Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
"Every pastor in the City of Detroit has stood behind the thief KK, they offer him a place to come for him to sign autographs for the crazies out there who think he is their saviour; they are the loudest protesters around and don't contribute a thing to Detroit. Do they help the youth? Do they mentor the thugs? They pass the basket and ask their flock to fill it and nothing goes back to the City. I can't positively say ALL the pastors, but most.
Buy American, you sure think you know alot about what goes on in the Black Church, but if you truly knew wouldn't be making the statements that you do. Yes, there are some crooked churches in Detroit, just like there are crooked churches in the suburbs, but the majority of churches in Detroit, help the community. One of the main goals in most of these churches is the YOUTH! They give scholarships, they open rec. centers, foster performing arts, and they fill the gap where the City and School System fail! The kids in the churches are not running around terrorizing the city, its the kids that do not go to church doing the harm! Its the churches feeding the poor and homeless, its the churches encouraging the people to better themselves, but you would never know this because you already have your stereotypes and preconceived notions about the the Black Church. What exactly are you doing to support the youth of Detroit? What thugs are you mentoring in the City. Im positive that these churches have far more interaction with these people than you. Practice what you preach.