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  1. #226


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    No, I think you're the lowest common denominator because you have no grasp of the English language, you openly defend Nazis, you type endless streams of nonsense, and the few points you're able to adequately convey are incorrect.

    If it helps at all, my business has seen pretty steady growth the last 15+ years, we're up to about 75 employees, and we just purchased a new building. Why would I use those phrases? Your worldview is limited.
    What does your business status have anything to do with the price of tea in China?

    I am 57 and was where you are at 25 years ago without a collage degree or even a high school diploma,I was able to do that with horrible math and spelling skills,and even managed to put 6 years of military service in there.

    In the real world people could care less if one can read or compose a thesis,the only piece of paper they want to see is one with a picture of a dead president on it,everything else walks.

    If it took you 15 years in business before you could buy a new building you have issues.

    Not sure what any of that has to do with world view,and if you view defending the constitution of the United States as supporting nazis then you have more problems then you realize.

    If the generations before you did not give thier lives defending the constitution that you wish to destroy,you would not even be able to have the business.

    Lots of businesses with thousands of employees have come and gone,so even mentioning it or useing it as a bar is really pointless.

    Back on the subject of Russian collusion,do you have any proof yet? Yes or no.

    So while you are getting all worked up over conjecture what happens if they find nothing?

    Do you need me to help you set up a go fund me page to help with some mental health stability,or I am pretty good at building so maybe I could build you a nice little safe space with a direct line to Putin so he can offer you words of encouragement.

    Sorry you do not pay my bills and I do not sleep with you so you calling me names or your opinion of me,based on your line of thought,is pretty much wasted words.I do not need to impress anybody.

  2. #227
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    Mar 2009



    Make no mistake about it: the United States has entered an era of a New McCarthyism that blames nearly every political problem on Russia and has begun targeting American citizens who don’t go along with this New Cold War propaganda.

  3. #228


    I think of it as the Deep State, and the Russia narrative is good for business.

  4. #229
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    Sep 2011


    Senator Blumenthal: "99% sure" that Flynn and Manafort will be indicted on felony charges.


    Probably helped along by recent reports that the IRS has turned over tax returns for these two men [[and others) in response to grand jury subpoenas.

    Meanwhile, Facebook has agreed to turn over data to Congress regarding thousands of Russian ad-buys during the 2016 election.


    The content of these ads were pro-Trump and anti-Hillary and also included ads designed to exploit social division on race and religion by targeting "certain demographics" with ads that were anti-immigrant, anti-black, and anti-Muslim.


    Just more "fake news" though, I'm sure.

  5. #230


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post

    Just more "fake news" though, I'm sure.
    I'm gonna pull an AJ-ism here; "You do realize the W.P. is owned and controlled by" Jeff Bezos " Don't you."

    We all await the findings of the Special Prosecutor. Also, I'm sure there is more Russian collaboration to find on the other side" too if Mueller chooses to look for it. But that doesn't fit the needs of the Deep State.

  6. #231
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    We all await the findings of the Special Prosecutor. Also, I'm sure there is more Russian collaboration to find on the other side" too if Mueller chooses to look for it. But that doesn't fit the needs of the Deep State.
    Mueller was appointed by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed by...whom again? And Rosenstein picked Mueller after his boss, Jeff Sessions, recused himself due to secret undisclosed meetings he had with the Russians. Jeff Sessions was appointed by...whom again? OMG, Donald Trump is part of the Deep State conspiracy against Donald Trump! The conspiracy goes even deeper than you realized, call Alex Jones right away!

  7. #232


    Mueller is competent, smart, and a war hero. He is also a pillar of the deep state who helped Bush II make the case for for invading Iraq. He suffered no consequences for doing so. He was appointed as head of the FBI by Bush a week before 9/11. 9/11 wasn't Mueller's doing but questions arose about his covering up sordid details about 9/11 for Bush. Mueller also seems to have it out for Julian Assange. He sent a team of FBI agents to Iceland under false pretenses. They were kicked out by an Icelandic Minister when he decided that they were actually there to frame Assange.

  8. #233


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    The content of these ads were pro-Trump and anti-Hillary and also included ads designed to exploit social division on race and religion by targeting "certain demographics" with ads that were anti-immigrant, anti-black, and anti-Muslim.

    Just more "fake news" though, I'm sure.
    According to that article, most of the ads didn't reference the election, voting, or any of the candidates. That would make them legal. If any did promote or directly attack a candidate, then there's a case that there was direct interference in this case, and should be prosecuted as such. Also, Facebook will probably get into hot water for allowing these ads to run.

    Otherwise Russia was doing what other countries do all the time. You might not like how they were doing it, but it's entirely legal, and it's done all the time.

  9. #234
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    The story began to fall apart yesterday when Associated Press reported that Wisconsin – one of the states included in the original report that, for obvious reasons, caused the most excitement – did not, in fact, have its election systems targeted by Russian hackers:
    But this is no isolated incident. Quite the contrary: this has happened over and over and over again. Inflammatory claims about Russia get mindlessly hyped by media outlets, almost always based on nothing more than evidence-free claims from government officials, only to collapse under the slightest scrutiny, because they are entirely lacking in evidence

  10. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    According to that article, most of the ads didn't reference the election, voting, or any of the candidates. That would make them legal. If any did promote or directly attack a candidate, then there's a case that there was direct interference in this case, and should be prosecuted as such. Also, Facebook will probably get into hot water for allowing these ads to run.

    Otherwise Russia was doing what other countries do all the time. You might not like how they were doing it, but it's entirely legal, and it's done all the time.
    Where did I say that any of it was illegal? Yes, there was nothing illegal about Russians buying ads on Facebook to target American voters. I never said there was. And yes, the Russians have a long and storied history of doing this, going all the way back to the pre-internet days of the Cold War when they would pay to put ads in American newspapers or distribute flyers with messages that were designed to enflame racial and social strife in the United States.

    None of this is new: it's the same old Russian tricks that they've been pulling against us for the last 60 years. The only difference is now that some Americans want to deny that any of it is happening at all. Putin is our friend, the Russians are innocent, and any suggest that they might ever pull any dirty tricks to destabilize our society or influence our elections is just "fake news."

    The other potential, alleged difference is that this time, the Russians may have found Americans in positions of power who were willing to help them do it. I said "alleged", so don't climb up my ass. We'll just wait and see what the Mueller investigation as well as the several Congressional investigations conclude on the matter.

  11. #236


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    The stories about Hillary's health were all over the internet. I didn't see any of the RT coverage on it. I only watch it once in a while.
    Pam, do you think you saw any of these?

    CNN says Russian-backed Facebook ads targeted Michigan

  12. #237


    CNN quoted the press conference,the same press conference where it was said multiple times that there was not one party that was targeted but all parties and none more then others.

    So where did they get the whole targeting Michigan Trump supporters because Michigan Hillary voters and also Michagan Bernie supporters were also targeted at the same extent?

    I think I would put more stalk into what the ones investigating are saying verses the whole unnamed source said President Trump puts his toilet paper roll on so it feeds from the bottom.

    It is intertainment watching the press conferences,the speaker will say the sky is blue and in the first press question it will be,you just said the sky is red,they keep trying to change the words around to fit thier agenda.

    The media gave the Hillary campaign a pass on her screw over of Bernie,to me they are worse then the Russians,at least with the Russians you expect dirty play.
    Last edited by Richard; October-04-17 at 03:09 PM.

  13. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Pam, do you think you saw any of these?

    CNN says Russian-backed Facebook ads targeted Michigan
    No, I don't go on Facebook.

  14. #239


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    No, I don't go on Facebook.
    Good on you for that!

    Where all over the internet did you see these stories? I ask because I didn't see any of the ones that speculated severe health issues except for here, on detroityes. ...Even while I knew Trump and team were trying to spread those rumors.

    Meanwhile, I just saw this:

    Name:  Russia-Extreme-FB-Ads_WSJ_30.jpg
Views: 536
Size:  146.6 KB

  15. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Good on you for that!

    Where all over the internet did you see these stories? I ask because I didn't see any of the ones that speculated severe health issues except for here, on detroityes. ...Even while I knew Trump and team were trying to spread those rumors.

    Meanwhile, I just saw this:

    Name:  Russia-Extreme-FB-Ads_WSJ_30.jpg
Views: 536
Size:  146.6 KB
    You Tube had the videos of her falling and coughing. You don't remember the incident where she was like a dead weight and her staff had to shove her into a van? Then her staff kept changing the excuse for what happened- over heating, pneumonia, whatever. Their lack of transparency made people think they were covering up something. Russia had nothing to do with it.

  16. #241


    ^^^ And that video were she was at once suddenly feeling much better right afterwards from her daughters apartment. Out and about, perky with no secret service security staff around her at all!? The eh' conspiracy folks said that person put forth was her 'double'... who knows. But I know it all seemed a bit staged... very little about the power-elite, dem or repub would surprise me.

    Last edited by Zacha341; October-05-17 at 07:06 AM.

  17. #242
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    Meanwhile, the Senate Intelligence Committee has released its initial findings of its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election:


    After conducting more than 100 interviews and reviewing over 100,000 pages of documents, leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee still cannot rule out the possibility that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia’s cyber operation aimed at helping him win the White House.

    “The issue of collusion is still open,” said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., the committee’s chairman. “We continue to investigate both intelligence and witnesses. And we’re not in a position to come to any type of finding.”

    In a rare press conference, the top lawmakers on the committee — Burr and Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia — said the American intelligence community was correct that Moscow launched an extensive information and influence campaign against American voters in 2016. Critically, Burr said the Russian interference did not change the outcome of the presidential election.

    But Burr and Warner warned that Russian operatives aim to affect the 2018 congressional elections as well.

    “You cannot walk away from this and believe that Russia is not currently active in trying to create chaos in our election process,” Burr said.
    FYI, that's not Democrat Mark Warner saying that, that's REPUBLICAN Senator Richard Burr saying those things.

  18. #243


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Meanwhile, the Senate Intelligence Committee has released its initial findings of its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election:


    FYI, that's not Democrat Mark Warner saying that, that's REPUBLICAN Senator Richard Burr saying those things.
    aj, You can be counted on to represent the policies of the Deep State including the New McCarthyism. The Russkies are behind every rock. Hillary's loss, after all, had nothing to do with things like calling half of Americans 'despicables' or not bothering to campaign in Wisconsin. It must be Russia's fault.

    After the US recently helped overthrow Khaddafi, the elected government of Ukraine, continues to attempt to overthrow Assad, has a long record of overthrowing Latin American governments, and the CIA busied itself overthrowing governments, I find it disingenuous to act all shocked that Russia may have placed some advertisements on Facebook to keep Hillary, a known warmonger out of office. Tobacco companies, liquor companies, all sorts of companies and interests try to influence behavior. Placing ads however falls well short of bombing Tripoli. We still have freedom of speech and of the press. If, instead of feigning horror over Facebook ads, you want something more substantive to concern yourself about Russia, consider that China, Iran, and Russia, have agreed to move away from the dollar as a reserve currency which would contribute to making our dollars worth less and demote our position in the world.

    I realize that you don't like people to ask questions. You were going on about conspiracy theories in a recent post suggesting that we not question the official take on all facets of 9/11 or the Las Vegas massacre. However, this is my pre-conspiracy theory thought, I've wondered about why such an anti-Trump font as Facebook, which regularly censors right wing expressions, would have even accepted Russian money to run anti-Hillary ads and now expands its role in the coup attempt with evidence that Facebook took Russia's money to run those ads.

  19. #244


    I am kinda wondering how one can bust out 2 hurricane proof thick windows that would have large chunks of glass falling 32 stories to the ground,the taxi driver video shows a lot of people milling about the entrance.

  20. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I am kinda wondering how one can bust out 2 hurricane proof thick windows that would have large chunks of glass falling 32 stories to the ground,the taxi driver video shows a lot of people milling about the entrance.
    Where to begin?

    1) Vegas hotel windows are designed not to open, to deter suicides or accidents by drunk people, but they are not "hurricane-proof." Why not? First off, it's because Las Vegas is in the fucking desert and nowhere near an ocean, hence they don't get hit by hurricanes. Secondly, there is no such thing as "hurricane-proof" windows. You made that up. There is such a thing as "impact-resistant" windows, which are commonly used in Hurricane-prone areas, but again, Las Vegas is hundreds of miles from the ocean, so....

    2) There are things called "emergency hammers" that are designed to break glass to allow people to escape in the event of an emergency. Yes, even the type of glass found in hotels and office buildings. You can buy these on Amazon for less than $30.


    See? A little common sense goes a long way, doesn't it?
    Last edited by aj3647; October-05-17 at 12:24 PM.

  21. #246


    I apologize [[see how easy that was) for not keeping it simple for you AJ.

    Were there large windows that were busted out in order to shoot ?

    Are said windows manufactured to the same specifications and thickness as a homeowners window?

    If one breaks a window out does gravity take effect causing the glass to fall downward?

    If a large piece of glass falling 32 stories hits the ground does it make noise?

    Why did he have to use a hammer to bust the window out when there were chairs in the room?

    Maybe it was high impact glass or in hurricane country commonly referred to hurricane glass because most do not get caught up in word semantics.

    Are you willing to bet that Las Vegas is immune to tornados in which the wind speeds far exceed hurricane force wind speeds,and the building codes would provide for that in the requirements?

    You would probably have a nervous breakdown if you ever heard somebody call a window a winder and require lots of therapy to get over it.

    I am sure that the shooter was pricing emergency hammers on Amazon while he was in the planning stage,glad you brought that to our attention,it was just common sense.
    Last edited by Richard; October-05-17 at 12:56 PM.

  22. #247
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    What exactly are you trying to argue here? That was impossible for him to break the glass and thus there's some kind of conspiracy afoot?

    Name:  293832.jpg
Views: 470
Size:  90.8 KB


    “We believe he had a device similar to a hammer to smash the window,” Clark County sheriff Joe Lombardo said Monday during yet another press conference.
    Sheriff Joe Lombardo...part of the conspiracy?!!

    Hammer visible in top right corner:

    Name:  171003174050-02-las-vegas-inside-shooters-room-daily-mail-large-169.jpg
Views: 535
Size:  35.9 KB

    So Richard, since you seem to think that he either didn't use a hammer or that it was impossible to break the window [[I honestly can't tell what you are trying to say), please do enlighten me and tell us YOUR theory of what happened. The window was broken, I already showed that. Did it break itself? Did he use magic to break it? Did the CIA break it for him?
    What is Alex Jones saying happened to it? Did Hillary's emails break the glass and shoot those people?

    As for your earlier suggestion that there may have been a second shooter on a lower floor:


    Also, not a single report of there being a belt-fed automatic weapon [[or any fully-automatic weapon) on scene. Hmmm, odd, I guess that's another swing-and-a-miss from you. However, at least twelve of his guns are now confirmed to have bump stocks installed on them, just as I suggested two days ago.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  23. #248


    Show me where I ever posted he did not use a hammer?

    Might I suggest that you go buy Hillarys new book and relax for a bit with a glass of bourbon and a good cigar.

    I could send you a hand rolled Cuban if you like.

  24. #249


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    You Tube had the videos of her falling and coughing. You don't remember the incident where she was like a dead weight and her staff had to shove her into a van? Then her staff kept changing the excuse for what happened- over heating, pneumonia, whatever. Their lack of transparency made people think they were covering up something. Russia had nothing to do with it.
    Yes, I saw the video of her falling. But that's nothing that hasn't happened to me, and I haven't seen happen to others. Decades younger, without the physical demands of an election campaign. And who hasn't had a coughing fit? No news sites I read pointed to those things as evidence of some kind of debilitating disease.

    Those rumors were clearly in heavy circulation though, on social media, on Russia Today, on InfoWars, and countless other untrustworthy channels. I was first exposed to them in your posts, here.

    I trust you don't have bad intentions, but your posts running up to the election read like a pro-Trump Russian propaganda stream. Since then I've been wondering where you were first exposed to so much misinformation. Please take no offense; my concern is sincere.
    Last edited by bust; October-07-17 at 12:10 PM.

  25. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Yes, I saw the video of her falling. But that's nothing that hasn't happened to me, and I haven't seen happen to others. Decades younger, without the physical demands of an election campaign. And who hasn't had a coughing fit? No news sites I read pointed to those things as evidence of some kind of debilitating disease.

    Those rumors were clearly in heavy circulation though, on social media, on Russia Today, on InfoWars, and countless other untrustworthy channels. I was first exposed to them in your posts, here.

    I trust you don't have bad intentions, but your posts running up to the election read like a pro-Trump Russian propaganda stream. Since then I've been wondering where you were first exposed to so much misinformation. Please take no offense; my concern is sincere.
    I read stuff on various progressive sites. Being anti-Hillary doesn't make you pro-Trump. The mainstream media was biased toward Hillary. I wouldn't trust them to tell the truth about her.

    Here's a site I looked at. It has nothing to do with Trump or Russia.



    Edit- I forgot Russia is mentioned in the link above:

    Last edited by Pam; October-07-17 at 06:43 PM.

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