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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I am not sure why you say that,anybody that has been around a couple of years and has two eyes can see what goes on.

    The younger generation always has tried to cure the social ills that this and every other country in the world suffers from.

    I deal with a lot of small business,in consultation,funding or partnerships,I could care less what color you are.

    Answer this question, in the small business world or all of the world what sets a successful person apart from a non successful person,no matter what gender or race you come from.

    Keeping in mind success does not always meen making millions.

    Second question,African Americans own just about any business they set out to own,but yet none own a convience store,or a party store in your neck of the woods,in the hood.

    Why is that?
    What does this have to do with a black boy getting shot at on a front porch of a house where he was trying to ask for directions and you not believing him and trying to defend the bat shit crazy homeowners?

    Colorblindness is a form of discrimination and white privilage. Don't think you should be proud for being "colorblind".

  2. #52

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    What does this have to do with a black boy getting shot at on a front porch of a house where he was trying to ask for directions and you not believing him and trying to defend the bat shit crazy homeowners?

    Colorblindness is a form of discrimination and white privilage. Don't think you should be proud for being "colorblind".

    You answered your own question .

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    Just so you know, this works both ways.

    Most acts of racism are not illegal in this country. As Americans we are free to treat the black/white guy knocking on our front door as a possible threat based purely on our own biases. The thing one can't do is shoot someone just for knocking. That's not legal, nor is it acceptable, and if that's what happened in this case this man deserves to do time.
    Not only shot at him, but shot at his back as he was fleeing with his hands up. I hope he does a full 20, if he lives that long.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    By this logic, the black kid should fear every white male he comes into contact with for the rest of his life.
    A bit dramatic there while you are calling thousands of physicians frauds.

    So you are saying traumatic events in people's lives do not effect how they view or react to others in the future?

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Not only shot at him, but shot at his back as he was fleeing with his hands up. I hope he does a full 20, if he lives that long.

    Police determined that the male homeowner chased Brennan into the yard and fired at him with a 12-gauge shotgun.

    That was from the link provided,where does it say shot at his back while fleeing with his hands up?


    Here is a 61 year old man just trying to buy a cup of coffee when a 16 year old try's to rob him with a gun.
    Last edited by Richard; April-16-18 at 09:28 PM.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    That was from the link provided,where does it say shot at his back while fleeing with his hands up?
    So you're saying he was running backwards?

  8. #58


    It never ceases to amaze me the contortions so many white people seem to go through to try to explain away the obvious and defend the indefensible. And when all else fails, it's suddenly time for the "hey, look over there" tactic.

  9. #59


    Uh, yeah DUH! A new running technique!

    Quote Originally Posted by archfan View Post
    So you're saying he was running backwards?

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    It never ceases to amaze me the contortions so many white people seem to go through to try to explain away the obvious and defend the indefensible. And when all else fails, it's suddenly time for the "hey, look over there" tactic.
    I agree, that in many cases this is true. But on this particular thread, most agree that yes, a young black man was threatened by a white lunatic homeowner. There's always one in the bunch that will twist and turn the discussion to believe otherwise.
    Last edited by Maof; April-17-18 at 06:56 PM.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by archfan View Post
    So you're saying he was running backwards?
    No it was pointing out the added hands up part for the dramatic effect by the poster in order to pump up the audience,even though it did not happen.

    There is no discussion about cause and effect,racist white guy shot at an African American,end of discussion and all whites are racist that have no idea about the plight of the African American.

    But you guys are right this is about a racist white guy shooting at a young African American,we can start another thread about how the evening news shows clip after clip of young African Americans killing each other.

    Wait,no we will not,because the bottom line is as long as it is not a white guy or law enforcement doing the killing it is okay,it is exceptable and justified because it was the white guys fault that drove them to violence in the first place.

    But yet everyday millions African Americans get up for work,graduate collage,finish high school and start that first job,start families and businesses,become CEO of large corporations,become mayors and state senators and even president of the United States.

    What happened there? I guess that would also be the racist white persons fault for failing to keep them oppressed,or maybe they just chose to rise above and not blame everybody else.
    Last edited by Richard; April-17-18 at 08:37 AM.

  12. #62


    White fragility at its finest.

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    I agree that in many cases this is true. But on this particular thread, most agree that yes, a young black man was threatened by a white lunatic homeowner. There's always one in the bunch that will twist and turn the discussion to believe otherwise.
    Yes, see Richard.

  14. #64


    Let's see...Black people, Women, Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, All Immigrants especially any that speak Spanish, Democrats, Liberals, all government workers plus anyone who has even sniffed a College Education...

    This list is far from finished isn't it?

    Wouldn't it be easier to say everybody with the exception of white billionaires and white people with guns?

    I think that would save a lot of trouble.

  15. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Yes, see Richard.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Let's see...Black people, Women, Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, All Immigrants especially any that speak Spanish, Democrats, Liberals, all government workers plus anyone who has even sniffed a College Education...

    This list is far from finished isn't it?

    Wouldn't it be easier to say everybody with the exception of white billionaires and white people with guns?

    I think that would save a lot of trouble.
    I think Russian trolls, white supremacists and murderous foreign dictators are excluded too.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Let's see...Black people, Women, Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, All Immigrants especially any that speak Spanish, Democrats, Liberals, all government workers plus anyone who has even sniffed a College Education...

    This list is far from finished isn't it?

    Wouldn't it be easier to say everybody with the exception of white billionaires and white people with guns?

    I think that would save a lot of trouble.

    Maybe life would be easier for you if you removed the chip off of your shoulder.

    I guess you guys never get tired of being stuck at first base,in case if you have not noticed,things are still the same today as yesterday,tonite you will turn on the news and watch about more deaths and say it is okay,as long as the white man does not do the shooting.

    Those white people will never understand us so we will just keep burning cites and shooting each other until they do.

    There was a time when in this country there was viable African American communities,business owners,neighbors helping neighbors,people looking out for each other.

    But that has changed now,it is everybody for themselves and cannot wait to get away from the hood,up and out and do not look back leaving the religious leaders to pick up the pieces.

    Maybe try looking in the mirror and building a strong community with the support and role models for those struggling along,you do not think night after night of news reports of senseless killings has a bad effect and image and is counterproductive towards positive results?

    Naw on second thought it is just easier to blame the white guy for all of the ills of society,yep that works so well.

    FTR conservative democrats are okay,they can join in with the rich white billionaires with guns,it is the left wing socialist that can migrate to Canada before we build that wall.

    O and the ones that got the lottery pass because they were told that they were smarter then the all dumb Americans,and actually believed it,so they moved them to Birmingham.

    Other then that we should be good to go,see how simple life can be.
    Last edited by Richard; April-17-18 at 03:43 PM.

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Those white people will never understand us so we will just keep burning cites and shooting each other until they do.
    It's an amazing bizzaroland reality some people have to create to feel better about their place in the world today.

    People understand you very clearly. You're the only person in this thread who seems to have lost all grasp of reality.

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You are injecting color when it does not apply,no matter what race you are most people that are looking for funding or pitching a deal are going to dress appropriately.

    I agree that dress code should not apply but there is a common mindset of dressing to impress when applying for a job or seeking funding,unless in this situation the roles were reversed and the two gentlemen were providing the funding which would bring up the whole why was the other guy late to the appointment.

    They were hauled off by the police because they were asked to leave 3 times but refused,it does not matter what color you are if the police ask you to leave,you leave,it is not that complicated.
    The manager should never have called 911 - she has separated from the company.
    Additionally Starbucks will close all company owned stores on MAY 29,2018 [[afternoon) for "racial-bias education day."
    Unconscious or conscious bias will be one topic, and when is the appropriate time to call 911 - their CEO has already stated this wasn't the instance to call the police.
    CEO Derrick Johnson stated "We refuse to believe that our unconscious bias --the racism we are often unaware of—can and does make its way into our actions and policies."

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    White fragility at its finest.
    For some reason you remind me of this movie.


  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by clubboss View Post
    The manager should never have called 911 - she has separated from the company.
    Additionally Starbucks will close all company owned stores on MAY 29,2018 [[afternoon) for "racial-bias education day."
    Unconscious or conscious bias will be one topic, and when is the appropriate time to call 911 - their CEO has already stated this wasn't the instance to call the police.
    CEO Derrick Johnson stated "We refuse to believe that our unconscious bias --the racism we are often unaware of—can and does make its way into our actions and policies."
    Race aside as a manager they could have walked up to them and asked if they were waiting on somebody.

    You do not have to be racist to be a poor manager.

    Even at that we only know what happened when the camaras started rolling after the fact.

  22. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    It's an amazing bizzaroland reality some people have to create to feel better about their place in the world today.

    People understand you very clearly. You're the only person in this thread who seems to have lost all grasp of reality.
    Sorry to burst your bubble I do not need to feel better about my place in the world,if you do then you have bigger issues.

    I am the one who lost reality ? Why was the thread posted,because a white guy shot at a African American teenager,that in itself is racist because there are no threads about young African Americans teens shooting each other,so it is being said it only matters on who is doing the shooting.

    Post African American teenager shooting a fellow African American and that is considered a distraction,so that does not matter,correct?

  23. #73


    Post African American teenager shooting a fellow African American and that is considered a distraction,so that does not matter,correct?

    No. You're correct that there is a black on black crime problem too. What can be done to deter it, has yet to be determined. Still doesn't absolve the fact that, young black men are being killed by each other and law enforcement. Something needs to be done, but I have no answers, this has been going on a long time.

  24. #74


    I feel as though Richard has been called racist or racially insensitive more than a few times in his life. It may be the only thing that explains why he's triggered at the accusation of another white individual acting in a racist manner. The mental gymnastics taking place would be impressive if it wasn't so sad.

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    I feel as though Richard has been called racist or racially insensitive more than a few times in his life. It may be the only thing that explains why he's triggered at the accusation of another white individual acting in a racist manner. The mental gymnastics taking place would be impressive if it wasn't so sad.
    Yea I really hate to be the bearer of bad news but you really do not have it figured out as much as you think you do,maybe when you get a little older and more mature it will come to you,or maybe not.

    If I was racially insensitive I would tell my partner to fire 25 African Americans tomorrow and replace them with white people because as it stands now all 50 are African Americans and zero Caucasians.

    But now that you have me thinking about being insensitive maybe I should be following the affirmative action protocols or file a reverse racism suit against the company,maybe the insurance company would do a payoff.

    See he has this weird notion of continuing to support those who supported us when we were starting out and not moving locations to better ereas and doubling the income in the process.

    See that is the difference between talking about it and actually doing something about it.

    Do not take it personally,but when it comes to discussions about how the African Americans were treated through the years,I gain more from sitting down with a cup of coffee and my African American acquaintances that are in their 80s and expirenced levels of racism in the south that you cannot even imagine,then some self appointed white guy,I have kids older then you but yet you have me all figured out from an internet posting.

    I am a white guy but I have business in the African American community where the profits are reinvested in the community.

    I employ African Americans in the community who spend their paychecks in the community.

    I have provided start up monies to African Americans who have businesses in the community and employ even more African Americans in the community.

    Been arrested twice so far because on sundays we hand out over 200 meals in the community and the democrats that run the community do not like that.

    I actually live in the African American community.

    I used the words African American for your benefit because I view everybody as fellow Americans and not grouping by color.

    That is what I mean when I say if you look for color you will find it.

    If that makes me racist in your eyes then I am the most racist ass you will ever social media meet.

    I do wish you luck in your endeavors though,because you do have it all figured out.You are dreaming if you think you can trigger me.
    Last edited by Richard; April-17-18 at 06:17 PM.

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