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  1. #351


    It's been standard, even in cases where the person is completely innocent to dredge up any past issues. Such is the way of it so as to justify the action taken upon them.

    This is precisely why the tactic is so often used.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    ...Doesn't matter Floyd's past. He had a knee on his neck for 9 minutes. He was dead before the paramedics arrived...
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-12-20 at 06:41 AM.

  2. #352


    Yep. Sorta hard to square I'd say. And I don't have the obligation to try to make it right... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/louisvi...cident-report/

    I just hope they don't try to dredge up something Ms. Taylor did in the third grade to further justify shooting her dead!

    All of this undermines the good officers trying to do their jobs, daily.

    This um, eh style of 'reporting' or under-reporting is used to justify the use of inappropriate force. We've seen doctored reports and missing information in previous cases of police misconduct. Much of this revealed during trials.

    The goal here is to change the narrative and shift perception[[s) by omitting pertinent facts and details that incriminate LEOs who need cover from their reactions, actions and behaviors.

    Live video has neutered much of that attempt!

    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Louisville Police have finally released their report into the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. It is almost completely blank.

    Under "injuries", the police listed "none" [[she was shot EIGHT TIMES by the police).

    Under the "forced entry" section, they checked "no." [[They used a battering ram to knock her door down).

    When you have police departments nakedly lying, covering up evidence, and trying to protect murderer cops, then it's not "just a few bad apples." It's the entire bunch that is rotten.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-12-20 at 07:38 AM.

  3. #353


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Louisville Police have finally released their report into the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. It is almost completely blank.

    Under "injuries", the police listed "none" [[she was shot EIGHT TIMES by the police).

    Under the "forced entry" section, they checked "no." [[They used a battering ram to knock her door down).

    When you have police departments nakedly lying, covering up evidence, and trying to protect murderer cops, then it's not "just a few bad apples." It's the entire bunch that is rotten.
    Its an ongoing investigation,they are not going to release all of the facts until the investigation is completed,even more so because there is a lawsuit involved.

  4. #354


    LMPD does not have a good record of transparency or responsibility. This is not their first questionable shooting.

  5. #355
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    Sep 2011


    Derek Chauvin can keep his $1 million police pension even if he's convicted of murder.


    In case some were wondering why people are angry about how policing in this country works. Murder a citizen, keep your taxpayer-funded pension.

  6. #356
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    Dec 2014


    Getting a conviction will be almost impossible [[unless the gov't rigs the trial).

    There won't be any evidence that the knee affected Mr. Floyd's breathing. The officer had his shin against the right rear of Mr. Floyd's neck. Go ahead and press your fist against the right rear corner of your neck as hard as you can and see if it affects your breathing. It doesn't. [[Unlike if he had his shin against the front of Mr. Floyd's neck, [[I.E. his throat.))

    Secondly, it came out the other day that that style of hold is official policy of the Minneapolis police department. It's even taught in their training.

    The issue will be mercy,.. and if the officer really needed to still have his shin there. Once Mr. Floyd was handcuffed,.. a firm boot on his butt would be enough to keep him from going anywhere [[such as rolling out into traffic). And one of the camera views showed another officer with his boot in just such a place.

    Still,... that a ways away from 3rd degree murder. i think they'll have to offer up indifference or something,.. or risk a not-guilty verdict, and another round of riots.

  7. #357


    More from Trevor Noah on police cover-ups, response [[to the protests and riots)... more being applied to media. And that lingering issue: Coronavirus

    Last edited by Zacha341; June-14-20 at 01:40 PM.

  8. #358
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    Sep 2011


    Remember those two federal police officers [[one died, one was in critical condition) who were shot in Oakland CA a few weeks ago during the start of the George Floyd protests and everyone assumed it was "ANTIFA/BLM terrorists" who did it? The Department of Homeland Security even labeled it "domestic terrorism."

    Well...it turns out that the ACTUAL culprit was an active duty Air Force military police officer with ties to the Right Wing anti-government "Boogaloo" movement. Womp womp.


    John Bennett, the FBI special agent in charge from San Francisco, said Carrillo and an alleged accomplice, Robert Alvin Justus Jr., “came to Oakland to kill cops.”

    "We believe Carrillo and Justice [chose] this date, because the planned protest in Oakland, provided an opportunity for them to target multiple law enforcement personnel and avoid apprehension to the large crowds attending the demonstrations, as described in detail in the complaint," Bennett said, according to a local ABC affiliate.
    So all those weeks ago when people were warning that Right Wing extremists would try to use the Floyd protests as cover to engage in terrorist acts so that liberal protesters would catch the blame...turned out to be 100% correct. Imagine that.

  9. #359


    ^^^ Hah! I always felt it was going to shake-out a strange admixture of folks engaged in the mayhem.

    Not just the ANTIFA bunch... so many agendas afoot!
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-16-20 at 08:30 PM.

  10. #360


    So aj, are you suggesting that Right Wing extremist are equally involved in the looting arson and other activities usually associated with antifa and other Democrats? If not, what do you think the ratio of antifa to 'bugaloo' rioters and crimes might be?

    I never heard about bugaloo. How many bugaloo guys do you think there are? Wikipedia does have an article about them. They have indeed committed some crimes and wear Hawaiian shirts. I say, lock them up when they commit a crime.

  11. #361


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    So aj, are you suggesting that Right Wing extremist are equally involved in the looting arson and other activities usually associated with antifa and other Democrats? If not, what do you think the ratio of antifa to 'bugaloo' rioters and crimes might be?
    I'd say the peaceful protestors out to enact change are not the BooGooGoofs, while the looters, shooters and burners are.

  12. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    So aj, are you suggesting that Right Wing extremist are equally involved in the looting arson and other activities usually associated with antifa and other Democrats? If not, what do you think the ratio of antifa to 'bugaloo' rioters and crimes might be?

    I never heard about bugaloo. How many bugaloo guys do you think there are? Wikipedia does have an article about them. They have indeed committed some crimes and wear Hawaiian shirts. I say, lock them up when they commit a crime.
    Of course you've never heard of them. You live in an echo chamber bubble where your preferred "news" sources would never in a million years report that story.

    I don't know how many Boogaloo guys there are. How many ANTIFA do you think there are, Oladub? I would need to know that number to calcuate the ratio you asked for. Do they have a membership list? Is there a local chapter I could contact for that info? Because it seems like with you guys, anyone who does anything you don't like is "ANTIFA." Anyone who breaks the law is "ANTIFA." A 75-year old Catholic peace activist in Buffalo NY is "ANTIFA." ANTIFA is whatever and whomever you want it to be, because it's a boogeyman you made up in your head.

    Meanwhile, the Boogaloo boys are very real. After killing one and wounding another Federal Protective Service officers in Oakland, these two Boogaloo terrorists went further north and used IEDs and AR-15s to ambush more cops, killing one and wounding two more. That's two dead cops and three wounded. And then there was the three in Las Vegas who got arrested with a car full of guns and bombs on their way to the protests so they could use them as cover to blow stuff up, they're facing federal terrorism charges.

    If ANTIFA commit a crime, I say lock them up. What more would you like to do?

  13. #363


    aj, I didn't ask you how many bugaloo guys "there are". You came up with at least two. I asked "How many bugaloo guys do you think there are" suggesting a guess rather than an exact number. Why didn't you just Google it? I was hoping you would have a basis for suggesting 50, 200. or whatever. I've come across two article so far claiming bugaloo boys wear Hawaiian shirts but I must have missed them all in the looting and rioting videos of Democratic cities. Are the Bugaloo guys sort of like the Russians you were telling us about a half a year ago? Are they Russians?

    I also asked, "
    what do you think the ratio of antifa to 'bugaloo' rioters and crimes might be?" We agree then that if antifa or the bugaloo guys commit a crime, they should be arrested and locked up. I don't have any membership lists of antifa members or wannabees either but maybe all the hundreds of people dressed up in black costumes in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle and elsewhere are bugaloos in disguise. Could be, right? I suspect that antifa clones outnumber your mostly imaginary bugaloo guys 98 or 99-1. The way to know might be to arrest anyone caught committing a crime and finding out their background.

    Meanwhile, I suspect the the bugaloo gang is mostly an imaginary and exaggerated thing like your tin foil hat Russians behind every tree scenario you were trying to sell us.
    Last edited by oladub; June-17-20 at 04:30 PM.

  14. #364


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Meanwhile, I suspect the the bugaloo gang is mostly an imaginary and exaggerated thing like your tin foil hat Russians behind every tree scenario you were trying to sell us.
    The boogaloo movement, adherents to which are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois, is a loosely organized American far-right extremist movement.[6] Participants generally identify as a libertarian citizen-militia, and say they are preparing for a second American Civil War, which they call the "boogaloo".[1][7][8] Widespread use of the term dates from late 2019, and adherents use the term [[including variations, so as to avoid social media crackdowns) to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms.[9][10][11]

    The movement consists of pro-gun, anti-government groups.[9][12] The specific ideology of each group varies, and views on some topics such as race differ widely. Some are white supremacist or neo-Nazi groups who believe that the impending unrest will be a race war; however other groups condemn racism and white supremacy.

  15. #365


    That's the article I first learned about the Hawaiian shirts in and referenced in post 360. No numbers though. I don't' know who contributed to this article but I would really like to know more about "libertarian citizen-militia[[s)". That's a contradiction. Do they have leaders? It sounds like something written by the SCLC. The SCLC once wrote a glossy brochures for the Missouri "Fusion Center" to be distributed to police that anyone who had a Ron Paul or Libertarian Party bumper sticker should be considered as potentially violent. Think about it. Why would libertarians deprive Americans of liberty like antifa and maybe bugaloos? One has to have their tin foil hat on a little tight to imagine that. I have one libertarian joke: There was a libertarian meeting at which someone pounded the gavel to gain some order at which point someone from the back of the room responded, "Who the hell do you think you are."

    What do you think, are these guys antifa or bugaloo? I'm guessing antifa. Hints: Seattle and no Hawaiian shirts. You can vote for them in November.
    Last edited by oladub; June-17-20 at 05:38 PM.

  16. #366


    The Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch mission is to research groups like "boogaloo bois." It's a safe bet that if they don't yet have the latest accurate intelligence assessment, they soon will.

    Google site:splcenter.org boogaloo

  17. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    The Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch mission is to research groups like "boogaloo bois." It's a safe bet that if they don't yet have the latest accurate intelligence assessment, they soon will.

    Google site:splcenter.org boogaloo
    SPLC is itself a hate-group.

  18. #368


    SPLC and ACLU lawyers would be at the top of my list for AG and judge nominees.

  19. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    SPLC and ACLU lawyers would be at the top of my list for AG and judge nominees.
    That would be a disaster.

    We CANNOT allow activists on the bench. A judges job is to dispassionately apply the law. Having an activist from a hate group like SPLC on the bench spells the end of the Republic.

    This is why Judge Sonia Sotomayor has been such a disaster. She has actually admitted in public that she thinks it's the SC's job to MAKE policy. NOOOOO. It's their job to decide if policy made by Congress is Constitutional. The SC IS NOT a bypass around our elected government.

  20. #370


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    That would be a disaster.

    We CANNOT allow activists on the bench. A judges job is to dispassionately apply the law. Having an activist from a hate group like SPLC on the bench spells the end of the Republic.
    Are you aware your country has elected judges? Judges who have overt partisan affiliations and run expressing clear views of how the law should be read [[see 'maximum Bob')?

    What a bizarre statement to make.

    Equally, the SCOTUS has made plenty of rulings over the years that showed express agendas both left and right.

    The 2nd Amendment, historically was not read as an open-ended right to gun ownership, that changes a few decades back with a Supreme Court ruling.

    Citizens United clearly overruled Congress in equating money with speech; something that is not in any way implied in the Constitution.

    The idea that now would be a time for non-partisan judges who aren't activist to be required seems a bit 'closing the barn door after the horse has bolted'

    Really try again if you want to be taken seriously.

    I would completely support the U.S. moving to non-partisan, non-elected judges appointed based on legal scholarship and merit.

    But somehow I don't see that happening, in part, because people like you would oppose it. You do like judicial activism, but only when it correlates to your biases.

  21. #371


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Are you aware your country has elected judges? Judges who have overt partisan affiliations and run expressing clear views of how the law should be read [[see 'maximum Bob')?

    What a bizarre statement to make.

    Equally, the SCOTUS has made plenty of rulings over the years that showed express agendas both left and right.

    The 2nd Amendment, historically was not read as an open-ended right to gun ownership, that changes a few decades back with a Supreme Court ruling.
    The only question historically with the second amendment was whether the type of weapons could be regulated. Ownership of a weapons is considered an"open ended" right.
    In a 1939 ruling the appellee did not even show up leading to default of the case.
    In that case he was accused of transporting a sawed off shotgun across state lines. This somehow became the ruling cited that said gun ownership could be banned.

  22. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    I would completely support the U.S. moving to non-partisan, non-elected judges appointed based on legal scholarship and merit.

    But somehow I don't see that happening, in part, because people like you would oppose it. You do like judicial activism, but only when it correlates to your biases.
    100% incorrect.

    I hate judicial partisanship,.. on either side.

    The second amendment was CLEARLY meant to be a final check and balance against tyranny. House v.s senate,.. those two v.s. the Executive branch,.. then those all checked up on by SCOTUS. And the FINAL check and balance is the government has no guns,.. and the people are well armed. Only so far out of control the government would dare get in a situation like that. The founders were fleeing a king,.. that could tax any amount,.. kill you on a whim, and tell you what religion to practice, because the had the army, and the people had nothing. The founders wanted to reverse that.

    The Commie Pinkos always try to insinuate the 2nd amt is somehow about preserving our right to hunt and compete in the Olympics.

    "being necessary to a free state" Free from what? Not being able to hunt? Of having to pay for stuff? Of course not,.. it means free from tyranny. [[A state of not being "free".)

    SCOTUS, Congress etc constantly miss-interpret the Constitution. And there's acres of letters, speeches and such to help understand what the framers meant.

    Like separation of church and state. Almost no one knows what's meant by that. It wasn't so that people were forbidden from praying in public buildings,... it WAS so that the government couldn't get in to the religion business. So they couldn't establish or regulate religions.

    Yet that's exactly what they DO. If they officially recognize your religion,.. you get special tax exempt status,.. and if they don't recognize you,.. you don't get them. What is SUPPOSED to happen is, churches should be taxed exactly the same way as any other organization, just like what our governor is doing with churches in her Coivid19 response. While some governors are restricting gatherings of a certain number, EXCEPT for churches, OUR governor is doing the right thing by treating them just like any other group. [[Max 10 indoors, and then only with masks etc) Which is a bummer for my church,.. as we have had to meet outdoors for the last 2 weeks. Fortunately the weather has been fantastic.

    But that's the right move. A governor isn't supposed to be making special rules for churches,.. bad or good.
    Last edited by Bigdd; June-18-20 at 08:32 AM.

  23. #373


    The SPLC was not always so far left. Seems it started to happen in over the last ten or fifth-teen years or so. I recall their work during the black civil rights movement etc. Here's a wiki snapshot:


    In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations. The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state. The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation [[FBI) and other law enforcement agencies....

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    SPLC is itself a hate-group.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-18-20 at 08:39 AM.

  24. #374


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    The Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch mission is to research groups like "boogaloo bois." It's a safe bet that if they don't yet have the latest accurate intelligence assessment, they soon will.

    Google site:splcenter.org boogaloo
    It's a safe bet that the SPCC will act as an intellectual brownshirt agency for the corporatist wing of the Democratic Party by dispatching enemies with name calling.

    I was made aware of the SPLC when I was involved with the Ron Paul campaign in 2008. A Missouri state trooper turned over a glossy brochure printed for Missouri's fusion agency. It told police to consider any car occupant with a Ron Paul, Libertarian Party, or Conservative party bumper sticker as being potential terrorists. This matter was taken to court. The court forced the fusion agency to stop distributing those brochures. It turned out that the SPLC had provided the material for the brochure. If you know anything about Ron Paul, he was hardly a terrorist. He might have been a threat to what we call deep state interests today in that he voted according to the Constitution, but he was not a terrorist. He opposed undeclared wars, expanisive government and big corporations. Whatever good work the SPLC used to do and still does to some extent, it is on my bad list for making stuff up to my personal detriment because I had a Ron Paul sticker on my car. I suppose that I didn't want to be targeted by police any more than BLM people.

    Anecdotally, one guy tried to commit murder based on SPLC literature, the SPLC leader has become rich purveying hate before he finally was fired in 2019, and a " letter signed by about two dozen employees — and sent to management and the board of directors before news broke of Dees’ firing — said they were concerned that internal “allegations of mistreatment, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism threaten the moral authority of this organization and our integrity along with it.” That's from employees not me.
    Last edited by oladub; June-18-20 at 08:46 AM.

  25. #375


    That WAS a gaff some would argue! I prefer for folks to say one thing and do the other anyway. That's what we see so often.

    At least she was being transparent! Hah.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    ...This is why Judge Sonia Sotomayor has been such a disaster. She has actually admitted in public that she thinks it's the SC's job to MAKE policy. NOOOOO. It's their job to decide if policy made by Congress is Constitutional...

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