Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
So what you are saying is that you are keeping your options open to critique everyone without having to claim support for someone that fails. Cowardly approach.

You cite Kwame but you ignore that the vote was very close which indicated that just less than half supported Hendrix.

Hell, as opposed to stating 8 people you would support you only need to list 3. I'm sure that you'll come up with some other bs excuse why you shouldn't state who you think is a viable candidate. If you commit to anyone then you have to deal with the the consequences of supporting them..

It is easier to take no position and bitch. That way you're always 'right'. Cowardly and full of shit, but 'right'.

You're pretty frustrated aren't you. Believe me, I would be to if I lived in Detroit and had to put up with the corruption in City Hall. I'm frustrated over what's happening to my home town as well pal. A lot hinges on who is elected to the Mayor's office as well as the City Council.

There has never been a personal, name calling attack from me and I would expect to receive the same courtesy. But, then again, that's how some people in Detroit handle disagreements isn't it? Throw out any "cards" you like, the truth will set you free my man.

As a courtesy, here are three names that I would put a check mark next to IF I were voting in Detroit.

Ken Cockrel
Gary Brown
John Bennett