Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post

This is what you get now that Detroit cops are looking the other way! Good luck getting those insurance rates down.
Only tax payers could be this stupid.

We buy Law Enforcement multi-million dollar aircraft and pour even more good money annually to fly patterns over us, the associated maintaince, training, etc...but a sting on these kids and their groups of ATVs sending coppers to make arrest and impound motorbikes when they head back home can not be done!

Next, because a few assholes want their pound of flesh and think it is a good idea for the cops to shoot the punks off the ATVs killing 15 year olds and destroying police and local community relations in the process...every tax payer in Michigan gets to have the privilege of paying the bill for the 8 figure lawsuit settlements and all associated costs.

No one could make this kind of financial insanity up if they wanted to were it not already actually happening in this state and being championed by some as the right way to address a problem.
