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  1. #76


    Lol, I think you nailed it, southen.

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM View Post
    Lol, I think you nailed it, southen.
    lmao. His last rant read like something Donald Sterling might have said.

  3. #78


    Yep you guys make it clear why the problems exist,all talk and lyao while people are killing each other every day,talk game without solutions,nice contributions,you should be proud of yourselves,but kids will be kids as they say.

    of course you really cannot expect much from those who do not respect others property,it kinda shows true character.
    Last edited by Richard; April-17-18 at 10:36 PM.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    of course you really cannot expect much from those who do not respect others property,it kinda shows true character.
    Ringing a doorbell to ask for directions is disrespect of property?

  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Police determined that the male homeowner chased Brennan into the yard and fired at him with a 12-gauge shotgun.

    That was from the link provided,where does it say shot at his back while fleeing with his hands up?


    Here is a 61 year old man just trying to buy a cup of coffee when a 16 year old try's to rob him with a gun.
    Just got around to answering your question, D...er, Richard.
    "Brennan's mother says the video shows him holding his hands up and running away - then Zeigler allegedly fired a shot missing him.

  6. #81


    Thank you for that,police have not released the video but the mother viewed the video on the day it happened?I was under the impression that there was an investigation going on at the moment and usually the police do not show evidence like that at the scene,or maybe they did in this case.

    Remember a bit back when in another case the wife went public and said the gentleman was just sitting in the truck reading a book and it was a book in his hand and not a gun when he exited the truck?

    How much outrage did that stir up? But yet when the video was released it showed it was a gun and not a book.

    I am not trying to defend anybody and until we see the actual evidence instead of what is being said it is just a discussion based on speculation and he said she said with the media pumping up the crowd in the middle.

    The facts will come out and the jury will decide and justice will be served.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I am not trying to defend anybody . . .
    I believe that your position in this thread has been defending the shooter and the manager, not rule of law or justice or cool reactions.

    In the case of the shooter, we know that the first triers of character, police, determined that there was probable cause. We know that the second judge, the prosecutor, determined that foul play had taken place. Why you would relatively blindly defend the shooter, essentially casting doubt against the police, prosecutor and victim puzzles me. And, I think it's rational for people to conclude that your position is race based.

    In the case of the coffee shop, if that establishment is having trouble with loiterers that interferes with business, it's up to the community to respond*, not the manager. That's America's predominant values. I'd like to take justice into my own hands at least once per day, but if I do, I go to jail. Neither Starbucks, who's a major contributor to our predominant values, nor the manager get to act outside of bounds.

    * By that, I mean that if members of the community want to ruin a business, they're free to do so. That Starbucks must move away to an affluent community where the prices and/or taxes are sufficiently high that such people aren't able to loiter there or they're routine is so troubled by unpleasant treatment and police attention that they'd rather return to their own neighborhoods. That is how America operates.

    The facts will come out and the jury will decide and justice will be served.
    As long as you concede that the innocent going free and the guilty going to jail aren't necessarily justice, I'd agree with that.
    Last edited by Adam; April-24-18 at 09:05 PM.

  8. #83


    Well people will believe what they choose to believe.

    What is the first thing people saw and wrote about,white man shot at African American,then it went to every white person is racist etc. etc.

    Nobody saw it was a man that shot at a kid,they determined what they thought and made sure the division stayed alive.

    I said I was not defending anybody and if people choose not to look at the bigger picture then it is on them.

    But I agree let's go back to the way it was,African American goes running down the street and says a white guy shot at him,let's go string the guy up and burn his house,white girl goes running down the street let's do the same thing,let's forget about the system and creating a fair system for everybody,but the will never happen because as this thread has shown it is and always be a black and white thing.

    I disagree with the concept of If the members of the community want to destroy a business they are free to do so,how has that worked out in the past?

    How about if somebody askes you to leave a buisness you document the name of the person and the time and leave then contact corporate and if that does not work escalate it to the next step.

    You guys have Chuck E Cheese up there so you know what it is,the one by me recently shut down for good,why because in the last 6 monthes the police have been called numerous because of large fights,it is on you tube of course,they were asked to leave before it escalated and the management was called racist for asking them to leave.

    So management just called the police as it escalated into a full brawl.

    This is supposed to be a safe place for kids to enjoy.

    Then people wonder why others are so quick to take a hard fast stance,but that is the way it works right,being an ass or being disrespectful has no color boundaries and the few that are out of line are not examples of an entire race.

    The most hilarious part of the whole thing is when people say we need to have a discussion about race,it is hogwash because everytime there is a discussion it is the same thing,your white,privileged,and racist end of discussion.

    Even other white people that I guess that have been granted privlage by the NAACP to lecture other whites on how they cannot understand how the black man feels.
    It is a cop out and still nobody can answer the question of in this screwed up anti African America full of white racists that like to keep a brother down,
    why is it there are millions of African Americans that are successful in all fields.

    What did they do? buy a cup of white privilege at the corner store?

    So who can answer that question?

    How come they are where they are at?

    But nobody will answer that question because it will be easier to say,your racist,which translates into,they do not have any solutions other then lip service and they are not looking for solutions.
    Last edited by Richard; April-24-18 at 11:56 PM.

  9. #84


    Richard, no one can answer your question because it is wrapped in a circuitous jumble of qualifiers.

    You use that rhetorical technique so as to be able to retreat to some lillypad of deniability and from whence you then play your version of "the victim ".

    It is a familiar ploy. The one in which you can try to paint yourself as the voice of truth in a hypocriteville.

    "Oh, I am soooo misunderstood, whaaa! It is such a burden being meeeee, whaaa! Why does everybody hate me? Whaaa, whaaa, whaaa!"

    Let me help you out, not that you deserve it, but the reason people don't like your act is because it's unlike anything rational. Your thinking is convoluted. Twisted. Your act is full righteous indignation at being put upon, wronged, exploited, harmed or in a thousand ways offended by the mere presence of anyone other than you.

    Your act doesn't play here because it isn't logical. Your act is senseless. Maybe in person, your force of personality can persuade folks to go along with your act, but that does not work here.

  10. #85


    And another thing...

    You somehow turn almost every thread into a hot mess called Richard.


    Is your act so special that you simply need to be needed? So needy. Demanding. Insolent in the extreme. Petulant and pedantic [[which is a really difficult combination to pull off). Why must your act always have center stage?

    Is it insecurity? Did someone not love your act when you were a child and now you insist that every topic is about Richard's needs?


  11. #86



    Jeffrey Zeigler due in court. Rochester mayor and NAACP speak out on the incident.

  12. #87


    Just read this thread.

    Most of you are sensibly on point about the absurd, offensive and dangerous actions of this homeowner.

    For those who aren't.......... from the Toronto Van incident thread.


    The video clip above, probably seen by many of you now, shows a single police officer, with no backup on scene, confronting the man who had just murdered 10 people and seriously injured 14 more with his van. The man pointed an object at police, he claimed to have a gun in his pocket.

    You could hardly a find a more 'justifiable shooting'........except it didn't happen. The officer holstered his gun, took out his baton, got the suspect to surrender without using that either, then cuffed him, as backup was arriving.

    In that context, we see how its not only possible not to shoot people; its actually possible not to shoot people when you might be legally and morally justified, even when you're a cop, and armed, in a highly tense situation.

    Which in turn might imply, that when you're in your home, during the daytime, and your 'concern' is a single 14 year old boy, unarmed, not threatening, maybe, just maybe you too could manage not to shoot.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    And another thing...

    You somehow turn almost every thread into a hot mess called Richard.


    Is your act so special that you simply need to be needed? So needy. Demanding. Insolent in the extreme. Petulant and pedantic [[which is a really difficult combination to pull off). Why must your act always have center stage?

    Is it insecurity? Did someone not love your act when you were a child and now you insist that every topic is about Richard's needs?

    Thank you gnome! Well said.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Well people will believe what they choose to believe.
    The reality is that when it was a Caucasian allegedly acting outside the law, you took his side. When it was African-Americans in Starbucks allegedly acting outside the law, you took the side of law. Yet, you think everyone else has something to explain to you.

    It seems that your claim that "people will believe what they choose" is a declaration about yourself.

  15. #90


    Originally Posted by gnomeAnd another thing...

    You somehow turn almost every thread into a hot mess called Richard.


    Is your act so special that you simply need to be needed? So needy. Demanding. Insolent in the extreme. Petulant and pedantic [[which is a really difficult combination to pull off). Why must your act always have center stage?

    Is it insecurity? Did someone not love your act when you were a child and now you insist that every topic is about Richard's needs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Thank you gnome! Well said.
    Ditto, Gnome. Spot on both of your posts

  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Just read this thread.

    Most of you are sensibly on point about the absurd, offensive and dangerous actions of this homeowner.

    For those who aren't.......... from the Toronto Van incident thread.


    The video clip above, probably seen by many of you now, shows a single police officer, with no backup on scene, confronting the man who had just murdered 10 people and seriously injured 14 more with his van. The man pointed an object at police, he claimed to have a gun in his pocket.

    You could hardly a find a more 'justifiable shooting'........except it didn't happen. The officer holstered his gun, took out his baton, got the suspect to surrender without using that either, then cuffed him, as backup was arriving.

    In that context, we see how its not only possible not to shoot people; its actually possible not to shoot people when you might be legally and morally justified, even when you're a cop, and armed, in a highly tense situation.

    Which in turn might imply, that when you're in your home, during the daytime, and your 'concern' is a single 14 year old boy, unarmed, not threatening, maybe, just maybe you too could manage not to shoot.
    I watched the Toronto arrest video. That officer was 100% sure that the item in that suspects hand was not a firearm. Otherwise he never would have backed away from the cover of his vehicle.

    There are probably 100's of instances every day in the U.S where police officers arrest suspects [[Both armed and unarmed) without firing their weapons. There are also many police officers lying 6ft under that hesitated or failed to use deadly force even when the situation may have called for it. The problem is our screwed up, biased, click chasing media takes the tiny percentage where an officer does make that split second choice to use deadly force and runs it 24/7.
    Last edited by Johnnny5; April-25-18 at 08:24 AM.

  17. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    I watched the Toronto arrest video. That officer was 100% sure that the item in that suspects hand was not a firearm. Otherwise he never would have backed away from the cover of his vehicle.

    There are probably 100's of instances every day in the U.S where police officers arrest suspects [[Both armed and unarmed) without firing their weapons. The problem is our screwed up, biased, click chasing media takes the tiny percentage where an officer does make that split second choice to use deadly force and runs with it 24/7.
    Yes, clearly if anything is worse, it's not an agent of the government executing an American citizen for holding a cell phone, it's the fact that the media reports on it.

  18. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Yes, clearly if anything is worse, it's not an agent of the government executing an American citizen for holding a cell phone, it's the fact that the media reports on it.
    If the media was just reporting these events I'd be in full support of it, but that's not what is happening. Twenty five years ago that's what they did, but today most just continually throw gas on the fire because why sell a story once when you can keep it fresh for weeks, months and even years? Instead of "Suspected Car Thief Shot by Police Officer" it's turned into "Unarmed Black Father of 4 Shot Dead by White Cop." Then there's a rush to publish the officer's name, where he lives, his background and at the same time downplay the fact that the dead man had a violent rap sheet a mile long, was resisting arrest and in the dark of night that item in his hand was nearly indistinguishable from a pistol.

    Either way, none of this has anything to do with the Rochester Hills shooting. By all accounts that homeowner is just a racist nut. One that would and should have lost his right to own a firearm a decade ago if those in government had done their job.
    Last edited by Johnnny5; April-25-18 at 09:26 AM.

  19. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    And another thing...

    You somehow turn almost every thread into a hot mess called Richard.


    Is your act so special that you simply need to be needed? So needy. Demanding. Insolent in the extreme. Petulant and pedantic [[which is a really difficult combination to pull off). Why must your act always have center stage?

    Is it insecurity? Did someone not love your act when you were a child and now you insist that every topic is about Richard's needs?

    You guys are really good,who would have thought so many accredited psychoanalyst reside within the walls of DY,so good that you can determine how one thinks based on a internet post.

    Sorry bud but my needs are small and I really do not need approval from anybody else because I am confident in my own abilities,my outlook is about the bigger picture unlike most who are easily offended.

    But you are right in your expert opinion and my way of doing things are wrong,and as a white racist it is better for me to divest from the African American community and join my fellow racists.You would not happen to have an extra 50 jobs laying around would you?I mean really, who the hell do white people think they are when they actually are doing something for the community instead of applying lip service on the Internet.

    But hey keep doing what you are doing because it still works so well today as it has in the past so it must be the right way.

    Good luck with that.

  20. #95



    It is your need to overshare and contort yourself into ever tighter knots that makes reading you as difficult as reading the funny papers.

    The pathetic part of your act is the passive/aggressive pouting. Whaaa! Your feelings are hurt that your act gets no play. Whaaa! Poor child.

    You want to convince people you aren't a knuckle dragger? Sell your company to your employees.

    Done. Ez.

    Take the payout, invest in a Russian real estate deal and donate the extra profits to Haitian Relief.

    If you don't like that plan, I'll buy it.

    See, that ultimatum thing ain't so fun because it forces one to actually do something, which is something you don't do.

    Your act is all about talk. Blah blah, "me so fun"; blah blah, "me so smarty"; blah blah, "me so happy." "And if you don't believe me I'll hold my breath and then you'll be sorry!!!"

    The only one who cares is you.

  21. #96


    Then why spend so much time worrying about me,if you did not care?

    Like I said,keep going down the path you are on because it has a proven track record of working,right?

    Not meaning you personally,more so the currant method of implementing.

    You guys are the ones making everything about you and how everybody that does not agree with your thoughts and views needs to go away,your not open to different view points.

    Read the thread,Richards first post was #12,the first post to inject division was #3,you actually made it about me instead of a discussion about the jist of it all,but that is okay you can vent and use me for your frustration about not being able to change anything without trying.

    once again good luck.

  22. #97


    This case has gone to trial now.

    Watch the video. DISGUSTING. This guy needs to go to jail for years, especially since he already had an incident where he fired a gun during a road rage incident. He hasn't learned. He won't learn. Lock him up.

  23. #98


    ^^^...and throw away the key.

  24. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by 48307 View Post
    This case has gone to trial now.

    Watch the video. DISGUSTING. This guy needs to go to jail for years, especially since he already had an incident where he fired a gun during a road rage incident. He hasn't learned. He won't learn. Lock him up.
    Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with America today. To me, this sums it up.

    It is ironic that the people who hearken back most loudly to the days when "no one locked their doors" are absolutely terrified of everyone else.

    I really attribute a lot of this to the 24 hour news cycle and social media. There is a boogey man everywhere. Now we have a president who is a deranged imbecile, reinforcing "riots" and "violence" around every corner and people who will literally blow your head off for ringing their doorbell.

    What happened to love thy neighbor? I just smile at everyone I meet nowadays. I don't use social media and don't have a TV. Is it so hard? No.

    So the Hannitys and Zuckerburgs are wealthy but we live in a paranoid, hateful society. I hope their mothers are proud of them.

    Fuck this guy and people like him.

  25. #100


    I concur. Then he tries to justify it, by saying there's more to the story, yeah right.... He's lucky he missed, or he'd be looking at 1st degree murder. Dumass.

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