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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You use words like moronic and irrelevant and then try to associate a civilian semi automatic weapon with a military issue fully automatic weapon as if they have the same capabilities,then for added fluff you throw in the hand gernade part. Cute

    If you really think that a hand gernade is the only form of explosive then you are really wet behind the ears,go spend a few weeks in the Middle East,there is nothing that you can touch or feel that cannot be made into an explosive device.

    The part that you are leaving out just as your media leadership is the amount of shootings stopped by good guys with guns.

    Notice no media coverage on this one

    Thankfully, a heroic citizen with a permit to legally carry a concealed handgun was able to save countless lives in Florida Saturday when he shot a gunman who opened fire on a back-to-school event attended by over 150 students at a park in Titusville, Florida.


    Did you know there are over 120,000 cases where a good guy with a gun stopped a shooting ?

    Of course not,that will not fit your agenda,as much as it pisses you off it is legal to own a AR-15,and it does not matter if you agree with it or not,it is legal.

    See that is the way this country is,if I see somebody wishing to do others harm I have the ability to stop them,you can call 911 and wait,do not worry you do not have to let me know how it worked out,I can already tell you how it will.

    But that is your right,I respect that maybe you should try respecting others rights.

    Have you ever rolled up on an accident where a teenager that had 23 texts in five minutes while going down the highway and killed himself and 4 others,do you how much blood and carnage that creates?

    But you have no problem with that,why?

    105 a week 420 a month 5040 a year directly related to cell phone use while driving,but you are not calling for a cell phone ban,maybe because then you would have to give up yours.
    Yes, actually I do have a problem with cell phone distracted driving and other things that are deadly also but that is irrelevant to this particular problem being discussed in this thread of what happens when nut bags start using semi-auto rifles with quick detachable magazines in military calibers on people.

    Richard doesn’t see a problem and just changes the subject because this guy didn’t have 3 round burst or full auto. Of course if Richard was standing on that field he would have saved the day with his pocket 9 mill! Time to consider what happens when gun nuts delusions of grandeur don’t get to be fulfilled. It could be something similar to this:

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Yes, actually I do have a problem with cell phone distracted driving and other things that are deadly also but that is irrelevant to this particular problem being discussed in this thread of what happens when nut bags start using semi-auto rifles with quick detachable magazines in military calibers on people.

    Richard doesn’t see a problem and just changes the subject because this guy didn’t have 3 round burst or full auto. Of course if Richard was standing on that field he would have saved the day with his pocket 9 mill! Time to consider what happens when gun nuts delusions of grandeur don’t get to be fulfilled. It could be something similar to this:
    Lol,the only reason I quoted this is because of your constant telling me that I am full of it.

    Then you write a post that reads ....... nut bags start useing semi auto rifles with quick detachable magazines in military calibers.

    Sense I am such a nice guy I will give you an opportunity to hook up with Mr Bust who can introduce you to Mr Google so you can maybe learn a little about what you are actually writing.

    Or did you attend Evelyn woods school of AJ and like to fluff things up to create a dramatic effect?

    So friendly advice for you,next time you drive to work,do not pick up any AR-15s hitchhiking,they have been known to sleepwalk.
    Last edited by Richard; October-30-18 at 10:27 PM.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ common sense knows the difference between Hitler and the current president.
    Yeah, one is long gone, the other, 90% of the planet wishes were long gone.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    That's right. That's how I took it and continue to take it. When you chose the word "Trumpers", you brought Trump into this discussion about the killings. Characterizing "Trumpers" as somehow supporting the killings is slanderous and in most cases inaccurate. Your modus operandi is to color things for the sake of smearing them. You share that trait with Trump.
    The MAGABomber and the MAGAShooter were both Trump cultists. Kinda hard to avoid talking about the cult leader when discussing cult actions prompted by the leader's insane rants.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Yeah, one is long gone, the other, 90% of the planet wishes were long gone.

    Yea,but part of being an adult is the understanding that we do not always get what we wish for and learning how to deal with things without throwing a temper tantrum or constantly crying because we did not get our way.

    Sometimes you just have to suck it up and move in another direction that brings more positive results instead of piling more negativey on top of old negativity,it puts people on a merry go round of misery.

    I wish I would have won the powerball so I would not have to think about if I am going to work tomorrow or not,I would rather be on a beach somewhere with 5 or 6 cute Latin ladies but then reality kicks in and I wake up.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Yea,but part of being an adult is the understanding that we do not always get what we wish for and learning how to deal with things without throwing a temper tantrum or constantly crying because we did not get our way.
    I hope you're commuting these sage words to Dotard and his deranged cultists. A soiled toddler has more decorum and gravitas than the budding fascist in the WH.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    The MAGABomber and the MAGAShooter were both Trump cultists. Kinda hard to avoid talking about the cult leader when discussing cult actions prompted by the leader's insane rants.
    The only thing that has been released to the public is that they pulled a fingerprint from an envolope and he was driving a van with Republican Party support stickers on it.

    Based that alone,which meens little at this point,until they release more evidence and facts that brought them to it,is it wise to kinda wait.

    All we are doing is speculation based on maybe or could have etc and trying to base an argument on thin air.

    No disrespect but you do seem to have a bit of insanity in your rants also,are you 100% sure that you are not related to Mr Trump.

    Just think,tomorrow you could be calling him,dad.
    Last edited by Richard; October-30-18 at 10:58 PM.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    I hope you're commuting these sage words to Dotard and his deranged cultists. A soiled toddler has more decorum and gravitas than the budding fascist in the WH.
    That must be some good stuff that you are trying out,care to share?

    I do notice that you called him a budding facist,where as before you referred to him as a full out facist,can that be interpreted to you are starting to embrace MAGA?
    Last edited by Richard; October-30-18 at 11:02 PM.

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    The MAGABomber and the MAGAShooter were both Trump cultists. Kinda hard to avoid talking about the cult leader when discussing cult actions prompted by the leader's insane rants.
    Which of the 30 U.S. cities with the highest homicide rates voted for Trump? Chicago, for instance, has had 493 homicides so far this year. I don't see the front pages covered with outrage that there have been 50 homicides in Chicago so far this month. The press doesn't seem to care that, e.g., Chicago killings alone far outnumber MAGA shooter type killings nationally but its a week before the election. Liberals, for some reason, are too blinded by sensationality to comprehend proportions. Meanwhile, the MAGA bomber killed no one and kept planting dud bombs.

  10. #60
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    Oladub should just change his name to "red herring." Or "Whataboutism." Dude can't stay on topic to save his fucking life.

  11. #61


    ^ writes the one who try’s to divert every thread into a Trump slam.

    A Detroit specific socialism thread and it is Trump waaa waaa waaa.

    Everybody is a liar but you.

    Did you see the flock of AK-47s flying south?

  12. #62


    It's my understanding that the MEGAShooter was not a Trump supporter.

    Remembering The Victims:
    Daniel Stein, 71; Joyce Feinberg, 75; Richard Gottfried, 65; Rose Mallinger, 97; Jerry Rabinowitz, 66; brothers Cecil Rosenthal, 59, and David Rosenthal 54; husband and wife Bernice Simon, 84 and Sylvan Simon, 86; Melvin Wax, 88; and Irving Younger, 69


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    The MAGABomber and the MAGAShooter were both Trump cultists. Kinda hard to avoid talking about the cult leader when discussing cult actions prompted by the leader's insane rants.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-05-18 at 05:02 AM.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    It's my understanding that the MEGAShooter was not a Trump supporter.
    He was a Far Right extremist and a white supremacist. You are correct though, he did not like Trump because Trump had Jews in his Administration and because Trump wasn't extreme enough for him.

  14. #64
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    Another day in America, another act of brutal Far Right violence:



    A 40-year old white male named Scott Beierle walked into a Yoga studio in Tallahassee Florida on Friday evening and opened fire, killing two women and wounding five more before cowardly taking his own life. He had no known connection to any of his victims and appears to have targeted the location because of the availability of female targets.

    Beierle was a prolific online poster who posted videos and songs in which he proudly proclaimed his violent hatred of women, non-whites, and gays. He also praised and sympathized with the ideology of the Isla Vista shooter, Elliot Rodger, who identified as an involuntary celibate or "Incel."

    Beierle's facebook page shows he was a member of the groups "We are Conservatives" and "FSU College Republicans" [[it has since been confirmed he did attend and graduate from FSU) and one of his profile pictures is him posing with a life-size cardboard cutout of Ronald Reagan. Beirele had two prior arrests, both for harassing women.

  15. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Another day in America, another act of brutal Far Right violence:



    A 40-year old white male named Scott Beierle walked into a Yoga studio in Tallahassee Florida on Friday evening and opened fire, killing two women and wounding five more before cowardly taking his own life. He had no known connection to any of his victims and appears to have targeted the location because of the availability of female targets.

    Beierle was a prolific online poster who posted videos and songs in which he proudly proclaimed his violent hatred of women, non-whites, and gays. He also praised and sympathized with the ideology of the Isla Vista shooter, Elliot Rodger, who identified as an involuntary celibate or "Incel."

    Beierle's facebook page shows he was a member of the groups "We are Conservatives" and "FSU College Republicans" [[it has since been confirmed he did attend and graduate from FSU) and one of his profile pictures is him posing with a life-size cardboard cutout of Ronald Reagan. Beirele had two prior arrests, both for harassing women.

    Another one of those day-in-the-spotlight guys with easy access to guns. They love their guns and the ease with which they get them is deplorable but then again, they drive cars and use phones and the internet so we should ban them from using all of these.

    No but seriously, more to the point, pretty much all the angry, low esteem individuals out there are so easily equipped with guns. A simple check of the Internet can give a good outline of their intentions. Is there no way of stopping a nutjob like this from getting guns so easily?

    Do you need to give kindergarten and school teachers and yoga instructors guns to make the world a safer place?

    Next in line are restriction on driving and phone-calling, but I digress.

  16. #66
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    Another day in America, another mass shooting. 12 murdered at a popular bar in Thousand Oaks, CA.


    Shooter has been identified as a 29-year old white man named Ian David Long, a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.


    He used a .45 caliber Glock 21 pistol in the shooting, that he had legally purchased.

    I guess this is just the new normal now.
    Last edited by aj3647; November-08-18 at 03:56 PM.

  17. #67


    No actually it has been happening for a long time


    Awhile back Lowell posted a link of a school shooting in the Up from the 1920s?

    Prayers and condolences go out to those effected.

    Clearly a ban on assault looking weapons would not have prevented this.

  18. #68


    Clearly a ban on assault looking weapons would not have prevented this.

    Obviously not, if the guy was a professional soldier and, incidentally, you don't have to be very talented or a great shot to pull out a handgun and shoot and kill a bunch of people. He was trained to do that. He may very well have wanted to be swift and lighthanded.

    When firearms were introduced in armies a long time ago, their main advantage was that you needed less strength and precision, and therefore less training and energy than those studying to be archers.
    Archers also needed to be fed more, got hurt more, etc...
    Now, you can outlaw bows and arrows but they are so inefficient when compared to a stupidproof firearm of any kind.

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Awhile back Lowell posted a link of a school shooting in the Up from the 1920s?

  20. #70


    Richard - in the link you shared, most of the dates are of recent, so yes, it is the new normal. It does not surprise me when I turn on the radio/and or TV to hear a crazed person entered a school, bar, church, synagogue and took down innocent people.
    Last edited by Maof; November-09-18 at 09:11 AM.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Richard - in the linked you shared, most of the dates are of recent, so yes, it is the new normal. It does not surprise me when I turn on the radio/and or TV to hear a crazed person entered a school, bar, church, synagogue and took down innocent people.
    So what has changed? When I went to school guns were easier to legally acquire,kids came to school with them hanging in the back windows of thier trucks.But yet the frequency was less.

    Do think it has anything to do with how society has changed?

    Back then there was more family structure and like in the home schools pushed personal responsibility accountability for ones actions,respect for others etc.

    Now what do we see,just in school alone it has become more about safe spaces,individuality,everybody is a winner,everything is everybody's else’s fault and on and on.

    I am not into sports but I help or donate to the little leaguers by setting up thier concession stands to help generate revenue to offset some of thier costs.

    I had watched parents screaming at the board members,who are volunteers about what thier children should have and where they should be in the line up and I have literally watched half of the team sitting on the sidelines crying while the parents are going ballistic because the team lost.

    Guns have always been there,maybe we need to take a hard look at where we are as a society and the atmosphere that we are creating.There will always be winners and losers and life is not obligated to provide us with anything,it takes effort.

    Interesting enough I was watching SKY news UK last night and they reported a few things that stood out to me about the current tragedy.

    They reported that the handgun used was banned two years ago but the NRA sued to remove the ban.

    What was the motive for saying that?

    Then they went on to report

    The shooter was a highly trained military member.

    Then they reported that an female eyewitness reported that the girl next to her was shot 5 times.

    You see the manipulation? Highly trained military is going to take two shots per target and move on even more so with a hand gun with limited rounds,5 shots to one person is going to indicate a specific target based on anger towards that individual.

    If what they are reporting is fact.But it appears as agenda manipulation through the media.

    Maybe stop looking at the weapons used and widen the scope as to why the increase in incidents and underlying motivation factors.

    This morning they are reporting that the guy was bullied because of a lazy eye and it effected him,school bullying has been around from day one and yet nobody felt compelled to do mass shootings of this scope in the past.

    So what has changed?

  22. #72


    uhhhhhhh, not sure where you went to school and from what i've seen, we're close in age and no one carried guns when i was in school.
    Last edited by Maof; November-09-18 at 12:01 PM.

  23. #73


    I think he's talking about rural schools where they had gun racks for hunting rifles in the back of their "pick em up" trucks. Those were usually shotguns not M1s or 30.06 Springfields. And they weren't riding around with them loaded or carrying them into schools and synagogues. Apples to oranges. Again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    uhhhhhhh, not sure where you went to school and from what i've seen, we're close in age and no one carry guns when i was in school.

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Guns have always been there,maybe we need to take a hard look at where we are as a society and the atmosphere that we are creating.There will always be winners and losers and life is not obligated to provide us with anything,it takes effort.
    So why doesn't this happen on a weekly basis then in the UK? Canada? France? Why is America the only developed country where mass shootings occur every few days?


  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I think he's talking about rural schools where they had gun racks for hunting rifles in the back of their "pick em up" trucks. Those were usually shotguns not M1s or 30.06 Springfields. And they weren't riding around with them loaded or carrying them into schools and synagogues. Apples to oranges. Again.
    Usually bolt or lever action hunting rifles or break barrel shotguns. You had to work to fire multiple rounds. There weren't many pump action shotguns carried that way unless you shot trap.

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