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  1. #101


    As a full adult, I CHOSE to vaccination, but I know others who haven't. They vary broadly re. their reasons and questions - not all 'sky-God' or even secular god believers. And certainly not repubs [most Detroiter's are loyal dems].

    IMO, some of the vaccination hesitancy is due to the demonization and name calling, and blunt concealing of information! At a point the more information is withheld the more questions and resistance arise. That's they way of it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    You don't think a vaccine, that nearly eliminates the chance of severe illness and death to a highly contagious disease, is an answer to it?

    It's sad how much brain-washing has been done in this country. People believe in sky-God miracles from thousands of years ago written in a book and translated 10 times over, but don't believe the facts in front of their eyes with regard to COVID 19, how many it has killed, and how the vaccine is able to prevent it with very little risk.

    914,000 dead Americans and counting.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-11-22 at 01:12 PM.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Come in thru at our southern borders. Which remains open - not requiring such precautions........
    Thats why I put the word “ legally “ in there,if I was poor in this country with no healthcare and was looking for a chance of success,I would cross the border,throw away my ID and sneak back across,it is the only way if you are born in this country that you will receive benefits that citizens would never have a chance at.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    You don't think a vaccine, that nearly eliminates the chance of severe illness and death to a highly contagious disease, is an answer to it?

    It's sad how much brain-washing has been done in this country. People believe in sky-God miracles from thousands of years ago written in a book and translated 10 times over, but don't believe the facts in front of their eyes with regard to COVID 19, how many it has killed, and how the vaccine is able to prevent it with very little risk.

    914,000 dead Americans and counting.

    Talk about brain washing...

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Come on in thru at our southern borders. Which remain open [no matter what level of COVID is afoot] - not requiring such precautions........


  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Speak of the devil: "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44

    Gee Whalley, thump him with your Bible.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    As a full adult, I CHOSE to vaccination, but I know others who aren't. They vary broadly re. their reasons and questions - not all 'sky-God' or even secular god believers. And certainly not repubs [most Detroiter's are loyal dems].

    IMO, some of the vaccination hesitancy is due to the demonization and name calling, and blunt concealing of information! At a point the more information is withheld the more questions and resistance arise. That's they way of it...
    How ominous...

    "Very soon there will be hundreds health officials saying.. “It was your choice, no one made you take it”

    Dr. Robert Malone

  7. #107


    He's paraphrasing "AAll animals are equal but some are more equal than others"

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Looking through my copy of Animal Farm, I couldn't find that quote.

  8. #108


    Ontario declares state of emergency to help end Ambassador Bridge blockade caused by truckers in 'Freedom Convoy' protest

    Premier Doug Ford announced his declaration during a news conference Friday morning, and said those who impede the movement of goods, people and services will face a fine of $100,000 and a year in jail....

    "We will also provide additional authority to consider taking away the personal and commercial licenses of anyone who doesn't comply with these orders," added Ford.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Looking through my copy of Animal Farm, I couldn't find that quote.
    "The separation of church and state"

    Looking through my copy of the US Constitution and I couldn't find that quote either but the Supreme Court said it's in there somewhere, go figure. Hey guys I'm just tryin' to have a little fun here with this stuff, don't take it too seriously cause' I'm just kiddin' around.

  10. #110


    Excellent points NT. As there will be more boosters or revised vaccinations coming why is it so damnable to even examine or acknowledge possible problems to improve the vax. I know of person who had a reaction to a second vaccination. Are they now an anti-science; an anti-vaxxer or worst another .ist, .obe or Tucker Clasonist?

    Further, how are many responding/ reacting to the demonization that's suppose to correct there not vaccinating. Not that many - even as serious as COVID can be. Instead more are digging in their heels angered at the broad stroke assertions of who they are - beyond the risk of falling ill. As the depersonalization continues. Unless we're going for full-on CONTROL mode as we see in China [where we know voices are fully silenced] we need to check how we're going forward.

    Beyond: name, blame and defame.

    Quote Originally Posted by night-timer View Post
    Every vaccine for every ailment carry some degree of risk, including the coronavirus vaccine, hence the tendency of some people to avoid getting vaxxed. [It just depends on individual reaction. Some people can't even take aspirin.]

    But the coronavirus is a risk to us, as well.

    So, it is a matter of 'personal politics' whether you take the risk of having a bad reaction to a vaxx, or risk catching the virus itself.

    That becomes more difficult when the unvaxxed are told that they "pose a threat to everyone around them".

    I don't think vaccination has been the answer to this problem. Even taking the vaccination will not entirely prevent you catching it, spreading it, or getting sick from it. This is a fact.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-11-22 at 08:49 PM.

  11. #111


    Once again, right wing white protestors get the kid glove treatment. Never would have predicted that….
    Last edited by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast; February-11-22 at 02:47 PM.

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Thats why I put the word “ legally “ in there,if I was poor in this country with no healthcare and was looking for a chance of success,I would cross the border,throw away my ID and sneak back across,it is the only way if you are born in this country that you will receive benefits that citizens would never have a chance at.

    You can’t complain about the lack of coverage when all you do is repeat the inanity that the US can’t achieve universal healthcare.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    You can’t complain about the lack of coverage when all you do is repeat the inanity that the US can’t achieve universal healthcare.
    Just because I can achieve something,it does not mean it will last for 4 hours like they say it will.

    Achieving something just for the soul purpose of achieving something does not make it successful.

    But if you like your doctor you can always keep your doctor,until next week anyways.

    They had their chance and they screwed it up because they were more interested in achieving something without actually achieving something,as long as it looks good on paper it is easy to sell,besides,I am becoming an illegal immigrant,I will have free healthcare anyways,not worried much about others.

    If it was all of that,in your case,why are Canadians coming across the border for healthcare,they can get it for free in your country,correct?

    What do you think about the truckers ?

    I hope you are not one of those that claim to support the workers,as long as it is beneficial to the cause,then throwing the workers under the bus when it does not suit them.

    You know,the party of the people,errrr some people.

    Funny how people in this country demand a living wage,then turn right around and support policies that prohibit people from earning a wage in the first place.

    Thats wearing the liberal hypocrite badge with honor.

    Outside of that,hope all is well.
    Last edited by Richard; February-11-22 at 03:25 PM.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    Once again, right wing white protestors get the kid glove treatment. Never would have predicted that….
    You do realize that you can now apply for your white privilege card online and due to the privacy act they cannot ask your race.

    You should get it,it gets you a 10% discount at the Waffle House and Motel 6.

    How do you even know that those right wing protesters do not identify as left wing Antifa maybe that’s why they get away with it,ever thought about that?
    Last edited by Richard; February-11-22 at 03:34 PM.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Just because I can achieve something,it does not mean it will last for 4 hours like they say it will.

    Achieving something just for the soul purpose of achieving something does not make it successful.

    But if you like your doctor you can always keep your doctor,until next week anyways.

    They had their chance and they screwed it up because they were more interested in achieving something without actually achieving something,as long as it looks good on paper it is easy to sell,besides,I am becoming an illegal immigrant,I will have free healthcare anyways,not worried much about others.

    If it was all of that,in your case,why are Canadians coming across the border for healthcare,they can get it for free in your country,correct?

    What do you think about the truckers ?

    I hope you are not one of those that claim to support the workers,as long as it is beneficial to the cause,then throwing the workers under the bus when it does not suit them.

    You know,the party of the people,errrr some people.

    Funny how people in this country demand a living wage,then turn right around and support policies that prohibit people from earning a wage in the first place.

    Thats wearing the liberal hypocrite badge with honor.

    Outside of that,hope all is well.

    Well, as far as Liberalism equals fascism goes, Doug Ford is a big C Conservative Prime Minister, and he is the one proposing the crippling fines.

    I am not going to shed a tear for the antivax crowds.

    Are you vaccinated, Richard?

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Well, as far as Liberalism equals fascism goes, Doug Ford is a big C Conservative Prime Minister, and he is the one proposing the crippling fines.

    I am not going to shed a tear for the antivax crowds.

    Are you vaccinated, Richard?
    Nope,you know that,I am one of those cases that was actually still out working in the middle of it all maskless in superspreader situations and no shot but still alive,but fall into the proven category I am more likely to die from a heart attack then COVID.

    My only underlying condition was 45 years of smoking,so the results were 2 heart attacks in the 2 years,to the exact date,no shot no mask,why tempt fate.

    It does not make me an anti vaxer,if you feel it is necessary to get 50 shots,you are an adult and it is your choice and you have to do what you feel is best for you and yours,and I respect that.
    Last edited by Richard; February-11-22 at 03:51 PM.

  17. #117


    Hah! This sounds tripped out [all of it]! Setting aside the specifics of the Canada trucking protest, it's not traditional liberals who tend towards fascism per se. It's the left. They make no bones about - asserting that alas this incoming version of governance will be [finally] at least more fair and equitable than what we're now under.

    I sure wish fascism would hold up neatly within ONLY one specific group or party. It doesn't. For the power brokers it proposes change and powerful persuasion upon people; promises and proposals and pretexts.

    It [or shall I say the new incoming elite] proposes so, SO MUCH such as:

    Gone will be the nasty elite at the top [of course not] and wealth can be fully and justly distributed [a summary I admit - smile].

    You don't have to be in love with capitalism [warts and all] to see where we're heading. The softer glove of control ever-promises - who can argue?

    Oh. By the way I'm vaxxed! Um, er-eh does that mean I can come out and play... ... good to know I ain't one of them .ists, obes., repubs, anti-vaxxers or the like.... et al. Oh my!

    Now back to the Truck protest: This ain't gonna be popular, but IMO the protest MUST END. This weekend! Their points [valid IMO] have been made.

    Trudeau showed his elitist contempt [blame, name and defame - nothing really new there]. Now everyone knows what to do next election [if they didn't before]. The protest is starting to create economical fallouts across Canada and the US; particularly impacting blue collar workers! Supply chains are breaking where they were already stressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Well, as far as Liberalism equals fascism goes, Doug Ford is a big C Conservative Prime Minister, and he is the one proposing the crippling fines.

    I am not going to shed a tear for the antivax crowds.

    Are you vaccinated, Richard?
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-11-22 at 04:22 PM.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Nope,you know that,I am one of those cases that was actually still out working in the middle of it all maskless in superspreader situations and no shot but still alive,but fall into the proven category I am more likely to die from a heart attack then COVID.

    My only underlying condition was 45 years of smoking,so the results were 2 heart attacks in the 2 years,to the exact date,no shot no mask,why tempt fate.

    It does not make me an anti vaxer,if you feel it is necessary to get 50 shots,you are an adult and it is your choice and you have to do what you feel is best for you and yours,and I respect that.

    Well, if I had 45 years of smoking under my belt and a heart condition, I might pass on the vaccines, too.

    I know a number of people, among them my wife’s best friend at work, who didn’t get shots, and has to sit it out now because the company won’t let her work until the Covid season calms down. I wouldn’t dare tell her to get shots, none of my business. It may be the government’s business to act on public health measures, and companies follow suit. I’m happy not to get involved in telling people how to…

    On the one hand, I sympathize with people who protest peacefully, and are tired of the measures, the world over. On the other hand, there are a lot of kooks and naysayers and conspiracy agitators who profit from the situation in all kinds of ways. I mean, it can be highly profitable to people who seek attention, or get some go fund cause fuelled by despair, and impatience.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You do realize that you can now apply for your white privilege card online and due to the privacy act they cannot ask your race.

    You should get it,it gets you a 10% discount at the Waffle House and Motel 6.

    How do you even know that those right wing protesters do not identify as left wing Antifa maybe that’s why they get away with it,ever thought about that?
    ahhhh…..yes….just like the January 6 insurrection was actually a secret Antifa plot? Notwithstanding that everyone they’ve tracked down was a garden variety RWNJ?

    Come to think of it…..maybe you’re Antifa! Posting all this nonsense that makes the far right look crazy….

    In any case, I admit I lean toward anti-fascism instead of pro-fascism.
    Last edited by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast; February-11-22 at 04:47 PM.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    "We will also provide additional authority to consider taking away the personal and commercial licenses of anyone who doesn't comply with these orders," added Ford.

    There ya' go!

  21. #121


    Canadian judge grants injunction to remove blockade at Ambassador Bridge caused by truckers in 'Freedom Convoy' protest

    A Canadian judge has granted an injunction against COVID protestors who have choked off commercial traffic between the U.S. and Canada at the Ambassador Bridge for the fifth day, causing massive disruptions of traded goods between the two countries.

    Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz ordered demonstrators to clear access to the vital bridge starting at 7 p.m. Friday night.

    Authorities are expected to return to the Canadian court this evening to further discuss what the injunction will entail. At this time, it remains unclear when and if police will remove the protestors who have parked 18 wheelers across both lanes of traffic to and from the Ambassador Bridge....

    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer offered to send heavy equipment to help authorities remove the truckers to allow commercial traffic to resume immediately, [Windsor Mayor Drew] Dilkens said.
    Last edited by Jimaz; February-11-22 at 05:28 PM.

  22. #122


    Breaking News
    Canadian judge orders an end to blockade at border bridge
    By ROB GILLIES and MIKE HOUSEHOLDER 17 minutes ago

    WINDSOR, Ontario [[AP) — A judge on Friday ordered protesters at the Ambassador Bridge over the U.S.-Canadian border to end the 5-day-old blockade that has disrupted the flow of goods between the two countries and forced the auto industry on both sides to roll back production.


    How that will play out ... who knows.

  23. #123


    They should have been jailed the first day.

  24. #124


    And the Canadian Federal judge concurred. I think they have til 7 pm to get rolling.

  25. #125


    [\QUOTE=Zacha341;621698]Hah! This sounds tripped out [all of it]! Setting aside the specifics of the Canada trucking protest, it's not traditional liberals who tend towards fascism per se. It's the left. They make no bones about - asserting that alas this incoming version of governance will be [finally] at least more fair and equitable than what we're now under.

    I sure wish fascism would hold up neatly within ONLY one specific group or party. It doesn't. For the power brokers it proposes change and powerful persuasion upon people; promises and proposals and pretexts.

    It [or shall I say the new incoming elite] proposes so, SO MUCH such as:

    Gone will be the nasty elite at the top [of course not] and wealth can be fully and justly distributed [a summary I admit - smile].

    You don't have to be in love with capitalism [warts and all] to see where we're heading. The softer glove of control ever-promises - who can argue?

    Oh. By the way I'm vaxxed! Um, er-eh does that mean I can come out and play... ... good to know I ain't one of them .ists, obes., repubs, anti-vaxxers or the like.... et al. Oh my!

    Now back to the Truck protest: This ain't gonna be popular, but IMO the protest MUST END. This weekend! Their points [valid IMO] have been made.

    Trudeau showed his elitist contempt [blame, name and defame - nothing really new there]. Now everyone knows what to do next election [if they didn't before]. The protest is starting to create economical fallouts across Canada and the US; particularly impacting blue collar workers! Supply chains are breaking where they were already stressed.[/QUOTE]

    For the last year plants have been cutting production,sending people home because of the lack of chips,before that it was corona,did they all of the sudden find chips and now the truckers are to blame for shutting down production.

    The manufacturers despite all of that,are showing record profits,and new cars are commanding up to $10,000 over MSRP,there is no negotiating,this is the car,if you want it sign on the line,if not hit the bricks there are 5 more waiting next in line.

    All of this stuff is a dream made in heaven for these guys,do you really think they want to go back with more supply then demand.

    As far as I can tell nobody is blocking the rail lines and it is way cheaper to ship by rail then by truck.

    It’s become a world of blame,remember the port back ups that were causing the shortage,everybody posted photos of hundreds of ships in the port waiting.

    You know how they fixed that,they moved to ships over the horizon so you could not see them anymore,all of the sudden no more port shortages.

    Between the virus and supply chain,people are becoming billionaires overnight,they do not want it to end neither does the shareholders.

    Warren Buffets favorite repeated saying is,you make money when there is blood in the streets,we are in a recession 3/4 of those companies would be eating dirt with losses right now,the only thing propping up their stock right now,is the blood in the streets.

    In the last year for the average family the COL has increased by $267 per month,that takes the medium to lower income out of the purchasing game,you do not need fully stocked shelves and to be sitting on unsold inventory when over 1/2 the country is budget limited.

    If you ordered a shipping container full of goods,it was $5000 to have that container shipped,now $30,000 and your inventory was moving slow,would you eat the $30,000 or let it sit in the ship instead of losing double that in unsold merchandise.

    The problem is,during the pandemic it was rocking and rolling at numbers unheard of in decades,despite that,the manufacturers and supply chains kept up with production,right at the peak of the pandemic.

    Then the money flow slammed to a halt while the supply chain kept rolling like a train,everything was still in the pipeline,and everybody took a step back and re-evaluated their inventory,nobody wanted to get stuck with it .

    What you do when you have less buyers,you Jack up the cost to the ones left to make up for the losses.

    We saw this during the real estate market crashed,everybody cut costs and raised prices,it is just eaiser to do when you can point to somebody else and say - look it is their fault,they are the bad guy.
    Last edited by Richard; February-11-22 at 05:36 PM.

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