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  1. #476


    ^ and there you are making claims about others while you are following the same protocol.

    Let me help you out a little,it may look like Florida to you but it is clearly not.

    The tall grass and grass type indicates a northern canal.

    It is 90 degrees out most of the time so wearing long pants and heavy long sleeved shirt would be out of the question.

    He is wearing work boots while fishing which everybody knows that you do not wear heavy boots while fishing unless it is cold out.

    Florida would be short sleeved shirt,shorts,and proper flip flops or boat shoes,bare foot and canals lined with scrub grass or mangroves.

    So while you based your opinion on thinking it was Florida it is clearly not,see the pattern.

    Granted it is an interesting topic to discuss while waiting for you to provide the proof of the currant president colluding with the Russians in order to win the presidency.

    You do have some of that,correct?
    Last edited by Richard; March-19-18 at 09:40 AM.

  2. #477


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    Granted it is an interesting topic to discuss while waiting for you to provide the proof of the currant president colluding with the Russians in order to win the presidency.

    You do have some of that,correct?
    You've literally been told, time and again, that the proof of Trump and the Russians colluding has been released for some time now. You simply need to look the articles up and prove it for yourself. We are not going to do your work for you. That's socialism. Try a little harder.

  3. #478


    The lie has been told so many times the left surely believes it by now.

  4. #479


    Quote Originally Posted by TKshreve View Post
    You've literally been told, time and again, that the proof of Trump and the Russians colluding has been released for some time now. You simply need to look the articles up and prove it for yourself. We are not going to do your work for you. That's socialism. Try a little harder.
    Do you meen like this one


    One of the quintessential examples of collusion is an agreement to engage in price-fixing. Or put another way, collusion has nothing to do with the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

    So how do you claim collusion when the meaning is unclear to so many?

    So once again where is your proof that the president colluded with the Russians ?
    Last edited by Richard; March-19-18 at 05:23 PM.

  5. #480


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Do you meen like this one


    One of the quintessential examples of collusion is an agreement to engage in price-fixing. Or put another way, collusion has nothing to do with the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

    So how do you claim collusion when the meaning is unclear to so many?

    So once again where is your proof that the president colluded with the Russians ?
    Funny post. It's no wonder gullible people like you are so obtuse. Chump can surf on a wave of inane tweeting with unabated applause from the deplorables.

  6. #481


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    it may look like Florida to you but it is clearly not.
    I learned something.

  7. #482


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Funny post. It's no wonder gullible people like you are so obtuse. Chump can surf on a wave of inane tweeting with unabated applause from the deplorables.

    I agree can-uck. This Country, it's deplorable people, and chumpy president suck so bad perhaps you should pack your back-bacon ass back to can-o'-duh and straighten out your own damn in-house problems. No one here needs your drunken opinions, eh?

  8. #483


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    I learned something.
    Took you long enough.

  9. #484


    Quote Originally Posted by TKshreve View Post
    You've literally been told, time and again, that the proof of Trump and the Russians colluding has been released for some time now. You simply need to look the articles up and prove it for yourself. We are not going to do your work for you. That's socialism. Try a little harder.
    Tell you what, TK, since you've already found the article where Trump is found guilty of colluding with the Russians, why don't you just post the link and we can all go home? You can't possibly be referring to those teaser stories that hook gullible suckers into believing something is going on so they keep coming back day after day, reading more ads, and buying more crap, can you?
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; March-19-18 at 10:37 PM.

  10. #485


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Funny post. It's no wonder gullible people like you are so obtuse. Chump can surf on a wave of inane tweeting with unabated applause from the deplorables.
    You do realize that most just go about their daily lives completely unaware of his tweets,the ones that are not obsessed with him that is.

    Is that what they refer to when they talk about bromance?

  11. #486


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Took you long enough.
    You didn't catch the irony.
    And I was being kind.

    As for learning, try backing your opinions with evidence.
    You might learn something too.
    Last edited by bust; March-20-18 at 09:41 PM.

  12. #487


    Meanwhile, I'm patiently waiting, and eager to know the truth.

    This seems like a good analysis of the investigation as it exists today:

    Mueller’s Interest in Obstruction Is Probably Just the Tip of the Iceberg
    Last edited by bust; March-20-18 at 11:44 PM.

  13. #488
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    17 nations announce they will expel Russian diplomats in solidarity with the United Kingdom after the chemical attack on their soil. Trump is expelling 60 Russian diplomats suspected of being intelligence agents from the United States and the Russian consulate in Seattle is also being shut down.


  14. #489
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    Mar 2009


    Here's a video that treats Russiagate with the seriousness it deserves:


  15. #490


    ^ something had to be done to keep half of the country from jumping off of a bridge in despair,even false hope is hope.

    All the ones that said they were going to leave the country if the currant president won only stayed on the premise of the false hope that he would be empeached.

    If the false hope was not there they would look really stupid so the best thing was to give them an out,compassionate false hope.

  16. #491
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ something had to be done to keep half of the country from jumping off of a bridge in despair,even false hope is hope.

    All the ones that said they were going to leave the country if the currant president won only stayed on the premise of the false hope that he would be empeached.

    If the false hope was not there they would look really stupid so the best thing was to give them an out,compassionate false hope.
    No, I think it was the Clinton Cabal trying to distract people from their own crimes. Plus there's a faction that seems to want to go to war with Russia for some reason so they need to manufacture hate against them.

  17. #492


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    No, I think it was the Clinton Cabal trying to distract people from their own crimes. Plus there's a faction that seems to want to go to war with Russia for some reason so they need to manufacture hate against them.
    Pam, A significant part of the Republican Party, e.g. McCain, Graham, is as guilty of rekindling the cold war as establishment Democrats. In either case, I suspect that rattling sabers has more to do with shaking loose campaign contributions from defense contractors than actually going to war with Russia. Proxy wars like Syria will suffice. Its a horrible waste of national resources and often lives in either case. Curiously, Trump is making noises about bringing troops home from Syria "very soon". Since he said that, I've noticed articles about all the bad things that will happen if the U.S. leaves Syria. It will be interesting to follow this and see which individuals and media fonts work to bring Trump back to the reservation.

  18. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Curiously, Trump is making noises about bringing troops home from Syria "very soon". Since he said that, I've noticed articles about all the bad things that will happen if the U.S. leaves Syria. It will be interesting to follow this and see which individuals and media fonts work to bring Trump back to the reservation.
    Yup, if Trump dances to anyone's tune, it's definitely CNN. CNN controls Trump, for sure. In fact, really it's the entire liberal media, they really got Trump on their puppet strings. I can't count the number of times Washington Post has told Trump to "jump" and he asks "How high?"

    Anyways, bad news for you oladub: Trump has already flip-flopped. "Trump agrees to keep U.S. troops in Syria for 'undetermined' period of time."


    President Donald Trump reluctantly agreed in a meeting with his national security team on Tuesday to keep U.S. troops in Syria for an undetermined period of time with the goal of defeating ISIS, a senior administration official said Wednesday."He wasn’t thrilled about it, to say the least," the official said.
    Defense Secretary James Mattis and other top officials made the case to Trump that the fight against ISIS was almost finished but a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces at this time would risk losing gains the U.S. has made in the fight, the official said.
    You didn't really think he was going to actually do what he said, did you? Please tell me you aren't that naive?

  19. #494


    aj, From your nbc article, "Mattis told the president the Pentagon was already reducing the number of U.S. forces and would continue to do so." I would rather that they were all out last week but its movement in the right direction. Obama got us into this mess. It was sort of like LBJ massively expanding the Vietnam war and Nixon ending it. Sure, I would rather that Nixon ended that war sooner and would prefer that Trump ended Obama's Syrian debacle earlier too. You were probably naive enough to have voted for Obama and Hillary who contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

  20. #495
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    aj, From your nbc article, "Mattis told the president the Pentagon was already reducing the number of U.S. forces and would continue to do so." I would rather that they were all out last week but its movement in the right direction.
    Spin spin spin. Don't hurt your wrist with all that spinning! I guess with a modest gradual withdraw, that would bring troop numbers in line with what they were under warmonger Obama, since of course you know that Trump INCREASED troop levels in Syria after he became President.


    Anyways, not quite the immediate withdrawal that Trump promised just days ago, is it? And that was the word he used: "Immediate." Flip flop flip flop flip flop. There will still be U.S. combat troops in Syria come 2019, count on it.
    Last edited by aj3647; April-05-18 at 09:32 AM.

  21. #496


    Troops will always be there,otherwise it will be another Iran all over again.

  22. #497


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Spin spin spin. Don't hurt your wrist with all that spinning! I guess with a modest gradual withdraw, that would bring troop numbers in line with what they were under warmonger Obama, since of course you know that Trump INCREASED troop levels in Syria after he became President.


    Anyways, not quite the immediate withdrawal that Trump promised just days ago, is it? And that was the word he used: "Immediate." Flip flop flip flop flip flop. There will still be U.S. combat troops in Syria come 2019, count on it.
    Spin? I quoted the article you posted and you call it "spin". Where were you when Obama and his Secretaries of State started the debacle in Syria and allowed ISIS, in Kerry's words, to grow enough to put pressure on Assad? Where are all the Democrats demanding Trump remove troops immediately? Show us messages you posted urging the US under Obama or Trump to get out of Syria.

    From your article, "Mattis told the president the Pentagon was already reducing the number of U.S. forces and would continue to do so."

  23. #498

  24. #499
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    The judge in Paul Manafort's criminal trial just revoked his bail and ordered him into immediate pre-trial confinement [[jail). Seems ol' Pauly M was tampering with witnesses, trying to get them to lie. As a result, not only does he get to rot in a jail cell [[possibly forever), Robert Mueller also slapped him with two new felony charges of obstruction of justice.


    Also indicted by Robert Mueller's Grand Jury for obstruction of justice in the Manafort case: Manafort's good friend and business partner, Russian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik.

    Kilimnik, aside from being charged with helping Manafort to tamper with witnesses in the criminal case against him, is also believed to be a Russian intelligence agent and he has close ties to the Kremlin. Weird coincidence, huh!

    Why is a Russian intelligence agent trying to help Paul Manafort beat his criminal charges? And why was Manafort actively conspiring with a Russian agent to commit various financial crimes while he was also serving as the Chairman of Donald Trump's Presidential campaign? These questions deserve answers, don't you think?

    Meanwhile, in other "witch hunt" related news, why has no one mentioned that the Trump Administration openly lied to the American public about Donald Trump's role in crafting the response to Don Jr's attendance at a meeting with a Russian agent at Trump Tower in 2016?

    After MONTHS of claiming that Trump played no role in crafting the initial [[false) response that the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians attended by Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort was to talk about "Russian adoptions," it was revealed in a leaked letter from Trump's lawyers that Trump, in fact, had personally dictated the response himself.


    So we have Trump admitting that he was directly involved in covering up his own son, son-in-law, and campaign manager's secret [[and possibly illegal) meeting with the Russians. Trump justified his lies by saying that it's OK that he lied about it, because he was lying to the "fake news media" and not to a high court.

    And I'll save all the fun stuff we just learned about the Michael Cohen case in the past 72 hours for another post. "Witch hunt" though, right guys??? Nobody is doing anything wrong, it's all a witch hunt. Trump and his band of merry men are totally above reproach and certainly don't operate like an organized crime outfit.

  25. #500


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    The judge in Paul Manafort's criminal trial just revoked his bail and ordered him into immediate pre-trial confinement [[jail). Seems ol' Pauly M was tampering with witnesses, trying to get them to lie. As a result, not only does he get to rot in a jail cell [[possibly forever), Robert Mueller also slapped him with two new felony charges of obstruction of justice.


    Also indicted by Robert Mueller's Grand Jury for obstruction of justice in the Manafort case: Manafort's good friend and business partner, Russian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik.

    Kilimnik, aside from being charged with helping Manafort to tamper with witnesses in the criminal case against him, is also believed to be a Russian intelligence agent and he has close ties to the Kremlin. Weird coincidence, huh!

    Why is a Russian intelligence agent trying to help Paul Manafort beat his criminal charges? And why was Manafort actively conspiring with a Russian agent to commit various financial crimes while he was also serving as the Chairman of Donald Trump's Presidential campaign? These questions deserve answers, don't you think?

    Meanwhile, in other "witch hunt" related news, why has no one mentioned that the Trump Administration openly lied to the American public about Donald Trump's role in crafting the response to Don Jr's attendance at a meeting with a Russian agent at Trump Tower in 2016?

    After MONTHS of claiming that Trump played no role in crafting the initial [[false) response that the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians attended by Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort was to talk about "Russian adoptions," it was revealed in a leaked letter from Trump's lawyers that Trump, in fact, had personally dictated the response himself.


    So we have Trump admitting that he was directly involved in covering up his own son, son-in-law, and campaign manager's secret [[and possibly illegal) meeting with the Russians. Trump justified his lies by saying that it's OK that he lied about it, because he was lying to the "fake news media" and not to a high court.

    And I'll save all the fun stuff we just learned about the Michael Cohen case in the past 72 hours for another post. "Witch hunt" though, right guys??? Nobody is doing anything wrong, it's all a witch hunt. Trump and his band of merry men are totally above reproach and certainly don't operate like an organized crime outfit.
    Muellers Russia probe, Better labeled D.T.'s Russian collusion Frame up attempt is going to come to a disappointing close for you A.J. Manafort is going to go down for charges unrelated to the initial reason for the investigation, [[Russian collusion.) Same with Cohen. They will do their time for money laundering and pay to play schemes, none of which relate to Mueller's original mandate. The only thing Mueller is missing is Kens Star's "Blue Dress" to have something to pin on D.T. The I.G.'s report is just a glimpse at the corruption inside the Deep State that initiated this "Witch Hunt."
    Okay TK, its time for you to chime in.

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