Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
I'm happy to celebrate NYC's reduction in crime with you. Great news.
..snip ...

Wesley, I'm glad we can find some agreement on this. But I'm hoping for some of your own clarification. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you lean toward libertarianism. Do you believe in the liberty to walk to the corner store without being stopped and frisked by the police? ...snip...
Greatly appreciate your thoughtful post. I will be reading it all, and doing so without my Donald Trump Tin Hat [[TM). There are many ways to organize society, and maybe you have it right.

I don't lean libertarian, I have completely falling libertarian. So I do value the right to walk freely without harassment. Yet as a reasonable person, I do also recognize that my freedoms must be expressed with respect for others.

Few years ago, I watched an interview with a resident of a NYC high-rise 'project'. She's suffered with years of drug dealers hanging out at her front door. Nothing illegal can be detected, yet the young men were clearly dealing drugs. They verbally intimidated the residents of the tower. They asserted 'ownership' of the building's concourse to do their illegal dealings. Under S&F, the cops were able to see the obvious, and stop & frisk. They found guns in many cases.

So to answer your question... I want a society where we do lean strongly towards liberty -- but we do also need to value quality of life for everyone, not just the wealthy. How do we strike that balance? Can we allow some discretion by officers on the street? Or must we have 100% actionable evidence in all cases before we can act?

Now off to work. Gonna read your links later. Thanks.