Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
How in the world would there be any chance of slowing sprawl when the outer rings continuously have a property tax rate that is 50% to 70% lower than the core and the inner rings?

You can't stop people from voting with their wallet. It's impossible. If they can get more house out of the monthly payment by paying a lower tax rate further out, it will never stop. The wrong tax is flat in Michigan and it has costed us many Billions in failing communities with only more to come until something changes.
Somebody help me out here. Don't those in the exburbs have to pay property taxes for the same services that the city and inner-ring suburbs pay? Don't their property taxes pay for police and fire protection; schools, parks, roads, and garbage pickup? So how is it that the tax rate in exburbs is 50% to 70% lower than the city and inner-ring suburbs?