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  1. #201


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Encyclopaedia Britannica:
    "Fascism, political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Europe’s first fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, took the name of his party from the Latin word fasces, which referred to a bundle of elm or birch rods [[usually containing an ax) used as a symbol of penal authority in ancient Rome. Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft [[German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation. At the end of World War II, the major European fascist parties were broken up, and in some countries [[such as Italy and West Germany) they were officially banned. Beginning in the late 1940s, however, many fascist-oriented parties and movements were founded in Europe as well as in Latin America and South Africa. Although some European “neofascist” groups attracted large followings, especially in Italy and France, none were as influential as the major fascist parties of the interwar period."
    The bold section

    Every single one of those leaders and including Peron used socialism in order to sell it to the public.

    Hitler was the national socialist party on paper but exactly the opposite once the power over the people was obtained.

    So full circle to the comment of the radical left,Antifa and the radical aspect of BLM is exactly the same as,and using the exact same tactics that have been used by every socialist leader in history.

    In Oder to gain power they killed,destroyed everything they did not agree with and used violence or what ever means necessary to remove the Democratic process and implement their preferred choice of government.

    Fascism really has nothing to do with it,Antifa just uses the word to gain support,all they are is a militant arm of Marxism and or socialists.

    They are the Blackshirts of Mussolini or the brownshirts of Hitler.

  2. #202


    Again, the extreme far-left is BECOMING what they are GOING after.

    But that IS just and noble to the removal of Trump and his base.

    Ends justify the means. Woo-hoo let the good times roll so the argument goes!

    I'm just hoping we have a country left beyond Donald Trump?
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-12-20 at 11:19 AM.

  3. #203


    Too bad. Everyone will dig in their heels of certainty and double-down for their position of 'justness'. The COVID will continue to spread. Detroit will go back to phase 1 and 2 lock downs. DPSCD school openings will be delayed. etc. ETC. More poverty, isolation and death?

    The momentum has started: the news reporters gleeful - for ratings!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    This morning the local news reported the protesters were going to protest the treatment they got from throwing bricks and bottles at police during their little hissing fit. This is not going to end well!

  4. #204


    That is "contempt for liberalism", which, indeed, fascists have. Also, it's the right in this country who are pushing Nationalism, just see how Trump keeps trying to pull us out of organisations like WHO, NATO, the Paris Climate agreement, etc. And he believes the wealthy are better than the hoi polloi.

  5. #205


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    That is "contempt for liberalism", which, indeed, fascists have. Also, it's the right in this country who are pushing Nationalism, just see how Trump keeps trying to pull us out of organisations like WHO, NATO, the Paris Climate agreement, etc. And he believes the wealthy are better than the hoi polloi.
    NATO is a relic of the Cold War and others were not paying their fair share.

    You guys want all of this free stuff,complain about our cost of the military complex,but yet complain when something is done to shave the budget.

    Make up your minds,free stuff does not materialize out of thin air the capitalists that you hate so much have to pay your way somehow.Nobody gives us free stuff.

    The mantra of calling everybody a fascist or nationalist that opposes socialism is a false argument,people oppose it because it does not take a rocket scientist to see what the end result is,and the methods used to impose its will on a democratic society are televised daily.

    The only systematic change most are looking for,outside of the peaceful protesters that are exercising their right,is the conversion to socialism through violence.

    If the ones creating the violence had their way,peaceful protesting would be outlawed,as we see happening in Hong Kong,that’s why they are doing their best to disrupt and overshadow,and they are given a free rein by the leftist mayors and governors.

    If your really bored,do some research on New York mayor De Blasio,but under his birth name,he changed his name because he was a sworn member of the communist party before,and was married in Cuba as a communist party member.
    Last edited by Richard; July-12-20 at 11:03 AM.

  6. #206


    JC: I don't have contempt for liberalism. Heck classical liberalism champions many values I share such as freedom of speech - push back against an authoritative government as necessary, etc. It's the far-left I challenge!

    I make a distinction between the two as much as it remains. More liberals are finding it increasingly difficult to continue down the roads paved by the far-left!

    As I've said, Trump and what they don't agree with [[some of which I do not either), provides impetus for the far-left NOW pushing their own form of nationalism [[and fascism) ala their WOKE criteria and orthodoxy.

    A 'progressive' orthodoxy of which if you don't agree 100% down the line, full-out without variance, they present with an intolerance no better than the far-right! And some mock Christians as dogmatic and enslaved to rules!? LOL!

    Who can think of any movement, group or ideology they agree with 100%? But there can be no dissent or even conversation towards reconciliation. Some would call me racist for even dare critique - but they'll not be able to slather me from the 'white-guilt' chapter from the WOKE book as I'm black.

    It's crazy. Either you're WOKE or you're a racist, phobe, intolerant etc.

    Thus, why I say they are 'becoming who they're going after!'. And so long as their 'after' focus remains mostly Trump they'll continue to justify that as a reason to steam roll everything as a mandate.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    That is "contempt for liberalism", which, indeed, fascists have. Also, it's the right in this country who are pushing Nationalism, just see how Trump keeps trying to pull us out of organisations like WHO, NATO, the Paris Climate agreement, etc. And he believes the wealthy are better than the hoi polloi.
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-12-20 at 11:25 AM.

  7. #207


    JC excels in making a fruit salad out of the isms here. Tossing together some appleisms with orangeisms then slice in some mangoisms and grapeisms. Voila, it all makes sense.

  8. #208


    ^ the biggest problem is they are winning in a sense,because in Oder to identify the bad ones creating the violence and infiltrating the peaceful protests the technology being used is no different then the likes of China.

    Drones that use facial recognition that mass captures and catalogs everybody involved in a protest and puts them into a data base.

    Body cameras with facial recognition.

    Undercover agents embedded in protests with hidden cameras filming everybody.

    Citizens filming everybody then posting it all on the internet,that footage is being used to identify everybody.

    The guy that firebombed a drug store in Tampa,they arrested him in New York City,the local looters were just looting,you could drive down the street the next day and there were hundreds of new sneakers laying in the ditch.

  9. #209


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Then you got ...
    Donny The First, of Orange.

    Wants to own everything everywhere, rule without legislative or court oversight and blend government money with his family's while building a base of thieves and cutthroats and laying groundwork for his spawn to claim 'dynasty'.

  10. #210


    Since when does liberalism embrace intolerant thought and behavior?
    This kneecap 'em by any means necessary philosophy is not liberal.
    This behavior and mind set is something else. Guised as something altruistic.

  11. #211


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Donny The First, of Orange.

    Wants to own everything everywhere, rule without legislative or court oversight and blend government money with his family's while building a base of thieves and cutthroats and laying groundwork for his spawn to claim 'dynasty'.
    How is he different then any other president,Obama was cherished into god status because “he had a pen and knew how to use it”.

    I would be considered racist if I used your words and wrote Barrack the first of black.

    But that is the objective,divide and conquer through any means necessary and only stand up for the rights one personally wants to protect.

    You really need to prove where he has mixed government money with his families,nobody has in the last 3.5 years,but that is about creating scenarios in ones mind in Oder to justify actions that do not exist.

    Is the word Order considered a subliminal keyword that my phone insists on capitalizing in the middle of a sentence?
    Last edited by Richard; July-12-20 at 11:37 AM.

  12. #212


    Here's some more from Encyclopӕdia Britanica:
    Neofascism, fascist-inspired political movement that arose in Europe in the decades following the defeat of fascism in World War II. A brief treatment of neofascism follows. For full treatment, see fascism: Neofascism.

    Like earlier fascist movements, neofascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neofascists placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews, displayed little interest in taking lebensraum [[German: “living space”) through the military conquest of other states, and made concerted efforts to portray themselves as democratic and “mainstream.” The National Front in France, led until 2011 by Jean-Marie Le Pen and later by his daughter, Marine Le Pen, and the Liberal-Democratic Party in Russia, led from 1991 by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, are often cited as neofascist.
    I'm never surprised by neofascists trying to unload their baggage on their opponents.

  13. #213


    Well, I never thought you were a fascist anyway. What I am explaining to him is what the quoted part of his previous comment meant, without his variety of cherry picked word salad
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    JC: I don't have contempt for liberalism. Heck classical liberalism champions many values I share such as freedom of speech - push back against an authoritative government as necessary, etc. It's the far-left I challenge!

    I make a distinction between the two as much as it remains. More liberals are finding it increasingly difficult to continue down the roads paved by the far-left!

    As I've said, Trump and what they don't agree with [[some of which I do not either), provides impetus for the far-left NOW pushing their own form of nationalism [[and fascism) ala their WOKE criteria and orthodoxy.

    A 'progressive' orthodoxy of which if you don't agree 100% down the line, full-out without variance, they present with an intolerance no better than the far-right! And some mock Christians as dogmatic and enslaved to rules!? LOL!

    Who can think of any movement, group or ideology they agree with 100%? But there can be no dissent or even conversation towards reconciliation. Some would call me racist for even dare critique - but they'll not be able to slather me from the 'white-guilt' chapter from the WOKE book as I'm black.

    It's crazy. Either you're WOKE or you're a racist, phobe, intolerant etc.

    Thus, why I say they are 'becoming who they're going after!'. And so long as their 'after' focus remains mostly Trump they'll continue to justify that as a reason to steam roll everything as a mandate.

  14. #214


    is that any different. [ directed at Jimaz post]

    He was jailed and fined $200,000 for mentioning the gas chambers,twice,his whole statement was in the larger context of things the gas chambers were a small part of the larger picture of atrocities,not that they did not exist,so he never uttered the words “gas chambers” for the rest of his life under threat of being jailed or fined, in all of Eisenhower’s writings he never mentioned gas chambers.

    You take words and criminalize the use of them,is that true freedom of speech or is it a freedom of speech as long as the words you speak are authorized by those who approve of their use?

    During the Cold War the attitude towards communism was not exactly warm and countries did what was necessary in Oder not to become communist,wars were fought to stop the spread of it.

    Its no different now,we are a democratic republic,opposing Marxism,socialism,communism does not make us a fascist,racist,nationalist it is simply we are not interested in what they are selling.

    People come up with and use all of these tag labels because they cannot figure out why we do not want to accept their form of government.

    How are not the current events not considered xenophobic profiling,tearing down statues,renaming everything that is considered not acceptable while ereasing any history related to it.
    Last edited by Richard; July-12-20 at 12:29 PM.

  15. #215


    This should actually be taken to the "other side"; it has wandered pretty far from the Detroit protests.

  16. #216


    No problem. I just thought it good time as ever to discuss the diff between the far-left and liberals. I've been writing about it a great deal elsewhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Well, I never thought you were a fascist anyway. What I am explaining to him is what the quoted part of his previous comment meant, without his variety of cherry picked word salad

  17. #217


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    This should actually be taken to the "other side"; it has wandered pretty far from the Detroit protests.
    lol you had your hand in the meandering then when you do not like where it went, it is time to move it,makes sense.

    It kinda does relate because it shows motive as to why there are some who choose to disrupt the protests with violence,they are actually also denying the protesters their right to voice their views,that is their hope and goals.

    That is the marxists mantra of using violence in order to stifle freedom of speech and expression.

    The hard part is separating them from the regular protestors without infringing on their rights also.

    We do see examples of peaceful protestors holding the ones doing the destruction for the police which is pretty cool,if I can print that without encouraging violence.
    Last edited by Richard; July-12-20 at 02:34 PM.

  18. #218


    Or rather or not you end up killed or not if you resist.

    Violence is not neatly tucked away only in one spear of thinking...

    Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot [[the big four) massacred 7M+ in their effort to convert their own people to communism [[even after taking power)... a big count indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post

    The difference is whether Public or Private ownership of the means of production.

    Another difference is the methods of subjugation over the populace and the means of production. The carrot or the stick.

    Then you got Edward Bernaysism...
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-13-20 at 07:48 AM.

  19. #219


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    lol you had your hand in the meandering then when you do not like where it went, it is time to move it,makes sense.
    I agree that I helped in the meandering from topic here and I still think that this portion of the thread needs to be moved because it is no longer discussing Detroit. It's simply degenerating into the same old, same old as on 5 other threads on non-Detroit

  20. #220


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I agree that I helped in the meandering from topic here and I still think that this portion of the thread needs to be moved because it is no longer discussing Detroit. It's simply degenerating into the same old, same old as on 5 other threads on non-Detroit
    Does it make you really really mad that you can not directly control what people say and do?

    Remember that Jeff Foxworthy guy - You might have socialist tendencies if ......

    As far is I can tell,the internet has not changed much sense 1993,don’t think it is going to start now.

    Thats what happens to threads,you can only discuss the color blue for so long before it runs its course.
    Last edited by Richard; July-12-20 at 09:21 PM.

  21. #221


    Well apparently somebody agrees with me because it’s over here on Non Detroit now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Does it make you really really mad that you can not directly control what people say and do?

    Remember that Jeff Foxworthy guy - You might have socialist tendencies if ......

    As far is I can tell,the internet has not changed much sense 1993,don’t think it is going to start now.

    Thats what happens to threads,you can only discuss the color blue for so long before it runs its course.

  22. #222


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Well apparently somebody agrees with me because it’s over here on Non Detroit now.
    It’s almost like you are upset that the city and residents handled themselves so well during the protests that it became a non issue and did not leave much to discuss.

    I can imagine if this was a Minneapolis or Seattle based site the pages would have outnumbered your loving Presidents count within days.

    The whole defund the police and the use of violence by radical groups actually started with a vengeance or became popular back in 2016.

    It was egged on by politicians on the radical left at that time and the call was defund ICE and the police because they were doing their job and helping ICE.

    They blockaded ICE agents inside of a federal building for over 3 weeks.

    But then they were quickly distracted by Russians hiding in the bushes and the false hope that Trump would be out of there within a few weeks anyways.
    Last edited by Richard; July-13-20 at 07:31 AM.

  23. #223


    If you spin any harder you're going to hurt yourself. Be happy you have this part of the Forum to vent on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    It’s almost like you are upset that the city and residents handled themselves so well during the protests that it became a non issue and did not leave much to discuss.

  24. #224


    Brother of Hakim Littleton wants to meet with Detroit police chief and mayor...


  25. #225


    What possible difference can how and when the video was released? Because it was released early in the process makes it wrong? If the police had been shown to have shot an unarmed man, I would totally agree that there should be action taken against them; the video shows different. He shot directly at someone's head! Even if it wasn't a cop, that is a reason to shoot back. For anyone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Brother of Hakim Littleton wants to meet with Detroit police chief and mayor...


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