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  1. #251


    LOL! Must we forcefully strain over the most obvious at all turns......

    The specific role of the president of the United States of America [[even with the checks and balances, lest we break into a session of discursive straining) is the apex on most levels.


    Corrupting or not - it varies, and how much varies still. Check.

    Then there's that old expression: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    I don't understand. He's already in office. He's held, what? 15 public offices since 1981? He already has an established reputation with which his constituents seem quite satisfied.

    Electoral history of Bernie Sanders

    Do you mean that when the office is that of the president, it's somehow different? It is somehow more corrupting?

    That might explain a lot of things about the current amateur in office, hmm?
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-31-19 at 09:47 PM.

  2. #252


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    LOL! Must we forcefully strain over the most obvious at all turns......

    The specific role of the president of the United States of America [[even with the checks and balances, lest we break into session of discursive straining) is the apex on most levels.


    Corrupting or not - it varies, and how much varies still. Check.

    Then there's that old expression: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
    2 points to Zacha for using 'discursive' in a sentence!

    I'm not 100% sure I agree w/the use......discursive straining.......but whatever suspicion I have is overridden by my enjoyment of the word and besides you get 1 bonus point for original use.
    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; July-31-19 at 09:32 PM.

  3. #253


    Jokes in process. Thank yah!

    Cynically speaking, DS is my description of round about LONG-WINDED and unnecessarily inquiries etc... I was being funny for effect!

    Actual meaning:



    1. digressing from subject to subject.

    synonyms: rambling, digressive, meandering, wandering, maundering, diffuse, long, lengthy....

    See what I mean?
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-04-19 at 07:59 AM.

  4. #254


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Jokes in process. Thank yah!

    Cynically speaking DS is my description of round about LONG WINDED and unnecessarily inquiries etc... I was being funny for effect!

    Actual meaning:



    1. digressing from subject to subject.

    synonyms: rambling, digressive, meandering, wandering, maundering, diffuse, long, lengthy....

    See what I mean?
    So you were using Discursive Straining to show how through your loquaciousness you could elucidate your disapprobation for redundant verbosity!

    Go you! [[sincerely)

  5. #255


    ^^^ Um, eh. YEAH that one... illucidatin'!

  6. #256


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    LOL! Must we forcefully strain over the most obvious at all turns......

    The specific role of the president of the United States of America [[even with the checks and balances, lest we break into session of discursive straining) is the apex on most levels.


    Corrupting or not - it varies, and how much varies still. Check.

    Then there's that old expression: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
    Your impression of Professor Irwin Corey, The World's Foremost Authority is impeccable.

    So sad:ten characters

    "Professor" Irwin Corey, Comic Master of Intellectual Doublespeak, Dies at 102
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-31-19 at 10:20 PM.

  7. #257


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    He did not actually lose money and he never actually ran casinos


    How was Ireland? Did you find the leprechaun under the bridge with a wee pot of gold ?
    The country is beautiful, I got back on monday. We did a house exchange with a family in a suburb south of Dublin, had the use of their cars, got to see quite a lot. When I lived there in the 80's, there were no highways, now they crisscross the country but when you get back onto small country roads, they are often hardly more than a car in width. Driving on the wrong side was also a challenge.

    Ireland is a lot richer and has become more cosmopolitan with many immigrants starting businesses and giving the place more energy. I didn't see much poverty, in fact, a lot of the worst council estates North of the Quays have disappeared and made way to new offices and condos. There is apparent wealth everywhere. Lots of new and expensive cars. The price of real estate is astronomical.

    Sorry, I didn't see leprechauns. I also noticed that religion was a lot less in your face than in the 80's, which is a good thing. The magic is in the beauty of the place, not in the dumbing down of things you can't explain.

    If Chump didn't run casinos, who was it put his name in gold letters on them, I must have dreamed it, before they went belly up.
    Last edited by canuck; August-01-19 at 04:31 AM.

  8. #258
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    Mar 2009



    In the middle of a heated back-and-forth on Medicare for All at the beginning of Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate in Detroit, Sen. Bernie Sanders called out
    for airing anti-single payer ads from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries during commercial breaks.

  9. #259


    Oh my CNN being naughty?

    I thought the grand media devil incarnate was Fox-SNEWS. And the pharma advertising would be needed under any health care plan right? Hah.

  10. #260
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    Mar 2009


    Jimmy Dore Show-
    CNN Caught Blocking Bernie Supporters From Camera
    Long clip but they talk about how the supporters were treated outside the debates early on.


  11. #261


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Jimmy Dore Show-

    Long clip but they talk about how the supporters were treated outside the debates early on.


    It's like the nth Chapter of "Spin", so what is new in the kingdom of democracy, Pam?

  12. #262


    I am thinking that the closer it gets to the election once again Bernie will drop and team up again with who the DNC picks as thier leading favorite.

  13. #263
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    Mar 2009



    It could hardly be more obvious that CNN [[like MSNBC, which held the first two Democratic debates earlier this summer) wants to pave the way for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination of one of the leaders of the Democrats’ “
    Wall Street primary”
    so far: the
    ridiculous right-wing corporatist Joe Biden
    , the
    mass-incarcerationist fake-progressive Kamala Harris,
    and the
    neoliberal wonder-boy Pete Butiggieg

  14. #264


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I am thinking that the closer it gets to the election once again Bernie will drop and team up again with who the DNC picks as thier leading favorite.
    You mean Hillary? Or if someone can raise enough money....Michelle O.

  15. #265


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    You mean Hillary? Or if someone can raise enough money....Michelle O.
    I can see them rolling Michelle out at the eleventh hour based solely on popularity without leaving time for all the pre- election drama.

    The common theme seems to be centered around gaining the African American votes that they say were lost in the previous election,concentrating on race.

    The qualifying deadline is close,the field will be narrowed real quick.

    They are already saying Bernie and Warren are on the same platform and would cancel each other’s votes out.

  16. #266


    They are saying Beto O’Rourke in Texas,his father was deep ingrained in Texas politics,not as much as the Bushes.

    Texas has turned blue for the first time,maybe because of all of the California transplants trying to mirror what they left.

    It is going to be interesting to see where Texas lands in 2020,But that is local elections,the progressives tend to be urban but when the electoral system kicks in the rural red kicks in.

    Thats kinda why the whole urban popularity in polling and saying a candidate is well liked really does not work,as they learned in 2016,and why they are trying so hard to eliminate the electorate voting so the few can control the many.

  17. #267
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    Mar 2009


    The New York Times
    , in a map produced by the paper's reporters, found that Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, dominates most of the country as the primary or secondary recipient of nearly all donations from Americans in all states—though his support is strongest in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, the eastern Great Plains, and the West.

    https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/08/02/bernie-sanders-dominates-analyses-fundraising-data-show-vermont-senator-widespread?cd-origin=rss&utm_term=AO&utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsle tter&utm_content=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newslett er&utm_medium=Email

  18. #268


    Is that the same New York Times as this one?

    Ah, there’s the rub. Had the paper actually been fair to both candidates, it wouldn’t need to rededicate itself to honest reporting. And it wouldn’t have been totally blindsided by Trump’s victory.
    Instead, because it demonized Trump from start to finish, it failed to realize he was onto something. And because the paper decided that Trump’s supporters were a rabble of racist rednecks and homophobes, it didn’t have a clue about what was happening in the lives of the Americans who elected the new president.


    When newspapers start giving fair reporting on all candidates then they may show they have some credibility left.

    The NYT has continued its assault on the current president,which shows they will remain biased and the letter put out by Sulzberger and Baquet was as full of bs as thier standard of reporting is.

    We blew it on Trump,and we are sorry that we lost so many subscribers in the process,now please give us a chance to prove that we learned nothing and will continue to strive to provide the best propaganda that we can muster in order to retain subscribers.

    If portraying Bernie in a bad light sells more papers they will flip on him at the drop of a dime.

    Remember 2016 what all the experts and polls said?

    Even on the eve of the election they all sat there smug claiming Hillary by a landslide,the so called experts.

    Were any of them right? Why should we believe them now?

    I put more stock in what people print here then any media outlet,at least nobody is saying,I am an expert believe me.

    Have the newspapers as a media source portrayed the current administration in a positive or unbiased manner sense 2016?

    Nothing has changed,a majority of the media has been anti Trump for the last 3 years and they have been wrong,what makes anybody think that they are going to read or watch anything but positive output on anybody but Trump.

    Kermit the frog could run for President and as long as he is running against the current president the media will be the fluffers,they lost the credibility and at this point by showing thier support towards a candidate really has no meaning.

    Go to any lib university,poll 100 people asking them if they support Bernie,100 out of 100 will say yes,one way or another.

    Tomorrows news will read 100 out of 100 polled picked Bernie,he’s our man and wins hands down.

    Has anybody here ever been polled or even know anybody who has been?

    For all we know it could be somebody sitting on the toilet writing out poll results on thier android without actually leaving the bathroom.

    Its a two party system,no way in the world the DNC is going to allow a progressive or socialist on the ticket,they will do the same as last time,look like they are appealing to that segment so they can get the votes,when it comes time for the switch they bank on the libs and socialist aspect will still keep their votes within the Democratic Party because then thier options will be either vote Democrat or Republican.
    Last edited by Richard; August-03-19 at 01:36 AM.

  19. #269


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    We blew it on Trump,and we are sorry that we lost so many subscribers in the process,now please give us a chance to prove that we learned nothing and will continue to strive to provide the best propaganda that we can muster in order to retain subscribers.

    If portraying Bernie in a bad light sells more papers they will flip on him at the drop of a dime.
    And there it is, right there in a nutshell. When I get called in for my performance review, and I'm told "Honky Tonk, you're not getting enough "clicks", you're not selling papers like Richard is", I better scramble in order to keep my job. What the shareholders want to see is results. If I have to bend the truth a bit to provide those results, then I have choices to make. The last piece of real journalism I read was the Ford transmission article in the Freep. And everything I read, I take with a grain of salt.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; August-03-19 at 06:57 AM.

  20. #270


    New Map Shows Bernie’s Massive Lead From Coast To Coast

    It shows donations that are from only individuals but it's overwhelming.

  21. #271


    He may lead with over 700,000 private donors but when there are 200,000,000 registered voters in the US,in context it is not a very good judge as to electability.

    How much does it cost to be competitive in a presidential election ?


  22. #272


    He may lead with over 700,000 private donors but when there are 200,000,000 registered voters in the US,in context it is not a very good judge as to electability.

    How much does it cost to be competitive in a presidential election ?


    But it is misleading to say the cap is $27 so every $27 received is a additional voter,when people are still donating to the max of $5,500 but doing it by donating many times over in small increments.

    After Abramowitz hit the legal limit on what he could give the campaign — $5,400 — he channeled his energy into volunteering for Sanders at a phone bank. He averages 1,000 calls a day, he said.


    So that is one person donates $27 counted as 200 separate donations.

    Its creative book keeping.

  23. #273


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    New Map Shows Bernie’s Massive Lead From Coast To Coast

    It shows donations that are from only individuals but it's overwhelming.
    Looking at the second place map, from about 3min into the video, some interesting patterns show up. Like Bernie, Warren has a national base of individual donors. Buttigieg has a mid-west regional base of voters. Biden is surprisingly strong in the SE and Florida. Other candidates have state only bases. Kamala Harris might be the biggest beneficiary of getting rid of the electoral college in a national election.

    Open Secrets also shows Bernie to have the most contributions with Warren in second place. Warren has received almost no support from labor. On a percentage basis, Tom Steyer gets the highest percentage of his donations from males and Kirsten Gillebrand has the highest percentage of female contributors.

  24. #274
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    Mar 2009



    When MSNBC legal analyst Mimi Rocah said that Bernie Sanders “made [her] skin crawl,” though she “can’t even identify for you what exactly it is,” she was just expressing more overtly the anti-Sanders bias that pervades the network.The hostility is so entrenched, in fact, it seems to have
    corrupted MSNBC’s mathematical reasoning and created a new system of arithmetic. The cable news network has repeatedly made on-air and online mistakes about Sanders’s polling and other numbers — always to his detriment, and never with any official correction.

  25. #275


    The United States is a Democratic leaning republic,If you are a self proclaimed socialist that stands up and says I want to be your leader,you have to figure that you are not going to be excepted with open arms.

    It does show how great we are when even a socialist is allowed a platform,a lot of socialist countries political opponents like that,he would have been jailed or disappeared.

    In the past local media liked to pick thier favorites to support in local politics,now it seems like on the National stage the media has turned into agenda based reporters,no different then Hollywood or ball players etc.

    Anybody with a video camera and microphone can pick a platform and become a political advocate,it’s the weaponization of identify politics.
    Last edited by Richard; August-06-19 at 12:36 PM.

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