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  1. #76


    the ONLY Black Owned business in there was forced out as soon as the White man took it over.

    Well, its true that the little pizza business did not have its contract renewed after a year because they, a cash business, didn't want to submit to inventory controls and other reasonable strictures to determine their sales and profits and from those, the percentages owed to Cobo. But, you know, Jenkins Construction is Black-owned and has millions of dollars in contracts from Cobo.

  2. #77


    I was the third brother of five,
    Doing whatever I had to do to survive.
    I'm not saying what I did was alright,
    Trying to break out of the ghetto was a day to day fight.

    Been down so long, getting up didn't cross my mind,
    I knew there was a better way of life that I was just trying to find.
    You don't know what you'll do until you're put under pressure,
    Across south of 8 Mile Rd. is a hell of a tester.

    When you go south of 8 Mile,

    Pimps trying to catch a woman that's wild.
    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Junkies will let the pushers go on file.
    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Woman trying to catch a trick on concrete tile.
    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Detroit is big black ghetto from river to the mile.

    I got one more thing I'd like to talk to y'all about right now.
    Hey brother, there's a better way out.
    Snorting that coke, shooting that dope man you're copping out.
    Take my advice, it's either live or die.
    You've got to be strong, if you want to survive.

    The family on the other side of town,
    Would catch hell without a ghetto around.
    In every city you find the same thing going down,
    Segregation turn Detroit into an instant ghetto town.

    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Pimps trying to catch a woman that's wild.
    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Junkies will let the pushers go on file.
    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Woman trying to catch a trick on concrete tile.
    When you go south of 8 Mile,
    Detroit is big black ghetto from the river to the mile.

    Look around you, just look around you,
    Look around you, look around you, uh yeah.

  3. #78


    I detest the prosperity movement that is found in some churches, urban and suburban, black and white. What needs to be known is that this is a hot debate and issue of concern within the church, clergy and Christians!
    Not just of those 'looking' in as it were.

    There are several counter-movements to what has become the 'name it and claim it' style of fellowship [[church doctrine). I have spoken to people who have come out of that and now belong to other church congregations.

    Sadly some people were/ are so hurt by this prosperity style of church they threw up their hands entirely. For me the personal relationship with God is most important, over-riding negative church experiences.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Yeah, the Xtian bastardization known as the Prosperity Movement runs deep in the city. Has for as long as I can remember, even back to my time at Church in the City on Woodward in Brush Park. We struggled against it, but when it finally took root, the place was basically destroyed. Went from 500 people down to 50, and the distorted and deceived pastorship kept on their path until the place finally died. My old head pastor is now a security guard at the DIA, and last time I bumped into him...he was denouncing God.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-27-12 at 03:21 PM.

  4. #79


    ^^^^ In honor of the classic "Across 110 Street" by Booby Womack I gather...?

  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    I was the third brother of five,
    Doing whatever I had to do to survive.
    I'm not saying what I did was alright,
    Trying to break out of the ghetto was a day to day fight.
    ^^^^ In honor of the classic "Across 110 Street" by Booby Womack I gather...?

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by 313hero View Post
    I sometimes wonder why White Ppl in this area think that the Black ppl in this area think in terms of us vs. them.
    Uh, I don't know, because of shit like this:

    Quote Originally Posted by 313hero View Post
    Look @ COBO for example. the ONLY Black Owned business in there was forced out as soon as the White man took it over.
    I too think many white people in this area too are too smug, uneducated, racist, and complacent. Like you, for example.

    Since when are jobs something thats supposed to be doled out like fucking candy? You want a job? Great - for starters, if I got a cover letter written as poorly as what you just shit out I'd hit my delete key so hard it would break in half, whether its from a black, white, or Laotian person. You want to start a black fucking business? Go fucking do it then, God bless! Who's stopping you? The white man? I bet the biggest problems you'd run into would be with city government, which is certainly not white dominated. You ever try to get anything done at CAYMC?

    There is no vast conspiracy. It's a free market economy. Do whatever you want. Just quit whining already.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by 313hero View Post
    I sometimes wonder why White Ppl in this area think that the Black ppl in this area think in terms of us vs. them. when thats the way it is. EVERYTIME someone that doesnt look like us come around or take control of something WE ALWAYS end up loosing. Look @ COBO for example. the ONLY Black Owned business in there was forced out as soon as the White man took it over. Look @ most of the construction work that gets done around here. Its Not Us getting the contracts nor the jobs. PPl can say what they want about KK and Bobby Ferguson but he hired Black Detroiters. Now those contracts are going to non Detroiters. And if the Contract is given to a Detroit BASED company their employees dont live here. Journey Security [[Black Owned) used to do alot of the security in city Buildings, now its Guardian. Yeah they hire alot of Detroiters but they pay waaay less than Journey was paying. These are just a couple of examples but it happens an awfull lot. So what are we to think??? The State took over DPS and trippled their deficit. What are we supposed to think? Alot of ppl got contracts that dont live in the city nor hire its citizens. Now dont get me wrong a couple Black companys got contracts but not a significant amount. Who redid the Southfield freeway??? It wasnt us. Who tor down Cass? It wasnt us. Who tor down Tiger Stadium? It wasnt us. So what are we supposed to think??? Black ppl have been getting shafted for decades, cant grow their businesses cause we cant get any work. I'm not mad @ those companies, hell they can hire whoever they want. But when has the City or State EVER had Black Jobs as any type of priority. And if we can get a job and our car breaks down we're done. cause so many communities [[where most of the jobs are) opted out of regional transit. Then Everybody goes crazy about the crime, as if the writting not on the wall. Poor schools, no jobs, no transit, no nothing will always end up like Detroit is today. When are White ppl going to EVER accept SOME of the Blame for why the city is in the shape its in???
    I hear the anger and frustration and -- being a person of color -- can understand how enraging it can be to "pushed out" of opportunities.

    The problem here is that Black jobs [[or any jobs, for that matter) is not ever going to be the role of any government. If any community wants jobs, the #1 way they can do it is to become educated and become as economically valuable as possible.

    You never hear of engineers and software programmers having to go on strike to fight for their wages. They're in some demand no matter where they go. The country is dire need of nurses and primary care physicians. Hell, one of my friends was a high school drop out, went back to get her GED, and then got a 2-year nursing degree. Now she makes $26/hour. No, you're never gonna be driving a Porsche on that money, but that's a very respectable living wage.

    You talk about Cobo and what happened once white people came in? Let's talk about what was going to happen if they DIDN'T come in. The roof was leaking. The auto show was going to pull out. They were spending cash faster than they were bringing it in. Sound familiar?

    Look. As I said before, it's not about WHO did what. It's about WHAT they did. When we replaced one security company for one that was better run, that's WHAT WE NEED. Did that mean that the security guards got a lower wage? Yes.

    I guarantee you. If the Black community -- or any other community for that matter -- made it their #1, #2, and #3 goals to make sure their kids got the best education they could...even if that meant lowering their birth rate, eliminating substance abuse, reading to their kids every day, going to the library every Saturday...the next generation would make great strides.

    Why can I say this with confidence? Because it's exactly what I saw in my generation. The black kids I went to high school with are all doctors, lawyers, engineers, business owners, executives. You know how they got there? Not because of the state government making it a priority...because they and their FAMILIES made it a priority.

    Look, this is why I keep trying to steer the conversation toward WHAT we need to do, rather than WHOSE fault things are. White people think black people are to blame. Black people think white people are to blame. We'll never get anywhere.

    Here's what we know. We overpay our city employees. We allocate funds to non-essential departments. We hire and retain employees who do less work [[for more pay) as we could get in the marketplace. We do a shitty job of collecting our income taxes.

    So, look. It doesn't matter who is in charge, whether they're white, black, indian, israeli, arab. If you keep overpaying your city employees, allocating funds to non-essential departments, hire and retain unproductive employees, do a shitty job of collecting income tax...WE'RE GONNA GO BANKRUPT.

    Let's focus on WHAT needs to be done. Instead of WHO is gonna do it. Otherwise we'll all fall victim to the REAL oppressor: Math.
    Last edited by corktownyuppie; March-27-12 at 03:40 PM.

  8. #83


    All black pastors and ministers are not driving about in Bentleys. LOL! I'd not be found in such a 'hyper-materialistic' church. My family included men who were clergy in the church... in Detroit. They were modest and tried to live by the early Biblical style of modesty in dress and materialism. I am turned off by flashy-style ministers and attend churches that not bound by that.
    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    He confided that, in the Black Church culture, a pastor has to be driving a BMW or a Bentley, he has to have bespoke suits and lots of flashy jewelry and THEN you will get a big congregation and lots of stability.

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I detest the prosperity movement that is found in some churches, urban and suburban, black and white. What needs to be known is that this is a hot debate and issue of concern within the church, clergy and Christians!
    Not just of those 'looking' in as it were.

    There are several counter-movements to what has become the 'name it and claim it' style of fellowship [[church doctrine). I have spoken to people who have come out of that and now belong to other church congregations.

    Sadly some people were/ are so hurt by this prosperity style of church they threw up their hands entirely. For me the personal relationship with God is most important, over-riding negative church experiences.
    Most of 'em are getting their due now, since almost ALL of them signed onto those scamortgages and built new facilities. Some of the stuff that happened out in the 'burbs was simply disugusting...and did indeed chase me away from those who lost sight of whom they are supposed to be serving, along with Who they should be worshipping.

    I apologize for incomplete language making you think I was excluding anyone from this analysis...you are right, it is pervasive throughout the rather huge collections of Christians-minus-Christ, hence that Xtian term. I never intend on that including all who call themselves Christian, it is specifically to segregate those who talk it but act...well, like the religious of Yeshua/Jesus' age, the ones He always called out as hypocrites. That was the only time he used that term, if memory serves correctly...against those who should know better, and used their 'secret' knowledge of the power structure of the spiritual world to lord over their followers/flock, and profit heavily from them. Those who would be FREED by the Spirit, instead of being enslaved and deluded by the Anti-Spirit...the Spirit of the Anti-Christ, if we need to use that language.

    Oh...we're on the same page here, darlin'. I will do whatever I can to help those doing good works...even those within the Catholic Church, which I've already clearly spoken on other threads. I KNOW there are still good people doing good things, even while they pledge allegiance to an organization which has outgrown its purpose. But once groups grow to a particular maturity, they all seem to work for perpetuation instead of their original purpose. Things get done to keep the group alive which may even be contradictory to direct words recorded from the Man/God the religion was founded around!

    That may indeed be human nature...as with the easy temptation here for the scripture which promises subsistence to be twisted and bent into some guarantee of excess. I think the Maker knows that most of us would be distracted from our life purpose if we afford to do anything we wanted.


  10. #85


    Sorry to continue that diversion.

    Back to the topic. The two organizations which immediately thrived, after purposely being removed from direct city control, were the Eastern Market and the Riverfront Conservancy. There may be others, but once their management was taken from the abusive corruption...especially Eastern Market...they skyrocketed out of the morass they'd been stuck within. [[the Conservancy has always been independent, as far as I know)

    That will very likely happen with the entire city...more this countdown progresses, the more I'm gung ho for a Financial Manager...or plural, my dream-team of Archer and Harris...which is my guess towards success getting us out of the mess. Put folks in charge that investors and honest taxpayers [[both residential and those who work in the city) won't mind paying...who will get the job of managing the city done, regardless of the political trappings entrenched over the past generation or two.


  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    The Catholic churches were and are still the most flashy, of any denomination. Its their culture, not a crime.

    This statement calls into question your powers of observation and your understanding of the history of Detroit.

    Are you saying that the Catholic priests who led churches in Detroit for generations were " most flashy?" How about the thousands of nuns that taught in the little Catholic schools and lived in silent convents - were they "most flashy?" And all the parishioners who lived in the neighborhoods of Detroit, kept them clean and shoppped in the little stores that, then, lined the thoroughfares of Detroit and had, maybe, a single car and most often traveled by streetcar and bus - were they "most flashy?"

    No, De'Troiter, they were not flashy and they were way more successful all around. The Black Church culture has evolved into something sinister - if you ask me.
    Yes the Catholic Church is the most flashy! You can not change history. You do know that for a while the biggest house in Detroit belonged to the Catholic Church? Also, some of the most extravagant, structures in the City were the Catholic Churches. The Catholic Church is one of the richest entities in the entire world. The Black Church does not have a "Vactican City" nor do they have actual crown jewels and treasure, like the Catholic Church has received for centuries! So of course they were more rich and sucessful than the Black Churches, that had to fight slavery, racism and oppression from the friendly and helpful catholics that so kindly burned their poor little churches down!

    I am not anti-catholic, they are in fact some of the nicest people around, but I do not like when people place their culture above the culture of others. There are more layers and problems caused by society that affect Blacks and Native Americans, than anyone cares to address. Catholic people did well because they were allowed to do well, at a times when Blacks were systematically, held back by the Government! Blacks have come a long way in just the past 40 years, but the playing field is still not level for Blacks or Native Americans. The Catholic Church has evolved from something sinister, so how can they judge so critically?

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by De'troiter View Post
    ...but I do not like when people place their culture above the culture of others.
    And this is why the focus on solving this problem needs to be about *what* to do, rather than *who* did what.

  13. #88


    Hah... Well said and being up to it debt to a 'scamortgage' is got to be a stressor! I don't need to be in a church where all of that is so top of mind.

    I will PM you about another matter later.

    Cheers to you as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Most of 'em are getting their due now, since almost ALL of them signed onto those scamortgages and built new facilities. Some of the stuff that happened out in the 'burbs was simply disugusting...and did indeed chase me away from those who lost sight of whom they are supposed to be serving, along with Who they should be worshipping.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by corktownyuppie View Post
    And this is why the focus on solving this problem needs to be about *what* to do, rather than *who* did what.
    I agree with that

  15. #90


    Damage control time!

    LeDuff to Minister Malik Shabazz: Burn Down Detroit, Are You Out of Your Mind?


  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by De'troiter View Post
    Yes the Catholic Church is the most flashy! You can not change history. You do know that for a while the biggest house in Detroit belonged to the Catholic Church?
    You do know the hose was built by the Fisher Brothers and given to Bishop Gallagher?

  17. #92


    I didn't read the whole thread but I just have to say that some of those comments from the other day were down right scary and embarrassing.

  18. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    You do know the hose was built by the Fisher Brothers and given to Bishop Gallagher?
    Is that the same house occupied by the Cardinal and then sold to John Salley? I think it's in Palmer Woods. Catholics were definitely flashy back in the day. The Sistine chapel ceiling wasn't painted by bunch of poor kids from the orphanage.

  19. #94
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Damage control time!

    LeDuff to Minister Malik Shabazz: Burn Down Detroit, Are You Out of Your Mind?

    I saw this POS with Charlie LeDuff with LeDuff trying to defuse his comments. He isn't ready to apologize for his inflammatory words and I'm sure he's laughing at LeDuff behind his back for allowing him some more air time to get his message across.

  20. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by corktownyuppie View Post
    Is that the same house occupied by the Cardinal and then sold to John Salley? I think it's in Palmer Woods. Catholics were definitely flashy back in the day. The Sistine chapel ceiling wasn't painted by bunch of poor kids from the orphanage.
    Thank you Corktown!

    People are quick to point out the faults in others, but they often refuse to see those same faults in themselves.

  21. #96
    Buy American Guest


    Per Kwame Kenyatta

    "Ifyou gonna have a partnership with us, Mr. Governor, then let's have a partnership, let's not have a master-slave relationship," Kenyatta said. "Don't treat us different than you treat any other city in the state of Michigan, or any other state in the U.S."

    When is this going to stop? The State is not trying to be a "slaveowner" Kenyatta, they are trying to get you out of this horrible mess you're in. Is the RACE CARD the only thing you have, you, Watson, Shabazz and all the rest?

  22. #97


    Fucking ridiculous!


  23. #98


    I know this sounds might sound sick, but how about letting the city run out of money and cease to operate for a few weeks.

    No police
    No fire
    No trash pickup
    No public lighting
    No buses
    No water & sewage

  24. #99
    GUSHI Guest


    Yes the cAtholic church is large, powerful, rich, I don't know about flashy, those huge churches in the city were built by parishoners, yes I am catholic and proud of it,do o think the church has made mistakes yes I do, but I can bet my life the Catholic church has done more for Detroit, then any other church, and is still doing for Detroit,

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    I know this sounds might sound sick, but how about letting the city run out of money and cease to operate for a few weeks.

    No police
    No fire
    No trash pickup
    No public lighting
    No buses
    No water & sewage
    The same people playing the race card will still blame the white man for the problems, even if we let them have their democracy.

    Just keep in mind, that these people don't speak for all Detroit residents. All Detroit residents that I know are for some form of state intervention.

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