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  1. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I really hate the "we need to help our fellow Americans FIRST" statements.
    Okay, let's help them.
    "They're on unemployment too long; make them get a job cleaning the streets"
    "No, too damn many people on welfare; let's drug test 'em"
    "What do you mean they don't have to pay their water bill? I don't get free water, why should they?"
    Yep, let's help our citizens as long as they don't really need help.

    There you have it,it is easier to hand out a check instead of education or a skilled trade,easier to gain compliance and votes generation after generation. Who does that?

  2. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I really hate the "we need to help our fellow Americans FIRST" statements.

    Okay, let's help them.
    "They're on unemployment too long; make them get a job cleaning the streets"
    "No, too damn many people on welfare; let's drug test 'em"
    "What do you mean they don't have to pay their water bill? I don't get free water, why should they?"
    Yep, let's help our citizens as long as they don't really need help.
    Well why don't we help them? Should we keep them on welfare in perpetuam while we bring in more foreign workers?
    Should we reward them for partaking in mind altering drugs that will affect their state of health and safety?
    Should they not be responsible for bills of products that they have consumed?

    I saw Ken Burns Documentary of the Dust Bowl and the government had to beg to help farmers out west. Some because of ignorance others because of pride. It seems today that is what is missing. Pride and self reliance.

    No we don't need refugees in this country. We are not a building nation with a vast land mass to fill. We can take immigrants from anywhere, I don't care where, as long as they can demonstrate a desire to get on a path of self reliance so that they can enjoy what this country can offer other than what a hand out from the government gets them.

  3. #128


    Ya know...once again this is way off topic.
    Sooo how bout Trump's visit? Productive in any way?


  4. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    There you have it,it is easier to hand out a check instead of education or a skilled trade,easier to gain compliance and votes generation after generation. Who does that?
    Then give them free educations if they need it; hell, ALL Americans should be getting free educations, but whenever that comes up, or paying off student loans, it gets voted down in Congress. Who does THAT?

  5. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Ya know...once again this is way off topic.
    Sooo how bout Trump's visit? Productive in any way?

    How could a Trump visit be remotely "productive in any way"?

  6. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    How could a Trump visit be remotely "productive in any way"?
    It opened a dialogue with a disenfranchised set of voters that could be most effected by an influx of jobs.

    It put a face behind the message so that each person can judge using their impression rather than a media interpretation of the person.

    It may of opened the candidate's eye's to the depth of a problem that he might of underestimated.

    I'm sure there more reasons one could surmise.

    How could it be less productive for a Presidential candidate to come to Detroit?

  7. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    It opened a dialogue with a disenfranchised set of voters that could be most effected by an influx of jobs.

    It put a face behind the message so that each person can judge using their impression rather than a media interpretation of the person.

    It may of opened the candidate's eye's to the depth of a problem that he might of underestimated.

    I'm sure there more reasons one could surmise.

    How could it be less productive for a Presidential candidate to come to Detroit?
    Where did you come up with this garbage??

    Trump is a virulent racist who has repeatedly been found liable for discrimination against blacks. He banned blacks from his housing, refused to hire blacks and is on the record with wildly racist comments. His primary base of support is racist groups like the KKK and he repeatedly retweets their hate messages

    You really think he magically had a change of heart, suddenly cares about blacks and now wants to "open a dialogue with the disenfranchised"? That's why he decided to visit an inner city black church? LOL!

    He went from talking about his privates, harassing women and minorities, and promising to incinerate the Middle East, to becoming Mother Theresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King all rolled into one? Yeah, sounds plausible...
    Last edited by Bham1982; September-09-16 at 12:41 PM.

  8. #133
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    No we don't need refugees in this country.
    Of course we don't "need refugees"; we don't need anything but clean water and food. We don't need you or I either.

    But the U.S. is supposedly part of the international community of nations, and basically all civilized nations take in refugees. Not taking in refugees would violate a host of international agreements, would harm our global stature, and would be a net economic drag on the nation, as refugees tend to be highly entrepreneurial and economically successful.

    What would be a reason for not taking in refugees?

  9. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Well I wish you well on that one,President of Germany lost the vote because of her immigration policies,check out what is happening in every country overseas.
    German is receiving 2 million migrants in a country of 80 million; we're receiving 10,000 in a country of 330 million. What's that, 800x the migrant numbers as the U.S.? So not even in the same universe of comparison. The U.S. would have to receive 9 million refugees to have an equivalent situation.

    And Merkel is quite popular in Germany, and would be elected today still, despite those millions of refugees, and despite the fact that Germany isn't a multiethnic society analogous to the U.S. Apparently they have fewer dummies. She's only unpopular in the poor/backward East, which doesn't get many immigrants and has many elderly bigots nostalgic for Communism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You call those who appose your views racist all you want but it just shows how out of touch of what is really going on that you are,and instead of recognizing the threat and finding a resolution to it you are choosing the easy out and just calling racist.
    Trump is the textbook definition of a racist. There is no debating this. His entire campaign platform is based on bigotry. Banning religions, walling off neighbors, abandoning allies, insulting minorities, spreading hate speech. If he isn't a racist, no one is.

    If I'm "out of touch" with some of my [[uneducated, male, white) fellow Americans because I refuse to demonize Mexicans or insult women or threaten our allies, I'm fine with that label.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Education and assets means nothing above health and safety.
    Can you explain how Trump would aid in "health and safety"? The U.S. has never been healthier and safer than right now, and Trump has never, not for a second, mentioned any coherent ideas about "health and safety". He loves Putin and other violent despots, wants to eliminate health insurance for millions, supports global nuclear proliferation and wants more guns, everywhere.

  10. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    German is receiving 2 million migrants in a country of 80 million; we're receiving 10,000 in a country of 330 million. What's that, 800x the migrant numbers as the U.S.? So not even in the same universe of comparison. The U.S. would have to receive 9 million refugees to have an equivalent situation.

    And German citizens are having huge problems because of that decision.

    And Merkel is quite popular in Germany, and would be elected today still, despite those millions of refugees, and despite the fact that Germany isn't a multiethnic society analogous to the U.S. Apparently they have fewer dummies. She's only unpopular in the poor/backward East, which doesn't get many immigrants and has many elderly bigots nostalgic for Communism.

    Merkel just lost a vote of confidence for her party.

    Trump is the textbook definition of a racist. There is no debating this. His entire campaign platform is based on bigotry. Banning religions, walling off neighbors, abandoning allies, insulting minorities, spreading hate speech. If he isn't a racist, no one is.

    If I'm "out of touch" with some of my [[uneducated, male, white) fellow Americans because I refuse to demonize Mexicans or insult women or threaten our allies, I'm fine with that label.

    Haven't heard any specifics that hold up. Just conjecture.
    Hear a lot more racism coming from some here.

    Can you explain how Trump would aid in "health and safety"? The U.S. has never been healthier and safer than right now, and Trump has never, not for a second, mentioned any coherent ideas about "health and safety". He loves Putin and other violent despots, wants to eliminate health insurance for millions, supports global nuclear proliferation and wants more guns, everywhere.
    HaHaHa... US is safer now, Economy is unstable and growth is stagnate.
    Unemployment remains high among those that bother to look for a job.
    Health cost continue to rise despite the promise of the affordable care act.
    Insurance companies are pulling out of the market.
    The Middle East is melting down because of Secretary Clinton's policies and support of the Arab Spring uprisings while the west is facing a surge of "refugees" who want to get away from the results of the chaos.
    Wow Go back and bring me a cup of that kool aide!
    Last edited by GMan; September-09-16 at 01:54 PM.

  11. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    HaHaHa... US is safer now, Economy is unstable and growth is stagnate.
    Unemployment remains high among those that bother to look for a job.
    Health cost continue to rise despite the promise of the affordable care act.
    Insurance companies are pulling out of the market.
    The Middle East is melting down because of Secretary Clinton's policies and support of the Arab Spring uprisings while the west is facing a surge of "refugees" who want to get away from the results of the chaos.
    Wow Go back and bring me a cup of that kool aide!
    And this, folks, is the Trump voter. Barely literate. Ignorant of basic economic and social data. Unable to make a cogent point, or to state a verifiable fact.

    The U.S. has some of the strongest economic growth and lowest unemployment on the planet. We're the economic envy of the planet. Our economy is crushing that of Europe, Japan, Canada. If our next President has half the accomplishments of Obama, he/she will be a raging success.

    But, no matter. That black Muslim foreigner commie Obama ruined America, never mind the economy is booming, salaries are rising, and there's a worker shortage. Never mind we now have universal healthcare, terrorism is at modern-day historic lows, and the U.S. has restored its position as the global hegemon. Welcome to Idiocracy...
    Last edited by Bham1982; September-09-16 at 02:22 PM.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    And this, folks, is the Trump voter. Barely literate. Ignorant of basic economic and social data. Unable to make a cogent point, or to state a verifiable fact.

    The U.S. has some of the strongest economic growth and lowest unemployment on the planet. We're the economic envy of the planet. Our economy is crushing that of Europe, Japan, Canada. If our next President has half the accomplishments of Obama, he/she will be a raging success.

    But, no matter. That black Muslim foreigner commie Obama ruined America, never mind the economy is booming, salaries are rising, and there's a worker shortage. Never mind we now have universal healthcare, terrorism is at modern-day historic lows, and the U.S. has restored its position as the global hegemon. Welcome to Idiocracy...
    And Here is an example of a Hillary voter, Believe the adjusted employment fiqures while right before your eyes there is your neighbor that can't find a job. Wages have been flat for 10years.
    Believe that the law provides "Affordable" healthcare while premiums and deductibles go through the roof.
    Believe away the terrorist attacks that have happened as being "Work Place Violence" or the work of "Lone Wolves" all the while ISIS claims responsibility and actively runs websites trying to promote their actions.
    Believe the US is respected by the world while all the while the military is challenged by other nations infringing safety zones of US vessels while the navigate international waters, military planes make dangerous near passes to our air fleet in a challenge of dominance.

    Believe that the US is gaining ground while the deficit rises to the point we will be unable to pay principle and struggling to just pay the interest on it.
    BHAM, are you really trying to get the US to commit suicide by "staying the course or is there a smokey haze obstructing your view?

    As for the black man or muslim destroying the world, those are your words and certainly don't reflect my views in any way.
    But hey you at least have "WORDS"

  13. #138


    Don't worry, the vitriol regurgitated by Bham drives many to the alternative...

  14. #139


    "The U.S. immigrant population stood at more than 42.4 million, or 13.3 percent, of the total U.S. population of 318.9 million in 2014, according to ACS data. [[In 1970, 5% of our population were immigrants.) Between 2013 and 2014, the foreign-born population increased by 1 million, or 2.5 percent.
    Immigrants in the United States and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 81 million people, or 26 percent of the overall U.S. population." http://www.migrationpolicy.org/artic...-united-states

    "A snapshot of the United States in 2065 would show a nation that has 117 million more people than today" "Among the projected 441 million Americans in 2065, 78 million will be immigrants and 81 million will be people born in the U.S. to immigrant parents." http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/10 which /05/future-immigration-will-change-the-face-of-america-by-2065/

    Our present population is about 330M.

    One cannot claim to be 'green' and support present high rates of immigration. Roads, parking lots, rail lines, more extensive agriculture and mining, etc. will all be required to accommodate this growth.

    One party benefits from impoverished foreign voters. US Chamber of Commerce types mostly in the other party benefit from cheap labor. The 1% succeeds by creating a cultural babble in which loyalties are divided and traditions are diluted. The law of supply and demand dictates that wages will stay stagnant, at best, when cheap foreign labor, at home or abroad, is substituted for more expensive domestic labor.

    I know, I'm so deplorable that I put US workers first and still remember 9/11.

  15. #140


    Funny stuff... we all used to be in the same boat, so inclusive, but now some of us be sorted in baskets.

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    Last edited by Dan Wesson; September-10-16 at 09:18 PM.

  16. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Funny stuff... we all used to be in the same boat, so inclusive, but now some of us be sorted in baskets.
    It's absolutely true. Racists and hatemongers should be called out. Trump and his white nationalist supporters are essentially the successor movement to the KKK.


  17. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Don't worry, the vitriol regurgitated by Bham drives many to the alternative...
    Ah, yes, you were forced to vote for the racist because someone on the internet hurt your feelings with the truth. Poor, poor Dan...

  18. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

    One cannot claim to be 'green' and support present high rates of immigration. Roads, parking lots, rail lines, more extensive agriculture and mining, etc. will all be required to accommodate this growth.

    Wait, what??

    People don't have more kids because they move to the U.S. If anything, birthrates drop as living standards rise. Obviously U.S. immigration policy has nothing to do with global birthrates.

    And there is no "green" policy that calls for forced birth control, nor does any Presidential candidate support a loosening of immigration rules [[though one has expressly called for unconstitutional race and religion-based bans).

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

    I know, I'm so deplorable that I put US workers first and still remember 9/11.
    What on earth does this mean? How does support for a virulent racist with zero economic policy "put US workers first"? Trump has no cogent economic policy, and will never offer one.

    If you want to "put US workers first" vote for the candidate that supports economic policies that actually result in jobs. Clinton supports a continuation of Obama's economic policies which have created more jobs than any period in modern U.S. history excepting the Clinton-era boom.

    And what does Trump have to do with 9-11, outside of the fact that he lied about where he was and what he heard [[he claimed he was there, but was hiding, he claimed Muslims were cheering, which was a lie)?

  19. #144


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post

    Wait, what??

    People don't have more kids because they move to the U.S. If anything, birthrates drop as living standards rise. Obviously U.S. immigration policy has nothing to do with global birthrates.

    And there is no "green" policy that calls for forced birth control, nor does any Presidential candidate support a loosening of immigration rules [[though one has expressly called for unconstitutional race and religion-based bans).

    What on earth does this mean? How does support for a virulent racist with zero economic policy "put US workers first"? Trump has no cogent economic policy, and will never offer one.

    If you want to "put US workers first" vote for the candidate that supports economic policies that actually result in jobs. Clinton supports a continuation of Obama's economic policies which have created more jobs than any period in modern U.S. history excepting the Clinton-era boom.

    And what does Trump have to do with 9-11, outside of the fact that he lied about where he was and what he heard [[he claimed he was there, but was hiding, he claimed Muslims were cheering, which was a lie)?
    That isn't what I wrote. "Between 2015 and 2065, [[immigrants and their children) are projected to account for 88% of the U.S. population increase, or 103 million people, as the nation grows to 441 million." http://www.pewhispanic.org/2015/09/2...-through-2065/ At our present low native population growth rate there will be 12M additional Americans in 2065. Anyone who supports our present immigration rate instead supports the projected 103,000,000 population growth by 2065. That isn't the green alternative because the additional 91,000,000 immigrants and their children will require traffic lanes, sprawl, energy, food, etc..

    Under Obama, black incomes, wealth, and home ownership rates have declined relative to those of whites. If the KKK ever realized that Democrats are doing so much harm to blacks, the KKK would support Hillary. Trump does claim he will reduce the competition of foreign workers for US jobs at home and abroad. Sounds like a plan to me. Black and white industrial, production, and assembly workers would benefit a great deal from the resultant demand for their labor as will unions. Unfortunately, Obama's jobs have tended to be lower paid service jobs that don't pay as much as jobs lost in the recession and he has run up the federal debt by $30,000 for every person in the US and billed that to our children. Until last year, 3/4 of these new jobs went to aliens, legal and otherwise. Heaven help our children if Hillary plans to do similar damage. Oh, and Obama's running around trying to get the TPP passed. Does anyone really believe Hillary won't find an excuse to pass the TPP?

    What does Trump have to do with 9/11? remember that many of the mostly Saudi 9/11 crew members had overstayed their visas making them illegal aliens [[not undocumented immigrants because their intent was not to immigrate). Trump claims that he will be tougher on illegal immigration so maybe they, or their contemporaries, won't be allowed to stay as under Bush. Trump also wants to cut back on immigration from countries with radical Islamic violence. Hillary's policies, on the other hand, strengthened ISIS and created millions of refugees. Now she want to bring them here even though a) our vetting is poor, b) ISIS says it has embedded terrorists among the refugees, c) France and Germany offer proof that ISIS is correct, and d) it costs an average of $13,500 of taxpayer money/year for five years for every individual man woman and child brought in from the Mid-east. The latter means higher taxes, debts, or reduced services for our own families.
    Last edited by oladub; September-11-16 at 12:51 AM.

  20. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Where did you come up with this garbage??

    Trump is a virulent racist who has repeatedly been found liable for discrimination against blacks. He banned blacks from his housing, refused to hire blacks and is on the record with wildly racist comments. His primary base of support is racist groups like the KKK and he repeatedly retweets their hate messages

    You really think he magically had a change of heart, suddenly cares about blacks and now wants to "open a dialogue with the disenfranchised"? That's why he decided to visit an inner city black church? LOL!

    He went from talking about his privates, harassing women and minorities, and promising to incinerate the Middle East, to becoming Mother Theresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King all rolled into one? Yeah, sounds plausible...

    Bham,you are forgetting about your girls mentor,do you know who this democrat senator was that voted against the civil rights act in 1964?

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  21. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Ah, yes, you were forced to vote for the racist because someone on the internet hurt your feelings with the truth. Poor, poor Dan...
    At worst,

    Just a shill, a tool, a useful idiot, with not an original thought in your head.

    At best, pathological altruism .

    "pathological altruism is not limited to showcase acts of self-sacrifice... The book is the first comprehensive treatment of the idea that when ostensibly generous 'how can I help you?' behavior is taken to extremes, misapplied or stridently rhapsodized, it can become unhelpful, unproductive and even destructive. Selflessness gone awry may play a role in a broad variety of disorders, including anorexia and animal hoarding, women who put up with abusive partners and men who abide alcoholic ones. Because a certain degree of selfless behavior is essential to the smooth performance of any human group, selflessness run amok can crop up in political contexts. It fosters the exhilarating sensation of righteous indignation, the belief in the purity of your team and your cause and the perfidiousness of all competing teams and causes." [[lifted from wiki)

    Troll on... it's what you do best.

    Last edited by Dan Wesson; September-11-16 at 06:18 AM.

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