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  1. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by swingline View Post
    Not buying any of this Zacha. Perhaps it "disproportionately affects [y]our population" because those folks are making perfectly rational choices about starting or expanding their families. Exactly the reason why choice is necessary. White religious extremists shouldn't be forcing their religious beliefs on you [or any of us]. Your population has agency just like every other. Yet you want to relinquish it to the same group that has historically oppressed you. Curious.

    And your lament about your population numbers seems straight out of QAnon except that those folks couldn't care less about any problems in your community.
    Research on your own how abortion has disproportionately impacted our numbers and the details therein.

    How those choices come about not always responsible 'family' oriented as you present. Research former abortion clinic workers who saw women with multiple abortions, some cohersed by boyfriends, etc. Some doing so not know the long term impacts [emotional and physical]. Please do.

    I don't know this QAnon presence/ website mentioned on DYes alot. Not sure why it comes up. Do they hold some sole ownership of views not considered woke, or progressive? Just asking....

    As I've stated, you don't have to be 'religious' to have some push-back on this subject. That is but another form of 'othering' constraining values and views into boxes to be negated.

    Relative to who's oppressing black people - we're learning to keep our head-on-a-swivel watching 360-degrees as Malcolm X advised.

    Someone's been telling black people what's best for us every since we got off the boats! Now new groups and varied captains telling us how much we're wanted/ affirmed yet telling us to kill our children.

    Umm, did I say 'children'. I digress - that's a whole other debate [for some].

    Bottom line: more black people [men and women] ARE questioning.

    That's ain't going away. What is now seen cannot be unseen.

    Apposition to the abortion-on-demand side cannot be solely ascribed to white-men, right-wing, q-non-non thing, tucker calston, trump etc.

    Some black people are VOICING THIS CHALLENGE on our OWN TERMS.

    We don't need the right wing to speak on what we see happening. TO US. We're not relinquishing. We're starting to say NO.

    We don't need the radical left to affirm this particular view either.

    If they all say we're bad, sell-outs, 'religious', act like republicans so be it. At least we are here to have an opinion.

    As I've said still too many want to tell black people what to say/ do/ think/ believe/ choose/ know/ affirm since coming off the slave ships.

    Thank you for your opinion on the subject. Please check out what other people are saying on this subject.

    Start by asking a few Detroiter's.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-18-24 at 03:39 PM.

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Pretty much, though I may have exaggerated slightly. It's actually 97.2% non-healthcare, depending on the year and the survey done.

    For sure Southen has zero data supporting the statement "Women's healthcare". That's just a lie the left uses to justify their actions. Is there a reason you didn't ask him for data to support such a laughable statement?
    Healthcare - efforts made to maintain, restore, or promote someone's physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially when performed by trained and licensed professionals

    Maybe that is why nobody asked for data, I stated a simple fact. You may not like why someone gets an abortion but it doesn't change the fact that it is healthcare performed by a professional.

    Even simple definitions are beyond your comprehension.

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    If you don’t like the laws where you live then Just get in the car and drive to the next state, “Oy Veh”, that’s all you gotta’ do. The Pilgrims sailed across the ocean to escape what they saw as oppression with English law; settlers crossed the plains in a covered wagon to live as they chose, and you can’t spend a couple of hours in the car. Quit complaining and do what they did, get out.
    Right wingers: Don't like this country? Leave!

    Also Right wingers: Nobody fleeing oppression should be let into the country. Block all immigrants from entering, they can fix their own country!

    Really there isn't allowed to be a plurality of views from you, just get in line, which is why the guy claiming he will be a dictator and says there will be blood in the streets is your champion. You don't want freedom, you want everyone to adhere to your narrow world view. Don't like restrictive healthcare on bodily autonomy? Move.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Healthcare - efforts made to maintain, restore, or promote someone's physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially when performed by trained and licensed professionals

    Maybe that is why nobody asked for data, I stated a simple fact. You may not like why someone gets an abortion but it doesn't change the fact that it is healthcare performed by a professional.

    Even simple definitions are beyond your comprehension.

    And how does Elective Abortion meet your definition?

    The answer, it doesn't. Except in cases where the doctor reasonably fears for the health or life of the mother, which is the case about 2% of the time. The rest of the time it's done for her convenience.

    If your definition was applicable, it would be ok for you to kill your room-mates, if of course they affected your "emotional well-being". You could just tell the judge you were performing "Health-care".

    Now, I'm not here to tell anyone what side they should be on regarding this issue, but let's dial the lying back just a touch.

    This is a trick of the left. Inserting bald-face lies in into the phraseology, in an attempt to avoid having to provide rational arguments for any of their indefensible positions.
    Last edited by Rocket; March-18-24 at 01:01 PM.

  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Pretty much, though I may have exaggerated slightly. It's actually 97.2% non-healthcare, depending on the year and the survey done.

    For sure Southen has zero data supporting the statement "Women's healthcare". That's just a lie the left uses to justify their actions. Is there a reason you didn't ask him for data to support such a laughable statement?
    Because he gave his opinion on the subject and didn't make up a statistic without any support and pass it off as fact, like you.
    Last edited by JonWylie; March-18-24 at 12:59 PM.

  6. #81


    Because he stated his feelings, instead of quoting facts like you.

    There, FIXED.

    You can google surveys if you like where they ask abortion clinic customers what their reasons were for terminating their baby, and 97 - 99% say it was for reasons other than their health.

    Reasons given. Many women have multiple reasons for getting one;

    1. Having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents [[74%)

    2. Can not afford a baby now [[73%)

    3. Did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems [[48%)

    4. Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing.

    5. Almost one-third were not ready to have a child.


    Notice, "The mother's health" doesn't even make the list. There is a category for Health, [12%], but most of the reasons in that category involve the fetus's health, because the mother is an alky, or is using prescription or illicit drugs etc. VERY little of that 12% is related to protecting the mother's actual health. Instead, way up in the high 90's is protecting the mother's lifestyle.

    My apologies if the well- known facts disagree with your beliefs. But it's helpful to at least be aware of the facts, even if you fully plan to ignore them.

    PP wasn't started to protect women's health. [The actual reason has been mentioned before]. They just use that as an excuse to get free taxpayer money.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    And how does Elective Abortion meet your definition?

    The answer, it doesn't. Except in cases where the doctor reasonably fears for the health or life of the mother, which is the case about 2% of the time. The rest of the time it's done for her convenience.

    If your definition was applicable, it would be ok for you to kill your room-mates, if of course they affected your "emotional well-being". You could just tell the judge you were performing "Health-care".

    Now, I'm not here to tell anyone what side they should be on regarding this issue, but let's dial the lying back just a touch.

    This is a trick of the left. Inserting bald-face lies in into the phraseology, in an attempt to avoid having to provide rational arguments for any of their indefensible positions.
    It is a medical procedure done by a healthcare professional. Just like when YOU can't get it up and the doctor prescribes you a little blue pill. It is elective but it is still healthcare.

    So rational arguments like comparing an abortion to killing a roommate?

    YOU don't get to decide what constitutes an important reason for an individual. Sorry bub. If you want to have a debate on when it becomes a living thing, I think that is far more interesting, but stop acting like people have these things for fun or that it isn't a tough decision for anyone who has had one. I have known several people to go through the process and it is gut wrenching. It was also the right decisions for them for a multitude of reasons and not done on a whim.

    If you don't like them, don't get one. Telling others what they can or cannot do with their own bodies is the opposite of the freedom you claim to love.

  8. #83


    My body, my choice. I totally agree.

    Here's the glitch:
    The fetus/child has a different genetic makeup than the mother, thus a different body. That different body has equal inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as anyone else.

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Warrenite84 View Post
    My body, my choice. I totally agree.

    Here's the glitch:
    The fetus/child has a different genetic makeup than the mother, thus a different body. That different body has equal inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as anyone else.
    So at any point during the pregnancy it can be removed and live on its own, correct? Or is it that its a clump of genetic material with little resemblance to a human, until a certain point?

    Why don't pregnant women count as two in the census? Why can't they claim a dependent on taxes before the birth? Why is it that people on the right only care about it while it is inside of the mother and not outside?

    Notice that Rocket, in his list that mother's give for not having a baby, never acknowledges what those women were, that the child once born would not be able to thrive in the home it was entering. That these women didn't think they could provide what was necessary for a child to thrive. You want these women to give birth regardless of the world the children are entering.

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    ...that the child once born would not be able to thrive in the home it was entering. That these women didn't think they could provide what was necessary for a child to thrive. You want these women to give birth regardless of the world the children are entering.
    It would've been better if everyone living in poverty today was just aborted before they were born... what a disgusting argument to make.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    So rational arguments like comparing an abortion to killing a roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    YOU don't get to decide what constitutes an important reason for an individual.
    I didn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Telling others what they can or cannot do with their own bodies is the opposite of the freedom you claim to love.
    I didn't do that either.

    You're on quite the roll today.

    You confused a woman killing her baby out of convenience as being "Healthcare", and I was correcting that lie.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by mkd View Post
    It would've been better if everyone living in poverty today was just aborted before they were born... what a disgusting argument to make.
    Hmmm more reading comprehension issues.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post

    I didn't.

    I didn't do that either.

    You're on quite the roll today.

    You confused a woman killing her baby out of convenience as being "Healthcare", and I was correcting that lie.
    I think you need it to be a baby at conception because you’re incapable of complex thought. Same reason everything is a conspiracy theory to you. You need easily digestible answers. It becomes far more difficult if the women getting the procedure aren’t just trying to “kill babies for fun” and are doing it for deeply personal reasons, whatever they may be.

    Chances are somebody you know has gotten an abortion. The reason you don’t know about it probably has to do with the fact you have the intellect and ability to reason of a toddler. That might be generous though.

  14. #89


    There are none so blind as those who will not see.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    There are none so blind as those who will not see.
    Agreed, and nothing so tragic as children whose parents are so stupid that they refuse to vaccinate them for measles, polio, etc., on the advice of conspiracy theorists like Jon Rappoport, RFK Jr., etc.

    Measles: The forgotten killer - Harvard Health

  16. #91


    ^ the irony of using Harvard Medical School as a shining example of how smart everybody else is then the stupid ones,after everybody is well aware that you do not have to be smart to get into those places,you just have to pay the right people to get in .

    If they told you it was good for your health to jump off of a cliff daily,would you blindly follow that advice ?

    Every year almost 2 million new cases of cancer,interesting how with the increase of drugs comes an increase of cancer rates,do you really think they are going to tell everybody the cure is what eventually may kill you ?

    You guys have to make up your minds,one day you attack the pharms and the next day you support them by telling everybody they have to support them without question.
    Last edited by Richard; March-18-24 at 11:56 PM.

  17. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ... jump off of a cliff daily....
    We'll just write that one off as a "hallucination."

  18. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post

    ....just trying to “kill babies for fun” and are doing it for deeply personal reasons, whatever they may be.
    There you go lying again. Did I say "for fun"? NO

    Deeply personal reasons? Ok. Did I imply otherwise? NO

    I'm just saying that doing it for personal reasons or convenience doesn't make it "Health" care. If the mom's "Health" isn't at risk, then it's not "health care", at least not for her. Killing person B isn't "health care" for person A. This is a fact. Everyone knows it, even you I suspect.

    You're addicted to lying it seems. If you were correct on your points, you wouldn't have to do that. You also wouldn't have to insult those that don't agree with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    ............because you’re incapable of complex thought.

    .....probably has to do with the fact you have the intellect and ability to reason of a toddler. That might be generous though.
    Name:  Insults.jpg
Views: 138
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  19. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    We'll just write that one off as a "hallucination."
    The Man in the Moone [[engole.info)

  20. #95


    Today marks the first day of OTC approved birth control pills are available,no prescription needed . So there are choices and options.

  21. #96


    The Associated Press, March 19, 2024
    OSSIPEE, N.H. — A New Hampshire man appeared in court Monday on charges that he killed a pregnant woman and her unborn child by means of multiple blunt force injuries, the first time the state has charged someone with murder in the death of a fetus.

  22. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Today marks the first day of OTC approved birth control pills are available,no prescription needed . So there are choices and options.
    The folks who think that the Bill of Rights applies to a zygote are going to make sure that this doesn't last long.

  23. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Because he stated his feelings, instead of quoting facts like you.

    There, FIXED.

    You can google surveys if you like where they ask abortion clinic customers what their reasons were for terminating their baby, and 97 - 99% say it was for reasons other than their health.

    Reasons given. Many women have multiple reasons for getting one;

    1. Having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents [[74%)

    2. Can not afford a baby now [[73%)

    3. Did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems [[48%)

    4. Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing.

    5. Almost one-third were not ready to have a child.


    Notice, "The mother's health" doesn't even make the list. There is a category for Health, [12%], but most of the reasons in that category involve the fetus's health, because the mother is an alky, or is using prescription or illicit drugs etc. VERY little of that 12% is related to protecting the mother's actual health. Instead, way up in the high 90's is protecting the mother's lifestyle.

    My apologies if the well- known facts disagree with your beliefs. But it's helpful to at least be aware of the facts, even if you fully plan to ignore them.

    PP wasn't started to protect women's health. [The actual reason has been mentioned before]. They just use that as an excuse to get free taxpayer money.
    Doubling down on your incorrect statement with citations that don't even back it up, crazy...

    110-118_Finer.qxp [[guttmacher.org)
    Last edited by JonWylie; March-19-24 at 11:18 AM.

  24. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by JonWylie View Post
    Doubling down on your incorrect statement with citations that don't even back it up, crazy...

    110-118_Finer.qxp [[guttmacher.org)
    Yes it does.

    12%in the right column is EXACTLY the number I quoted.

    But that represents an entire category of health concerns, which include;

    1. Fearing for the baby's health because I don't wanna give up drinking lots of booze.

    2. Fearing for the baby's health because I don't want to stop doing drugs.


    It's unclear from guttmacher's reports exactly what percentage are actual "Mother's health / life may be at risk", but surveys done at clinics suggests it's about 2.7%. [As I also stated].

    You should really read the entire report before slandering someone for being correct.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by JonWylie View Post
    Doubling down on your incorrect statement with citations that don't even back it up, crazy...

    110-118_Finer.qxp [[guttmacher.org)

    The first thing that pops up when I click on your link is "Page Not Found".
    The second thing, asks me to "accept all cookies", though it doesn't specify what flavor they are.
    The third thing, tells me my "Reproductive Rights" are under attack, and asks me to send them money.

    Shouldn't it say my "Termination Rights" are under attack?

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