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  1. #1

  2. #2

  3. #3


    I make sure I slow down, blow my horn flip and the bird at those church-clown, ass hats protesting at the Ferndale PP.

    Bunch of worthless secesh. I always fart in their general direction.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    The protesters will proudly proclaim their commitment to the "sanctity of life". Then they'll go home, and continue to support the death penalty, letting every idiot have a gun arsenal, letting Syrian refugee children starve, bombing the Middle East, ending Obamacare and blocking govt. benefits for mothers and children. No hypocrisy there!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    The protesters will proudly proclaim their commitment to the "sanctity of life". Then they'll go home, and continue to support the death penalty, letting every idiot have a gun arsenal, letting Syrian refugee children starve, bombing the Middle East, ending Obamacare and blocking govt. benefits for mothers and children. No hypocrisy there!
    And not taking care of all those un-aborted babies put up for adoption. Unless they're newborn, white and perfect few people want them.

  6. #6


    With a "President" who has been in a couple of soft pornos, married to his 3rd wife who has thrown her tits around for money, I think the so-called "religious [[not)Right" has more on their hand then trying to take away a women's right to chose to do with her body. Until men can conceive and give birth, they should stay the hell out of the womb - period [[yes, f-ing pun intended).

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    With a "President" who has been in a couple of soft pornos, married to his 3rd wife who has thrown her tits around for money, I think the so-called "religious [[not)Right" has more on their hand then trying to take away a women's right to chose to do with her body. Until men can conceive and give birth, they should stay the hell out of the womb - period [[yes, f-ing pun intended).
    The percentage of abortions compared to the amount of other services PP provides is minuscule; Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013,
    They are integral to poor areas especially if the current government is so hell bent on taking away people's health care and Medicaid services.

  8. #8


    yes, however, church clowns and other secesh thinks PP is some sort of abortion factory.

    Two things we need in order to improve the lives in the United States of America:

    Get business out of Government - that experiment has failed bigly.

    Get religion out of Government - that experiment has failed hugely.

  9. #9


    The 'sanctity of life' narrative isn't so impermeably iron-clad [[white folks, repub-only, pro-death penalty, gun-a-totin', refugee-refusing, et al). Abortion as expressed this side of 1973 USA is a complex issue on all sides! Most people just want to go on with their lives, others simply don't want the association in regards to paying for abortion ala their tax dollars.

    I support adoption and seeking an entity as such I can get behind financially so as to make this option broader, and thus put my money where my mouth is on the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    The protesters will proudly proclaim their commitment to the "sanctity of life". Then they'll go home, and continue to support the death penalty, letting every idiot have a gun arsenal, letting Syrian refugee children starve, bombing the Middle East, ending Obamacare and blocking govt. benefits for mothers and children. No hypocrisy there!
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-11-17 at 05:43 AM.

  10. #10


    This headline sounds a lot like, "Defund Planned Parenthood."

  11. #11


    I just hope that those who protest pick up their trash when it's time to leave.

  12. #12


    Abortions = not what Baselinepunk supports

    Choice = what Baselinepunk supports

    It's easy, yo. All you have to do is respect choice.

    Want one, get one.

    Don't wanna have one, don't git it!

    Trust your skull and not myths

  13. #13
    Calltoaction Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    The protesters will proudly proclaim their commitment to the "sanctity of life". Then they'll go home, and continue to support the death penalty, letting every idiot have a gun arsenal, letting Syrian refugee children starve, bombing the Middle East, ending Obamacare and blocking govt. benefits for mothers and children. No hypocrisy there!
    Didn't you get the memo? Only white American kids matter.

  14. #14


    ^^^ Apparently. Considering the disproportionate impact of abortion upon the black community!


    Last edited by Zacha341; February-11-17 at 06:33 AM.

  15. #15


    What myths?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    Abortions = not what Baselinepunk supports

    Choice = what Baselinepunk supports

    It's easy, yo. All you have to do is respect choice.

    Want one, get one.

    Don't wanna have one, don't git it!

    Trust your skull and not myths
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-11-17 at 06:31 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    The percentage of abortions compared to the amount of other services PP provides is minuscule; Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013,
    They are integral to poor areas especially if the current government is so hell bent on taking away people's health care and Medicaid services.
    Yes. Anybody that wants the abortion rate to go down, should support Planned Parenthood because increased access to contraception is the way to do it.
    They also do pap smears etc.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I don't get into the abortion debate but the facts are undeniable that they have decreased greatly over the last 25 years.

    One can debate is it because of better contraception and less unplanned pregnancies, less premarital sex [[doubt that), increased adoptions, decreased access to abortion, etc. etc.

    It may well be as Pam suggests that better contraception has led to less unplanned pregnancies among those who would be most likely to have abortions [[in the case of unplanned pregnancies).

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by emu steve View Post
    I don't get into the abortion debate but the facts are undeniable that they have decreased greatly over the last 25 years.

    One can debate is it because of better contraception and less unplanned pregnancies, less premarital sex [[doubt that), increased adoptions, decreased access to abortion, etc. etc.

    It may well be as Pam suggests that better contraception has led to less unplanned pregnancies among those who would be most likely to have abortions [[in the case of unplanned pregnancies).
    There has actually been INCREASED access to abortion since Roe vs Wade, yet abortions continue to drop. But the right wants to repeal Roe vs. Wade and defund PP. What is wrong with this picture?

  19. #19


    The right has a view of the world about 1/8 inch wide. People of means will still be able to get abortions in a hospital setting in a private clinic somewhere. The poor will end up in some alley clinic where the only instrument is a dirty coat hanger. If they don't die from infection at home, they will end up in a hospital still paid for by taxpayers. You can't legislate morality. It's been tried with booze and failed. It's been tried with drugs and it's still failing. Bottom line, people will do what they want and will find a way.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by lpg View Post
    The right has a view of the world about 1/8 inch wide. People of means will still be able to get abortions in a hospital setting in a private clinic somewhere. The poor will end up in some alley clinic where the only instrument is a dirty coat hanger. If they don't die from infection at home, they will end up in a hospital still paid for by taxpayers. You can't legislate morality. It's been tried with booze and failed. It's been tried with drugs and it's still failing. Bottom line, people will do what they want and will find a way.
    You've could have a great career writing paperback novels.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    You've could have a great career writing paperback novels.
    Actually, lpg is probably correct. Taking away free/funded/low cost health care from the poor is only going to cause more problems and more need for abortions that they won't be able to get legally and we'll go back to the days of the back alley abortionist or women trying to self abort at home. Taking away free birth control causes unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. Don't start talking about adoption because a lot of these women can't even afford to BE pregnant; no health care, they have to work, they have too many other children, etc. Defunding PP is re-opening an old bag of worms than no one wants to see.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Actually, lpg is probably correct. Taking away free/funded/low cost health care from the poor is only going to cause more problems and more need for abortions that they won't be able to get legally and we'll go back to the days of the back alley abortionist or women trying to self abort at home. Taking away free birth control causes unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. Don't start talking about adoption because a lot of these women can't even afford to BE pregnant; no health care, they have to work, they have too many other children, etc. Defunding PP is re-opening an old bag of worms than no one wants to see.
    What's funny is I see a lot of these women invest in designer clothing, elaborate grooming, and $800 cell phones. Perhaps self responsibility and a $5 investment in a box of condoms would spare everyone a lot of grief?

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    What's funny is I see a lot of these women invest in designer clothing, elaborate grooming, and $800 cell phones. Perhaps self responsibility and a $5 investment in a box of condoms would spare everyone a lot of grief?
    A lot of the women out there protesting are not out there protesting for themselves; they are protesting for other women who need it. I, and most of my friends, no longer have the need for abortions or birth control but others do. Apparently you never heard of altruism or helping your fellow [[wo)man. Sad, really

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Glad to hear you've stopped ovulating, Cole, it also explains the PMS. I donate plenty of my time and money to support the needy, Thank You. I also don't believe in creating or fostering dependency on society to support unaccountable behavior. Of course it's easier to walk around with a protest sign for a few hours then it is to actually implement a solution. How righteous we are.
    Ummm,do you KNOW what PMS is? Do you know what ovulating is?. Maybe you need to spend some time learning something about women before you tell us about our own bodies. Jeez.

  25. #25


    Originally Posted by Honky Tonk
    Glad to hear you've stopped ovulating, Cole, it also explains the PMS. I donate plenty of my time and money to support the needy, Thank You. I also don't believe in creating or fostering dependency on society to support unaccountable behavior. Of course it's easier to walk around with a protest sign for a few hours then it is to actually implement a solution. How righteous we are.

    Ummm,do you KNOW what PMS is? Do you know what ovulating is?. Maybe you need to spend some time learning something about women before you tell us about our own bodies. Jeez.
    Removing your post didn't help, Honky Tonk; that's why I always quote when I reply

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