Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
The light rail supporters should lobby or buy off state legislators and state/city elected officials tovmake this lightrail extension happen such as those entities or companies who are against a good mass transit system probably lobbied to prolong it from developing
I find all the conspiracy theorizing somewhat tiresome. You're making a simple thing complicated. There aren't any Koch brothers type groups spending money to fight transit, even if such people exist, for the good and simple reason that they are getting what they want without spending a dime. Some of the wealthiest people in town, with surnames like Penske and Gilbert and Ilitch, are the promoters of the M1 system.

It's much simpler than this. Detroit is the motor city and we know how to build cars, and roads for cars, and transportation-wise that's all we know how to do, so that's what we do. We don't have transit because we thought it didn't matter, and many still think that way.