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  1. #151


    Richard, change your screen name to spin doctor.

  2. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Richard, change your screen name to spin doctor.
    Aww you running out of Trump tweets?

    The guy has been in the White House less then a year and is responsible for the last fifty years of wrongs.

    Nothing to really spin,he is the president and does not have dictatorship powers,power to change the constitution,he does not control the house or senate,he is just kinda there to intertain you and give you something to talk about.

    People are mad because they got involved in a political system they knew little about,in government affairs that they know even less about,world affairs that they are confused about,and only recently ever heard of the two words,electoral vote,and were surprised to find out that the United States is not a democracy.

    And you call somebody that posts under their real name and not a persona a spin doctor and cannot understand why the currant president won.

    Have You been colluding with the Russians?

    People are lying down in protest and yelling to protect our children,but when he wanted to put systems in place to protect those same children from terrorists who have nothing else to do all day but figure out how to kill children enmass without a second thought,what was everybody doing?

    They were protesting and calling him a racist and calling for legal action to stop him.

    And I am the spin doctor?
    Last edited by Richard; February-19-18 at 09:48 PM.

  3. #153


    There are a few flaws in the philosophy that the 2nd amendment is protecting us from the government in the modern age, just like our founders intended back in 1792.

    The British are assuredly not coming back to reclaim the colony.

    What happens after all authority has been ambushed into submission? Police no longer operating, the national guard unwilling to enter the AO.

    Going with the assumption of course that the American armed forces will not exercise their complete and total Air Supremacy over an infantry that is killing civilians yet has zero air defense. That's a really big assumption but for the sake of argument let's take it.

    It is not hard to understand that when we have traded in democracy for the rule of the rifle that Warlords will call the shots. Weapons, Women, Food and Fuel will be the biggest targets. They will care less about anyone's ideology prior to taking control. Remaining at the top of the power hierarchy will be all they care about. If anyone possesses the above, a Warlord will take them. Rule of law is long gone.

    Do any of these idiots have daughters or granddaughters that enjoy NOT being trophies to be used at will by the warlords that have the most amount of soldiers in this rifle-ruled society? Or are they completely uncaring what happens to the women in their lives after their gun has been removed from their cold dead hands?

    It would be illogical to actually believe that as an individual, that they will automatically be high on the chain for protection, food, guns and fuel just because they had those things in the previous society. The past civilization will be irrelevant. All that will matter is what do the warlords need and how can they get it.

    How warlords act and behave in an environment lacking a government that has any power is well documented in human history. Thinking a different result would happen here is not based in reality.

    Revolutionary or Civil War minded people are extremely anti-American because America would cease to exist in all scenarios. Mass starvation and mass rape would occur. It always does.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; February-19-18 at 10:44 PM.

  4. #154


    Very true as examples exist today,Venezuelan dismissal of their constitution in order to gain dictatorship,African warlords etc.

    The founder did have the foresite to include the words enemies foreign and domestic,which could apply civil war time or not.

    How about when then president Obama used the IRS to target the tea party and anybody that keyworded patriot as a vendetta.

    When the president of the United States uses a government agency to target Americans he is doing the exact same thing that all dictators of the past did in their rise to power.

    The United States as a whole is the bigger picture,Michigan is a sub-set as Detroit is a sub-set of Michigan.

    In the 1960s collage students fought and protested for the right of freedom of speech on campus,2017/2018 collage students fight and protest for the right to abolish the freedom of speech and only allow the views heard that they agree with or no opposing opinions.Classic dictatorship.

    2017/2018 across America protests and actions to remove from society those things that they were offended by.Classic dictatorship

    2017 a election process that involved the illimination of a political party to favor another. Classic dictatorship

    2016 a political party that used a government agency to spy on and get dirt on the opposition in order to gain an advantage. Classic dictatorship

    look at the bigger picture and tell me I am wrong.

    Getting back to the recent shootings.

    The school children want to march on Washington,we have seen them on the news voicing their feelings on gun control,they sound pretty good.

    What they are not telling you is as soon as the shooting accrued #metoo was there to offer comfort.

    #metoo the same group that only allowed other women with the same beliefs to take part in their rally's,the same group that stood up and declared that they were the nasty women,the same group that ran around in front of the cameras with female body parts on their head,and yes little furry hats.

    So why does #metoo feel the need to come to these children's aid and show them the ropes,because they can use these children to further their cause and they are easy manipulated into an agenda.Classic dictatorship

    The United States is a big country,take a little bit here,take a little bit there who will notice it is hard to track everything,but that is exactly what happened in Germany,little stages that led up to the big one.

    That is How dictatorships are formed,remove a few rights here,a few there,condition the population that it is in their best interest so they campaigned for it and before you know it,to late.

    Generations before us and even now people sacrifice their lives to protect that constitution,the military is sworn by it,we ask immigrants that are receiving their naturalization to swear to it,we used to be proud to pledge allegiance to this country with all of our heart but that also has been removed from the school system.

    Look at where we are going as a country,it is no longer United we stand divided we fall,the divided part is already done. Classic dictatorship

    The one thing that is gaurenteed,when you look at where this country is headed in a short amount of time,people are not going to lay down arms,they have been given every reason not to,even more so then in the past.

    Unless it effects somebody as an individual,people do not want to fix things in this country,they want to eliminate the things that offend them,they want to change the rules as they go along exempting those that they agree with and calling for the heads of those that they disagree with.

    We put ourselves on this path and to continue on it is not going to end well,the country will survive because it will boil down to protecting that constitution and those who choose to ignore it will not be the happy ones.

    It is our choice,responsibility and civic duty to leave this country in a better place for the future generations and it is not going to be passed on in a dictatorship or socialist form.

    The one thing that can be learned or not with the election and the currant president is that you can only push so far before changes are made,it is pretty clear that some are not happy with the results.

  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Aww you running out of Trump tweets?

    Nope. He does it all day, every day. Check out today's multiple rants. One in particular..."I've been much tougher on Russia than Obama". Lol. My mom's better than your mom.

    The guy has been in the White House less then a year and is responsible for the last fifty years of wrongs.

    He can stop by not blaming Obama for everything. There were many before him.

    Nothing to really spin,he is the president and does not have dictatorship powers,power to change the constitution,he does not control the house or senate,he is just kinda there to intertain you and give you something to talk about.

    Not entertaining at all but his cronies do control the house and senate.

    People are mad because they got involved in a political system they knew little about,in government affairs that they know even less about,world affairs that they are confused about,and only recently ever heard of the two words,electoral vote,and were surprised to find out that the United States is not a democracy.

    Who's they?

    And you call somebody that posts under their real name and not a persona a spin doctor and cannot understand why the currant president won.

    You do tend to consistently defend him. We'll leave it to Meuller as to why he won.

    Have You been colluding with the Russians?

    People are lying down in protest and yelling to protect our children,but when he wanted to put systems in place to protect those same children from terrorists who have nothing else to do all day but figure out how to kill children enmass without a second thought,what was everybody doing?

    What's wrong with protesting? What "system" did he put in place besides easing up on gun control for people with mental illness?

    They were protesting and calling him a racist and calling for legal action to stop him.

    Again, what's wrong with protesting? Especially when he stated "I think there's blame on both sides" after Charlottesville when a woman was run down and killed?

    And I am the spin doctor?
    Last edited by Maof; February-20-18 at 04:16 PM.

  6. #156


    While you are useing his comments about Charlottesville,He said I think there's blame on both sides.

    Nothing wrong with protests and knee jerk reactions but when the facts come out and what he said is exactly correct,how many are going to apologize for the disruptions they caused because they thought they knew what happened,I am guessing crickets on that one.

    But here is the official report which spells out how correct he was in that statement.


    Nothing wrong about protesting against the proper vetting of immigrants
    but what kind of message does it send when you say,I have no problem
    being shot by a terrorist but take the guns away from the Americans
    because an American that everybody knows little about shot us.

    No irony there right.

    I get it you dislike the currant president,well,you are stuck with him for the next
    7 years,spend your time wisely or freak out over every little tweet he sends.

    I do not even read them and the sun comes up the next day.

    Keep looking at Muller to be your savior,he has already made it clear no collusion
    that everybody called for from the mountain top,and nobody in the Trump
    campaign had any knowledge of the Russian entervention.

    Now that glimmer of desperate hope has faded the only thing left to keep people
    distracted from the real issiues are his tweets,I have never seen so many
    freak out over 180 characters or less,it is actually quite amusing.
    Last edited by Richard; February-20-18 at 05:32 PM.

  7. #157


    Maof, there is no point in arguing with someone who admits he uses incorrect grammar and spelling and doesn't give a shit if it's right or wrong. He obviously carries that on to the rest of his life. Doesn't matter if what he says is right or wrong, he'll say whatever bullshit fits his narrative.

  8. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Maof, there is no point in arguing with someone who admits he uses incorrect grammar and spelling and doesn't give a shit if it's right or wrong. He obviously carries that on to the rest of his life. Doesn't matter if what he says is right or wrong, he'll say whatever bullshit fits his narrative.
    Well you are doing good in life if your only worry is how others spell,good for you.

    They were upset about some words that the president posted,I posted the facts that proves what he said was factual and posted there was no reason to be upset until you have all of the facts,usually one crys about spilled milk after it spills and not before.

    If you feel facts are bs and fitting a narrative then you have bigger issiues then worrying about others spelling,even more so if you feel the need to swear to get your point across.

    Which kinda shows your perch above others is not very high.

  9. #159


    I type poorly! But I'm trying to do better.........

  10. #160


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Well you are doing good in life if your only worry is how others spell,good for you.


    Which kinda shows your perch above others is not very high.
    As I said, you're not worth my time.

  11. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    As I said, you're not worth my time.
    Awww come on,I cannot be that bad,you went out of your way twice in order to reply and comment about me.

  12. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I type poorly! But I'm trying to do better.........
    I look at it like I am a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things where a misspelled word is the least of the issue.

    The little wako announces .. I have my finger on the budden and I am going to nuke the US,half the country will stand up and say,hey you spelled button wrong,totally oblivious to the missile flying over their head.

  13. #163


    ^^^ How's about that!

  14. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Maof, there is no point in arguing with someone who admits he uses incorrect grammar and spelling and doesn't give a shit if it's right or wrong. He obviously carries that on to the rest of his life. Doesn't matter if what he says is right or wrong, he'll say whatever bullshit fits his narrative.
    Grammatical errors and spelling are not a problem. I'm all in for healthy conversation but, as I've said before, some people like to hear themselves talk. For instance, look at the crap Trump spews. I have a friend that you CANNOT get a word in edgewise to the point even her husband tells her to stop. I avoid getting together for this reason. We can agree to disagree but when someone has an answer for everything, it tends to get annoying.

  15. #165


    Almost annoying as when somebody is presented with the facts they still refuse to except them because they did not fit their narrative.

    Seems to be common these days,I can have a discussion with you as long as you agree with what I say,if not then I will think of all kinds of ways and words to justify my point of view or bereate you to show you that I am really not interested in what you have to say.

    I always thought about making a movie with the line .. You can't handle the truth.

    I wonder if Harvey would produce it.

    A discussion is that,this and I may be wrong, is classified as a discussion board,I think twitter is more geared towards put your comment and walk away with no further discussion necessary.

    But that is the platform of dictatorships,I will tell you what to discuss and if you do not agree with me you are a waste of time.

    So who really has an agenda when they follow that pattern.

    Back to the subject,there was a ban on " assault type rifles" like being discussed in the 1990s it expired after 10 years and was not renewed because in the 10 years it was proved that the ban did not effect the leval of violence or the number of cases that it was used in violence.

    But hey let's ban assault rifles because it sounds good and makes us feel good.

    I have a friend who's wife is a teacher,she came home with bruises on her shin,he asked her what happened,she said the student kicked her in the shin.

    She sent him to the principles office and the principle brought him back saying the kid had a right to be in class,and we have a gun control problem when it comes to schools?

    Teach a child that there is no accountability for actions and act shocked when bad things happen.
    Last edited by Richard; February-21-18 at 12:26 PM.

  16. #166


    A school without no guns is like a copy with no spelling misteaks.

    Trump wants teachers to arm theirselves to protect children from the bad guys.

  17. #167


    My mom is a teacher.
    An excellent teacher.
    She's taught rich kids.
    She's taught poor kids.
    She's taught immigrants.
    She still does.
    They're incredibly lucky to have had her as a teacher.
    Tell her she should carry a gun to work and they wouldn't have been so lucky.
    Last edited by bust; February-22-18 at 12:19 PM.

  18. #168


    Arming teachers misses the more important point that they shouldn't even have to be armed. We shouldn't even have to consider that option.

    This country has gone insane.

  19. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by jimaz View Post
    arming teachers misses the more important point that they shouldn't even have to be armed. We shouldn't even have to consider that option.

    This country has gone insane.

    Name:  wh3pftsnzdgijzfgdegq.jpg
Views: 440
Size:  41.4 KB

    NRA Calls For Teachers To Keep Loaded Gun Pointed At Class For Entire School Day
    Last edited by bust; February-22-18 at 11:28 AM.

  20. #170


    Arming teachers that may be bad guys. Not arming kids against those teachers. Arming kids that disarm [[emotionally) teachers because they are good at being bad kids. Arming both good guys and bad guys is an excellent source of income for weapons manufacturers and resellers. Arms are the natural extension of arms. The word guys is now a term that defines all genders. Good guys and bad guys under all guises.

  21. #171


    The forefathers shtick doesn't explain how more persons in authority having guns in schools are a bulwark against tyrannical, authoritarian rule.

  22. #172


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    The word guys is now a term that defines all genders.
    Not everywhere.

    Name:  you-guys.jpg
Views: 531
Size:  49.9 KB

    PS. Not the first time I asked this: What the hell is going on in Kentucky?

  23. #173


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Arming teachers misses the more important point that they shouldn't even have to be armed. We shouldn't even have to consider that option.

    This country has gone insane.
    So true! So glad my kids are out of school [[one almost done with college). Only thing, now I have to worry about their workplace!

  24. #174


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Not everywhere.

    Name:  you-guys.jpg
Views: 531
Size:  49.9 KB

    PS. Not the first time I asked this: What the hell is going on in Kentucky?
    They call the girls "Kentucky Fried Chicks" and the guys "Colonel"?

  25. #175
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    My mom is a teacher.
    An excellent teacher.
    She's taught rich kids.
    She's taught poor kids.
    She's taught immigrants.
    She still does.
    They're incredibly lucky to have had her as a teacher.
    Tell her she should carry a gun to work and they wouldn't have been so lucky.
    The NRA seems to think that everyone everywhere is just CLAMORING to carry a gun and the only thing stopping them is the government. It's literally inconceivable to them that some people have no interest in carrying a gun, just due to personal choice.

    Now, add in the issue of liability. Do teachers want to assume the legal liability of carrying and using that firearm? I read a story today about a student at Stoneman Douglas who was inside a classroom when SWAT broke down the door, surrounded him at gunpoint, and took him into custody. They [[mistakenly) thought HE was the shooter. Now imagine if some armed teacher shot him, thinking the same thing. It's a chaotic situation, people running everywhere, your adrenaline is surging, hands shaking, you are in fear for you life, some kid has an iPhone in his hand, maybe it's a gun? BAM. Oops, you just shot an innocent kid.

    For those who think that "good guys with guns" don't fuck up, here's three examples of where "good guys with guns in schools" didn't quite work out so well.


    A teacher at a Pennsylvania Christian school accidently left her loaded pistol in a bathroom, where elementary school children found it, Pennsylvania State Police said Tuesday.


    A Utah elementary school teacher with a state permit to carry a concealed firearm in class shot herself in the leg when the handgun went off, apparently by accident, while she was in a faculty restroom on Thursday, school district officials said.

    An East Texas school maintenance worker was in fair condition Thursday after being accidentally shot during a district-sponsored handgun safety class, according to local media. The concealed handgun license class is part of an effort to permit teachers to carry firearms in schools in Van, Texas, the Tyler Morning Telegraph reported.

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