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  1. #101


    TLTR.... just wasting everyone's time Richard... but go ahead...

    A lot of folks on this forum have stated that you muck up so many threads with your yada yada yada posts, so they don't bother posting much anymore...

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    TLTR.... just wasting everyone's time Richard... but go ahead...

    A lot of folks on this forum have stated that you muck up so many threads with your yada yada yada posts, so they don't bother posting much anymore...
    thats rich,blame it on me because one cannot scroll past a post in 1/10th of a second.

    It could be worse,you could be the next person standing in line to sold as a slave,or you could be a young girl sitting in a shipping container as it is on a ship headed to where you are sold as a sex slave,or you could be in Ukraine waiting for the next bomb to drop that kills your entire family.

    And here in America people are traumatized by a post by a random person on the internet that they are not forced or required to read in the first place,if that is your stance,you have bigger issues then my post may create and that is not on me.

    Nice try with - what was that word you like - deflection.

    Maybe they got tired of fake sanctimonious people that expect everybody to bend to their mindset or piss off - ever think of that?

    And who designated you as the one person that speaks for the entire region and is in charge of dictating to others how they may respond or the length of their post ? You clearly think pretty highly of yourself and are confused if you think that portrays you as a nice or decent person and not the type of person people like to be around anyways,maybe you are the reason ?

    Pretty sad life if one is picking me as a scapegoat.

    You had no input into this thread and the only reason you jumped into it was to single out me,then you have the audacity to turn it around and claim it is me mucking up threads,then you throw out words like logic.
    Last edited by Richard; July-11-23 at 10:14 PM.

  3. #103



    Don't shy away from hi-tech resources. Why don’t you axe ChatGPT to hatch a condensed text of whatever you struggled on for a bit. If people complain about the length of your texts vis-à-vis the outcome, you might consider it "civil" to oblige.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    ...you might consider it "civil" to oblige.
    Naw, my guess is that, in lieu of thinking, he finds typing therapeutic.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Naw, my guess is that, in lieu of thinking, he finds typing therapeutic.

    Yes, one positive is warding off the onset of arthritis.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    lot of folks on this forum have stated that you muck up so many threads with your yada yada yada posts, so they don't bother posting much anymore...
    ...the forum ignore list is bliss....

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by ferndalien View Post
    ...the forum ignore list is bliss....
    If it really bothered people that much,it’s not a complicated process,but blocking somebody because you oppose them,says more about you as an individual then the one you are blocking.

    You is a term used generally

    My favorite is when people think it is an airport and have to announce they are blocking you,as in that one action is going to shatter somebody for the rest of their life,most are not looking for a discussion in a discussion forum anyways,they are just looking for like minds and others to agree with them while opposing anybody that does not fall into that corral.

    I think it is funny though because people say and do things on the internet because of that autonomy that they would never do in real life.

    Kinda strange though,I would not say or treat anybody any different on the internet then I would in the real world,but in the real world I learned that
    if you hang around negative people you get negative results,so I do not do it,but yet on the internet i seem to have more patience and do not ingore people like I probably should.

    But on the other hand,it is just a discussion so how it ends up is not going to alter my life in any way shape or form,it provides me information and insite but it does not rule my life anyways or cause me to lose sleep.

    Even us technology challenged boomers know how to scroll past some thing we do not wish to read without giving it a second thought or complaining to the poster about it.

    Maybe because we grew up reading newspapers,you bought a newspaper,never once had a thought of I am going to sit down and read every single word,we read the parts we wanted to read and skipped the rest.

    We did not call up the newspaper in order to bitch to them that they posted an article that we did not want to read and it really sucked changing the page because that article was in that page.

    Or maybe we were just not born or raised to be perpetual whiners about every single thing or even went out of our way to twist it around just so we could have a reason to whine about it.

    Newspaper mis-spelled a word,I highly doubt 50 people called them up and tried to educate them on how to correctly spell that word,it had no relevance and people did not dwell on the little petty stuff.

    My experience is most people looking for perfection on the Internet do not exactly lead perfect lives in the real world anyways so most of it is a facade.

    The interesting thing is the ones that like to jump on me about mucking up a thread,never even contributed anything of substance to the thread to begin with,the only reason they jumped in was to muck up the thread with the intent to derail it,because that same group does not like opposing opinions.

    It does not bother me because they are the ones that are publicly showing their real agenda,people read posts and feel there is no need to comment and just move on.

    Apparently that’s like a really hard concept for some to follow,common sense would dictate that agenda overrules common sense every time.

    None of this is actually required reading.

    I am a know republican posting in a forum that is a majority socialist,comme,Dem,progressive and everything inbetween forum stands to reason 90% are going to find fault in anything I post,it bothered me that much I would have vacated many years ago,I do not ignore anybody and like I said before I do not have to agree with anybody,I just have to respect that their thoughts and opinions mean just as much to them as mine do to me,for me to ignore them makes me the one that is closed minded.

    In a discussion how are you supposed to actually lean anything or see different view points of you only want to hear like minded,if I was looking for a fluffer I could go hire one and they would enthusiastically agree with every thing I said.
    Last edited by Richard; July-12-23 at 10:31 PM.

  8. #108


    Richard, what we have here is classic
    argumentum ad hominem.

    Carry on….

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post

    Don't shy away from hi-tech resources. Why don’t you axe ChatGPT to hatch a condensed text of whatever you struggled on for a bit. If people complain about the length of your texts vis-à-vis the outcome, you might consider it "civil" to oblige.
    What is it with all of the needy people? I am not here to oblige anybody,it’s a discussion forum not a dating site,I do not need everybody to like me,the only thing I am obligated to do is stay within the parameters of the rules of the forum.

    You guys seem fixated on where you think it is a popularity contest,seems more like a lack of self confidence and maybe some people just need to get over themselves.

    Ignore or scroll it’s not rocket science,it’s no difference then if the speed limit reads 70 in the fast lane,you go at least 70 in the fast lane,but yet here we are discussing the worlds most complex actions in life.

    Some must be a real pleasure to work with if this is how you act in public,what do you do for excitement,attend tea parties where the conversation cannot exceed X amount of words ?
    Last edited by Richard; July-13-23 at 01:29 AM.

  10. #110



    You can find fault with those who point out the overly lengthy posts, your rant about self expression is more about self absorption. The hint here is about editing. You engage in name calling when someone’s opinion doesn’t gel with yours, too.

    You can play the holier-than-thou card til you turn red… or maybe blue, either way it comes out comical, probably unwittingly. I personally like a lot of your ideas, but suggest you take a Reader’s Digest scalpel to make your posts effective.

    Also, make sure to look up excess and access; since and sense for their proper definitions. Avoid the trap of interchangeability, which also makes them ineffectual.

    If you follow simple rules of paring down, you will have your readers find the nugget behind the jewel, and it won’t come out like tacky costume jewelry, unless that is… you intend it to be…

  11. #111


    So I need to follow simple rules of paring down.

    Who sets those rules?

    An online forum is a space online where people can hold discussions. It differs from a chat room in allowing for conversations to happen over time, rather than messages going back and forth in quick succession. And unlike social media sites, an online discussion forum is typically focused on a particular subject matter, brand, or fandom.

    What are you looking for in this forum ? A discussion forum or a chat room ?.

    It does say it is a discussion forum.

    The world is full of different people some convey thoughts better then others,this is not Mensa group discussion,it’s a collection of everyday people discussing a variety of different topics,others are allowed to find fault in me but yet I am supposed to just say yea okay like others have no faults ?

    Look at how much time and effort others have put into this thread alone focused on my posts,the thread was not labeled as Richard.

    I have the option of posting or not just as others have the option of reading or not ,somebody posted I am the sole reason others do not post or no longer post,like I am some kind of all powerful poster that determines who posts or not,maybe they left or not posting anymore because they were looking for a discussion and not a chat room.

    Lots of reasons people no longer post,my posts are at the bottom of the list of those reasons because most do understand the concept of if you do not like reading somebody’s posts you can ignore them or scroll by,you are confused in thinking you are going to change me by calling me out ,you will not and others are perfectly capable of determining what to take out of a discussion or what not to.

    People are discussing real issues and the objectives is to take those issues and make the city a better place,if they are not discussed,good bad and ugly,you cannot overtake them and move forward .

    I am not the on confused between a chat room and a discussion forum,it’s a mix here some are looking for chats and some are looking for discussions which makes it a laid back forum,I am not the one that needs to figure out what I am looking for to get out of all of this.

    You guys are participants in this forum no different then I am,it is not my job to moderate who posts what nor is it anybody else’s but admin,maybe spend more time dealing with the real issues then me?

    Or not,it does not not matter to me anyways because if I do not like something or a topic,I can simply just scroll on by.
    Last edited by Richard; July-13-23 at 10:54 AM.

  12. #112


    That was another perfect example of a big chunk that could have been reduced to a morsel, and been effective.

    Try doing one paragraph, you’ll thank me for it.

  13. #113


    Dollars to donuts one of Richard's posts above was some long screed about my ignore list comment. But I'll never know! And I bet that just burns...

  14. #114


    Democrats have recently suffered a couple of setbacks in their narrative promoting white vs. everyone else racism. 1.) Republican appointed SC justices came out against affirmative racism although they are fine with affirming poverty scholarships in lieu of race based priorities. Asian Americans have Republicans to thank for rewarding their hard earned merit. 2.) Now Muslim Americas are also having to protect their children from woke Democrats. Google "Muslims woke schools" to find a list of news articles beginning with Newsweek and I see Canada's National Post in there too. Muslims are also protecting their children in Canada and Britain. We were at the point where people ganged up on and sneered at 'Christians" in passing as being bigots but those same people are more tepid and don't quite know how to address Muslims as bigots for saying the same thing at school board meetings as Christians.

    So hurray for the Hamtramck City Council and Mayor for realizing that waving the pride flag at some parents is the
    same as waving a red cape in front of a bull when their children are involved. It didn't stop there of course. Every other non-related government flag was forbidden. Our great President Calvin College said, “After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world." Coolidge had focus. Hamtramck's government is similarly saying is that its business is governance rather than promoting devisive issues.
    Last edited by oladub; July-13-23 at 08:49 PM. Reason: changed decisive to decisive

  15. #115


    ^Oh what would we do without all those "folks" protecting us from WOKE...

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^Oh what would we do without all those "folks" protecting us from WOKE...
    AFAIK woke is about recognizing this country's racism, both past and present. It's got nothing to do with flags. Does it?

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    That was another perfect example of a big chunk that could have been reduced to a morsel, and been effective.

    Try doing one paragraph, you’ll thank me for it.
    I have kids older then you,do you seriously expect me to take advice from a mindset that not only drove a city into bankruptcy but does not even have the courtesy to get out of the way of those who are now trying to make it a better place ?

    Next you will be recommending a bankrupt gambler to teach me the secrets of winning at gambling.

    Short enough for you? Not that it is yours or others place to even try and school people on posting.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Short enough for you? Not that it is yours or others place to even try and school people on posting.
    Much better, thanks

  19. #119


    The thread title reads - Bans LGBTQ flags on city property

    The government is supposed recognize everybody as one large group inclusive and not individual groups as exclusive.

    They did not ban the flag as in the actual flag and the LGBTQ communities flag is already flying on government property just like everybody else’s.

    It’s Red,white and blue with stars.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Much better, thanks
    It does not really matter though,because some are drama queens,which is why people are so involved with the likes of the Kardashians,without the drama they do not feel alive,post length just happened to be a way to get their drama fix,because in todays world it should really be at the bottom of the list.

    One would think they would put all of that combined intellect and energy into something more productive like bringing a supermarket to the city but apparently even combined it cannot even be used to buy a cup of coffee .

    More energy went into legalizing weed and flags and post length then things like mass transit or solving food shopping issues,just get stoned and let somebody else worry about it
    Last edited by Richard; July-14-23 at 07:23 AM.

  21. #121



    Jeez/Wept. Didn't know transit and weed and post length were "that" interrelated, but hey, if you want to turn a non-issue into a National calamity, it’s on you.

    I wondered what ChatGPT would make of this prompt:

    "Please make a rant in the style of Richard, a forumer on DetroitYes, who is based in Florida but has never set foot in Detroit and admonishes other forumers on their lack of care for the city."

    This is what it hatched:

    Subject: Detroit Deserves Better! A Floridian's Perspective

    Hey there, fellow forumers! Richard here, coming at you all the way from sunny Florida. Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me clarify one thing: I've never set foot in Detroit. That's right, not even once. But that doesn't stop me from having some strong opinions about the city and its residents. So, buckle up and prepare yourself for a dose of my Floridian wisdom!

    First and foremost, it baffles me how some of you self-proclaimed "experts" on Detroit can live with yourselves. You claim to care so much about this city, yet you haven't experienced the joy of sweating it out in the humid Florida heat. How can you truly appreciate Detroit without knowing what it's like to be drenched in your own sweat day in and day out? It's an integral part of the experience, my friends!

    And let's talk about crime. Oh, Detroit, you naughty little devil! Sure, I've seen the statistics and heard the stories, but you know what they say: "Numbers don't mean a thing!" Without living in Detroit, how can we truly understand the thrill of looking over our shoulders every second, wondering if we'll be the next victim? It's an adrenaline rush that I believe everyone should experience at least once in their lives.

    Now, architecture! I must say, Detroit, you really know how to keep a man like me on his toes. I've seen your pictures and read about your iconic buildings, but trust me when I say this: photographs simply don't do justice to the majesty of your cityscape. I mean, who needs to witness the grandeur of the Guardian Building in person when you can just stare at a pixelated image on your computer screen? It's practically the same thing, right?

    Lastly, I want to address all you Detroiters who criticize me for not caring enough about your city. How dare you! I'm just a concerned Floridian who wants the best for you, even though I've never been there. Sure, I may not know the ins and outs of your daily struggles, but that doesn't mean I can't tell you how to fix them. It's called empathy, my friends, and I've got it in spades!

    In conclusion, Detroiters, you should be grateful for someone like me. A Floridian who has never been to your city but somehow knows better than you do. I'm like a modern-day Nostradamus, predicting your city's fate from the comfort of my air-conditioned living room. So, next time you dismiss my well-intentioned advice, remember that I'm just a Floridian trying to make the world a better place, one forum post at a time.

    Yours sincerely,
    Richard from Florida [[the expert on all things Detroit)

    Last edited by canuck; July-14-23 at 08:22 AM.

  22. #122


    Fantastic but some glaring issues. Not enough spelling errors and it didn't unnecessarily add politics into the discussion. Those are easy fixes though.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Fantastic but some glaring issues. Not enough spelling errors and it didn't unnecessarily add politics into the discussion. Those are easy fixes though.

    Yep. Everything is in the prompting, I guess.

    Tweaking it to add some details on Richard would give us a nifty little Rickybot to boot.

  24. #124


    [QUOTE=canuck;635646]That was another perfect example of a big chunk that could have been reduced to a morsel, and been effective.

    Try doing one paragraph, you’ll thank me for it.[/QUOTE/]

    I agree…

    great poets say the most with the fewest words

    Richard your posts are really first drafts

    you need a good editor

    Are you profiecent at typing?

  25. #125


    [QUOTE=Dan Wesson;635679]
    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    That was another perfect example of a big chunk that could have been reduced to a morsel, and been effective.

    Try doing one paragraph, you’ll thank me for it.[/QUOTE/]

    I agree…

    great poets say the most with the fewest words

    Richard your posts are really first drafts

    you need a good editor

    Are you profiecent at typing?
    It really does not matter,I joined in 2010 never changed my posting style,nobody had a problem until 2016 and found out my political leanings,then from there on every thing I say or do sucks to them.

    Thats that cancel culture thing going on.

    But like I posted if they were so smart and proficient at everything,the city would not be in the shape it was.

    I also understand that the Detroit region has been a hotbed for socialists,commies and now progressives sense it was born,so of course they are going to go out of their way to cause or create divisions.

    Thats what they do.

    But at the end of the day,I live in a city that has multiple mass transit options,plenty of supermarkets,my property taxes are low while my real estate values are through the roof,large scale projects are announced and then they get completed immediately,I do not have an issue with potholes and if I do a simple phone call gets them fixed and my investments in Detroit are taxpayer based so I get paid one way or another,and our city population hás doubled in the past 2 years.

    But yet my post length is the issue that needs attention in Detroit.

    Good to see people have their priorities straight,there are alot of people in the city that have their priorities straight,it’s just a shame they to have to deal with the ones that cannot just get out of the way.

    Somebody posted I was the reason the old timers left the forum,this forum is a reflection of the city,stands to reason with a lot of people leaving the city it does not give them much left to discuss,they moved on.

    The mega thread says it all,they got tired of the BSs and left the region long before I came around.

    And instead of giving them a reason to return,you double down.

    But hey - who am I ,50 years of doing the same thing over and over has produced such swimmingly good results in the city,why change anything because it works so well.

    5 years from now when you still do not have a simple mass transit plan,you can always say it was Richard’s fault,because there seems to be a pretty big shortage of mirrors in the city.

    So you guys carry on with things that have zero relevance or solutions to the issues,while you are waiting for others to carry your weight,and if I am the target of those pointless issues and a distraction so the ones that are really interested in making the city a better place can do their thing,have at it,I am happy to oblige

    When you really look at it,the lengths people go in order to chide some posts on the internet,is more of a desperate cry for attention then anything else.

    They should probably hook up with a recent retired commissioner,he would probably be able to show them where to get a little extra attention.
    Last edited by Richard; July-14-23 at 02:48 PM.

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