Michigan Central Restored and Opening

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  1. #851


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    At least he didn't close off the Southern border to stem the flow.
    How about those numbers in the mid 80's and 90's. Throw in 2019 too. Play the blame game all you want but every year has an influx. Nothing new here to see.
    Last edited by Maof; July-24-21 at 10:00 AM.

  2. #852


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    How about those numbers in the mid 80's and 90's. Throw in 2019 too. Play the blame game all you want but every year has an influx. Nothing new here to see.

    Pssst, your shoe is on the other foot now!
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; July-24-21 at 02:32 PM.

  3. #853


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^^ Richard... as per your usual posts... you just go off on different tangents muddling my initial post. All my post talks about is vaccinated people, hospital officials, and political officials anger with the non-vaxxers [regardless of affiliation]. That's what the gist of my post is all about. But you like to go off on tangents... and even your tangents go off on additional one. Most things you say, I would agree with...but it has nothing to do with my post. I honestly believe that people do ignore your long posts, because of it.
    If you were ignoring my posts you would not know what to say in a reply.

    If you look at things with straight line vision I can see how my posts confuse you and it may be difficult to follow along and connect the dots.

    When everybody else was locked down and before the shot was available,there were millions of your fellow Americans still working and providing core services in order to keep the country running.

    The message now is all of those workers should be dead by now because if you do not get the shot you will die.

    Lets look closer at your link and see exactly why the division and confusion exists.

    “White House press secretary Jen Psaki deflected a question about Ivey’s comments Friday, saying, “I don’t think our role is to place blame, but what we can do is provide accurate information to people who are not yet vaccinated about the risk they are incurring, not only on themselves, but also the people around them.”

    How exactly does the unvaccinated serve as a risk to those around them when even the vaccinated can catch and spread the virus?

    “President Biden railed at social media companies last week for their role in spreading misinformation about the vaccines’ benefits. “They’re killing people,” he said. “Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated.”

    He directed that at Facebook,personally I am on Facebook,mostly because of marketplace and have over 600 “friends” and can say at best there are 3 that even post anything remotely related to the virus,contrary to the narrative out there all 350 million in this country is not on social media absorbing every little thing and social media does not dictate our lives.

    “Public health experts say they’re grappling with an irony: Americans who are already vaccinated tend to treat the coronavirus threat more seriously than many of the unvaccinated — even though the delta variant is poised to tear through populations that lack protection.”

    But do those that have been vaccinated really treat the threat more seriously?

    9 months ago it was the lazy scumbags that go out in public without a mask do not care about others lives other wise they would wear a mask to prevent the spread,now the same folk are meandering about in public without a mask while knowing full well they are doing the exact same thing they chastised others for doing.

    Also while knowing full well that they also stand the risk of contracting the virus and dying albeit at the 5% rate.

    Now we are back full circle from where we started with the whole public shaming of individuals based on knowledge that is subject to change at any given notice.

    It does not help to wear a mask,you have to wear a mask,now you have to wear 2 masks,you do not have to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated,you should wear a mask even if you have been vaccinated because you can still catch and spread the virus.

    That is not social media spreading conflicting information,that is not Richard spreading conflicting information,that is the people that are supposed to know what they are doing spreading conflicting information then blaming everybody else.

    Always looking to pass the buck to save face no matter what the cost.

    Do they say,hey we do not have a clue because this is new it will take time to figure it out so let’s work together and deal with it,no,from the start it was look to point fingers and place blame on everybody else,find that evil little group that we can direct attention to away from us.

    It’s our elected officials that from the start that created this snowball of dis information and it is thier job to fix that part without creating villains and continuing the path of dividing people.

    It has not stopped.

    The whole do this or you are going to die thing is meaningless banter and not a productive approach just as the whole you are a scum bag if you do not do this.

    If everybody was so all consumed by all of this,like they lead us to believe,they would not be out buying up everything on the shelf.

    Now we are at the point of ,get the shot or we will destroy your career, publicly humiliate you and do our best to ban you from society.

    Next it will be required to paint a large U on your business or wear a U on your shirt so the undesirables will be easily identified as threats to the human race.

    I do not know what is worse,that readily excepted mind set or dying from the virus.

    If the public was all consumed by this,they would not be out living life like they are,people have moved on,are making their choices but yet there are those still looking for excuses in order to remove those from society that they fo not agree with.

    350 million individuals in this country,no way everybody is going to get the shot.

    Polls said 48% said they would before the vaccine was available,we are at 68% which is surpassing expectations in the first place,without the fire sale.

    Case and mortality rate in the United States corona virus

    1.8 % 186.06 per 100,000


    Car accident death rate per 100,000

    The current rate is 11.9 per 100,000


    1.8% 186.06
    Last edited by Richard; July-24-21 at 06:54 PM.

  4. #854


    We've been hearing so much about the Delta variant lately that I was wondering if the thing had stopped mutating. Apparently not. This article says we're up to Lambda now. That's nine variants.

    Gamma, delta, lambda – here’s your guide to the Greek alphabet of the COVID-19 variants

  5. #855


    ^ Yes. And yet with the exigency and caution that all of this more than suggests, our borders remain open: with individuals flowing in unvaccinated -- not all tracked or traced for such!

    I'll not be surprised if Canada postpones their proposed re-opening to even those vaccinated early July. Without apology.

  6. #856


    ^ Zacha, the case count of Covid via illegal immigrants coming into the USA is small potatoes compared to what is happening throughout the south [and also now nationwide]. Florida alone has more daily new Covid cases than all of Central America combined [and only a small fraction of Central Americans are making it to the USA].

    The Delta variant [with 1000 times the number of virus counts per individual as the Alpha variant] is increasing exponentially. We are headed back to the huge Covid counts of last March and April.

    Louisiana doctor says 'exponential' surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations 'isn't a controllable thing at this point' [[msn.com)

    The Mayo Clinic is forecasting 83,000 new daily cases in Florida alone by August 9.


    Those of us who are vaccinated and in good health, aren't in imminent danger of contracting it... but it may mean going back to mask wearing and social distancing of the past year... but without the fear factor.

    Many vaccinated people are becoming very angry with those who choose not to be vaccinated.


    We are up Schitt's Creek....

  7. #857


    Not only does Central America have relatively little coronavirus in circulation, there have been relatively few cases of the Delta variant in all of Latin America. The vast majority of COVID-19 cases in the US today are the Delta variant. The only two places in Latin America where the Delta variant is a major problem are in Mexico, and only recently: Cancun and Baja California -- their most popular tourist destinations, especially among Americans.

    Careless Americans are the ones spreading it, not just to other careless Americans, but they're the ones carrying it over our Southern border to Mexicans -- no matter how much they may want to blame it on "others." Meanwhile we throw away vast quantities of vaccines every day.

    Covid Explodes in Cancun, Los Cabos as New Wave Hits Mexico
    Last edited by bust; July-29-21 at 06:08 AM.

  8. #858

  9. #859


    The Anti-Vaxxers in Missouri Are So Deranged That People Are Getting COVID Shots in Disguise

    Back in May, Joe Biden set a goal of having 70% of adults in the U.S. vaccinated by early July, a target that was not met thanks to the millions of Americans who’ve decided that stopping the virus is someone else’s problem. Whether it’s because they’ve been spending too much time watching Fox News, think listening to Biden is an affront to Donald Trump, or still believe COVID-19 is a hoax, these people, largely Republicans, would seemingly rather the coronavirus claim more lives than get inoculated. And apparently they’ve become so stridently batshit in their views that the people in their lives who’ve decided to listen to science have resorted to getting vaccinated in secret for fear of provoking their wrath.

    On Wednesday, CNN reported that Missouri physician Priscilla Frase said she’s heard that some people who come in to get their shots beg their injector to keep it a secret, and they go so far as to literally don disguises so as not to be found out by the anti-vaxxers in their lives.
    This is how cults operate.

  10. #860


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^ Zacha, the case count of Covid via illegal immigrants coming into the USA is small potatoes compared to what is happening throughout the south [and also now nationwide]. Florida alone has more daily new Covid cases than all of Central America combined [and only a small fraction of Central Americans are making it to the USA].

    The Delta variant [with 1000 times the number of virus counts per individual as the Alpha variant] is increasing exponentially. We are headed back to the huge Covid counts of last March and April.

    Louisiana doctor says 'exponential' surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations 'isn't a controllable thing at this point' [[msn.com)

    The Mayo Clinic is forecasting 83,000 new daily cases in Florida alone by August 9.


    Those of us who are vaccinated and in good health, aren't in imminent danger of contracting it... but it may mean going back to mask wearing and social distancing of the past year... but without the fear factor.

    Many vaccinated people are becoming very angry with those who choose not to be vaccinated.


    We are up Schitt's Creek....
    The Mayo Clinic also says here to get a flu shot if you are not going to get the corona virus vaccination.

    Well heck,if that’s all you had to do in the first place.


    Not for nothing but my mother died at age 57 because the Mayo Clinic could not be bothered to do a simple 10 minute dye test for a leaky aorta,she lost 3 pints of blood internally and they said,well we cannot find where it came out of so go home and come back next week after goveing her 3 more pints,she stood up to get dressed to go home and it burst and that was it.

    So to me anyways,what they say is irrelevant.

    We already passed the expectations at 99,000 cases,with a population of 25 million,what’s that math?

    Those are confirmed cases vaccinated or not,they always seem to provide information that is not complete.

    They refer to Hillsborough country,where I live,as showing the highest amount of cases,what they do not say is,Hillsborough county is the largest county in the state with the highest population,so it stands to reason there will be higher case numbers.

    60% of the state is vaccinated with a majority of those being vaccinated as elderly,as they are the most vulnerable, and first in line to receive the shot if they wished.

    People that have received the shot can get as angry as they want at the unvaccinated,they are running around not taking precautions and spreading it after chastising and trying to dehumanize others for the same exact thing.

    They print positive cases,if somebody got the shot and tested positive they are counted as a case just as somebody that did not receive the shot,we will not even go into how many companies were ordered to shut down after producing test kits that provided false positives.

    The top people are stopping short of a mandate because they cannot,but they are stopping inches away from requiring people to brand a U on their forehead so the rest of the public can avoid them.Nice way to keep the population divided.

    Then there is the lip service of offering $100 to get vaccinated,in our state Anyways,he does not have the power to disperse the funds,it’s the state legislature that does that and they have already finished the yearly budget and closed the books,they cannot retroactively go back and redo it to allow for the sending the funds out.

    Besides it is the government,it would cost them $200 to give out the $100.Who coughs up the other $100.

    The $100 is an insult,they paid people up to $15,000 to stay at home so they would not get the virus while others went to work and did not get a dime for their role.

    It’s free money so if they upped it to $25,000 then yea okay maybe it would work.

    Heck they pay $125 to spend 30 minutes giving plasma without having to get a shot.

    The sky is not falling,we are not all going to die tomorrow,the sun is shining and if the majority of the public that has received the shot is so pissed off at the non shot people,they sure would not be out spending up a rainstorm of cash without a care in the world as they are.

    How come it was okay for them to fly from Austin to Washington and be super-spreaders and infect Washington in the process.

    people like to dictate while exempting themselves from the process.

    There is another variant creeping up that they are now calling the Columbia variant,seems kinda racist against Columbians to say that.

    Then there are us weirdos in the group that is explained here.

    While the latest research suggests that antibodies against Covid-19 could be lost in just three months, a new hope has appeared on the horizon: the enigmatic T cell.

    Last edited by Richard; July-30-21 at 07:30 AM.

  11. #861


    Geeze Richard... you do turn rambling into an artform... carry on...

  12. #862


    Las Vegas casino worker and father of 5 dies from COVID-19, texts fiancée: 'I should have gotten the damn vaccine'
    Doctors are flagging the very real dangers of vaccine hesitancy, with one Arkansas doctor delivering an emotional plea that described the "regret and remorse" on the faces of patients dying with COVID-19, Insider's Mia Jankowicz reported.

  13. #863


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Geeze Richard... you do turn rambling into an artform... carry on...
    Blame Steve Bannon.
    His proven strategy is to "flood the zone with shit" so relentlessly facts seem uncertain enough to cover our biases want to deny them.
    "Richard" are our Bannon.
    Last edited by bust; July-31-21 at 01:38 AM.

  14. #864


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Geeze Richard... you do turn rambling into an artform... carry on...
    If you were looking for a a second hobby,I would suggest 1/4 mile drag racing,you seem to be comfortable looking straight ahead.

    I posted a link that showed you an example of the flip flopping of information that occurs daily,from so called experts that are dealing with a new virus that is subject to change from day to day.

    And you flipped it around to me.

    Remember when you personally made a funny about going into a store and fake coughing in order to provide self amusement towards those not wearing a mask?

    After receiving the shot are you now going out in public without wearing a mask in order to protect others?

    I would understand in the beginning because they did say if you got the shot you did not need to wear a mask,but now interesting enough they are implementing mask mandates again,vaccinated or not.

    There seems to be a lot of flipping back and forth with different ways of dealing with this,which is understandable because it is a new learning experience for the medical community and things are subject to change as new information from additional research comes to light.

    What not understandable is why would a person,knowing full well that information is subject to change,go out of their way to attempt to degrade or belittle somebody based on incomplete studies?

    Because when the facts do change a week later,it is you that has the egg on your face,not me.

    You received the M shot,it’s effectiveness lasts 90 days before it starts to deteriorate,do you know for a fact what level of protection you are at now?

    If the objective for wearing a mask is to prevent the spread,why did they tell you,while knowing full well that you can still spread and catch the virus,that you did not need to wear the mask?

    You would think that before lifting mask mandates,vaccinated or not,they would have played it by ear first verses the practice of mask mandates and lockdowns,then all of the sudden releasing the public out by the millions under the false impression that they were protected.

    Which in turn caused the virus to spread again.

    Faluci reasoning for saying in the beginning that masks do nothing to protect you was because it was first hitting and they were short on PPE and needed to divert the supplies to where they were needed and not to the general public.

    So you were told something that was not really in your best interests and something that could ultimately kill you because it served a different purpose at the time.

    Same thing with the tests,how many people had their lives put in a traumatic situation over a test that provided a false positive?

    Now even while knowing full well from experience,they want to take that a step further and remove people from society based on a test that does not have a very good track record.

    If they say today 10 people tested positive,we have an outbreak,how come they do not come back and say,well 1/2 of those were false positives so lets deduct that from the total number of cases.

    Lucky for me and if you had actually read the links I provided,there are a percentage of us that are actually immune to the thing,they say up to 60% of the population could fall into that category.

    That is not me saying that,that is your experts saying that as new information comes out.

    I am guessing that you never took the time to find out if you were actually immune to the thing in the first place,some perfer the agent Orange approach while others perfer to find out exactly where they stand.

    They knew back in 2020 that there were people immune to the thing but it goes back to they never wanted to find out exactly who the most vulnerable were outside of 65 and older and those with underlying conditions,they already knew that 1500 years ago.

    How come while on lock down they did not take the opportunity to find out exactly who was going to be effected so they could figure out how to deal with it,they just told 350,000,000 people in this country,do this or you will die.

    Step 1 find out who the most vulnerable is,protect them
    Step 2 find out who is actually immune to the virus and eliminate them from the equation.
    Step 3 protect the remaining population with a vaccination.

    They never tested people in order to completely assess the situation they just blanketed everybody into a overwhelming situation instead of taking it under control.

    They tested people to see if they had the virus but they never tested people to see if they were going to be effected by it in the first place.

    My guess,Gistok,is you never took the step of being tested personally to see if you actually needed to stress about a shot or mask in the first place.

    You guys say follow the science,but it has been followed by gut reaction and fear and they only listen to the science that they choose to.

    I am not some genius,I just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time when it all started going down,sitting in the hospital with a heart attack,I saw what was already happening overseas,so I asked the doctor to tell me about my personal immune system.

    I can fight off the virus with little effect,but if I eat an orange or drink anything with heavy Vit C the next day I will have a full blown knock out cold.

    Go figure,but everybody’s system is different and you do not know until you personally find out.

    I am not posting fake,false or misleading information and certainly not following media personalities that you guys seem to be tuned into in order to accuse others of.

    I take the time to do my own research,all of it,and base my personal choices on that,because at the end of the day it is me that I am liable for and personally responsible for.

    I guess it boils down to what one prefers,either stress about a shot,if it is effective and for how long and how many future variants it protects me from or start by finding out if the shot is even necessary in the first place.

    I am not going to live in fear over a virus,because somebody told me to,I am going to find out if the threat exists to me in the first place.

    Apparently there are some that do not approve of that approach,which begs to question,why?

    Now the rambling part starts,feel free to disregard.

    You know what the scary part in all of this is,our government could very well have been involved in the discovery and manufacturing of this virus,a virus that shut down the world in a matter of months.

    Not only is that thought process totally illegal but they partnered with our worst adversary in order to do it.

    Everything is not always black and white and there are people in the world that are pretty nefarious.

    They have learned a lot of lessons through this,the question is have we?

    Are we going to be active in being proactive towards future virus that may pop up intentionally or not ?

    The problem with this country has always been reactionary and then because of its size we are a slow moving slug.

    The rapid response comes from within our states that are then backed up by the even slower moving slug of the federal government.

    If we don’t remain vigilant we will see this again if not worse,if we cannot react to the threat in a timely manner,we will be the ones at fault,we need to change that.

    We said 9-11 never forget ,but we did didn’t we,and once again we are reminded of the consequences,I wonder if we are ever really going to learn.
    Last edited by Richard; July-31-21 at 05:21 AM.

  15. #865


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The Mayo Clinic also says here to get a flu shot if you are not going to get the corona virus vaccination.

    Well heck,if that’s all you had to do in the first place.


    Not for nothing but my mother died at age 57 because the Mayo Clinic could not be bothered to do a simple 10 minute dye test for a leaky aorta,she lost 3 pints of blood internally and they said,well we cannot find where it came out of so go home and come back next week after goveing her 3 more pints,she stood up to get dressed to go home and it burst and that was it.

    So to me anyways,what they say is irrelevant.

    Richard, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your
    mother at Mayo Clinic at such a young age. You
    seem to have a justifiable distrust of the medical
    establishment based on that experience.

  16. #866


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    Richard, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your
    mother at Mayo Clinic at such a young age. You
    seem to have a justifiable distrust of the medical
    establishment based on that experience.
    I too feel badly for what Richard's mother went thru...

    But to use that personal [and regrettable] scenario as a pretext to have a mistrust in general of the medical establishment... borders on the illogical.

    My grandmother passed away at Detroit's large St. John Hospital many years ago, and my aunt blamed the hospital for her death. Many years later both my parents went to St. John's for their health care, and got wonderful treatment from them while they were alive.

    Emotions should not be a factor discrediting institutions. That same aunt that blamed St. John, she herself later in life went to the Mayo Clinic many times for some of her health issues, and she made it to the ripe old age of 93.

  17. #867


    Well there is this set of old cultural norms of hierarchy of
    authority that Roman Catholic people older than myself
    grew up with, back in the era when most stores were closed
    on Sundays, most went to church, and afterwards one dined
    at home mostly rather than getting takeout. McDonald's
    did not exist let alone be open Sunday nights.

    One did not much question the actions and pronouncements of
    priests, doctors, head nurses and so forth. In turn, however,
    theirs was something of a holy mission to ensure the best
    and most attentive care for each parishioner or patient.

    There are still many health care practitioners who are like
    this. At the same time however there are various trends to
    make this ideal no longer be the case.

    For one thing, in many situations, health care practitioners
    are overworked. There was a recent thread elsewhere [not
    in DetroitYes] on lengthy wait times within one Beaumont ER
    this summer. This has not personally affected me but I did one
    time, maybe in about 2013, go to that ER before it became a
    Beaumont facility.

    I had fought with a scrapper on my block and got a busted
    knuckle for my house saving effort. I wanted it X-rayed, but
    no, the wait at that ER was hours and hours long. The knuckle
    was going to heal up and I was going to come down with the
    flu while I waited overnight there. Aspirin, ice, rest - once
    back home, it did get better. That house was saved. I know
    the story does not always end so well.

    That other thread about the Beaumont ER had the peanut
    gallery singing in unison about the overlong waits there
    complete with recommendations on where else one could
    go in the event an ER were needed.

    I sincerely believe that this ER would be a bad place to
    go for a life-threatening condition no matter how spiritually
    oriented the staff there may be.

    Much of medicine is orders of magnitude better than it
    once was decades ago. At the same time, just to begin
    to access better care, one needs something like a good
    education, a primary care physician, and a certain
    assertiveness about the care and procedures one may
    need, as Serena Williams witnessed.


    One needs a certain savvy about ER chances and whether
    doctors and nurses are understanding their situations; again,
    if they are working too much they won't understand so well.
    Last edited by Dumpling; July-31-21 at 12:47 PM.

  18. #868



    This is a too long a post so for those without Facebook I will copy the first two paragraphs. This pediatric doctor warns of us of pediatric wards already filling up with Covid and other respiratory cases associated with Delta. She warns of potential school opening problems.

    "We are officially back to getting crushed by COVID, and for pediatricians this wave feels *worse* in many ways. And as a pediatric hospitalist who has been a front-line COVID doctor for the entire pandemic, I’m going to share what I’ve seen the last 8 days on service at a busy children’s hospital.

    After many months of zero or few pediatric COVID cases, we are seeing infants, children, and teens with COVID pouring back into the hospital, more and more each day. These patients ranged in age from 2 weeks old to 17 years. COVID admissions in our medical center are up 500% and currently 80% of cases in our hospital are due to the highly contagious Delta variant. I worry that the Delta variant, in addition to being more contagious, *may* also be more virulent in children. This time around I’m seeing more COVID pneumonia in younger children requiring respiratory support with oxygen, high-flow, BiPAP, or intubation [[previously was seeing COVID pneumonia mainly in tweens and up, now seeing in neonates to preschoolers in addition to the older kids/teens. Yes, even neonates as young as 2 weeks with acute respiratory failure from COVID!" - Heather Haq

  19. #869


    Dr. HH quote: "viruses are not manmade but our situation is
    manmade through stubborn humans refusing to get vaccinated
    or wear masks"

    Dr. HH is a pediatrician based in Texas.

    This is also true: we have had MUCH less of a coronavirus
    crisis so far because of people getting vaccinated, social
    distancing, and wearing masks.

    I was in a couple of large stores shopping up before going
    on vacation. The majority of shoppers, a large proportion
    of whom appeared like myself to be older than fifty, were
    not wearing masks. I don't know that it makes all that
    much of a difference because the delta variant is far more
    aerosolized than the original SARS-COV-2 strain and most
    if not all masks would not prevent breathing in some
    aerosolized virus particles. There were notices on the
    entrances requesting people to wear masks in the stores.

    Here in Michigan, maybe that means that we are hopeful
    that our vaccination rate, a bit less than that of Florida,
    together with taking excellent care of our immune health,
    and being forever young, and promptly getting tested
    and quarantining if the case rate starts to go up,
    will keep morbidity and mortality to a minimum.

    Also all of our steakhouses are overrun. Everyone may be
    there for pre-voluntary-quarantine staycation dinners and
    family celebrations. In any case vaccinations have been
    available for months now for anyone concerned about
    this virus. So it's all good now, good to be out and about
    and socializing, and there's much less dread factor.
    Last edited by Dumpling; August-01-21 at 10:53 AM.

  20. #870


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    Dr. HH quote: "viruses are not manmade but our situation is
    manmade through stubborn humans refusing to get vaccinated
    or wear masks"

    Dr. HH is a pediatrician based in Texas.

    This is also true: we have had MUCH less of a coronavirus
    crisis so far because of people getting vaccinated, social
    distancing, and wearing masks.

    I was in a couple of large stores shopping up before going
    on vacation. The majority of shoppers, a large proportion
    of whom appeared like myself to be older than fifty, were
    not wearing masks. I don't know that it makes all that
    much of a difference because the delta variant is far more
    aerosolized than the original SARS-COV-2 strain and most
    if not all masks would not prevent breathing in some
    aerosolized virus particles. There were notices on the
    entrances requesting people to wear masks in the stores.

    Here in Michigan, maybe that means that we are hopeful
    that our vaccination rate, a bit less than that of Florida,
    together with taking excellent care of our immune health,
    and being forever young, and promptly getting tested
    and quarantining if the case rate starts to go up,
    will keep morbidity and mortality to a minimum.

    Also all of our steakhouses are overrun. Everyone may be
    there for pre-voluntary-quarantine staycation dinners and
    family celebrations. In any case vaccinations have been
    available for months now for anyone concerned about
    this virus. So it's all good now, good to be out and about
    and socializing, and there's much less dread factor.

    I doubt it. This virus does appear to be man-made. The fact that we're told that it's constantly "mutating", makes me wonder if it's not being manipulated by someone. The confusing part is reading that the current vaccine and masks may be ineffective against the new "mutations". If we're so protective against infection and spread, why aren't our borders being closed, since the highest concentration of mutation seems to be South of us? Why were we told it's OK to go masters as long as you've been vaccinated? Questions, questions, and just like with the original Covid, no concrete answers. FYI, I've had both Moderna vaccinations months ago.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; August-01-21 at 12:26 PM.

  21. #871


    The flu virus mutates every year; it's what virii do. They change to remain alive. That is why there is a new flu vaccine yearly. It's called "a different strain" or "a new strain". It's not being manipulated by Bill Gates and his magic "chip" contained in the vaccine
    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    I doubt it. This virus does appear to be man-made. The fact that we're told that it's constantly "mutating", makes me wonder if it's not being manipulated by someone. ..
    Last edited by jcole; August-01-21 at 12:35 PM.

  22. #872


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    The flu virus mutates every year; it's what virii do. They change to remain alive. That is why there is a new flu vaccine yearly. It's called "a different strain" or "a new strain". It's not being manipulated by Bill Gates and his magic "chip" contained in the vaccine

    Yeah, Bill Gates. Thank you for that bit of mass media humor. I was thinking more along the lines of the Wuhan lab.

  23. #873


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    The flu virus mutates every year; it's what virii do. They change to remain alive. That is why there is a new flu vaccine yearly. It's called "a different strain" or "a new strain". It's not being manipulated by Bill Gates and his magic "chip" contained in the vaccine
    JCole, I believe you, rather than those who think that the
    viruses are being manufactured in some lab as though they
    are chips in a factory.

    This is because there is the science behind the DNA and RNA
    testing which does have a forensic aspect to it. Researchers
    with the proper equipment and resources can very often, though
    not always, pick out when and where a mutation took place.
    A particular "patient zero" for some mutation, that occurred in
    a specific place at a specific time, can sometimes identified
    along with persons who contracted the virus from "patient zero"
    and perhaps passed the virus on to others.

    One instance is where someone was trying to cheer up
    patients in a California hospital by wearing an inflated
    costume that blew COVID-19 all over the ward as it


    There are large databases of SARS-COV-2 sequences complete
    with mutations.


    This is a boring read because it just keeps track of mutations
    and the geographic locations where they were seen. It has
    all the thrill of going through the sales invoices for the month.
    But if you study it carefully, and think carefully about what is
    there, it is very hard to pick out when there might be an evil
    SARS-COV-2 laboratory generating new forms of COVID-19.
    It will be more like, the Christmas Tree COVID-19 variant was
    sequenced, and such and so mutations were found, and these
    probably will match closely with mutations for patients that
    were admitted to that hospital a month earlier.

    The preprint literature is full of hypotheses of what
    various mutations might be doing in order to infect
    people and spread more rapidly.

    You can post whatever stuff you want to that should get past
    the mods.
    Last edited by Dumpling; August-01-21 at 01:56 PM.

  24. #874


    People who need medical oxygen should try to lay in a stock
    of it, do this tomorrow first thing, maybe a month's worth.
    That's because cases in Florida have skyrocketed in the last
    two weeks. Most of the rest of the states will soon follow.
    However many cases per day there had been in a peak before,
    there will probably soon be FOUR TIMES that number within
    the month in that state. This is what has been seen elsewhere.

    We are not so special that it can't happen here. The odds are
    better than even it WILL happen here. I would feel somewhat
    less certain about this if everyone at the stores were masked up
    but there were just a few of us wearing them in there looking like

    Michigan, which is less vaccinated than Florida, is going to
    to be last in line for oxygen, since most of the other states will
    peak earlier. We do use oxygen to run the decks here at the
    WWTP but it would require a court order to reallocate this
    oxygen away from the WWTP if needed - not sure Governor
    Whitmer has the capability - OR entities in all of the badly
    hit states will outbid GLWA for the oxygen [should not be
    difficult]. It is supplier provided. We no longer make our
    own oxygen on site.

    I will be on vacation letting this world turn without me.
    People needing oxygen to live should have priority over
    running the plant optimally but I'm not in a place to make the
    necessary supply line changes.
    Last edited by Dumpling; August-01-21 at 02:33 PM.

  25. #875


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    You can post whatever stuff you want to that should get past
    the mods.

    Why thank you Dumpling, and you as well.

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