Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
Anyone who needs help finding examples of corruption in the Trump white house must have their MAGA blindfolds on.

The first one lists so many, with references, you may have to read it in two parts:

Confronting the Cost of Trump’s Corruption to American Families

Juan Williams: Trump weaves web of corruption

Corruption in the Trump Administration Is Spreading

I'm not going to spoonfeed you. Read them yourself.

Where were you when all of the previous administrations were doing the exact same stuff ? How come no problems then?

Politicians going into office broke and becoming millionaires after leaving office is not a new concept,the only spoon feeding needs to go to those that act like Trump is the first of his kind as a president,you would think that this is the first election that half of the country has ever been involved in,with none of the experts actually running for president.

We seem to have 2 hundred million experts on how to be president and run a country but only 10 at the most actually stepping up to the plate,kinda like a bunch of back seat drivers.