Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
Nobody is making an argument against abortion based on the bible? What sort of delusional world are you living in? I didn't realize bodily autonomy should end at a state's border...

Thanks for creeping, thats a really great idea.
Weren't you the first to bring mention of any "book" into this conversation in comment #168?

Re your comment that "I didn't realize bodily autonomy should end at a state's border...": I don't think anyone stated that bodily autonomy ends at a state border. However the Constitution says that any power not delegated to the federal government nor denied states, belongs to the states and the people. I can't find any powers given to the federal government to regulate abortions or forbidding states from doing so anywhere in the Constitution. It is therefore the right of any state to decide its own policy regarding abortion. I would, as previously stated, favor an updated version of Roe vs. Wade in my State as a compromise between some common religious sentiments that can deny health issues and Democratic Party promoted legislation allowing the infanticide of viable unborn infants. That's what Roe was: a compromise.

I did take umbrage at Jimez's video though realizing that there are enough people around to support an actress making a living in part by stereotyping and insulting a religious
group. Imagine a 'comedian' who makes their living insulting racial groups and filling clubs up with people wanting to laugh at and feel better than some other group. It's sicko.