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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    This is basically nonsense and misses the point entirely. Your false equivalencies are rather silly, if not downright insulting.

    Maybe he was living in Detroit and had the Michigan Citizen delivered to his door on accident

  2. #102


    Well I guess Chevy Reps are meeting with NAN, I'm sure some money and a promise that KR will not use the flag which I think he already did awhile ago and this issue will be dead and silent.

  3. #103


    While I expected such from certain people, it's definitely surprising to see SOME of the other folks in this thread downplaying racism in America and defending Kid Rock's actions.

  4. #104


    Seems like it's being flown to be divisive these days. We have enough problems.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    Thank you for downplaying the experience of millions of people.
    Let me help you out a little here.

    318,892,103 people in the US as of 2014.
    515,000 signed the change org petition
    What percent is that?

    A baby crying on You-tube receives over 1,000,000,000 views.
    Racism does exist,but at what level?

    The question is, although we know racism exists and we know every Caucasian is a racist that cannot fathom what it is like,and without selectively choosing innate objects to attack,what is the answer to end racism?

    It is okay for thousands of inner city kids to die every year from the violence?
    No outrage or solutions there we have other fish to fry like getting rid of that damn flag.

    There are no solutions even the flag was not an issue until 6 lost their lives because some wacko used it.Then it became an issue why now? Like I said thousands of young African Americans are killed every year had have been for years..where is that outrage?Who exactly is placing the value on those lives?

    The difference is the ones calling others racist are also the ones that resort to name calling or saying others opinions or beliefs are stupid.

    Kid Rock told people to kiss his butt because if he wanted to fly that flag he had every right to,just like when others rights are violated they also become vocal.Or is he only accountable because of his race?

    Brazil holds the record for having the most slaves of all countries combined but yet has no issues,what are they doing different?

  6. #106


    On a related note....

    Tom Petty Regrets Using Confederate Flag in the Past: 'Just Think How It Looks to a Black Person' http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/6633537/tom-petty-confederate-flag-essay

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Racism and racial tension has grown every year since Obama has been in office!

    Yes, that lil' devil Obama. How unamerican of him, just breathing the same air as you within the same confined borders.

    Anyways, nothing can't be cured with a little goodwill SYMBOLISM by the likes of Kid Rock. If you don't like it, just kiss his ass.

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ...The question is, although we know racism exists and we know every Caucasian is a racist that cannot fathom what it is like,and without selectively choosing innate objects to attack,what is the answer to end racism?...

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Vic01 View Post
    Isn't it funny to see white men like Richard, Wesley, UsualSuspects, and others defend so vociferously the ridiculous notion that white men are the best judges of how much racism exists in America? That white men are the best judges of what is and isn't racist? And when you call them out on it, they claim THEY are ones who are on the receiving end of prejudice and they are the victims?

    There's nothing you can say that will get through to these people. They are so brainwashed with Fox News propaganda that they literally think they are the victims in this country. It's sad, and I pity how pathetic they are.

  10. #110
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    Sep 2011


    Racism is no big deal everyone, some conservative white guys said so! And any racial animosity that exists is because of race pimps like Obama! And black people rioting over nothing! Again, we have been assured that this is the case by some conservative white males on DYes and they are the racial experts after all!

    Meanwhile, in the real world...

    Honda ordered to pay $25 million by the Justice Department as a result of discrimination against minorities. Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities were specifically targeted and overcharged for auto loans.


    Bank of America, Countrywide, ordered to pay over $330 million for predatory lending targeting blacks and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics were overcharged for home loans compared to whites with the same financial qualifications.


    Justice Department concludes Ferguson Police Department regulary violated the constituional rights of its black citizens, specifically targeting blacks for traffic stops and traffic tickets, in order to generate revenue. Despite being just 2/3rds of the city's population, blacks accounted for 85% of all traffic stops and 90% of all tickets issued. City officials also regularly traded racist jokes and made racist statements using city email accounts.


    Redlining, the organized and systemic practice of keeping blacks out of white neighborhoods, still occuring today:




    Resumes with "black" sounding names get 50% fewer callbacks than resumes with "white" sounding names but identifical qualifications. This has led to a phenomenon known as resume "whitewashing", where some blacks and Hispanics seek to minimize or remove any hints or referneces to their racial identities in their resumes in order to improve their odds of getting an interview. One Hispanic man dropped the 'e' from Jose, to make it "Joe", in order to get job interviews:


    But hey, the REAL racists are Al Shaprton and the NAACP, stirring up false ideas that racism is still a problem in America, and then getting racist blacks to loot and riot and burn our cities! We lived in a racial utopia before Obama was elected and decided to set out to destroy racial harmony and pit blacks against whites. And a black guy scoffed at me once so that's proof that I as a white man experience racism every bit as bad as that experienced by blacks and that blacks and whites are equally racist!!! I tell ya who's an oppressed minority in this country: the white Christian heterosexual male!
    Last edited by aj3647; July-15-15 at 03:49 AM.

  11. #111


    I've re-read everything I wrote. I identified myself as a white middle-class college educated overweight male. I took time to admit that my family history contains no oppressed groups that I am aware of.

    I've subsequently been labeled as conservative, brainwashed, a victim and pathetic [[how did anyone come to that conclusion about ME)?

    I used to pose the following question to my kids when they were toddlers, and just young enough to begin to form opinions: "What is more important, people or things". They learned quickly that the correct answer is people. ALL people. They [[as well as I) keep that in the forefront of our thoughts and work every day.

    I don't THINK that I underestimate racism. It is pervasive and it is intolerable. I support the removal of the confederate flag from government buildings. I view the criticism and attack on public figures [[Kid Rock in this thread, but add the "General Lee" car) as generally ineffective in the eradication of racism.

    Rallying against a THING is easy. It's visible, it's colorful, it may even be eye-catching.

    We make real progress when we turn hearts and minds.

    I'm now ready to be called insensitive. I remain white, but I keep trying to change.
    Last edited by TheUsualSuspect; July-15-15 at 08:56 AM.

  12. #112


    Grab them by the symbols and the hearts and minds will follow.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by subsidized View Post
    "a losers flag"
    The Union Jack and Mexican flags are also loser's flags by your definition. Should we similarly ban the Union Jack from flying over Fort Michilimackinaw and forbid the proud display of Mexican flag decals on cars and Mexican flags at LaRaza rallies?
    Last edited by oladub; July-15-15 at 09:12 AM.

  14. #114
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect View Post
    I've re-read everything I wrote. I identified myself as a white middle-class college educated overweight male. I took time to admit that my family history contains no oppressed groups that I am aware of.
    What does this have to do with anything? The Confederate Flag is a flag of racism and hatred, and should not be flown by govt. entities. Your personal [[non) culpability for any previous discrimination is irrelevant.

  15. #115
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The Union Jack and Mexican flags are also loser's flags by your definition. Should we similarly ban the Union Jack from flying over Fort Michilimackinaw and forbid the proudly display of Mexican flag decals on cars and at LaRaza rallies?
    Yes, clearly the flags of sovereign nations like Mexico and the UK are exactly the equivalent of a symbol specifically used in support of slavery and subjugation...

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Racism is no big deal everyone, some conservative white guys said so! And any racial animosity that exists is because of race pimps like Obama! And black people rioting over nothing! Again, we have been assured that this is the case by some conservative white males on DYes and they are the racial experts after all!

    Meanwhile, in the real world...

    Honda ordered to pay $25 million by the Justice Department as a result of discrimination against minorities. Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities were specifically targeted and overcharged for auto loans.


    Bank of America, Countrywide, ordered to pay over $330 million for predatory lending targeting blacks and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics were overcharged for home loans compared to whites with the same financial qualifications.


    Justice Department concludes Ferguson Police Department regulary violated the constituional rights of its black citizens, specifically targeting blacks for traffic stops and traffic tickets, in order to generate revenue. Despite being just 2/3rds of the city's population, blacks accounted for 85% of all traffic stops and 90% of all tickets issued. City officials also regularly traded racist jokes and made racist statements using city email accounts.


    Redlining, the organized and systemic practice of keeping blacks out of white neighborhoods, still occuring today:




    Resumes with "black" sounding names get 50% fewer callbacks than resumes with "white" sounding names but identifical qualifications. This has led to a phenomenon known as resume "whitewashing", where some blacks and Hispanics seek to minimize or remove any hints or referneces to their racial identities in their resumes in order to improve their odds of getting an interview. One Hispanic man dropped the 'e' from Jose, to make it "Joe", in order to get job interviews:


    But hey, the REAL racists are Al Shaprton and the NAACP, stirring up false ideas that racism is still a problem in America, and then getting racist blacks to loot and riot and burn our cities! We lived in a racial utopia before Obama was elected and decided to set out to destroy racial harmony and pit blacks against whites. And a black guy scoffed at me once so that's proof that I as a white man experience racism every bit as bad as that experienced by blacks and that blacks and whites are equally racist!!! I tell ya who's an oppressed minority in this country: the white Christian heterosexual male!
    Excellent post! Sums it up quite nicely.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    What does this have to do with anything? The Confederate Flag is a flag of racism and hatred, and should not be flown by govt. entities. Your personal [[non) culpability for any previous discrimination is irrelevant.

    Question 1) The personal descriptors establish my frame of reference for anyone who might wonder. It comes up [[see Noise's inquiry) Further, it is an admission that I am a product of my experiences. Those experiences are shaped by my appearance.

    Question 2) Regarding personal non-culpability...I wasn't claiming anything OTHER than my ancestors have not been discriminated against. If they had, I could view things differently.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    For this admission, and truly in the spirit of transparency...I became 1) assumed heterosexual, 2) assumed conservative, 3) assumed brainwashed and my favorite. Pathetic.

    I agree with you on the issue of the confederate flag and government entities.

    With respect to the symbols, it seems to me that it becomes a gigantic game of whack-a-mole.

    We ban/eradicate protest against one HERE...surely as God made little green apples, another one will be created and pop up THERE.

    [[my whole series of comments get captured in a whack-a-mole analogy...now that's pathetic)

  18. #118


    Whoever is involved in this partnership must be rolling right now with the response of KR, an answer like this issue was addressed years ago when the NAACP was giving me and award or a no comment answer would have been better but that is why u don't sponsor dolts like kid rock. Now GM is about to have a meeting with NAN and get extorted similar to the way NAN extorted Honda in 03 for not having enough black management, they paid the hush money and no more was made of it

  19. #119

    Default Both flags can be interpreted as images of “hate speech”.

    Anyone who supports removing the Confederate flag from public viewing would have to agree with and support the brave students at the University of California who want to remove the American flag from public viewing. Both flags can be interpreted as images of “hate speech”. To remove one and not the other represents intolerance and bigotry.

    IRVINE [[CBSLA.com) March 6, 2015 10:23 AM — Students at UC Irvine have voted for a more “inclusive space” by banning the American flag on part of the campus.

    Under resolution R50-70 passed Thursday, the Associated Students of UCI voted to remove all flags, including Old Glory.

    Authored by student Matthew Guevara, the resolution goes on to state that “the American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism”.

    After citing freedom of speech as a “valued right that ASUCI supports,” the resolution states that “freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech”.

    Name:  flag-2.jpg
Views: 429
Size:  93.8 KB

  20. #120
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    Anyone who supports removing the Confederate flag from public viewing would have to agree with and support the brave students at the University of California who want to remove the American flag from public viewing. Both flags can be interpreted as images of “hate speech”. To remove one and not the other represents intolerance and bigotry.

    I had no idea DYes had so many people who would really waste time defending racist kooks.

    No, the American flag isn't the same thing as a symbol endorsing bigotry. No, we aren't going to put up giant swastikas at the White House and have the president parade around klan outfits, and put up SS symbology at the Holocaust museum just because bad things have happened under the U.S. flag.

    What people do in their personal lives is up to them. No one is stopping you from displaying hate speech, but the govt. isn't going to do the same.

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    Thank you for downplaying the experience of millions of people.
    I don't think its downplaying. Just keeping things in perspective.

    Racism is being fought nicely, I think. The good fight against discrimination will do better if it leaves behind the guilt-liberal complexes fight against corporations, police, and morality. I hope we'll see a new black leaders become strong enough to assert themselves and toss off the shackles of white pity. [[OK, that's a bit much.... but why not.)

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    I don't think its downplaying. Just keeping things in perspective.

    Racism is being fought nicely, I think. The good fight against discrimination will do better if it leaves behind the guilt-liberal complexes fight against corporations, police, and morality. I hope we'll see a new black leaders become strong enough to assert themselves and toss off the shackles of white pity. [[OK, that's a bit much.... but why not.)
    Well, yes. Your perspective. And as we've established, that's not the perspective of many others.

    Personally, I'm fine with anyone fighting against anything they deem unjust or simply wrong. Whether or not I agree, and whether or not they win the battle, are different issues altogether.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    Well, yes. Your perspective. And as we've established, that's not the perspective of many others.

    Personally, I'm fine with anyone fighting against anything they deem unjust or simply wrong. Whether or not I agree, and whether or not they win the battle, are different issues altogether.
    Today, I believe most reasonable people agree that racism is wrong. And on that we no doubt agree. The good debate is about what we do today to consolidate the gains and keep the momentum in the direction of equality. I have significant differences with many on this board about policy, but don't think I disagree on the outcome.

    Kid Rock disagrees with orthodoxy on the symbolism of the Confederate Flag. I respect his right to disagree -- even if it offends some. I do ask many here to consider greater respect for dissenting opinions.

  24. #124


    I would offer the counterpoint that it's difficult to respect opinions that are based on ignorance, factual inaccuracies, and cultural misappropriation.

    That said, why not address the low hanging fruit?

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Let me help you out a little here.

    318,892,103 people in the US as of 2014.
    515,000 signed the change org petition
    What percent is that?

    A baby crying on You-tube receives over 1,000,000,000 views.
    Racism does exist,but at what level?

    The question is, although we know racism exists and we know every Caucasian is a racist that cannot fathom what it is like,and without selectively choosing innate objects to attack,what is the answer to end racism?

    It is okay for thousands of inner city kids to die every year from the violence?
    No outrage or solutions there we have other fish to fry like getting rid of that damn flag.

    There are no solutions even the flag was not an issue until 6 lost their lives because some wacko used it.Then it became an issue why now? Like I said thousands of young African Americans are killed every year had have been for years..where is that outrage?Who exactly is placing the value on those lives?

    The difference is the ones calling others racist are also the ones that resort to name calling or saying others opinions or beliefs are stupid.

    Kid Rock told people to kiss his butt because if he wanted to fly that flag he had every right to,just like when others rights are violated they also become vocal.Or is he only accountable because of his race?

    Brazil holds the record for having the most slaves of all countries combined but yet has no issues,what are they doing different?
    Richard, your posts always make my head hurt.

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