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  1. #226


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Good job, AJ3647.

    Thank you for panning the nugget. The rest is history. No need to discuss this any further for me. I got what I wanted.
    I am Gold Canuck, Thanks.

    You continue to support and spread violence in the name of AntiFa and justify it by saying it's against "insert favorite hate group here" so it doesn't matter what we do to agitate as the other group is evil and bad anyway. See how far that gets you to a solution of healing and bringing a nation together.
    I would rather have unity in the US with secure borders, available jobs and can do spirit.
    Well God gives us the gifts and we can choose to make the best of them or not.

    Peace be with you Ya All!

  2. #227


    Now there is a 10 day protest march that was supposed to start yesterday.

    Activists are set to start a 10-day march from Charlottesville, Va., to Washington, D.C., on Monday to confront white supremacy and demand President Trump's removal from office.


    good luck with that one. How many can actually make a 18 mile per day walk.

    One of the Charlottesville demands.

    8. End money bail, and release people being held without bond before their trial.


    So a statue that most will never see in their lifetime,bothers some more then allowing murders,child molestors,rapists on the streets,until one of those released attacks their family,then it becomes another story.

    Last edited by Richard; August-29-17 at 02:08 PM.

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Fair Nuff. You can continue to spread hate. I will try to find a median while still calling out the wrongs on all sides.

    Peace Out!
    How am I spreading hate? YOU are the one who absolutely refuses to denounce Nazis by name. You.

    Oh I forgot, you "dislike" Nazis. How nice. Pineapple on a pizza is something people might dislike, most people have a more visceral reaction to Nazi terrorists who murder people on American soil. You seemingly made it a point to say that you "hate" Socialists but in the same sentence, all you could muster was a "dislike" when speaking about Nazis. Was that little juxtaposition and choice of words not deliberate?

    Dude, Gman, just have the stones to admit you are a white nationalist. You won't denounce them, because you are one of them. Just admit it. Have the courage to do that, at least. You aren't fooling anyone with your little act. A real man would own up to his principles, even if they were unpopular. Perhaps you don't condone the violence [[or maybe you do), but you do sympathize with their ideology.

  4. #229


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    You seemingly made it a point to say that you "hate" Socialists but in the same sentence, all you could muster was a "dislike" when speaking about Nazis.
    Not to be pedantic, but Nazis *are* socialists. Not communists, but definitely socialists. Their economic program mirrored modern Venezuela, where any sector not toeing the party line would be nationalized.

    Also, a bunch of terms are kinda being thrown around rather cavalierly. The Nazi party is not the same as Neo-Nazism [[Nazis don't really exist anymore). Which has very little to do with the KKK [[they have traditionally hated each other, as the KKK are not fond of socialists, but that has evolved over time) Which is different still from white nationalism. There might be some overlap, but they are distinct groups.
    Last edited by JBMcB; August-29-17 at 08:21 PM.

  5. #230

    Default Despotism [[1946, Encyclopedia Britannica) - Keep Democracy alive!

    Measures how a society ranks on a spectrum stretching from democracy to despotism. Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted.

    Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales?

    These are the Parasitic Saboteurs in Power™, those who we allow to prosper from the harm they do to others. We allow their prosperity not because of any intrinsic merit they may hold, but rather, merely, because they are powerful.

    This is untenable. This must change.
    Last edited by Jimaz; August-29-17 at 10:21 PM.

  6. #231


    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    Not to be pedantic, but Nazis *are* socialists. Not communists, but definitely socialists. Their economic program mirrored modern Venezuela, where any sector not toeing the party line would be nationalized.

    Also, a bunch of terms are kinda being thrown around rather cavalierly. The Nazi party is not the same as Neo-Nazism [[Nazis don't really exist anymore). Which has very little to do with the KKK [[they have traditionally hated each other, as the KKK are not fond of socialists, but that has evolved over time) Which is different still from white nationalism. There might be some overlap, but they are distinct groups.

    They all fall under the "knucklehead" category.

    It doesn't matter that the Neo-Nazis are nothing like the old Nazis. They identify and invoke the symbolism and repeat the same rhetorical garbage that lead Germany to perdition. Anyone who is soft on those SOB's is complicit with the horrors of recent memory. I say: bravo to those who stand against the haters. Those who claim that freedom of expression was beat by the lefties have to own up to the right to counter demonstrate the fascists.

    When Trump says he is looking at a military solution to Venezuela's crisis, do you really think the people of that country have any say in his use or abuse of power? What purpose does it serve to "help" Venezuela if not to throw a bone to the Tillerson faction, the oil lobby?

    Let's get real.

  7. #232


    In the past the US purchased 70% of the oil in use from Venezuela,sense the dictator take over those purchases have come from the Canadian oil stands,I guess it would give good reason to see them remain in a dictatorship,and as shown they receive support for that with the like minded.

    Canuck if you like,I can introduce you to many Venezuelans here under political asylum,doctors,lawyers,newspaper reporters and pretty much most of the middle class that got out when they could before being imprisioned.

    You want to see pictures of the doors of the adverage citizens that were thermited in the middle of the night as the government forces came in.

    You can ask them,but something tells me that you are more supporting towards the dictatorship.

    The nazis and their ilk may be a thorn in the side but there is more of a danger to this country that makes them look like little puppies.

    You can easily find them throwing out distractions to divert attention from their own cause.

    You do seem to like to push the anti American agenda,and I am not sure if you are Canadian,but I have to wonder if you ever looked at the dirty laundry in your own back yard.

  8. #233


    Would you consider a military solution a good thing? Do you think young Americans need to end up in VA hospitals til the end of their lives because the one percenters see another opportunity? Another boon for the weapon breeders again. Then, you wouldn't have to worry about one woman getting hurt at a counter protest, you'd be getting your harvest of dead civilians and soldiers galore. Sure, Venezuela is fucked, but it has always been a basket case. My dad lived in Maracaibo in the early fifties, and the gap between the rich and the poor is the same as it was then. When the US was plotting coups, building regimes from the ground up with the Noriegas' of this world, things were bad enough. I know some Venezuelans too. They frankly are not that keen on interventionism.

    But since the Grate Leader tells you to, you might as well jump in the lake.

  9. #234


    The dirty laundry in my own backyard, yes, I do. And when I see a Neo Nazi, I don't see a puppy. Incidentally, there were a small faction of them at Charlottesville that came from Quebec and Canada. They were invited by the alt right bums.

  10. #235


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    How am I spreading hate? YOU are the one who absolutely refuses to denounce Nazis by name. You.

    Oh I forgot, you "dislike" Nazis. How nice. Pineapple on a pizza is something people might dislike, most people have a more visceral reaction to Nazi terrorists who murder people on American soil. You seemingly made it a point to say that you "hate" Socialists but in the same sentence, all you could muster was a "dislike" when speaking about Nazis. Was that little juxtaposition and choice of words not deliberate?

    Dude, Gman, just have the stones to admit you are a white nationalist. You won't denounce them, because you are one of them. Just admit it. Have the courage to do that, at least. You aren't fooling anyone with your little act. A real man would own up to his principles, even if they were unpopular. Perhaps you don't condone the violence [[or maybe you do), but you do sympathize with their ideology.
    HaHaHa....Not even close AJ. Keep supporting your hate groups like the Antifa and telling people they are doing a service to the people of the U.S. They are part of the problem just like the Nazi groups.

    Peace Out.

  11. #236


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Would you consider a military solution a good thing? Do you think young Americans need to end up in VA hospitals til the end of their lives because the one percenters see another opportunity? Another boon for the weapon breeders again. Then, you wouldn't have to worry about one woman getting hurt at a counter protest, you'd be getting your harvest of dead civilians and soldiers galore. Sure, Venezuela is fucked, but it has always been a basket case. My dad lived in Maracaibo in the early fifties, and the gap between the rich and the poor is the same as it was then. When the US was plotting coups, building regimes from the ground up with the Noriegas' of this world, things were bad enough. I know some Venezuelans too. They frankly are not that keen on interventionism.

    But since the Grate Leader tells you to, you might as well jump in the lake.
    The group you hang out with supports dictators.Birds of feather flock together.

    Your anger for our currant president clouds or protrays a biased argument.

    Before Chavez took power I used to do lots of trade with Venezuela,first it was 15 passenger vans,because the tourism trade was starting to climb and the adverage person could buy one a be self employed.

    Then it switched to used appliances because the people that could not afford one before could now afford that luxury.

    They were at that time one of the richest South American countries,if not the.

    Chavez took power and shut everything down or appropriated,at that time most of the most middle class saw the writing on the wall and moved their money offshore and left.

    Think White flight in the US cites and then condense that into a time frame of less then a year.

    Who was left? The very rich and the very poor.

    Chavaz said do not worry,I will take care of you with petro dollars,everybody forgets the 7-11 boycott when they sold Citco gas.Citco is owned by the Venezuela government.

    Why the boycott? Because Americans do not support dictators.

    The here and now is down to there is no food,food packages are delivered weekly to those who support the currant regime.

    That is the choice,embrace the dictatorship and eat,do not and you are on your own.

    Most of the younger ones here,came under political asylum,in a matter of a few monthes,ensured that their women and children were safe and then gave up that umbrella of our protection and went back to fight for their country.Given the opportunity,I would be proud to stand beside them in that fight.

    They did not come here under our protection to hide or walk away from their country in times of trouble like lots of other refugees and expect us to clean up their mess.

    Our military is a volunteer force,if anybody joins without the premise of being called apoun to give their lives for a system of beliefs then they are in the wrong place.

    For all of those marching on Washington to call for the removal of the president their numbers are far surpassed by those driving south to help their fellow Americans in need.

    Nobody asked them and they are doing it knowing full well that they are risking their own lives in the process.

    I wonder if some really understand who we are as Americans and what we stand for

  12. #237


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    The dirty laundry in my own backyard, yes, I do. And when I see a Neo Nazi, I don't see a puppy. Incidentally, there were a small faction of them at Charlottesville that came from Quebec and Canada. They were invited by the alt right bums.

    There are thousands of Nazis,clearly marked.

    There are millions of Americans that support undermining the constitution to create a means to an end.

    Which poses the greater threat to democracy?

  13. #238


    Yes, it makes cents. Why not send trupes to souf America and kidnap the corrupt but elected leader of a once upon a time puppit of US interests.

    Do you do it on porpoise or do you not sea the discrepansea between your dissing the havoc at Charlottesville and your enthoosiazm for the proposed conquest of a foreign country by a volunteer [[for now) army?

  14. #239


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    There are thousands of Nazis,clearly marked.

    There are millions of Americans that support undermining the constitution to create a means to an end.

    Which poses the greater threat to democracy?

    What did the US and Canada and Britain and France do when Hitler's small hapless army of cronies fell?

    They wrote a new constitution for a conquered people. The Germans were form that point on reduced to misery forever, so ere Italy and Japan.

    What is it with the constitution? What is it with this biblical nonsense? Why can't we have a conversation without you bringing up a dated, many times amended piece of paper that you think is untouchable on account of your lack of knowledge of legislative processes.

    The immutable Bill of Rights is one in a long succession of political devices that require constant attention on how it is to be interpreted much like so-called sacred texts that bamboozled folks for centuries. Human laws are rescinded, new ones draughted, and most are amended and this is an evolutive for better or worse. Some laws are on the books for ages and never get touched in spite of obvious injustice and others are fiddled with and result in opacity or enlightenment.

  15. #240


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Yes, it makes cents. Why not send trupes to souf America and kidnap the corrupt but elected leader of a once upon a time puppit of US interests.

    Do you do it on porpoise or do you not sea the discrepansea between your dissing the havoc at Charlottesville and your enthoosiazm for the proposed conquest of a foreign country by a volunteer [[for now) army?

    See that is the difference between you and me,I can look at a paragraph of misspelled words and understand the context and not use it as a diversion tactic,because I do not have anything else to add.

    There are studies on that put out there by those smarter then both of us,because that is what they do.

    Yes,we rewrote the constitution after Hitler,do you not recognize that it was Democratic based and not dictatorship 101,designed to prevent the very thing you are supporting,for us to embrace the same policy that gave him his rise,makes us no different then him.

    I understand that you prefer a socialist system under a dictatorship,but you are kinda pissing in the wind pushing it on a Democratic society and not expecting backlash.

    There are airboats helping right now in Texas,some have the rebel flag painted on them.They are helping people of all colors.

    A x Hillary staffer tweets out that she would except the assistance in haveing her life saved but she would then rip the flag off once she was to safety and throw it into the water.

    Who was the better person.

    Another poster clearly brought up about the different factions involved but you choose to ingore that,you do not even know your enemy and are just useing the word Nazi to brand anybody that does not agree with your views.

    People have not learned anything and are still going down the same path that put President Trump in office and the only thing they have to contribute is more of the same.

    It is not a matter of supporting Trump,it is a matter of if you keep poking a snake sooner or later it is going to say enough is enough and bite back,nobody looks at why the snake is biting back they just spend all of their energy blaming the snake.
    Last edited by Richard; August-30-17 at 01:16 PM.

  16. #241


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    See that is the difference between you and me,I can look at a paragraph of misspelled words and understand the context and not use it as a diversion tactic,because I do not have anything else to add.

    There are studies on that put out there by those smarter then both of us,because that is what they do.

    Yes,we rewrote the constitution after Hitler,do you not recognize that it was Democratic based and not dictatorship 101,designed to prevent the very thing you are supporting,for us to embrace the same policy that gave him his rise,makes us no different then him.

    I understand that you prefer a socialist system under a dictatorship,but you are kinda pissing in the wind pushing it on a Democratic society and not expecting backlash.

    There are airboats helping right now in Texas,some have the rebel flag painted on them.They are helping people of all colors.

    A x Hillary staffer tweets out that she would except the assistance in haveing her life saved but she would then rip the flag off once she was to safety and throw it into the water.

    Who was the better person.

    Another poster clearly brought up about the different factions involved but you choose to ingore that,you do not even know your enemy and are just useing the word Nazi to brand anybody that does not agree with your views.

    People have not learned anything and are still going down the same path that put President Trump in office and the only thing they have to contribute is more of the same.

    It is not a matter of supporting Trump,it is a matter of if you keep poking a snake sooner or later it is going to say enough is enough and bite back,nobody looks at why the snake is biting back they just spend all of their energy blaming the snake.
    The problem with your argumentation is that you like GMan continue to knit a narrative where you claim both sides are despicable but the right wingnuts of the black shirt and pointy hood kind need to be defended against the evil of socialism. What kind of government do you think these guys defend anyways? Enlightened thousand year reichs or benevolent anarchy, or bayou gunboat diplomacy?

    You say you defend the right of expression but negate the right of countering opinions because it leads or calls upon violent acts. What happened in Germany had nothing whatsoever to do with democracy in its post war iteration. The allies imposed constitutional articles upon Japan and Germany. Both countries had large swaths of so-called freedom of expression cutback. That was an imposition. Now, you could choose to do the same in Venezuela and get bogged down in a situation that should not be burdened by US citizens.

  17. #242


    So you do not support Nazis but yet you support changing the constitution to deal with them.

    That is exactly what Maurdo is in the process of doing now,setting up a second congress to eliminate the first,so he can have the support to rewrite the constitution to suit a socialist dictatorship.

    Exactly what Hitler did in the first 53 days of taking over as chancellor and exactly what you are proposing or trying to justify.

    You can twist and turn words all you want,your adgenda is not welcome in this country,I highly doubt it is excepted in Canada either.

    Notice how I can discuss Canada without the need to call your leaders names.Of course it would be understandable,if we were little kids on the playground.
    Last edited by Richard; August-30-17 at 05:35 PM.

  18. #243


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    So you do not support Nazis but yet you support changing the constitution to deal with them.

    That is exactly what Maurdo is in the process of doing now,setting up a second congress to eliminate the first,so he can have the support to rewrite the constitution to suit a socialist dictatorship.

    Exactly what Hitler did in the first 53 days of taking over as chancellor and exactly what you are proposing or trying to justify.

    You can twist and turn words all you want,your adgenda is not welcome in this country,I highly doubt it is excepted in Canada either.

    Notice how I can discuss Canada without the need to call your leaders names.Of course it would be understandable,if we were little kids on the playground.

    Keep writing like a five year old, if it's exceptable to you. I accept that.

  19. #244


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Keep writing like a five year old, if it's exceptable to you. I accept that.
    I think you mean "acceptable".

  20. #245


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    I think you mean "acceptable".
    Yes, I had to "excerpt" except from Richard's text to make a point. Sorry for omitting a sic.
    Last edited by canuck; August-31-17 at 07:19 AM.

  21. #246


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    You say you defend the right of expression but negate the right of countering opinions because it leads or calls upon violent acts.
    In the US, you are allowed to spew all the vitriol and hate you like, as long as you aren't directly calling for the use of violence against specific individuals. The white nationalists marching in Charlottesville fall into this category. "Jews will not replace us" while a despicable sentiment, is not calling for imminent violence. The second they do call for imminent violence, they should be arrested. If the platform of their rally is to get together and beat up people, the rally should be canceled by the authorities and they should be investigated for conspiracy to commit assault.

    Antifa calling on people to wear black, bring armor, and physically assault people at a rally is NOT PROTECTED SPEECH.

  22. #247


    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    Antifa calling on people to wear black, bring armor, and physically assault people at a rally is NOT PROTECTED SPEECH.
    I disagree. "Congress shall make NO law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble."

    Antifa, the KKK, and other like minded individuals have a total freedom of speech. If Congress can't legislate against speech, neither can any other entity. Actions, on the other hand, can be punished. Both sides came looking for trouble and the police curiously, for the most part, did not uphold the peace.

    I seldom quote Nancy Pelosi but I agree with her statement,
    “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”"In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech.”“Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.”
    Last edited by oladub; August-31-17 at 05:52 PM.

  23. #248


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I disagree. "Congress shall make NO law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble."
    Yep, peaceably assemble is the key word.

    Group A wants to hold a rally and say some stuff.
    Group B wants to attend the rally explicitly to beat up the people in Group A.

    Group A gets to hold a rally. Group B should be barred from said rally, and arrested if attempting to get in.

    If Group C wants to attend the rally to protest, they can. If they want to shout at the people in Group A - more power to them. If they want to hold up signs protesting Group A - go right ahead. If they form a human shield to physically prevent Group A from holding their rally - to jail they go.

  24. #249


    Hah-yep! Since it's not been sorted out [[A, B or C) I plan not to attend ANY rally's as law enforcement looks on and or responds 'selectively'!

  25. #250


    Antifa funding.

    The Alliance for Global Justice, an organization funded by the Tides Foundation.


    According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice [[AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016.

    One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.

    The United Steel Workers labor union also contributed $5,000. The city of Tucson is also listed in AfGJ’s 990 as a donor, but a city official says that the city acted merely as a pass-through for a Native American tribe that provided a grant to the activist group. The city official said that no city money went to AfGJ.


    Who runs them.

    Guiding AGJ's activism are its two co-coordinators: [[a) Katherine Hoyt, a longtime activist with the Sandinista National Liberation Front, a Nicaraguan revolutionary Marxist group; and [[b) Chuck Kaufman, a veteran Nicaragua Network operative who derides “the culture of U.S. militarism” and helped establish the ANSWER Coalition.


    Katherine Hoyt

    has taught at Wayne State University, Rutgers University and Whitman College. In the mid-eighties she served as the Michigan coordinator of the Pledge of Resistance as director of the Michigan Interfaith Committee on Central American Human Rights [[MICAH) in Detroit

    Last edited by Richard; August-31-17 at 02:15 PM.

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