Quote Originally Posted by stinkytofu View Post
This is nonsense. They are hiring a ton of new employees and leasing a ton of new office space downtown. They are plenty invested in their future as well as the city. Don't knock them.
If you're planning on continuing to grow and increase your market share, invest and plan in the future. They won't be able to build that same building in 10 years if downtown keeps its current pace. This needs to be viewed for them as investing in the future to be able to grow and keep all of their teams in one, central building. I worked for a company that employs about 1200 people that were split between 4 different offices, and the only time you saw some coworkers was holiday parties. Now that they're under one roof, things run infinitely more smooth and they are able to be much more productive due to the investment the company was willing to make to ensure the company can grow.

Yeah, I'm glad they are moving downtown, but I suspect they are recognizing that either they are not growing as fast as they expected or someone realized that money wasn't going to go to profits or shareholders or whatever and decided to nix it.