services purchase orders for clients that lived in some very nice homes in very nice communties between Detroit and Pontiac.

  10. #660


    Big Brother at its finest. If only the dear Governor would outlaw grape Faygo, honey buns and Little Debbie swiss rolls in order to improve the overall health of urban dwellers...

  11. #661


    ^^ Works for me.

  12. #662


    This is the kind of comment echoed on other blogs/ websites... duly noted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colombian Dan View Post
    ...If only the dear Governor would outlaw grape Faygo, honey buns and Little Debbie swiss rolls in order to improve the overall health of urban dwellers...
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-19-20 at 06:09 AM.

  13. #663


    Quote Originally Posted by Colombian Dan View Post
    Big Brother at its finest. If only the dear Governor would outlaw grape Faygo, honey buns and Little Debbie swiss rolls in order to improve the overall health of urban dwellers...
    One guy wanted to ban ALL alcohol sales during the quarantine period because one out of 10,000 men might beat his wife in a drunken rage. Fine -lock him up and throw away the key, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

  14. #664


    Then what are they doing with the alcoholics that are going through withdrawals.

    Before the virus we have a vaping,opioids,and heroin crisis going on that has all but disappeared from the planet.

    Or are they all considered virus related now?

    I agree that there are some who are really pushing the envelope and seeing just how far they can take it.

  15. #665
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^^^ Someone will need to... beyond acting like they 'care'! Hah.
    Yep, LOL

    But NO Democrat will EVER care about the debt. Remember, this is the party of Social Security [[FDR) [[ the biggest Ponze scheme in history,.. which the Dems then stole most of the money from), the party of medicare / Medicaid [[LBJ), etc. Programs that consume more than 80% of what the government takes in from taxes.

    The Democrats have put us on an irreversible path to insolvency, all to get votes for themselves. Making it the biggest fraud / act of treason in history.

    They only pretend to care about the debt when a Republican is in the WH.

    The only hope of extending the inevitable is to wind up the economy to 11, and try to get everyone off welfare programs and into the tax roles,... and get industry to be massively profitable so as to increase tax revenue [[even if it's only from the income of stockholders). Which is what our president was doing when this Covid thing hit.

  16. #666
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Yep, LOL

    But NO Democrat will EVER care about the debt. Remember, this is the party of Social Security [[FDR) [[ the biggest Ponze scheme in history,.. which the Dems then stole most of the money from), the party of medicare / Medicaid [[LBJ), etc. Programs that consume more than 80% of what the government takes in from taxes.
    What on earth are you talking about? madicaid and SS combined take up nowhere near 80% of the budget. And if I recall correctly the national debt is skyrocketing because of the massive tax cuts the republicans gave to the wealthiest people in the country who absolutely did not need it, the real ponzi scheme. Has nothing to do with democrat programs.

  17. #667


    Quote Originally Posted by Metro25 View Post
    What on earth are you talking about? madicaid and SS combined take up nowhere near 80% of the budget. And if I recall correctly the national debt is skyrocketing because of the massive tax cuts the republicans gave to the wealthiest people in the country who absolutely did not need it, the real ponzi scheme. Has nothing to do with democrat programs.
    Don't forget our overblown military budget, the hundreds of thousands of Americans going bankrupt from medical bills since we're the only country without socialized healthcare, the mega wealthy paying little to no taxes while hoarding money in off shore bank accounts while our infrastructure is literally crumbling, oh and the stagnant wages that haven't grown with inflation since the 1970s. And of course the idiots who think there is a difference between a Democrat and a republican when they're both owned by the same people. A corporatist doesn't have a favorite color.

  18. #668


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Yep, LOL

    But NO Democrat will EVER care about the debt. Remember, this is the party of Social Security [[FDR) [[ the biggest Ponze scheme in history,.. which the Dems then stole most of the money from), the party of medicare / Medicaid [[LBJ), etc. Programs that consume more than 80% of what the government takes in from taxes.

    The Democrats have put us on an irreversible path to insolvency, all to get votes for themselves. Making it the biggest fraud / act of treason in history.

    They only pretend to care about the debt when a Republican is in the WH.

    The only hope of extending the inevitable is to wind up the economy to 11, and try to get everyone off welfare programs and into the tax roles,... and get industry to be massively profitable so as to increase tax revenue [[even if it's only from the income of stockholders). Which is what our president was doing when this Covid thing hit.
    Uhh... FDR has been dead for 80 years, LBJ for 50.

    Seriously, are you even aware that the guy actually sitting in the WH right this minute, the self described “King of Debt”, who has been there for a little more than three years has been blowing money at a unprecedented rate? He inherited a damn good economy and then preceded to blow up the deficit another Trillion a year. He never gave a shit about debt, he has told you that repeatedly. Hell before this crisis he wanted more Trillions that are not there. Did you even watch his States of the Unions??? Not one word about debt, just a pile of promises to spend even more. His record on our national debt speaks for itself. It is just math, not that hard.

  19. #669
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Wow,.. you don't actually believe any of that do you?

    Overblown military budget? You realize it's small compared to SOS and Medicare / Medicaid right?

    HHS spends 1.3 Trillion
    Soc Sec = 1.2 Trillion
    Military = 0.66 Trillion

    On a total revenue of 3.4 trillion.

    Of course most of the money was stolen out of the Soc Sec system under Johnson [[D). Under Carter [[D) they started giving immigrants who never paid in benefits, and under Clinton / Gore [[D) they made Soc Sec annuities taxable,

    Yes, wages haven't grown v.s inflation in 40 some years,.. they even lost pace in the last decade,.. UNTIL the current president, who had wages growing at 3%, v.s. inflation of 2%. So under Pres Trump,.. we finally made up a tiny bit of ground. Long way to go.

    And mega wealthy pay LOTS of taxes, in fact most of them. But you know who doesn't pay Fed income tax? The bottom 46% of the country. MOST Detroiters don't pay. Their refund is as much or more than they pay in.

    So blaming the top earners that pay almost all of the Fed income taxes doesn't solve anything.

  20. #670


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Uhh... FDR has been dead for 80 years, LBJ for 50.

    Seriously, are you even aware that the guy actually sitting in the WH right this minute, the self described “King of Debt”, who has been there for a little more than three years has been blowing money at a unprecedented rate? He inherited a damn good economy and then preceded to blow up the deficit another Trillion a year. He never gave a shit about debt, he has told you that repeatedly. Hell before this crisis he wanted more Trillions that are not there. Did you even watch his States of the Unions??? Not one word about debt, just a pile of promises to spend even more. His record on our national debt speaks for itself. It is just math, not that hard.

    I wasn't aware they were dead, ABD, Thanx! Does that also mean that the policies they initiated while they were in power are now null and void too? If not, what was your point? Also, are you saying that when Trump was elected, the National Debt was at "0", and he rang up all that debt since he's been in office for the past 3 years? I must have missed that too. The rest sounds a bit fact less and more like ranting hate speech.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; April-20-20 at 01:58 AM.

  21. #671


    As COVID-19 continues to dominate the news cycle, John Oliver looks at the various sources of misinformation about the disease - from televangelists and the right wing media, to President Trump himself.

  22. #672


    Alcohol is not banned in Michigan, so I'm pretty sure alcoholics are fine as long as they have the money to buy it with. And, generally speaking, they will find the money for that, just like a smoker will.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Then what are they doing with the alcoholics that are going through withdrawals.

    Before the virus we have a vaping,opioids,and heroin crisis going on that has all but disappeared from the planet.

    Or are they all considered virus related now?

    I agree that there are some who are really pushing the envelope and seeing just how far they can take it.

  23. #673


    Some of those were actually almost funny if not so unfortunate [[the misinformation they put forth). Thankfully for example, evangelist Kenneth Copeland does not represent most Christians. Hah!

    Last edited by Zacha341; April-20-20 at 09:34 AM.

  24. #674


    from televangelists and the right wing media, to President Trump himself.

    Good thing we have the left wing media to make sure we have all of the facts.

  25. #675


    ^^^ I'm finding lies and distortions coming from both sides, rather than an either/ or factor.

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