Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
Let further note, that Obamacare will largely remain.

You really think congress is going to pass a clean repeal, resulting in record high rates of uninsured Americans?

Political suicide.

The exchanges may be turfed; but costs will remain, employer health plans will remain; and if insurance is no longer mandatory, costs on the residually insured will rise.


Trump has lowered no taxes as yet; and last I checked there was still a US Federal deficit.

Which program is he going to sack? How high will he run the debt?

The truth his he may well cut some tax rates; but this will be paid for by eliminating deductions, and/or corporate subsidies; and again, he has to get that passed first.

The current gross Corp tax rate in the U.S. is 43%; in Ontario its 26.5% for large business [[incl Fed. rate) and 19.5% for small business.
Trump said that Obamacare was created by executive order. He said he will repeal that executive order within his first week of office. Executive orders don't need congressional approval. Do you not get how the American political system works?

What he replaces it with, if he does, I don't know, but he said the US is not going to have a single payer system like Canada and he's getting rid of Obamacare because it's too expensive and replacing it with something a lot cheaper. [[All his words, not mine).

Whether it's political suicide, it doesn't matter. It's not a parliamentary system. He's there for 4 years regardless of whether the majority of Congress agrees with him.

What PROOF do you have that he won't do what he said?

As I recall, he's reducing the gross Corp tax rate in the US from 43% to 21% in the first year, so it will be less than Ontario. He's also decreasing the income tax rates significantly less than Canada's, plus a bunch of other tax cuts. No carbon tax and repealling most of the environmental legislation, which means a lot cheaper energy.

What programs he will sack and how high he will run the debt is irrelevant at this point because he's now elected.