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  1. #1301


    Dominion’s defamation lawsuit for $1.3B will allow me to investigate their history, finances, and practices fully and completely,” Giuliani said. “The amount being asked for is, quite obviously, intended to frighten people of faint heart. It is another act of intimidation by the hate-filled left-wing to wipe out and censor the exercise of free speech, as well as the ability of lawyers to defend their clients vigorously. As such, we will investigate a countersuit against them for violating these Constitutional rights.”

    Dominion is seeking $1.3 billion in damages from the former New York City mayor, alleging in the lawsuit that “he and his allies manufactured and disseminated the ‘Big Lie,’ which foreseeably went viral and deceived millions of people into believing that Dominion had stolen their votes and fixed the election.”


    Cool,now we can also go after those who promoted and spread the false narrative and the big lie of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory,as they questioned and spent millions of taxpayer dollars convinced that the 2016 election was stolen.

    Interesting how the left figures they have the right to practice their constitutional rights,but want to attack,sue and jail any opposition who are also entitled those same constitutional rights.

    That is standard dictatorship policy.
    Last edited by Richard; January-26-21 at 01:36 PM.

  2. #1302


    Judge Rules Virginia Elections Board Violated Law With Late Absentee Mail-In Ballot Rule

    Last August, the Virginia Board of Elections issued a rule that would’ve allowed elections officials to count late mail-in ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the November election. On Monday, a state judge ruled that the board’s decision was illegal.


    Little by little the facts come out that this was not the most secure election in the history of the country and no fraud occurred.

    For all of those who have pushed the narrative that there was no fraud and everybody that did not believe it was some kind of traitor or whack job,will soon find out how wrong they really were.

    Last edited by Richard; January-26-21 at 09:24 PM.

  3. #1303


    Seditionists and disinformation don't deserve our time.

    Let's look at the bright side:

    When we woke up today, Trump was not our president.
    When we wake up tomorrow, he will still not be our president.

    That alone brings such relief.
    Last edited by bust; January-27-21 at 02:23 AM.

  4. #1304


    Why is this thread still a thing. Move on. It's over.

  5. #1305


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Seditionists and disinformation don't deserve our time.

    Let's look at the bright side:

    When we woke up today, Trump was not our president.
    When we wake up tomorrow, he will still not be our president.

    That alone brings such relief.
    When we woke up today, Washington, D.C. still looks like the police state capitol of some banana republic with 24,000 troops still inexplicably there. President Biden is roused every day to to sign some new executive orders printed overnight in the Democratic Party's executive order factory. He may or may not be aware of what he signs. No one cares. Most presidents have signed four or five executive orders upon becoming president. Biden has, at last count, signed 33. They cover everything from letting foreign criminals loose to spending programs never approved by Congress benefitting elites and their foreign allies. Since there is no longer much reason to stable expensive senators and representatives anymore with the President doing all the legislating, the Senate is keeping busy doing what Democrats do; more impeachment things. This time, they are going to throw out the constitutional requirement of trying a president and will instead attempt to try a former president substituting Senator Leahy for the constitutionally required John Roberts. I'm for trying Obama for bombing Libya by executive order if we can try former presidents. There are so many possibilities. Meanwhile, the House is actually busy contemplating a real piece of legislation to insure that future elections are as free form as the last one without all those restrictive rules about deadlines, witness signatures, programable voting machines and stuff. No wonder you are so relieved.
    Last edited by oladub; January-27-21 at 09:41 AM.

  6. #1306


    It’s clearly not over,some have spent the last 4 years with every waking day dividing a country and refusing to move on.

    The difference now is,it is based on facts and not something made up on ones head and in the media.

    The narrative was 60 judges found no evidence,people have used that as a base for their argument.

    Notice how as things move through the system,judges are finding and recognizing the fraud that occurred.

    The state secretary’s and the judges backed them up during the election process knew full well that they were signing off and violating the constitution.

    Sending the message that you do not have to follow the constitution,you can just rule as you see fit and ignore it.

    So what happens when you personally,goes in front of a judge and they get to rule in any form that they wish?

    Cases are thrown out every day based on constitutional rights being trampled on,and here you guys are supporting that.

    I still think that those judges that ruled against the constitution and took it upon themselves to rewrite it ,should also be facing review and removed from the system.

    You speed,you get pulled over and receive a ticket because you broke the law,why are people justifying that those very people that are in charge of the law,are allowed to use it as it seems fit with unbridled power?

    Cities have been burned to the ground in protest over the same exact thing.

    Some get mad because a mayor raped a city and want him held accountable,but yet turn right around and excuse others and tell others to move along because you feel the ends justify the means.

    The one that raped the city also felt that the ends justified the means.
    Last edited by Richard; January-27-21 at 10:13 AM.

  7. #1307


    Yep. This should be of concern whatever your partisan leaning or thinking!


    Yet the heady-rush IS being gleefully affirmed as the repudiation of ALL THINGS TRUMP. Let the good times roll! And for the short time they'll seem to. But as they say the 'devil will be in the details' here. NO ONE can convince me that all of these orders are in our best interest. Nope. It's too many, happening to quickly, and too reflexively.

    At least a third of this hastiness will no doubt spearhead politics-to-policy not good for America [[the horrors - oh how patriotic !), and certainly hurting low income and poor US citizens. Who will advance them?

    The further out this goes Biden will indeed own his actions. Or inaction.

    Already several of his signings are contradictions to each other. What a mess!

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    ...President Biden is roused every day to to sign some new executive orders printed overnight in the Democratic Party's executive order factory. He may or may not be aware of what he signs. No one cares. Most presidents have signed four or five executive orders upon becoming president. Biden has, at last count, signed 33. They cover everything from letting foreign criminals loose to spending programs never approved by Congress benefitting elites and their foreign allies.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-27-21 at 12:16 PM.

  8. #1308


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Yep. This should be of concern whatever your partisan leaning or doxy!

    Your prostitute????

  9. #1309


    Thanks, read the rest. It's far more important.

    I meant to say: thinking.

    'Yep. This should be of concern whatever your partisan leaning or thinking!'

  10. #1310


    I did read the rest; we don't agree
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Thanks, read the rest. It's far more important.

    I meant to say: thinking.

    'Yep. This should be of concern whatever your partisan leaning or thinking!'

  11. #1311


    That's fine. We always remain respectful, and I appreciate that J.

    Just know I am not saying this from a PRO-TRUMP point of view. If from that perspective then no-doubt some would find my comments/ opinions merely residual trumpisms. Missing my now departed eh' leader ----! Nope. Never voted for him - and this is getting and growing bigger than Trump.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-27-21 at 02:19 PM.

  12. #1312


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Yep. This should be of concern whatever your partisan leaning or doxy!


    Yet the heady-rush IS being gleefully affirmed as the repudiation of ALL THING TRUMP. Let the good times roll! And for the short time they'll seem to. But as they say the 'devil will be in the details' here. NO ONE can convince me that all of these orders are in our best interest. Nope. It's too many, happening to quickly, and too reflexively.

    At least a third of this hastiness will no doubt spearhead politics-to-policy not good for America [[the horrors - oh how patriotic !), and certainly hurting low income and poor US citizens. Who will advance them?

    The further out this goes Biden will indeed own his actions. Or inaction.

    Already several of his signings are contradictions to each other. What a mess!
    I have a theory that the intent of this barrage of executive orders is that it is too much to be digested all at once. Each might tie up a news cycle for a couple of days or more for pubic discussion but much will go relatively unchecked because of the amount of new material.

    I liked the intent of two or three of the 33 executive orders. Expanding the production of N-95 masks, for instance, is overdue although the House and Senate should put their stamp of approval on any of these orders because Article 1, Section 1 says all legislation must come from the House and Senate. The same would apply to Trump and other presidents. I have this quant notion about following the Constitution on that point.

    "Let the good times roll! "

    Indeed, but I prefer the french translation. It is somehow richer. If government somehow becomes a Carnaval, then

    Laissez le bon temps rouler!

  13. #1313


    Of course it is! It's too much to digest And Far TOO Much To DEFEND this early in the game. I won't do it. I have no partisan alliance to do so.

    Thirty-three executive orders in a week without question?

    I've read thru some of the items, as I can. And agree with some of the environmental orders for example. Realistically, it takes more than a scanse Biden-won-I'm-good read as some are ambiguous yet very impacting.

    I refused to fall-into-line, no questions asked with this victorious, auto-approved anti-Trump-policies whole-cloth 'rubber-stamping'.

    There are undoubtedly some things that are going to slip thru. Distractions and chaos are the best strategy to get what you want - as noted historically.

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    ...I have a theory that the intent of this barrage of executive orders is that it is too much to be digested all at once. Each might tie up a news cycle for a couple of days or more for pubic discussion but much will go relatively unchecked because of the amount of new material.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-27-21 at 05:10 PM.

  14. #1314


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Of course it is! It's too much to digest And Far TOO Much To DEFEND this early in the game. I won't do it. I have no partisan alliance to do so.

    Thirty-three executive orders in a week without question?

    I've read thru some of the items, as I can. And agree with some of the environmental orders for example. Realistically, it takes more than a scanse Biden-won-I'm-good read as some are ambiguous yet very impacting.

    I reflexively refused to fall-into-line, no questions asked with this victorious, auto-approved anti-Trump-policies whole-cloth 'rubber-stamping'.

    There are undoubtedly some things that are going to slip thru. Distractions and chaos are the best strategy to get what you want - as noted historically.

    A lot of this seems like hyper-overcompansation to me. "Look at me, I'm the best President ever, I'm going to straighten everything out today!" I hope in the coming weeks, a more thoughtful approach kicks in.

  15. #1315


    ^ It's a trip! And all so insulary and seemingly so, sooo reasonable [[the zillion executive orders). Afterall, TRUMP [[and by association conservative policies) are all so wrong we must re-double our efforts to reverse them.

    This provides awesome reasoning [[cover) to justify Biden's rapid-fire executive orders. What an perfect storm we have here. Just perfect.

  16. #1316


    Wow! These are coming almost as fast as Trump pardons!!

  17. #1317


    ^ Yes, I agree. Remember I'm not the Trump-almighty defender/ person. Some of his many pardons and commutations are questionable.

    As have been other former presidents exit actions in this area.

    But that has FAR, far less impact to policy, to people and this country than the excessive executive orders Biden reflexively signed!

    A fast googling: 'Biden executive orders defined'' provides fun for the whole family! Pro, or con. Left, right and center.

    Google will have a time to manage all of that, per the sheer number of XO's and variance of concern or celebration!
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-28-21 at 09:40 AM.

  18. #1318


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ... Remember I'm not the Trump-almighty defender/ person....
    Have you ever counted up how often you make that claim and then weighed it against how seldomly you've been accused?

    It's a perfect example of "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    Here's a dumb Trump joke:

    Why is Donald Trump moving to Egypt?
    To live in a state of de Nile.

  19. #1319


    LOL! I actually thought about that J. I'm aware of the quote being very familiar with classical literature and idiom. So I'll try to stop stating it - as the content and reasoning of my comments [[if you really look at them outside of Trump per se support my stand).


    Now: Setting that aside, can dialogue yet continue? Are you yet fully comfortable with what is going forth re. the details of the many executive orders going forth in less than ten days? Orders that stretch beyond all-things-Trump?

    Notice, I've not mentioned voting fraud. Goodness I knows some wish to banish/ silence anyone even breathing that to the corn-field ...... rather they think there may have been some fraud, or a great detail.

    That alone is troubling, further showing that dissenting voices about so much is being bundled to right-winged, racist, supremacist, phobe, ist, well you know the drill ......

    I think [[sad for this country) denial is not limited to Trump etc. even Antifa and others are questioning Biden already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Have you ever counted up how often you make that claim and then weighed it against how seldomly you've been accused?
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-28-21 at 09:38 AM.

  20. #1320


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Wow! These are coming almost as fast as Trump pardons!!
    Pardons by President

    Despite a burst of pardons and commutations in his last hours in office, Donald Trump used his executive clemency power less frequently than nearly every other president since the turn of the 20th century, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Justice Department data.

    Trump granted 237 acts of clemency during his four years in the White House, including 143 pardons and 94 commutations. Only two other presidents since 1900 – George W. and George H.W. Bush – granted fewer acts of clemency than Trump.

    His predecessor, Barack Obama, granted clemency 1,927 times over the course of eight years in office, the highest total of any president going back to Harry Truman. Obama’s total was skewed heavily toward commutations [[1,715) instead of pardons [[212).


    Number of EOs orders by president

    Biden issued 17 executive orders on his first two days in office, compared with Trump who issued one and Obama who issued two. Biden issued three proclamations, while Trump and Obama each issued one.


    If Rubio was referring to a president’s first two days in office [[instead of any two-day period), the available documents show that he is correct dating back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose first inauguration was in 1933, said Gerhard Peters, a political science professor at Citrus College and co-director of the American Presidency Project.

    Facts matter

    Binden is up to 34 EOs but sense he has dictatorship tendencies,that number changes by the second.

    Last edited by Richard; January-28-21 at 10:16 AM.

  21. #1321


    is up to 34 EOs but sense he has dictatorship tendencies,that number changes by the second.

    I assume you meant Biden. We won't talk about dictatorship tendencies, I mean, who was more of a dictator than Dump?

  22. #1322


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Why is this thread still a thing. Move on. It's over.
    Because Richard won't let it. He's obsessed just like his detached, former dictator, loser ex-president.

  23. #1323


    ^ the difference is Richard is providing the facts proving there was voter fraud and violations of the constitution,that may very well prove it did effect the outcome,or at the very least insure transparent,free and fair elections in the future.

    I realize that really bothers you and is the exact opposite of what you are seeking.

    The only proof you have provided there was no fraud,is because you say so.

    You defended fake Russian collusion conspiracy theories,impeachment while using fake unnamed 3 party witnesses and the use of the FBI spying on the political opposition in order to alter the outcome of an election.

    Thats the problem when you make things personal,when the facts come out they have a habit of showing who the real miscreants are.

    Jussie Smollet had good mentors,but as they say,you can fool some of the people some of the time,but not all of the people all of the time.

    Trump was correct

    The Russian collusion was a hoax
    The Ukraine impeachment was a witchhunt based on zero actual evidence.
    The left wing state run newspapers do supply fake news.
    The Obama/Clinton crew did conspire and use the FBI to spy on the political opposition in order to attempt to change the outcome of the election.

    The facts have proven all of those once they are exposed,they were correct,you supported everything listed there not based on facts but personal dislike towards a man verses policies.

    Who has the dictatorship leanings?

    What makes you more angry,Trump or the fact that you now realize how easily you were manipulated by the press into judgement calls based solely on knee jerk emotions?

    When you call me out personally,it proves that you have no means to dispute the facts that I have provided,personal attacks are all you have left,it’s kinda sad and seems a little desperate.
    Last edited by Richard; January-28-21 at 11:30 AM.

  24. #1324


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post

    I assume you meant Biden. We won't talk about dictatorship tendencies, I mean, who was more of a dictator than Dump?

    in October: “I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus."

    President Donald Trump signed four in his first week in 2017; President Barack Obama signed five in 2009; President George W. Bush signed none in his first week in 2001; and President Bill Clinton signed one in 1993.

    As of January 25, 2021, Biden has ‘issued 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives,’ according toCNN. Twenty-one of these, according to the White House website, are executive orders.

    To answer your question and in his own words,Biden is more of a dictatorship.

    He is telling you flat out he is running as a dictatorship.

  25. #1325


    In a statement posted to Twitter it said, “Former congresswoman Tenney has spent the weeks after the election spreading false conspiracy theories, fanning the flames of division, and trying to get legal ballots thrown out.
    “This case has demonstrated she has no desire to serve the community — just her own political ambition.
    “The integrity, accuracy, and efficiency of this process has always been the Brindisi campaign’s priority. We are hopeful that once all the legal ballots are counted, Anthony will be certified the winner,” the statement said.

    That was a democrat writing that statement on Twitter against his republican incumbent,where have we heard that before ?

    But yet

    “Unfortunately, this is a long process,” he said of the legal battle and ongoing ballot count .
    Brindisi’s hopes took a substantial hit on Friday, when New York State Supreme Court Justice Scott DelConte ruled against counting dozens of ballots the congressman wanted included in the final tabulation.

    In the meantime, the participants in 2020’s other contested election — to represent Iowa’s Second Congressional District — are still waiting for the U.S. House to take a look at the race and determine a winner.
    Iowa election officials have certified Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks to be the winner after a recount that put her ahead by just six votes.
    But Democrat Rita Hart continues to fight on, contending in her petition to the House that 22 rejected votes should have been counted and, had they been, it would have given her the victory.

    Those are still unresolved 2020 election results where democrats have claimed that the republicans participated in election fraud and refused to accept the result.

    But it also shows the levels of fraud that did occur and as more and more courts continue to prove it as time goes on,eventually we will get to the truth.

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