Quote Originally Posted by adamjab19 View Post
Not sure what else to say. Sure I am an outsider looking in and have only the information from newspapers and newscasts to form my opinions. Do you have some other source I can take into consideration or should I just take the 'don't live there, can't talk about it' road out of this thread?

It seems we agree that Bobb is basically pulling the wool over the citizens eyes and that schools need to close. You think he should be up front about it and I think he has to do it as a sidestep maneuver just so it's not a total disaster. Maybe not the most fair way to do it but I think it's what works for the community considering the outrage with previous school closings.
Many of us knew two things.
1) DPS was already a disaster. It was a disaster when the state took it over in 1999 and it was still a disaster when the state returned control to the board.
2) Bobb knew he was pumping Kool-Aid in a lifeless corpse but when you are getting over $400Gs to keep the corpse on life-support, why complain?

Bobb knew from day one that DPS was done financially. Smaller tax base, less money coming from the state and charter schools sealed DPS fate years ago yet Bobb came in and made people believe that he and his mighty staff would get DPS right again. Yes, he chased crooks that was robbing the system and he had media promotions of DPS but this is DPS. It is still "lipstick on a pig." The parents that had already removed their kids weren't in no rush to come back. Old, dilapidated schools with minimal supplies is not enough to entice parents to bring their kids back and Bobb knew that but yes he had to sell that DPS is better yet he still have to close schools and now they are ready to sell their soul to the devil and promote more charter schools in Detroit. This is failure and Bobb got paid well to keep it alive.