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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Nail on the head. Majority of these people don't have a clue or could care less, about what it's like to be Black, and have never had to experience racism, but are the first to tell you you're overreacting. BS. Trump has implored people to say or do, whatever is on their mind, because he does it. There is a direct correlation between his divisive campaign and the police shootings, racist rants and dialogue, and violent rallies he overseen.
    I think you will find the real correlation lies with the lack of leadership from the current president in not speaking out strongly against the "peaceful protests" that have cost cities their vitality and safety and continually inviting the agitators to the W.H. which further emboldened them in their rioting acts and resulted in more police and citizens being endangered.

    Sporting teams are overpaid entertainers and private citizens. They can speak their minds but they should at least be mindful of the flag veterans have died defending. People can then elect to boycott them and their million dollar salaries and endorsements.

    Police and soldiers however don't get to speak their minds and have to standby silently when they are insulted.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    I think you will find the real correlation lies with the lack of leadership from the current president in not speaking out strongly against the "peaceful protests" that have cost cities their vitality and safety and continually inviting the agitators to the W.H. which further emboldened them in their rioting acts and resulted in more police and citizens being endangered.
    Um, I'm pretty sure that big cities in the U.S. haven't lost their "vitality and safety" because people are opposed to a racist proto-fascist like Trump. Places like NYC and SF have never been safer, wealthier or more vibrant.

    As with everything in Trumplandia, facts are irrelevent.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Sporting teams are overpaid entertainers and private citizens. They can speak their minds but they should at least be mindful of the flag veterans have died defending.
    Protesting racism and anti-Americanism is pro-veteran and pro-American. Trump has contempt for the Constitution and American ideals, and support for his proposals go against everything that has made this country great.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Police and soldiers however don't get to speak their minds and have to standby silently when they are insulted.
    Oh, poor police! They should have the right to violence without repercussions if they feel like it! How dare we ask them to follow the laws they are entrusted to enforce.

  3. #28


    Um, I'm pretty sure that big cities in the U.S. haven't lost their "vitality and safety" because people are opposed to a racist proto-fascist like Trump. Places like NYC and SF have never been safer, wealthier or more vibrant.

    Ah your 3 favorite cities ham. How bout Furgeson, Baltimore or Chicago for a change. Rioting is safe???

    As with everything in Trumplandia, facts are irrelevent.

    Protesting racism and anti-Americanism is pro-veteran and pro-American. Trump has contempt for the Constitution and American ideals, and support for his proposals go against everything that has made this country great.

    How does he have contemp by trying to enforce laws that the current president ignored, such as deporting illegals?

    Oh, poor police! They should have the right to violence without repercussions if they feel like it! How dare we ask them to follow the laws they are entrusted to enforce.

    Should they die trying to enforce those laws? Do you even know a Police officer personally?

  4. #29


    Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone”

    Mr. Van Gundy and the NBA need to clean-up their own house before they go around criticizing anyone else’s behavior.

    Rolling Stone quietly deletes article about domestic violence and the NBA
    PETER STERNE 10/17/16 04:23 PM EDT

    “Rolling Stone quietly removed an online article about the NBA and domestic violence on Friday, two days after it was published.

    The piece, titled "Why Derrick Rose Rape Trial May Wreck NBA Commissioner Adam Silver's Legacy" by weekly columnist Beejoli Shah, examined how league commissioner Adam Silver has disciplined different basketball players accused of domestic violence and specifically noted his silence regarding Derrick Rose, the New York Knicks star whose civil trial for alleged gang rape is currently underway.

    After the piece was published, an NBA representative contacted RollingStone.com sports editor Jason Diamond to dispute a number of assertions in the piece, a Rolling Stone source told POLITICO. In response, Rolling Stone added two corrections to the story.

    On Friday, Rolling Stone decided to delete the article altogether. And on Monday, it killed a forthcoming article from Shah about the NBA.”

  5. #30


    Ah yes, that age old asinine argument that because there are other injustices happening, you can't have an opinion.

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by EGrant View Post
    I don't want this thread to dissolve into an argument about very real racism that still exists and is being perpetuated by Donald Trump, but for many, life isn't as simple as "pulling yourself up from the bootstraps." This is much bigger than feelings being hurt, and NBA players have the right to speak up about it.
    The charge of racism is a very strong charge. We are tossing it around very broadly these days.

    About 1/2 the population has decided that some vile statements about racism probably don't mean real racism.

    NBA Players have the right to speak up about whatever they want. And so do people who believe that abortion is murder, and that illegal immigrants should be deported.

    But back to racism, I don't see much racism in Trump. Xenophobia, yes. Can anyone remind me of Trumps non-pejorative statements on race that are racist? I see anti-charter initiatives by teacher's unions as racist. Let's be careful when we all toss about that R----- word.

  7. #32


    Here is a start. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b03260bf777e83

    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    The charge of racism is a very strong charge. We are tossing it around very broadly these days.

    About 1/2 the population has decided that some vile statements about racism probably don't mean real racism.

    NBA Players have the right to speak up about whatever they want. And so do people who believe that abortion is murder, and that illegal immigrants should be deported.

    But back to racism, I don't see much racism in Trump. Xenophobia, yes. Can anyone remind me of Trumps non-pejorative statements on race that are racist? I see anti-charter initiatives by teacher's unions as racist. Let's be careful when we all toss about that R----- word.

  8. #33
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post

    But back to racism, I don't see much racism in Trump. Xenophobia, yes. Can anyone remind me of Trumps non-pejorative statements on race that are racist?
    Seriously? You have got to be kidding us.

    Trump called Mexicans "rapists and murderers"

    Trump called Latinas "Miss Housekeeping"

    Trump repeatedly claimed that Mexican-American judges could not be trusted because of their ethnic background

    Trump wants to ban certain immigrants based on their ethnic background, religion, and country of origin.

    Trump was repeatedly found liable for racial discrimination by the U.S. Department of Justice, and numerous ex-employees are on-record indicating he refused to hire African Americans.

    Trump accepted endorsements and constantly retweeted posts from the KKK, from white nationalist organizations and from the alt-right. He also, repeatedly, refused to disavow racist statements from his supporters.

    Trump has nominated a virulent racist, Steve Bannon, as chief advisor. This is about as "non-racist" as offering David Duke the Office of Civil Rights [[which, going by the current nominations, would hardly be a surprise appointment).

    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    I see anti-charter initiatives by teacher's unions as racist. Let's be careful when we all toss about that R----- word.
    Yes, obviously trying to preserve public education and not sell children out to for-profit scam artists is inherently racist...

  9. #34
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post

    Ah your 3 favorite cities ham. How bout Furgeson, Baltimore or Chicago for a change. Rioting is safe???
    What the hell are you blathering on about? Outside of confirming your racism [["damn those blacks who don't enjoy being executed by the police"), there is no value in responding to this statement, which has nothing to do with Trump, the NBA or the election.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post

    How does he have contemp by trying to enforce laws that the current president ignored, such as deporting illegals?

    Another right-wing lie. Obama has deported more illegals than any U.S. president in history. Trump, despite all his racist hate speech against immigrants, has already backtracked and admitted he can't do anything more than Obama is doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Should they die trying to enforce those laws? Do you even know a Police officer personally?
    Yes, obviously if people want cops to follow the law, then those same people think "cops should die". That's totally logical reasoning and not at all absurd...

  10. #35


    What the hell are you blathering on about? Outside of confirming your racism [["damn those blacks who don't enjoy being executed by the police"), there is no value in responding to this statement, which has nothing to do with Trump, the NBA or the election.
    What the hell are you blathering about? Nobody is getting executed but police that are being called to help and then getting ambushed.
    What is racist about questioning the motives of the outsiders that have rioted in those cities I mention causing the residents to live in fear?

    Another right-wing lie. Obama has deported more illegals than any U.S. president in history. Trump, despite all his racist hate speech against immigrants, has already backtracked and admitted he can't do anything more than Obama is doing.r
    True he has deported more. But he has allowed more in. He also ignored his duty to uphold the constitution and enforce laws by passing an executive order granting amnesty to illegals coming into the country. He also told ICE officers to "STAND DOWN"
    Why do you keep mentioning those Sanctuary Cities? Do they hold a special place in your heart?

    Yes, obviously if people want cops to follow the law, then those same people think "cops should die". That's totally logical reasoning and not at all absurd.
    Cops do follow the law but get very little time to react in situations where suspects are not being respectful of the law or the person trying to enforce it.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Seriously? You have got to be kidding us.
    Trump called Mexicans "rapists and murderers"
    Trump called Latinas "Miss Housekeeping"
    Trump repeatedly claimed that Mexican-American judges could not be trusted because of their ethnic background
    Trump wants to ban certain immigrants based on their ethnic background, religion, and country of origin.
    Trump was repeatedly found liable for racial discrimination by the U.S. Department of Justice, and numerous ex-employees are on-record indicating he refused to hire African Americans.
    Trump accepted endorsements and constantly retweeted posts from the KKK, from white nationalist organizations and from the alt-right. He also, repeatedly, refused to disavow racist statements from his supporters.
    Trump has nominated a virulent racist, Steve Bannon, as chief advisor. This is about as "non-racist" as offering David Duke the Office of Civil Rights [[which, going by the current nominations, would hardly be a surprise appointment).
    Yes, obviously trying to preserve public education and not sell children out to for-profit scam artists is inherently racist...
    Well BHam when you white elistis shit on the base and they ram it up your butt, you really shouldn't complain, but think about what you did wrong>


  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Nail on the head. Majority of these people don't have a clue or could care less, about what it's like to be Black, and have never had to experience racism, but are the first to tell you you're overreacting. BS. Obama has implored people to say or do, whatever is on their mind, because he does it. There is a direct correlation between his divisive campaign and the police shootings, racist rants and dialogue, and violent rallies he overseen.
    There I fixed it for ya.

  13. #38


    Could the Pistons show solidarity with the Anti-trumpers by losing the whole shebang too?


  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by gumby View Post
    Ah, I see that you're actually listening to his words. You can ignore that. Nothing he says is worth much taken literally. [[I actually chucked reading some of his 'racist' comments -- like the yarmulke anti-semitic remark -- and really some of my best friends.... well you know the phrase).

    Ignore Trump's literal words, and pay attention to what he says when he's not being rhetorical.

    The electorate has heard rhetoric for years about 'caring for kids', when it meant closing off options by killing charter schools. We learned the code. Bottom line is that little said by politicians is very meaningful. Obama was the master of meaningless rhetoric that sounds caring. Almost as good as Clinton.

    And the voters have learned that it was just talk. So a little 'just talk' from President-electy Trump during his campaign and in random moments here and there are really just words of someone conveying their message in a new, different way. And apparently about half the voters agreed that he didn't mean quite exactly what he said.

    Stop using his words against him -- because they are pretty meaningless. Let's see how his actions stack up now. That's what matters now.

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    President-electy Trump
    I doubt you intended it, but what an apt description!

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Ah, I see that you're actually listening to his words. You can ignore that. Nothing he says is worth much taken literally. [[I actually chucked reading some of his 'racist' comments -- like the yarmulke anti-semitic remark -- and really some of my best friends.... well you know the phrase).

    Ignore Trump's literal words, and pay attention to what he says when he's not being rhetorical.

    The electorate has heard rhetoric for years about 'caring for kids', when it meant closing off options by killing charter schools. We learned the code. Bottom line is that little said by politicians is very meaningful. Obama was the master of meaningless rhetoric that sounds caring. Almost as good as Clinton.

    And the voters have learned that it was just talk. So a little 'just talk' from President-electy Trump during his campaign and in random moments here and there are really just words of someone conveying their message in a new, different way. And apparently about half the voters agreed that he didn't mean quite exactly what he said.

    Stop using his words against him -- because they are pretty meaningless. Let's see how his actions stack up now. That's what matters now.
    It's a good thing to know that whatever Trump said during this twelve year long campaign can’t be held against him. It's comforting to know that his words are meaningless. Let's focus on his actions.

  17. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    It's a good thing to know that whatever Trump said during this twelve year long campaign can’t be held against him. It's comforting to know that his words are meaningless. Let's focus on his actions.
    Because one of the reasons his supporters gave for liking him is "He says it like it is". But when he says something racist, anti-woman or hate-mongering, he doesn't really mean it. He's only kidding.

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Because one of the reasons his supporters gave for liking him is "He says it like it is". But when he says something racist, anti-woman or hate-mongering, he doesn't really mean it. He's only kidding.
    Trump is going to get a lot of people hurt. Let them keep feeling bold...

  19. #44


    As Obama said in 2009, "I won." And later, "we're not campaigning anymore, the election is over."

  20. #45


    Good for the Pistons. And good for Stan Van Gundy for saying what needed to be said Resistance, vigilance, and visible and vocal protest against hate and exclusion is the work that's left for us now.

  21. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Because one of the reasons his supporters gave for liking him is "He says it like it is". But when he says something racist, anti-woman or hate-mongering, he doesn't really mean it. He's only kidding.
    Yes, you can call this a Prelude to Statesmanship.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    There I fixed it for ya.
    Cute.. Too bad you're wrong. But you're getting ready to find out.

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