Two comments:

1) I hate ultimatums. I find ultimatums to be insulting because you are attempting to strong-arm. That said, the state of Michigan is once again attempt to strong-arm Detroit. Granted, I am in support of a regional group running Cobo. In this day of age, Detroit doesn't have the tax base to manage things like Cobo on their own. I am not in support of a group of politicians in Lansing telling Detroit "it's are way or the highway." The deal was voted down, go back to the drawing board. If the state feels that the money should go to Novi then fine which lead to the second comment.

2) I really don't care anymore about the Auto Show. If the Auto Show stay in Detroit or leave for Novi or Chicago or Beijing, I could care less. We are in a time where the auto industry that built Detroit and its suburbs is sinking in the Detroit River. We got plants on the verge of closing, dealerships decreasing, and jobs being lost every day. Families are on the brink of losing everything and we are crying about a show representing an industry that is shrinking. To paraphrase Ivan Drago, "if it leaves, it leaves."