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  1. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........................
    On a side note if one looks at the United States currency,there are photos of past slave owners,if that offends one then they can send them to me and I will properly dispose of them for you.

    HaHaHa...SPOT ON Richard!

  2. #152


    What a bad day for the colonel!

    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    Bad source - he's referencing a video from Beverly Hills Antifa which is a parody twitter account. There are several of these, some of which are kinda funny:
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-21-17 at 12:50 PM.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    It's a discussion of the non-action of the police in Charlottesville.
    It's a youtube video made by a conspiracy theorist. Did you know that Jimmy Dore is a 9/11 Truther?

  4. #154


    From some of their other posts, I'd say Yes, they know.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Here is a YouTube video of Antifa protesting Soros over getting paid.


    several different ones on there.

    I guess if one has enough money you can actually hire an army.

    Then there is Hillary donating $800,000 to the cause.

    Do you people spend all day watching conspiracy theory videos on youtube?

    As JBMcB pointed out, the "Beverly Hills ANTIFA" twitter account referenced in the first video is a PARODY account. It's fake. A fact seemingly lost on you and on the mentally-ill conspiracy theorist lunatic who made the YouTube video.

    And while we're at it, let's talk about these youtube videos you put so much stock in from #SeekingTheTruth. Here's just a sampling of some of his other totally-not-batshit-insane videos.

    - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9 11’
    - Chris Cornell 911 Call Leaked Online Sparking Murder Fears
    - Bombshell: LAPD Found Chester Bennington's Murder Suspect
    - Obama, Bush, and Cheney have Arrest Warrants Issued!
    - Project Blue Beam, Hologram projectors in the Sky, The Big
    - Child From Evolved Human Race Discovered Living In China

    That's just some of the gems from a Youtube account that apparently you get your actual facts from.

    This isn't healthy, watching videos like that and not immediately recognizing them as fake and crazy isn't healthy.

  6. #156


    a conspiracy theory would be a thought process not normally accepted by mainstream thoughts until proven otherwise.

    For example,President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election.

    See how that works,one mindset thinks it is a fact and another considers it a conspiracy theory.

    Nobody says here lets wait until the facts.

    I do notice nobody commented on Hillary's donation to the cause.But we do tend to overlook what do not want to believe.

    Do you think this is fake news or a conspiracy theory or a case of if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck.


    Just more random or fuzzy thoughts according to some,when the KKK used to do thier rallies people used to say they were cowards for covering thier faces,but now when they do not and Antifa does they are not cowards.

    A picture of a university research professor was posted online that was similar to somebody attending the rally as a nazi.

    He started receiving death threats after the posting of his work place,home phone number and street address,so he had to move his family for thier safety.

    He was four states away from the rally and never even attended.
    Last edited by Richard; August-21-17 at 02:42 PM.

  7. #157
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    a conspiracy theory would be a thought process not normally accepted by mainstream thoughts until proven otherwise.

    For example,President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election.

    See how that works,one mindset thinks it is a fact and another considers it a conspiracy theory.

    Nobody says here lets wait until the facts.

    I do notice nobody commented on Hillary's donation to the cause.But we do tend to overlook what do not want to believe.

    Do you think this is fake news or a conspiracy theory or a case of if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck.

    Have you considered that youtube videos and blogs might not be reliable sources of facts? That random, anonymous strangers on the Internet might in fact be willing to concoct lies to advance an agenda and take advantage of gullible individuals?

    I don't need to "wait for the facts" to know that videos about hologram projectors in space and "arrest warrants issued for Obama and Bush" are fake news. It's readily apparent [[to sane people, at least). You know that, right? You know that there are no arrest warrants for Barack Obama and George W Bush, right? You know that there aren't secret hologram projectors in the sky, right?

    It's sad that I have to ask these question because having conversed with you enough, I simply do not know if you truly believe these things or not. I can't just assume that you can tell the difference between Weekly World News-style headlines like "BATBOY DISCOVERED LIVING IN CAVE" or "UFOs SECRETLY LAND AT WHITE HOUSE" and objective reality. So I have to ask these questions, because you might legitimately read stuff like that and take it as the truth. The credibility of sources matters. If someone makes videos claiming that Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were secretly murdered, I'm not going to put any faith in what they have to say about Hillary Clinton.

    As for Hillary's $800,000 donation to "the cause", if you can be bothered to tell us what "the cause" is that you are speaking about, maybe someone here can address that point.
    Last edited by aj3647; August-21-17 at 02:52 PM.

  8. #158


    I do not really get mad about anything,admittedly I have little tolerance for fascism and hard line socialist.

    Who actually determines what is real fact or not?

    Everybody says post links,I never used to,lead somebody in the direction and let them do thier own reasearch and come to thier own conclusion.

    Associated press puts a story out on the wire,if it is fake or not fact based but every news agency purchases and runs it,does it make it fact and an exceptable reference.

    It is a catch 22 ,post a link,okay your link is from xxx and they are alt right so it is not true or they have an agenda,post a link from xxx and the argument is it is from a liberal site that has an agenda.

    Post a link and some do not even view it or attack the source verses the content.

    I do not even like Onions,why would I read about them?

    Sometimes you guys spend more time fluffing links you miss the point.

  9. #159


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Who actually determines what is real fact or not?
    Corroboration. Multiple trustworthy sources all saying essentially the same thing using a verifiable timeline, coupled with tangible evidence and multiple independent witnesses.

  10. #160


    ^^^ Yep-per! Corroboration can sometimes be found among the usually untrustworthy!

  11. #161


    Kinda like,intelligence reports have said....

    Sounds good,unless you are the one relying on said report.

    Or my favorite catch all of "an un-named source has said"

  12. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Corroboration. Multiple trustworthy sources all saying essentially the same thing using a verifiable timeline, coupled with tangible evidence and multiple independent witnesses.
    Do you work for the refugee resettlement program by any chance?

    If the media actually did that it would take weeks to put a story out,it is mostly bots now anyways,how does a bot interview multiple independent witnesses?

    The best thing that happened to the media was President Trump,if he had not been elected they would have nothing to talk about for hours on end.

    Remember not to long ago when they were on their last legs?

    Now it is clicks first,facts later.

  13. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Do you work for the refugee resettlement program by any chance?

    If the media actually did that it would take weeks to put a story out,it is mostly bots now anyways,how does a bot interview multiple independent witnesses?

    The best thing that happened to the media was President Trump,if he had not been elected they would have nothing to talk about for hours on end.

    Remember not to long ago when they were on their last legs?

    Now it is clicks first,facts later.
    There is so much wishful thinking on your part, Ricardo.

    Media have nothing to report if not for Chump's tweets and of course they are on their last legs. The depth of your analysis brings us full circle to what educates Chump's electorate.

  14. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    There is so much wishful thinking on your part, Ricardo.

    Media have nothing to report if not for Chump's tweets and of course they are on their last legs. The depth of your analysis brings us full circle to what educates Chump's electorate.

    Funny,I always figured you as somebody that liked the surface and afraid of the depth,you know,like the ones that like to follow and have everybody else do the thinking for them.

    Nothing wrong with that though,there will always be sheep and there will always be sheep herders,it's just the way it is.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Post a link and some do not even view it or attack the source verses the content.
    If you think the Associated Press and some mentally-ill conspiracy theorist's youtube video page are on equal footing in terms of sources, then nothing I or anyone else can say will change your mind. You do you, Richard. The rest of us will respond accordingly.

  16. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    If you think the Associated Press and some mentally-ill conspiracy theorist's youtube video page are on equal footing in terms of sources, then nothing I or anyone else can say will change your mind. You do you, Richard. The rest of us will respond accordingly.
    All the AP does is copy and paste news, and distribute it to newspapers and newsrooms, so they can copy and paste it and distribute it to you, either via paper, web, or some paid acting clowns with $200 hairsprayed doo's. It's like when people post "we'll" or "us", to give the impression there's been some sort of gathering, discussion, consensus, and they now have the backing and will of the majority.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    All the AP does is copy and paste news, and distribute it to newspapers and newsrooms, so they can copy and paste it and distribute it to you, either via paper, web, or some paid acting clowns with $200 hairsprayed doo's. It's like when people post "we'll" or "us", to give the impression there's been some sort of gathering, discussion, consensus, and they now have the backing and will of the majority.
    Yes, the AP is a news agency that collects news from a variety of primary journalistic sources around the world and disseminates it based on defined set of journalistic and editorial standards in order to ensure that the articles they provide are factually-accurate, impartial, and objective reporting. They've won 52 Pulitzer Prizes. They also do quite a bit of their own primary reporting. 2/3rd of their employees are journalists. It's not QUITE the "copy and paste" description you so aptly gave.

    Regardless, do you think it is in any way fair to compare them to some dude who puts 9/11 conspiracy videos on youtube as if the two are equal?

    This is the problem with a certain segment of the American political spectrum right now. To many, the answer to the above question is "yes." Any conspiracy theory video published on YouTube is equally as valid and reliable as anything published by a reputable newspaper or other news organization. In fact, it's readily apparent by now that for many [[including several people here), some conspiracy theory nutjob's YouTube video page is MORE reliable and trustworthy than anything published by the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the BBC, etc.

    We now live in the age of "alternative facts." If you don't like the actual facts, just make up your own and those are equally as valid. If Trump tells you that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history, even though that demonstrably and objectively false, we can't say that he's "lying." It's just an "alternative fact." And when a conspiracy theorist on the Internet says that Hillary Clinton runs a child sex ring out of the basement of a DC pizza restaurant, well that's not a crazy conspiracy theory, it's an "alternate point of view that's worth exploring."

    Alex Jones is now a reliable source of news for tens of millions of Americans. This is the world we live in now.

  18. #168


    I don't view tabloids at all. It doesn't even matter if they regurgitate items from other sites. They are opinion, not fact, even if the facts can be verified elsewhere.

    It's like saying that because a tabloid says $1, $2 and $5 bills are authentic, readers should also believe them if they say a $3 bill is authentic.

  19. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Yes, the AP is a news agency that collects news from a variety of primary journalistic sources around the world and disseminates it based on defined set of journalistic and editorial standards in order to ensure that the articles they provide are factually-accurate, impartial, and objective reporting. They've won 52 Pulitzer Prizes. They also do quite a bit of their own primary reporting. 2/3rd of their employees are journalists. It's not QUITE the "copy and paste" description you so aptly gave.

    Regardless, do you think it is in any way fair to compare them to some dude who puts 9/11 conspiracy videos on youtube as if the two are equal?

    This is the problem with a certain segment of the American political spectrum right now. To many, the answer to the above question is "yes." Any conspiracy theory video published on YouTube is equally as valid and reliable as anything published by a reputable newspaper or other news organization. In fact, it's readily apparent by now that for many [[including several people here), some conspiracy theory nutjob's YouTube video page is MORE reliable and trustworthy than anything published by the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the BBC, etc.

    We now live in the age of "alternative facts." If you don't like the actual facts, just make up your own and those are equally as valid. If Trump tells you that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history, even though that demonstrably and objectively false, we can't say that he's "lying." It's just an "alternative fact." And when a conspiracy theorist on the Internet says that Hillary Clinton runs a child sex ring out of the basement of a DC pizza restaurant, well that's not a crazy conspiracy theory, it's an "alternate point of view that's worth exploring."

    Alex Jones is now a reliable source of news for tens of millions of Americans. This is the world we live in now.

    A close friend, until recently, was a "higher up" @ one of these "reliable", "award winning" news media places. Over the years we've had a multitude of discussions about various news reporting topics. Believe what you want about mainstream media, I really don't care, [[no, seriously) but I'll tell you right now, one hand washes the other. That's how it works. And the name of the game is market shares and ad revenue, and you get that by more "likes" than the other guy. Next time you watch the 11 o'clock report, ask yourself why the reporter next to the one speaking, is staring straight into the camera, and nodding her head yes, to everything the first one is saying. Also you might want to question what that outfit cost her.

  20. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    And the name of the game is market shares and ad revenue,
    And THAT is not news to anyone who has been breathing for more than twenty years. The News in general has been all about money and ratings since before the 1990s rolled around.

    But there are still some that just make it all up and can't report a story without inducing some nonsense of their own. Unfortunately, it's becoming more and more difficult to figure out which ones are which. And that's why I have to see it from more than one source.

  21. #171


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Funny,I always figured you as somebody that liked the surface and afraid of the depth,you know,like the ones that like to follow and have everybody else do the thinking for them.

    Nothing wrong with that though,there will always be sheep and there will always be sheep herders,it's just the way it is.

    You are of course right. I should own up and follow the true leader. Multilol.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    but I'll tell you right now, one hand washes the other. That's how it works.
    Because you're an expert on the internal working of the global journalism industry because you had a friend who worked for some unnamed news outlet. Gotcha.

    Who needs actual direct experience, education, knowledge, or expertise in a given field when you have "my friend told me?" See? Just proves my point. In your mind, that's equally as valid.

    I didn't think I'd have such a hard time getting people to agree with the simple statement that a conspiracy theory YouTube video page that has videos talking about Chris Cornell being secretly murdered in Detroit, controlled demolitions at the WTC on 9/11, and secret hologram projectors in the sky is not a reliable source of facts. And yet, here we are, and many of you seem to actually want to dispute this point.

    Fair enough. Enjoy your YouTube videos guys. I won't be watching those videos, so I guess I'll have to rely on the rest of you to let me know exactly how much tinfoil I will need to apply to my head to keep the CIA's mind control devices from reading my thoughts. And I greatly look forward to hearing all of your spirited arguments about how the next mass shooting incident is really just a "false flag" intended to push gun control and all the victims are just "crisis actors", just like Sandy Hook was!

  23. #173


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Because you're an expert on the internal working of the global journalism industry because you had a friend who worked for some unnamed news outlet. Gotcha.

    Who needs actual direct experience, education, knowledge, or expertise in a given field when you have "my friend told me?" See? Just proves my point. In your mind, that's equally as valid.....
    Apparently our president doesn't need experience, education knowledge or expertise or even background in anything remotely related to government, so, what the hell, lets all just do whatever job we want. I think I want to be a brain surgeon this week; I've been a cook and I know how to slice lunchmeat...

  24. #174


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Apparently our president doesn't need experience, education knowledge or expertise or even background in anything remotely related to government, so, what the hell, lets all just do whatever job we want. I think I want to be a brain surgeon this week; I've been a cook and I know how to slice lunchmeat...
    only if you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night before.

  25. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Because you're an expert on the internal working of the global journalism industry because you had a friend who worked for some unnamed news outlet. Gotcha.
    Well, It's way more insight than you seem to have.

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