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  1. #26


    An ugly, ugly scene. The kind of thing the media love to show about Detroiters, and the kind of thing some Detroiters do that doesn't make the lives of the rest of us any better or easier.

    It's really time for Bing, Pugh, Cockrel, and others to get out ahead of this thing and bring the temperature down a bit. Detroiters are understandably concerned and nervous about Lansing taking a large measure of control of our city, particularly under a the administration of a party that has historically been hostile to the city and its residents. We do have important concerns, to be sure, and these shouldn't be taken lightly. But there are very few options at this point, none of them good, but threatening to burn the city down out of spite and fear is surely the worst one for everyone.

    The council gets criticized here all the time, often quite rightfully, but they have been out ahead of the mayor in proposing cuts and trying to get on top of the financial situation. However, the time has come that all of the folks downtown have to finally and firmly let Detroiters know in no uncertain terms that something has to give here, and quick. That state involvement has to happen at some significant level here or we're all sunk. Certainly the more level-headed people have to take control of the discussion and make a better and more useful media appearance [[but a less exciting media spectacle) than the scary screaming people who make everyone here look foolish.

    I think the majority of Detroiters, though concerned about the extent of the state's involvement and the diminishment of our democratic power, want the best for all of us and realize deep down that this is what needs to be done. It's really time for the responsible people to BE responsible and deal with reality.

  2. #27


    Does anyone have ideas on how you handle this sort of self-serving rabble-rousing? This more than anything is the real story. How do reasonable people of all types solve their problems together.

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    Now Detroit is at the bottom, lower than the bottom, and you don't want the outsiders to come in and try to straighten their mess up....
    They don't want any "help" from Lansing or anywhere else. They don't see it as "help". They see it as a loss of control, a loss of power, which is why they don't want it at all.

  4. #29
    Buy American Guest


    They are stupid people. They are not in control. They are the taxpayers who have been raped and pillaged by thug KK and his friends and family. Their elected officials are the ones in control and have done a piss poor job of running the City. Someone with some common sense and knowledge has to come in and either help get the City get back on track or they are doomed...and they have to accept that. The City doesn't belong to them, they don't own it. Kwame felt like he owned it, that's why he's living big in Texas while these poor souls don't have street lights or police and fire protection or just the basics to live with.

  5. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    Surely this group of protesters spewing this venom can't represent all of Detroit.
    No, there are plenty of good people here. However as the city has emptied out things seem to have polarized. On one hand, you have the die-hards who love the city and want to stay here.

    Then you have this. The dregs of humanity. The uneducated, the lazy, shiftless, the scrap metal thieves, the baby killers, the trash strewn all over the lawn, loud music at all hours, the junkies and alcoholics. While they may make up a majority, these anti-social elements make up a HUGE population of the city because they're the ones with the means or intelligence to move [[unless that means squatting houses). The perpetual under-class [[largely by their own design, in many cases). As a normal person in this city you feel increasingly isolated surrounded by these animals. So the normal people continue to leave [[who wants to live next to these pieces of human garbage?)...and these people make up an ever-increasing population of the city.

  6. #31


    Oh the irony of Detroit...... KK and his gang of cronies rape the city blind, he is greeted with arms wide open; Lansing comes in and tries to save the city and yet they are painted as the enemies. Somethings in life I will never understand, like why were these people not hooting and hollering when the buffoonery of Monica Conyers, Sam Riddle, KK, took this city for a wild ride which we will probably never see the end?

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    The pastors of all the churches in Detroit, real and otherwise, who don't pay a dime of taxes are all behind this kind of movement.
    But thank goodness you're not prone to hyperbole, BuyAmerican.

  8. #33


    Well for one Shabazz needs to be held accountable for his incendiary [[literally), emotive, and irresponsible comment. It was out of order COMPLETELY and do know he does not represent the full clerical, political or social voice of this city!

    Even if I take the devils advocate [[sic) point of view from his comments, his statement is patently crazy! If you say you are going to fight for a cause, or position you FIGHT TO WIN! We would not win anything from his suggestion to 'burn' the town!

    Who advocates burning down their own community - without forethought of outcomes - causing harm to countless numbers of citizens at large including elders and children?

    What a time for said residents [[the sane and the crazy - the just and the unjust) the morning after - awaiting the FEMA and Red Cross trucks? If such 'help' is available...

    What a LOSING outcome that ironically would require the need of 'outsiders' more ever than before; local and federal hands out from those of whom you say want no interaction with in the first place?

    Who advocates such a thing? Where's the logic?

    He owes an apology to his constituency for his statement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Does anyone have ideas on how you handle this sort of self-serving rabble-rousing? This more than anything is the real story. How do reasonable people of all types solve their problems together.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-26-12 at 10:58 PM.

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Well for one Shabazz needs to be held accountable for his incendiary [[literally), emotive, and irresponsible comment. It was out of order COMPLETELY and do know he does not represent the full clerical, political or social voice of this city!

    Even if I take the devils advocate [[sic) point of view from his comments, his statement is patently crazy! If you say you are going to fight for a cause, or position you FIGHT TO WIN! We would not win anything from his suggestion to 'burn' the town!

    Who advocates burning down their own community - without forethought of outcomes - causing harm to countless numbers of citizens at large including elders and children?

    What a time for said residents [[the sane and the crazy - the just and the unjust) the morning after awaiting the FEMA trucks?

    What a LOSING outcome that ironically would require the need of 'outsiders' even than before; local and federal hands out from those of whom you say want no interaction with in the first place?

    Who advocates such a thing? Where is the logic?

    He owes an apology to his constituency for his statement.
    So who will hold him accountable?

    I suppose at least financially that will become clear soon.

  10. #35


    Well stated! My thoughts precisely!
    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    An ugly, ugly scene. The kind of thing the media love to show about Detroiters, and the kind of thing some Detroiters do that doesn't make the lives of the rest of us any better or easier.

    It's really time for Bing, Pugh, Cockrel, and others to get out ahead of this thing and bring the temperature down a bit. Detroiters are understandably concerned and nervous about Lansing taking a large measure of control of our city, particularly under a the administration of a party that has historically been hostile to the city and its residents.

    ...Threatening to burn the city down out of spite and fear is surely the worst one for everyone.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    It's really time for Bing, Pugh, Cockrel, and others to get out ahead of this thing and bring the temperature down a bit.
    That would be a start! I know Bing had his own cursing we're-not-gonna-take it moment, but that rhetoric must stop before we end up in a place far worse than an EFM or bankruptcy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    So who will hold him accountable?

    I suppose at least financially that will become clear soon.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-26-12 at 10:50 PM.

  12. #37
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy View Post
    But thank goodness you're not prone to hyperbole, BuyAmerican.
    "The mindset of some Detroiters is that the city belongs to them and they don't want outside help. Joann Watson is big on that premise. The pastors of all the churches in Detroit, real and otherwise, who don't pay a dime of taxes are all behind this kind of movement."
    Malik Shabazz, a self proclaimed pastor, a supposed man of God threatened to BURN THE CITY DOWN if there was a takeover. He needs to be arrested and jailed.

    Every pastor in the City of Detroit has stood behind the thief KK, they offer him a place to come for him to sign autographs for the crazies out there who think he is their saviour; they are the loudest protesters around and don't contribute a thing to Detroit. Do they help the youth? Do they mentor the thugs? They pass the basket and ask their flock to fill it and nothing goes back to the City. I can't positively say ALL the pastors, but most.
    Last edited by Buy American; March-26-12 at 10:41 PM.

  13. #38


    BA, If you are anti-clerical full out, ok. That is your right. But factually speaking EVERY Pastor has NOT stood behind Kilpatrick! Who goes about claiming such ABSOLUTES without experiential or empirical evidence? Indeed there are churches and faith based organizations in Detroit deeply engaged in restoration of the youth and mentoring.

    What does go on in the church in your opinion? Just zombies?

    Are you in each and every church on a given Sunday, five member store-front to mega 1000+ congregation? Of course you are not, nor am I, but I know the churches I have fellow-shipped with were was not unified full-out KK bagers... The black church is simply NOT THAT easily defined or ascribed!!!

    To infer so detracts from other points you are trying to make.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-26-12 at 10:49 PM.

  14. #39
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    BA, If you are anti-clerical full out, ok. That is your right. But factually speaking EVERY Pastor has NOT stood behind Kilpatrick! Who goes about claiming such ABSOLUTES without experiential or empirical evidence? Indeed there are churches and faith based organizations in Detroit deeply engaged in restoration of the youth and mentoring.

    Are you in each and every church on a given Sunday, five member store-front to mega 1000+ congregation? Of course you are not, nor am I, but I know the churches I have fellow-shipped with were was not unified full-out KK bagers... The black church is simply NOT THAT easily defined or ascribed!!! To claim so detracts from other points you are trying to make.
    I am certainly not anti-clerical and I apologize to those pastors and preachers who have not stood by thug KK and have given him chance after chance after ripping off the taxpayers time and time again.

  15. #40


    Rochelle Riley did her share of expounding on the idiocy.

    Here is the final quote from her column in the Freep now...

    "I want elected representatives who can walk on water," he said, "because that's the job they signed on for."

    That beautiful ditty was apparently spoken by the Reverend David Bullock, pastor of Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church in Highland Park. He is a simple idiot. There is no other way to coach my comments.

    If he thinks, truly, that our democratic system attracts and hires anyone even remotely close to the fella in the fiction from a few thousand years ago...he is deluded along with the worst of them. We are in for a heck of a ride here, folks.

    Don't get down on me about the term fiction...I know there are still morsels of goodness within the bible which the Maker uses to help honest people live better...if they are open to the flow of the Spirit, but all too often the Book is used to forward and justify what can ONLY be perceived and described as the Devil's work. [[I blame the editing in 325ad, by someone who wanted to use the faith for political security and gain...odd, isn't it, how that echoes into today.)

    This is one such time, and since these so-called men of god further the divide and actually actively build a wall against reason and compromise...I'd say they are playing for the team they claim to be opposing. Doing the Devil's work...sigh.

    Then again, hasn't it always been this way?!

    No cheers...
    Last edited by Gannon; March-27-12 at 03:36 AM.

  16. #41


    When I heard that idiot say "we will burn it down before we give it back" and another say "this is white supremacy" ?! WTF ! This is exactly the type of thinking that is holding Detroit back ! Who wants to visit / live in city with people that think like that ?

    Lansing didn't cause Detroit's problems , Detroit caused Detroit's problem, but Detroit looks to Lansing to fix Detroits problems. Well here's how to fix it.

    Sadly these are the SAME people that voted for KK and would GLADLY vote for him again ! There is no rational dealing with people like this , they just don't get it !

    Sadly this vocal minority gets noticed . However this vocal minority is a large portion of the few people left in the city . The city finances are SO bad hopefully that vocal minority doesn't have much say on what happens now.
    SOMETHING has to be done and the city council and mayor are CLEARLY not up to the job and WE do need outside help. There is no shame in asking for help for such a big problem .
    This problem has been going on for DECADES ,so we need to bring in the BIG guns.
    I hope there is some type of agree with the state, WE/our city council/mayor , do need help and fast . It's only reasonable that it comes with an agreement .
    No one in their right mind is going to write a check or release money to the city of Detroit. That would be like giving $1,000 to a 10 year old and not giving them the tools to spend it wisely and manage their finances .
    There are some Detroiters that do get it, we do get it , sadly our voices just aren't heard. Too often that vocal minority gets the attention .
    It's like being on the titanic and saying " don't send help, we got this ,we can just bail it out with buckets "
    Detroit needs a financial stability agreement , and yesterday !
    Last edited by Detroitdave; March-27-12 at 05:41 AM. Reason: edit

  17. #42


    Malik Shabazz = Immature, childlike, not worthy of preaching and spoke of doing an act of terrorism. At the very least he should have been escorted out.

    If anything close to what he proclaims actually does take place it will further diminish the hope so many have for this city.

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    Every pastor in the City of Detroit has stood behind the thief KK, they offer him a place to come for him to sign autographs for the crazies out there who think he is their savior; they are the loudest protesters around and don't contribute a thing to Detroit.
    I agree with you on this point minus the "Every", which I would replace with "A lot of".

    The funny thing is, these pastors love Kwame so much while at the same time he's getting protection and taking aid from the Nation of Islam as well. What is it about Kwame that makes people flock to him? I just don't get it. I can understand a few women succumbing to his charms, but beyond that can't we just see a crook as a crook, a thief as a thief, a thug as a thug?

    It wouldn't surprise me if these folks putting on a show at these meetings are also Kwame supporters.

  19. #44
    Buy American Guest


    Malik Shabazz is doing his best to incite a riot and for that he needs to be held accountable. I didn't know who he was, actually thought he was an officer of the law when he spoke about fighting "black on black" crime. He meant an officer of God I guess.

    No one who lives by the Book would say those terrible things and he was bold enough to say them in front of a camera for all to see. Unfortunately, I didn't see the entire group of protestors speak but the ones I heard made my stomach churn. An elderly lady speaking to Mallet about "the white man" sitting next to him [[referring to Dillon) and "you did it like a good colored person", is only trying to incite the flames more and more.

    There was such a double standard in that room yesterday and those spitting the venom got away with it like it was just another normal meeting. No one can deny that it was racist and it certainly wasn't by "caucasians" as the little old lady referred to Mr. Dillon. Mr. Dillon was a gentleman [[as were the other people on the panel) and they stayed and took the abuse. I would have walked out and told them to stick their attitudes where the sun don't shine.

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post

    Racial slurs, white supremacy comments; "before we let you take over Detroit, we will BURN IT DOWN FIRST"....

    I don't want an EM, I don't want bankrupcy, I don't want a Consent Agreement for Detroit, but this kind of rhetoric is encouraging people to disobey the law, it's encouraging them to start more fires, it's encouraging them to go after "whitey".

    The City of Detroit has not been managed correctly for years. The administration has not done it's due dilligence. The "elected" officials that the people of the City of Detroit voted for have not done their jobs and most of them have raped and pillaged the city until the coffers are dry. This is not the States' doing, this is Detroit's doing.

    Since when has Detroit become a separate entity? Since when has it become "owned" strictly by blacks? What the hell are people talking about when they make this a black/white thing. I have said it all along...some Detroiters don't want what they perceive as "white" Lansing to come in and try to salvage what's left of Detroit. They would rather see it do into an even deeper decline than it is today than to let Lansing help.

    Detroiters are not receiving services like police or fire, garbage pickup, street lighting, parks are not being maintained, yet they think it can be handled from within....by whom??? No one has done a thing to stop this from happening and some have committed felonies while managing Detroit. thug KK is a perfect example, Monica Conyers, Sam Riddle...and the list goes on. If the black people who "own" Detroit want respect and want to be heard, don't threaten to BURN THE CITY DOWN.

    One thing is certain...it's going to be a long, hot summer.
    This is well said!!!!

  21. #46


    "When I heard that idiot say "we will burn it down before we give it back" and another say "this is white supremacy" ?! WTF ! This is exactly the type of thinking that is holding Detroit back ! Who wants to visit / live in city with people that think like that ?"

    For the record it was the same idiot that made both of these absurd statements:Malik Shabazz What a disgraceful pitiful spectacle that man made of himself.

  22. #47


    Isn't Mr. Shabazz the same guy who played KK in the stage show that ran in Detroit? I believe he is.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    ... got away with it like it was just another normal meeting....
    Based on my observations of other meetings, especially school board ones, this was just another normal meeting. Lots of screaming, shouting, & "we're not gonna take it" attitude.

  24. #49


    [QUOTE=Buy American;311471Malik Shabazz, a self proclaimed pastor, a supposed man of God threatened to BURN THE CITY DOWN if there was a takeover. [/QUOTE]

    Well let him start with the abandoned houses on the demo list.

  25. #50
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Detwa View Post
    Isn't Mr. Shabazz the same guy who played KK in the stage show that ran in Detroit? I believe he is.
    Connell Brown Jr played thug KK in the first one, Jamaal Hines played him in the sequel.

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