Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
Yes of course, but he wasn't equally proselytizing to white folks, that is the main issue. The Muslim religion has its faults, like varying degrees of rules of submission for women, but it preaches universally to all people.
I'll respectfully disagree with you here. First of all, Islam is not monolithic and there are plenty of different interpretations of it, just as there are numerous different interpretations of Christianity, Judaism or any other religion with a mass following. But all of those religions mentioned heretofore do have in common the tenet that non-believers of said religion are in some way inferior. The degree to which they adhere to that principal is what differentiates the extremists from non-extremists.

Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
a quaint reminder of the forces that put black folk apart from the mainstream for so long.
Of all the things that have kept black Americans from assimilating into the mainstream culture for most of America's nearly 250 year existence, I feel secure in saying that the NOI was a non-factor.