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  1. #151


    Was that to my address? A Town Hall meeting is hosted by the Representative, so it is his or her meeting, called to address constituents about issues of concern. I have been to many. While everyone is supposed to have an opportunity to express their point, time is usually insufficient for each person in the room to have their say. The rep will usually have a line form for the mike and take people one by one in order until the meeting ends. When a bunch of people are yelling together and preventing others from having a say, they are disrupting the meeting and smothering an exchange of information. Some of "we the people" are prevented from having our time to ask questions or express opinions by an organized group of prepared demonstrators. It is unfair whichever side the demonstrators are on. Demonstrators should not be allowed to shout down Sarah Palin or Senator Selby or their supporters either.

  2. #152
    ccbatson Guest


    When they strong arm the opposition then they start to make noise. All of the incidents I have seen have been individuals passionately making a point. Only after some hired union thugs intervene do things get ugly.

  3. #153


    I am sorry, you must not be watching the same meetings. I have seen plenty of 'casts showing decent looking people making every effort to monopolize the meeting and disrupt the process.

    After the first few days of this, there will, of course, be security to maintain order, and it will kick in a lot earlier than the first occasions, as it should.

  4. #154
    Lorax Guest


    These lunatic fringe Astroturfers are the same people, wearing the same "Maobama" T-shirts, as the Teagagging crowd, and the "Birthers" who are being cranked out by the politically active corporate masters who control them.

    No one of any credibility takes this seriously, and it's no more than a distraction to health care reform.

  5. #155


    Quote: "No one of any credibility takes this seriously, and it's no more than a distraction"

    I knew it would happen sooner or later, a rational thought.

    These "turfers, "birthers" and "baggers" are nothing more than media spectacle. They represent no one rather something for main stream media to point their cameras at. Oh the humanity... Turn the TV off or buy an Xbox.

  6. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Firstandten wrote: "In my post I believe I didn't mention racism one time"

    Your words again: ""Is this just more white-folk code speak for" I don't trust this black guy he reminds me of P Diddy ? Are you a racist or do you just play one on this board ?""
    First of all that wasn't the post I was referring to. Secondly I just asked the question, If I felt you were a racist I would say it and tell you why I think that way.

    I do agree with you however with your description of yourself as a misogynist
    based on your comments on Lilly Ledbetter. Unfornately its only a short leap from there to being a racist.

  7. #157


    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    Was that to my address? A Town Hall meeting is hosted by the Representative, so it is his or her meeting, called to address constituents about issues of concern. I have been to many. While everyone is supposed to have an opportunity to express their point, time is usually insufficient for each person in the room to have their say. The rep will usually have a line form for the mike and take people one by one in order until the meeting ends. When a bunch of people are yelling together and preventing others from having a say, they are disrupting the meeting and smothering an exchange of information. Some of "we the people" are prevented from having our time to ask questions or express opinions by an organized group of prepared demonstrators. It is unfair whichever side the demonstrators are on. Demonstrators should not be allowed to shout down Sarah Palin or Senator Selby or their supporters either.
    The big problem with this that we had a black house member from GA have a town hall meeting on a important subject concerning his district unrelated to health care reform and the disrupters blew up his meeting. He had his health care reform meeting scheduled for later in the week. Thats just BS.

  8. #158


    This video of the Dingell Town Hall meeting shows the MO. People were shouting whenever Dingell tried to say anything. They were trying to prevent him from being heard. If anyone said anything they didn't like, they drowned them out. That is not freedom of speech, that is mob repression of speech.


  9. #159


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    The big problem with this that we had a black house member from GA have a town hall meeting on a important subject concerning his district unrelated to health care reform and the disrupters blew up his meeting. He had his health care reform meeting scheduled for later in the week. Thats just BS.
    I don't know if this is the Georgia Congressman you referred to. The local news station says that there was a open question session at the end of his meeting. My take on the guy judging from this news clip is that besides not wanting to answer questions, he is presumptive, arrogant and wrong.

    Democratic Congressman Takes On Health Care Protesters


  10. #160


    Quote: "based on your comments on Lilly Ledbetter."

    F Lily Ledbetter. People like her, male or female are just an agitator and a pain in the ass. If I was her boss, at the first available opportunity, I'd send her sailing in to the parking lot. Yeah, I know, that's why we need labor unions.......So people like Lily Ledbetter can keep on believing if they are "lucky" enough to hire in somewhere, her new employer is now legally bound to provide her an income as she see's fit. Say Good bye to our manufacturing sector and US jobs.

    Quote: "Unfornately its only a short leap from there to being a racist."

    People that pull the race card, think about Racism a lot, otherwise they wouldn't suggest it... a lot.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; August-12-09 at 09:28 AM.

  11. #161


    So, sstashmoo, you think Lily is an opportunist. Other people [[white men) deserve their higher pay. Again, thank our democracy for the laws to protect us from you and your ilk. It is astonishing we still need those laws. Thank you for making that need so apparent.
    Last edited by gazhekwe; August-12-09 at 10:28 AM.

  12. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    Other people [[white men) deserve their higher pay.
    On what do you base this? Are you the HR manager at Goodyear or just racist and sexist?

  13. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I don't know if this is the Georgia Congressman you referred to. The local news station says that there was a open question session at the end of his meeting. My take on the guy judging from this news clip is that besides not wanting to answer questions, he is presumptive, arrogant and wrong.

    Democratic Congressman Takes On Health Care Protesters

    Some context is needed. The build up to the congressmans blow-up was not shown.

    The people were consistently interrupting the people from DOT,†Scott said. “Interrupted the meeting, shouting, scuffles outside. This was no nice doctor coming in and asking a question that David Scott had to speak strongly to.â€

    The congressman spent three minutes answering his questions before he raised his voice. That part was not shown.

    The doctor asking the question accused him of voting for a Massachusetts-style
    health care plan when no vote was taken [[ where did he get that the bill isn't even finished)

    No need to go into what happen afterward with the death threats, racial threats swastika's etc.

    So yes this is BS, its one thing to be legitimately angry and wanting answers. These people don't want answers they want to disrupt. Its too bad because the transportation issue that the meeting was supposed to be about was a critical issue in that district and the people that were there for that didn't get to have their voices heard.

  14. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    When they strong arm the opposition then they start to make noise. All of the incidents I have seen have been individuals passionately making a point. Only after some hired union thugs intervene do things get ugly.
    ah, bats. still living divorced from reality, and with no visitation rights, either

  15. #165
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "No one of any credibility takes this seriously, and it's no more than a distraction"

    I knew it would happen sooner or later, a rational thought.

    These "turfers, "birthers" and "baggers" are nothing more than media spectacle. They represent no one rather something for main stream media to point their cameras at. Oh the humanity... Turn the TV off or buy an Xbox.
    Wow, a rare moment of agreement. I think I need a cigarette.....

    Maybe I'll consider returning your second "S" to lowercase status.

    Utto, I just read your Lily Ledbetter comments, and forgot that you don't qualify for parole yet.

    Lose the 12th century outlook on life, and we'll talk.
    Last edited by Lorax; August-12-09 at 10:33 AM.

  16. #166


    Ghettopalmetto, don't shoot the messenger. If you read my previous posts you will surely see my true attitude. My opening sentence above was paraphrasing sstashmoo's posts. I have edited for [[I hope) clarity.

  17. #167


    Quote: "Again, thank our democracy for the laws to protect us from you and your ilk."

    As 3WC very eloquently pointed out about the true definition of what a "Corporation" is, we find they are really nothing more than people. Why is it ok for one group of "people" to demand anything from another group of "people"? Is that a democracy? Truly who is the culprit in your quest to find some injustice? A group of people engaged in a venture or commerce, that fortunately provides jobs for the community, or a group of community members or one sole member that walks on these people's property and makes demands of them, that by law now they must agree to, to avoid litigation. As far as I'm concerned, if Lily had an issue that they didn't want to resolve, she could kindly get off their property.

    No wonder so many businesses are leaving the US.

  18. #168


    Well, why should corporate "people" dominate all the others? That is the beauty of democracy, we constantly strive for balance.

  19. #169


    firstandten, What happened outside the building was irrelevant to Rep. Scott's tantrum. I watched Sen. Spector do a hugely better job of keeping his composure and Sen. Feingold turned questions around to make everyone, even the bill's opponents, laugh. I'll stick to my previous observation. I think your problem is that the dissidents who went to the Scott meeting did get their voices heard. That is why we are discussing this newsclip of Rep. Scott losing his dignity by being hostile, presumptive, arrogant and wrong.

    The doctor did not ask Rep Scott why he had voted for a Massachusetts-style
    health care plan as you assert. Listen to the video again. The doctor asked, "Why are you voting for a plan that...". It is a future tense question.


    ""The first question that comes out of his mouth, 'Why did you vote for this?'" Scott said. "Wait a minute -- I didn't vote for anything. We haven't had it to vote on." -Rep. Scott, either confused or lying, to the news after the meeting.

  20. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post

    No wonder so many businesses are leaving the US.
    Lilly Ledbetter issues are not the reason companies are leaving the US and you know this. Its the policies of Republicans and Republicans lite that caused this and that you expect Obama to fix in 6 months

  21. #171


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    firstandten, What happened outside the building was irrelevant to Rep. Scott's tantrum. I watched Sen. Spector do a hugely better job of keeping his composure and Sen. Feingold turned questions around to make everyone, even the bill's opponents, laugh. I'll stick to my previous observation. I think your problem is that the dissidents who went to the Scott meeting did get their voices heard. That is why we are discussing this newsclip of Rep. Scott losing his dignity by being hostile, presumptive, arrogant and wrong.
    My problem is not that the dissidents got heard, but they infringed on the rights of the people who were there for the transportation meeting to be heard. The health care meeting is scheduled for Sat. They could have waited until then. Again the video doesn't give you the full context of the meeting since you get the juicy parts only. Remember they were interupting the DOT people trying to explain the transportation issues.
    The transportation discussion was part of an all day agenda that its organizers spent months putting together. Again that issue was extremely important to those people and the disrupters felt it was more important for there voices to be heard than the people who had a legit transportation issue in their district.

  22. #172


    Quote: "Lilly Ledbetter issues are not the reason companies are leaving the US"

    Anyone that thinks laws that victimize corporation for merely existing and offering jobs, isn't having an affect on them leaving off shore, I have a few bridges I'll sell ya.

  23. #173


    Quote: "Well, why should corporate "people" dominate all the others?"

    How do they dominate over all others? I have a newsflash for you, If "all others" don't like what they're getting they have the option to stop doing what they're doing. Find a company they like better or start their own. You people act like the inhabitants of this earth are sorted at birth in to separate groups, and each of those the respective destiny is defined. Anybody can do anything the want to make their life better. Emphasis on "want". Stop relying on someone else to do it for you. They won't.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; August-12-09 at 12:10 PM.

  24. #174


    Well, see sstash, we DID pass laws to stop what they were doing, discriminating against minorities and women in favor of white men. If you think it is so great that we can stop what they are doing, why are you screaming about it? All we want is for them to stop discriminating. It would be in their favor if they did, for it would increase their applicant pool and get more variety in their idea pool. If they did stop discriminating, then the chances of them getting sued for discrimination would be diminished to zero, and there would be no problem for them.

    You are living proof that such discrimination still exists, since you so sincerely and ingenuously believe that women cannot ever do as well as a man.
    Last edited by gazhekwe; August-12-09 at 04:03 PM.

  25. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    How do they dominate over all others? I have a newsflash for you, If "all others" don't like what they're getting they have the option to stop doing what they're doing. Find a company they like better or start their own.
    how perfectly simple-minded. go ahead, try to create another company to compete with GE or ExxonMobil or Toyota or Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble. you can't do it. try to start your own bank or insurance company? yeah, right. your own media company? give me a break. the megacorporations have FAR too much power. They ARE the George III to our poor colonists

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