Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
The consistent invoking of the "war on poverty" hobgoblin by the right is so ahistorical that its ridiculous. Nixon essentially killed off the War on Poverty in the early '70s, in the process of undoing much of what the Johnson administration did. And it's been mostly downhill from there, under Republican and Democratic presidents alike.
You are right that I descended into hyperbole. But let's both not all into talking points.

The point I was making is that poverty reduction efforts to date have not helped. We can choose to double-down under the assumption that we just need to spend more money to do it right, or we can respect alternative voices.

One of my favorite moments of each day is noticing just how conservative the Democratic party can be. Charters? No way. We just need more of the same, please. Poverty? Too bad we haven't spent enough because of those evil Republicans. If we could just spend more, and increase benefits all will be great. Uber to allow poor people to earn a little extra money? No way. More licensing and insurance so we can protect the status quo.

Funny how the left is so conservative. And funny how the right now has become the real progressive party -- if you're interested in results and not just feeling good about yourself and all you've done to solve poverty -- which you haven't.