Sorry, Sumas. Another poster on here I know personally told me that he decided to hit Eight Mile after he got a ticket for putting his garbage out just a few hours too early. And the parking vultures are the worst too. Police come the next day, but your meter expires one minute before you're there and you have a ticket.

I used to live in a little house on Willis, right by the Lodge, and it was a pain to park. I'd drive into that little neighborhood and there were no driveways, so if I wanted to park with my right tires against the curb I'd have to do a three-point turn, pulling out into the service drive with all the cars speeding by, backing up behind my street, then taking a hard right and parking. The other option was to drive all the way down to Selden and drive up the service drive, because of a one-way street just south of there that wouldn't cooperate. In a neighborhood the police ignored, next to a park that filled up with garbage, I received about 10 different tickets for having my left tires against the curb. For real?

Forget it, Sumas. It's Chinatown.