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  1. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    And the purge of the Republicans begins...

    They need to get rid of them,they sat by for the last 4 years not holding the democrats to the same standards,that they were imposing on others.

    That is why we have been bogged down with democrat engineered conspiracy theories,useing goverment agencies to go after political opponents and encouraged the use of violent radical groups to burn down cities in order to implement policy.

    If they are willing to just stand by and not hold those responsible,then they need to go.

    Its appalling that the democrat party feels like it is perfectly okay to use government agencies to go after the opposition in retaliation,then they have the gull to reference Trump to Hitler,when they are the ones using the same tactics.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-21 at 11:24 AM.

  2. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    It is here along with where the doses ended up.
    I can't open up the article. Please print out the relevant parts of the article and its date. All of my information is correct. and I could dig out the articles supporting them if you can't. Trump purchased 200M vaccines in two different purchases. That's enough for two doses for 100M people. Biden purchased an additional 50M doses from Pfizer for an other 25M people. Altogether, Trump purchased enough full dose vaccinations for 300M people. Biden purchased enough for an additional 50M people. However, I do have an update on Biden' showboating.

    Allow me to copy two paragraphs from the government article-

    The Trump Administration, through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [[HHS) and Department of Defense [[DOD), will purchase an additional 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer. 12/23/21

    The additional doses ordered today provide for a seamless transition from the first 100 million doses contracted earlier this year. This represents successful implementation of the U.S. government’s overall strategy to ensure continued availability of safe and effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccines to Americans. This strategy began in spring 2020 with Operation Warp Speed [[OWS) planning and has been consistent in all initial OWS contracts and agreements with industry partners supporting large scale manufacturing of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.
    Today’s agreement also includes options for an additional 400 Million doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Biden was just lucky that Trump included that last provision so he could order that extra 50M vaccinations and act like he had saved the day.

    Biden first promised to deliver promised to get 1M Americans and illegal aliens vaccinated per day. When his administration realized 900,000 vaccinations were already being given per day, Biden immediately declared that he would deliver 1.5 vaccinations a day. Well, for the last seven days, there have been an average of 1.67M vaccinations per day. Now Joe Biden will have to come up with some other number. The reality is that the limiting factor is the number of vaccines being produced. It doesn't matter if he sends FEMA and the army to give vaccinations at more places, at least regarding how many are vaccinated. More distribution centers, at this point just means that each vaccination site will just receive fewer doses of vaccine every week. If Joe wants to up the supply, he should lean on the FDA to allow J&J to distribute its Trump purchased 100M vaccines which are being distributed in at least South Africa already. The extra vaccination centers will be helpful once J&J is allowed to distribute its vaccinations.

    Where I am, the hospitals that have been giving free vaccines to everyone have had to cut reschedule appointments because their weekly supply has decreased as Walgreens and a couple of government centers opened up. I come across comment threads of people who are frustrated with their hospitals and are putting their names in at all the Walgreens within 40 miles. In other words, Biden's distribution is causing mayhem at this early stage.

  3. #128


    While Oladub, Richard and Wheels are keeping track of comparisons of who got the most doses for us, and that we should make sure that no illegal aliens [[not even their spawn in cages) get them. You're all splitting hairs when it comes to who did what... people really don't give a rats ass about all that. All they want to do is get their vaccines. Except of course for a large number of MAGA folks who will not get a shot under any condition, because they've been brainwashed over the years to not get shots [[those damn implants from Bill Gates will keep track of them...).

    We've already lost 450,000 lives because the orange one lied to us, didn't promote social distancing and was too focused on a supposed "stolen election" to bother with getting the incoming Biden administration up to speed so they could start by "hitting the ground running" on Jan. 20. No, that orange turd just didn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself.

    So all of your silly "who did what when" in criticizing Biden is just more Covid politics, for something that should never have been political to begin with.

  4. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    While Oladub, Richard and Wheels are keeping track of comparisons of who got the most doses for us, and that we should make sure that no illegal aliens [[not even their spawn in cages) get them. You're all splitting hairs when it comes to who did what... people really don't give a rats ass about all that. All they want to do is get their vaccines. Except of course for a large number of MAGA folks who will not get a shot under any condition, because they've been brainwashed over the years to not get shots [[those damn implants from Bill Gates will keep track of them...).

    We've already lost 450,000 lives because the orange one lied to us, didn't promote social distancing and was too focused on a supposed "stolen election" to bother with getting the incoming Biden administration up to speed so they could start by "hitting the ground running" on Jan. 20. No, that orange turd just didn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself.

    So all of your silly "who did what when" in criticizing Biden is just more Covid politics, for something that should never have been political to begin with.
    Trump ordered the most vaccines for us. It wasn't close. Don't pretend that Fauci wasn't up on what was happening and available. Democrats were too busy with impeachments.

    I'm for giving vaccinations to everyone including illegal aliens since they are protected by Democrats and Chamber of Commerce Republicans for votes and cheap labor and we are stuck with them. However, if there are, pick a number, 11 or 22 million illegal aliens here, that means that we have to buy them vaccines and stand in line behind them. Some Americans will die because they had to wait longer for their vaccinations. We all pick our sides. I support Americans.

    We've had 501,000 lives lost starting with whatever happened in China. I think over 50,000 of those lives were under Biden but the U.S. is way ahead the E.U and Canada in delivering vaccines. Oh, but the Democrats were busy trying to impeach Trump again. NJ, NY, MA, RI, MS, CT in order still lead the US in deaths per capita by the way. That must be difficult to explain for Democrats. Only one isn't a deep blue state. Hey, I've got an idea. Pass Biden's 1.9T porkulus Covid bill. Its mostly pork. NY state will, for instance, get $50B from poorer states. That doesn't transfer money from the rich to the poor. It transfers wealth from poorer states to a richer state. It probably wasn't a good idea for Cuomo to be lying about how many died in NY nursing homes but lets reward him anyway. If we are lucky, some money will actually get through to deal with the virus. Send the bill to our kids. You can tell Biden its not political because he was blaming Trump the other day in Milwaukee for the vaccine rollout which far surpassed those of the E.U. and Canada.

  5. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    While Oladub, Richard and Wheels are keeping track of comparisons of who got the most doses for us, and that we should make sure that no illegal aliens [[not even their spawn in cages) get them. You're all splitting hairs when it comes to who did what... people really don't give a rats ass about all that. All they want to do is get their vaccines. Except of course for a large number of MAGA folks who will not get a shot under any condition, because they've been brainwashed over the years to not get shots [[those damn implants from Bill Gates will keep track of them...).

    We've already lost 450,000 lives because the orange one lied to us, didn't promote social distancing and was too focused on a supposed "stolen election" to bother with getting the incoming Biden administration up to speed so they could start by "hitting the ground running" on Jan. 20. No, that orange turd just didn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself.

    So all of your silly "who did what when" in criticizing Biden is just more Covid politics, for something that should never have been political to begin with.
    That right there,is some straight up convoluted logic being used.

    Or in plain English,Trump supporters are the only ones in the world that would not be taking the vaccine,has got to be one of the most convoluted arguments I have ever heard in my 300 years on this planet.

    How do you not know grandpa smurf is not giving you shots of blue windex?

    I notice instead of admitting you were wrong,you diverted the discussion to the somewhat worn out argument that at the end of the day,Trump and his supporters are the demise of the world.

    You probably would of been better off just saying Trump supporters are racist because they did not take the shot.

    Like you even have a clue about who takes the shot or who does not.

    You probably said the same thing about asbestos.Grandpa smurf said it was good for you,so go eat some.

    Next thing you know,you will be claiming Trump colluded with the Russians in order to win the 2020 election,or parroting it was the most secure election in the history of the country,or 17 intelligence agencies,or 60 courts determined the results.

    Given your track record of supporting things that ended up being proven wrong,are you really in a position to be whining or judging Trump supporters?

    Seems kinda crazy to me to be that desperate in order to let somebody inject something into you when you really have no clue about what the long term effects are, just as those who produced it do not.

    Just remember Trump saved you from certain death from the corona virus,when when everybody else said it was impossible.

    As much as it hurts, it is a fact.

    My guess is if you wake up with a third nut after taking the shot,you will be blaming Trump because he rushed a vaccine threw with no long term testing.

    Remember when they told the African Americans that the shot they were giving them was to prevent sexually transmitted diseases,but were really sterilization shots?

    You do not know what they stuck in you ,do you,only what they told you.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-21 at 06:48 PM.

  6. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    While Oladub, Richard and Wheels are keeping track...
    Gistok: Richard has come out of the closet as a Putin-bot. We just don't know yet if he works out of Moscow, Nur-Sultan, Pyongyang, Beijing, Goat Poontang, or elsewhere.

    In the meantime, I go with the assumption that oladub and Wheels are actual American persons, not enemy hatred-bots.

  7. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Gistok: Richard has come out of the closet as a Putin-bot. We just don't know yet if he works out of Moscow, Nur-Sultan, Pyongyang, Beijing, Goat Poontang, or elsewhere.

    In the meantime, I go with the assumption that oladub and Wheels are actual American persons, not enemy hatred-bots.
    my guess is you actually believe you are the first person to come up with those tired lines,instead of actually addressing the issues,outside of everybody eating their pets as a groundbreaking solution.

    You know what they say about assumptions.

    You are beginning to sound like the other one that thinks they are a woman’s chest.

    But then again convoluted logic seems to be running in a blue river,so no surprise there.

    Talking about a party of violence,how many took to the streets burning cities after your party members encouraged them while inciting violence?

    Last edited by Richard; February-17-21 at 08:19 PM.

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You know what they say about assumptions.
    Goat Poontang price 10,043 KZT only on Saturday?
    Last edited by Henry Whalley; February-17-21 at 08:25 PM.

  9. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    While Oladub, Richard and Wheels are keeping track of comparisons of who got the most doses for us, and that we should make sure that no illegal aliens [[not even their spawn in cages) get them. You're all splitting hairs when it comes to who did what... people really don't give a rats ass about all that. All they want to do is get their vaccines. Except of course for a large number of MAGA folks who will not get a shot under any condition, because they've been brainwashed over the years to not get shots [[those damn implants from Bill Gates will keep track of them...).

    We've already lost 450,000 lives because the orange one lied to us, didn't promote social distancing and was too focused on a supposed "stolen election" to bother with getting the incoming Biden administration up to speed so they could start by "hitting the ground running" on Jan. 20. No, that orange turd just didn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself.

    So all of your silly "who did what when" in criticizing Biden is just more Covid politics, for something that should never have been political to begin with.

    That kettle is really black.

  10. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    ....you've already accomplished everything required at the S.O.S. office. That's how you got the voting card to begin with. It's not your picture...it's your signature on the card. If it's your pic, then put the damn thing on the card to begin with !
    Great point.

    Is there anyone who disagrees with the idea of including a voter's photo on their voter registration card? Democrat or republican?

    If so, please explain why.

    I can think of no good reason.

  11. #136


    For one, if you register to vote when you're 18 and never move or change your name, that picture is going to look mighty young in a while. I lived in one house for over 30 yrs and never had to change my voter's registration.
    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Great point.

    Is there anyone who disagrees with the idea of including a voter's photo on their voter registration card? Democrat or republican?

    If so, please explain why.

    I can think of no good reason.

  12. #137


    Now we have two different Republican Parties:

    The GOP

    and MAGA

    Which Republican Parties do you all like?

  13. #138


    MAGA all the way baby.

    Why? Enough of all of the politicians that promise the world until they get into office and then forget what they are there for.

    It does not matter D or R we have destroyed cities and people begging for $15 per hour when they should be able to be in $25 - $30 per hour jobs instead of relying on other countries in order to fill our orders.

    They vote in pork and get fat while everybody else starves,sometimes we have to say enough is enough,and not settle for less.

    Status quo is what got us to where we are at.

    But MAGA really has nothing to do with it,until we meet in the middle we are all screwed,both parties need to hold their representatives accountable while sending the progressive commie socialists packing,they can have the little pittance of the $15 jobs,sense that is all they think they are worth in society.
    Last edited by Richard; February-24-21 at 10:41 AM.

  14. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    MAGA all the way baby.

    Why? Enough of all of the politicians that promise the world until they get into office and then forget what they are there for.

    It does not matter D or R we have destroyed cities and people begging for $15 per hour when they should be able to be in $25 - $30 per hour jobs instead of relying on other countries in order to fill our orders.

    They vote in pork and get fat while everybody else starves,sometimes we have to say enough is enough,and not settle for less.

    Status quo is what got us to where we are at.

    But MAGA really has nothing to do with it,until we meet in the middle we are all screwed,both parties need to hold their representatives accountable while sending the progressive commie socialists packing,they can have the little pittance of the $15 jobs,sense that is all they think they are worth in society.

    The pork you speak about goes to areas of the economy that should be more, rather than less socialized, namely health care and education.

    Health insurers want the system to be costly, because the cost to the consumer means ever higher returns. You have been brainwashed by the corporate intersts that run the show and you keep going about MAGA. Good luck with that. Keep encouraging the circling around the drain.

  15. #140


    I'm okay with a DMV putting photos on voter IDs so long as
    they are not required at the polls. Then ideally all can vote
    at a polling station even without an ID so long as an affidavit
    is submitted.

  16. #141


    ^^ Haha Richard... very funny...

    Just ask Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger about MAGA... MAGA breaks apart families and believes the lies of Trump [[over 20K and counting).

    Except one thing... MAGA is psychic... they had no idea that Trump was going to be at that specific spot in Florida the other day... it was all [[in Hannity's words) "spontaneous"....


    All to get a view of "America's Greatest President"!!

  17. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    For one, if you register to vote when you're 18 and never move or change your name, that picture is going to look mighty young in a while. I lived in one house for over 30 yrs and never had to change my voter's registration.
    I've had my voting location changed many times even though I've never moved. I'm automatically sent a new card to reflect those changes. I believe in Michigan you can only renew your license twice before a new picture ID is required [[which I was thankfully able to do last April to avoid a pandemic visit to the S.O.S.) Your picture voting card could easily be updated at the same time. Republicans don't want any of this. In some States they fight even being able to tie changes or registering to vote when you renew your license at the S.O.S.

    I'm not in favor of having to produce any picture. My point is if it's going to be required, than the picture should be on the card. Choosing to exercise the privilege of driving has nothing to do with someone's right to vote.

    Personally, I think it reflects a long-standing attitude from Republicans that it's easier to limit the vote than change their platform to appeal to more people. Gun ownership is a right in the eyes of Republicans, and they'll fight every attempt to monitor or limit that may infringe that constitutional right. So is voting...but they like ALL kinds of limits on that one !

  18. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    ... a long-standing attitude from Republicans that it's easier to limit the vote than change their platform to appeal to more people....
    And let's just state the obvious: That defeats the very purpose of voting. Why do they even need to be reminded of that simple truth?

    They embarrass themselves over and over and over again.

  19. #144


    The problem with that is elderly people and others who do not drive. They can hang onto a voter's reg card for years and not have to go and renew it, but if you put a picture on it, they will have to go and get a photo taken at an SOS or other government office every couple years and that's what is difficult for the underserved communities to do.
    In my opinion, if you went and got your voter reg in person and the important thing is the signature, you shouldn't be forced to do it again for a picture change. Perhaps a renewal of voter reg every 10 yrs or so would be doable and if the State would update their databases so Voter's reg, drivers license and death notices were all main indices that checked each other at any renewal or death, they could weed them better. For example, whenever you renew a licence or registration they run it up against the SSDI, you'd have a lot less dead people driving and voting

    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    I've had my voting location changed many times even though I've never moved. I'm automatically sent a new card to reflect those changes. I believe in Michigan you can only renew your license twice before a new picture ID is required [[which I was thankfully able to do last April to avoid a pandemic visit to the S.O.S.) Your picture voting card could easily be updated at the same time. Republicans don't want any of this. In some States they fight even being able to tie changes or registering to vote when you renew your license at the S.O.S.
    Last edited by jcole; February-24-21 at 11:43 AM.

  20. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    ...you'd have a lot less dead people driving....
    That struck me as funny so I searched and found this.

    Name:  7b7a67b0c841635acf107c7b225c5981e219443b59a21bdd75d566c79c290734_1.jpg
Views: 319
Size:  112.2 KB

  21. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    I've had my voting location changed many times even though I've never moved. I'm automatically sent a new card to reflect those changes. I believe in Michigan you can only renew your license twice before a new picture ID is required [[which I was thankfully able to do last April to avoid a pandemic visit to the S.O.S.) Your picture voting card could easily be updated at the same time. Republicans don't want any of this. In some States they fight even being able to tie changes or registering to vote when you renew your license at the S.O.S.

    I'm not in favor of having to produce any picture. My point is if it's going to be required, than the picture should be on the card. Choosing to exercise the privilege of driving has nothing to do with someone's right to vote.

    Personally, I think it reflects a long-standing attitude from Republicans that it's easier to limit the vote than change their platform to appeal to more people. Gun ownership is a right in the eyes of Republicans, and they'll fight every attempt to monitor or limit that may infringe that constitutional right. So is voting...but they like ALL kinds of limits on that one !
    Not sure where you are getting your information but a simple search pulls up republicans all over the country supporting voter ID laws.

    It is the democrats that do not want it,why is that?

    But despite those findings, Republicans in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Texas and likely other states including Michigan and Wisconsin are moving to roll back access to mail balloting, eliminate drop boxes, toughen voter identification laws and erect other barriers to the ballot in the name of improving voter security and restoring "faith" in the outcome.


    MSN claims voting ID laws erect barriers.

    BREAKING: Republican Legislators Push For MANDATORY VOTER ID LAWS, Stricter Guidelines For Absentee Ballots, MORE POLL-WATCHERS


    Democrats cannot stand free and fair elections,that is why they fought so hard in order to keep the African Americans from voting in the first place

    If we have secure free and fair elections it make it hard to cheat the system,some apparently do not like that.

    Doing everything possible in order to provide free and fair elections removes the ability to question them in the first place,and makes sure everybody’s voice is heard,God forbid somebody actually has to go out of their way in order to practice their civic duty.

    But they do not have to go out of their way,because there are groups and organizations that provide free support in order to help those who need it so they can make their vote count.
    Last edited by Richard; February-24-21 at 12:21 PM.

  22. #147


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    The problem with that is elderly people and others who do not drive. They can hang onto a voter's reg card for years and not have to go and renew it, but if you put a picture on it, they will have to go and get a photo taken at an SOS or other government office every couple years and that's what is difficult for the underserved communities to do.
    In my opinion, if you went and got your voter reg in person and the important thing is the signature, you shouldn't be forced to do it again for a picture change. Perhaps a renewal of voter reg every 10 yrs or so would be doable and if the State would update their databases so Voter's reg, drivers license and death notices were all main indices that checked each other at any renewal or death, they could weed them better. For example, whenever you renew a licence or registration they run it up against the SSDI, you'd have a lot less dead people driving and voting
    I off no arguments to your points. They are all legitimate concerns, and someone always falls thru the cracks. However any attempts to solve those problems would just be referred to as 'ballot harvesting' by you know who.

  23. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Not sure where you are getting your information but a simple search pulls up republicans all over the country supporting voter ID laws.

    It is the democrats that do not want it,why is that?

    Here is MSN claiming voting ID laws are connected to false claims of voter fraud when they are pushed for.

    But despite those findings, Republicans in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Texas and likely other states including Michigan and Wisconsin are moving to roll back access to mail balloting, eliminate drop boxes, toughen voter identification laws and erect other barriers to the ballot in the name of improving voter security and restoring "faith" in the outcome.


    They view it as erecting barriers.

    BREAKING: Republican Legislators Push For MANDATORY VOTER ID LAWS, Stricter Guidelines For Absentee Ballots, MORE POLL-WATCHERS


    Democrats cannot stand free and fair elections,that is why they fought so hard in order to keep the African Americans from voting in the first place

    If we have secure free and fair elections it make it hard to cheat the system,some apparently do not like that.
    Seriously, on a scale of 1 - 100, I would put your reading comprehension skills on that one at about 5...and I'm being kind. Instead of phoning the AT & T Call Center, I feel like they just sent me a letter.

  24. #149


    ^ sucks when you were wrong and can only attack the poster instead of the content.

    You posted that republicans do not support voter ID laws and viewed it as putting limits on the process.

    Your picture voting card could easily be updated at the same time. Republicans don't want any of this. In some States they fight even being able to tie changes or registering to vote when you renew your license at the S.O.S.

    That was your words,I merely pointed out that they were not accurate.

    And provided a link to back it up. Nothing to do with reading comprehension.

    Do you know why they want to separate it from DMV?

    Do you think because of the multiple arrests of DMV employees that were providing thousands of fake IDs and driver’s licenses to illegals or anybody else willing to kick in a buck?
    Last edited by Richard; February-24-21 at 12:32 PM.

  25. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Democrats cannot stand free and fair elections,that is why they fought so hard in order to keep the African Americans from voting in the first place
    Richard... this statement is complete and utter nonsense... just ask Stacy Abrams...

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