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  1. #76


    Quote: "Most people, when they agree with someone, say it's unbiased. When they don't like it, it's biased."

    Most people can think past some person on the radio or with a column to write and a constituency to stroke..

    When they make their stance known and report things inaccurately and it is refutable, that align with that credo , then they are indeed biased. Has nothing to do with "liking" it or not. The media in this country is a cesspool of lies and counter-lies. I believe very little of what they say. And I'm not alone. Cable news is becoming the laughing stock of anything credible.

    Quote: "The Guardian? Evening Mail? London Times?"

    I was referring to the BBC.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; June-26-09 at 03:58 PM.

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    The media in this country is a cesspool of lies and counter-lies.
    And why do you think that is? Because most people don't mind a lie if it's believable and slants towards what they want to believe. If most people were really looking for the truth then the media would either tell it or cease to exist.

  3. #78


    Fox News headline: Rep. Conyers' Wife Admits Taking Bribes

    just as a question...it was posed above that John Conyers is tickled about this development and probably celebrating, unless I'm reading the posts wrong. I am surely out of the loop, but is it a generally known fact that he was looking for a reason to kick her to the curb?

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by raptor56 View Post
    Interesting... I thought she, of all people, would fight this to the bitter end. Was the evidence against her so damning that she just rolled over and plead guilty? $20 says they put off sentencing until December so she can finish our her term on council.
    I was surprised that she took the plea and wondered what is the evidence they are trying to hide. I expected a fight out of her. I want to her all of the juicy details.

  5. #80


    a little walk down memory lane....
    ahhh, the fun we had....

    And lest we forget this little transcript from someone I feel is or should be Monica's replacement...and she's in the 8th grade at Courtis Elementary/Middle School in Detroit....

    In a panel with Detroit City Council President pro tem Monica Conyers, who has proven herself a loudmouthed goon in recent months, Ms. Bell dressed down Ms. Conyers in a remarkable, sensible fashion.

    Then Bell explains that Council members should be able to set an example for the young and chides Conyers for having done something childish:

    Bell: “… but you’re [Conyers] an adult, we have to look up to you.”

    Conyers: [condescendingly] “Absolutely.”


    Bell: “… calling another adult ‘Shrek?’ That’s something a second-grader would do.”

    Conyers: “And so at school, you’ve never done that, you’ve never said anything that you shouldn’t have said inappropriately [sic]?”

    Bell: “But we are kids –”

    Conyers: [cutting off the student] “But that’s not my question though. Have you ever done that?”

    Bell: “I said yes.”

    Conyers: “Oh, ok. Alright. So, and you did it out of frustration also, right?”

    Bell: “Yes.”

    Conyers: “And so we’re all human, right?”

    Bell: “We’re human, but you have to know your boundaries. He’s [the man called Shrek] the President –”

    Conyers: [cutting off Bell] “Of what?”

    Bell: “Of the City Council.”

    Conyers: “And so you think that because someone is the President then they have a right not to allow other people to be heard?”

    Bell: “They’re allowed to let other people be heard, but not in a disrespectful way.”

    Conyers: “… to me he was being disrespectful.”

    Bell: “He was, but you didn’t have to call him a name.”

    Conyers: “But now you’re telling me what I should have and should not have done.”

    Bell: “You’re an adult, you have that choice.”

    Conyers: “I’m what?” [surprised]

    Bell: “You’re an adult. You had that choice.”

    Conyers: “And everybody has choices.”

    Bell: “Well, sometimes people need to think before they act.”

    Conyers: “Ok, well I’m not going to be combative with you, young lady.”

    Too late, Ms. Conyers - you made your bed and an 8th grader put you in it.

    Ms. Bell was incredibly measured and respectful throughout this exchange - thank God we have the video to prove that. Despite constant provocation and prodding by Conyers, Bell keeps her cool and sticks to the argument at hand.

    Conyers should be ashamed of herself for this one. But, of course, she won’t be. I wonder if she’ll threaten to get a gun and shoot Kierra Bell like she’s allegedly done in the past?

    Game, set, match to Kierra Bell.

    And to Ms. Conyers, who ought to be removed from the Council post-haste:

    Conyers, ya got served by an 8th grader who has likely forgotten more about being a responsible adult in public service than you’ll ever know.

    Sometimes leaders lead by example; other times they give us wonderful lessons in how not to go about things. Thanks for that, Ms. Conyers.

    Hats off to Kierra...thank you for showing US what's really important!

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by 4Oranges View Post
    Fox News headline: Rep. Conyers' Wife Admits Taking Bribes

    just as a question...it was posed above that John Conyers is tickled about this development and probably celebrating, unless I'm reading the posts wrong. I am surely out of the loop, but is it a generally known fact that he was looking for a reason to kick her to the curb?
    Has gay marriage been passed yet in DC?

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Maple Leaf Rag View Post
    OHMIGOD! Does this mean that the television show is cancelled?
    Maple Leaf Rag, OMG you are tooooooooooo funny

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by GREENTROIT View Post
    Actually ABCNews.com's headline reads: "Judiciary Chairman's Wife Pleads Guilty to Bribery"
    And it was just on ABC's 6:30 national news. Sorry MonCon you didn't get to hide yourself in other news.

  9. #84


    You people need to do your jobs and pray for Monica, or you are part of the problem.

    $6K... wow, her Washington nickname is fitting.

  10. #85


    The best thing for Detroit would be for some citizen - outraged at all the corruption and negative national attention your city is getting would be to simply SHOOT Conyers and Kwame. Show that someone cares. I don't think it would be hard to find a gun.
    I am not actually advocating anyone's murder just saying if this happened people might think some Detroiters are actually fed up.

  11. #86


    I don't know, I think a better plan would be for the people in Detroit to starting voting in numbers that are much higher than what they have been.
    This way there would be less blood and brains to clean off the walls and carpet.

  12. #87


    Brains? Not so much.....

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Homer View Post
    Brains? Not so much.....
    Nice one. I get some credit for setting you up.

  14. #89
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean2026 View Post
    The best thing for Detroit would be for some citizen - outraged at all the corruption and negative national attention your city is getting would be to simply SHOOT Conyers and Kwame. Show that someone cares. I don't think it would be hard to find a gun.
    I am not actually advocating anyone's murder just saying if this happened people might think some Detroiters are actually fed up.
    People can show their feelings by voting for the right person next time. Get information about the candidate, google them, ask questions. I will bet money that Conyers will still get votes on the next election by Detroiters who either don't get it, or don't care, or vote by name recognition only, or think these crooks are the best thing in Detroit since Stroh's Beer.

  15. #90

    Default Limousine Liberals at the Gate

    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    the vast majority of US media outlets are center-right [[CNN, NYT, CBS, NBC, ABC, LA Times, news & freep) and......about the same number are extreme right [[fox, wash times, 90% of radio, etc.). Why do I say this when everyone KNOWS the media is "liberal"?
    WHAT??? Boy, have you been snowed. Bend over, again, OK?

    MSNBC had a FIT when their sole centrist, Joe Scarborough was booked on Geo. Stephanopolis, and made him back out. Why do you think that is?

    If you think the networks are CENTER-RIGHT to you, then you are a boarderline socialist, at best. Your perspective on this topic alone bears this out.

  16. #91


    WTF?????? What kind of sick bastard writes shit like this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean2026 View Post
    The best thing for Detroit would be for some citizen - outraged at all the corruption and negative national attention your city is getting would be to simply SHOOT Conyers and Kwame. Show that someone cares. I don't think it would be hard to find a gun.
    I am not actually advocating anyone's murder just saying if this happened people might think some Detroiters are actually fed up.

  17. #92


    RJK and Buy American - Get real! yeah all of a sudden people are going to vote and vote for someone not corrupt. Do you realize the educated people are leaving Detroit en masse- read the Detroit News- there was a great article about it. Buy American - just from your screen name I see you have lost touch with reality. Good intentions -----

    As for EJames - I know you believe only whites are to blame- but too bad your black heros conyers and kwame are Crooks. They stole from the people and were convicted and not by whites. Now decent people will have to pay their court costs - probation.

    If it makes you feel better I've often said GWBush should have gotten the same trial Saddam did and.. the same result.

    Criminals are criminals - you like the Black ones - I detest all of them.

    By the way - this is a discussion item only - I am not specifically advocating that any person on any given date actually go out and break the law. I just wonder what would happen if someone got tired of all the corruption coming at the worst possible time and actually Did something about it.

    Someone should make a statement that they care -- and rid Detroit of this scum!
    Last edited by Ocean2026; June-27-09 at 12:23 PM.

  18. #93


    I would delete that if I were you. Your suggestion could be misconstrued as conspiracy.

  19. #94


    ssshmoo- For conspiracy there would have to be an actual plan - plus another conspirator. I am simply saying that these criminals have denigrated Detroit at a time when Detroit has way too many problems and the worst image of any place in the Western Hemisphere. Both Kwame and Conyers were elected by a majority of Detroit voters, even though they were far from clean. If people were to act and really rid the town of this trash, it might improve Detroit's image.

    I see your point but the word "Misconstrued" is key. I wouldn't shoot anyone- and I rescue dogs -rabbits and possums from the pound and animal control.

    Ejames would vote for both again -especially if they raised their fists and said "White conspiracy convicted us - Black Power!"
    Last edited by Ocean2026; June-27-09 at 12:44 PM.

  20. #95


    Monica Conyers should resign, followed by her husband of 19 years and chair of the Judiciary committee in congress. She's done enough damage to Detroits image and will drag her husband down with her.

    While we're at it, maybe its time for Kwame's mom to resign as well. Detroit's congressional representatives having crooked son's and wives in city government does nothing but hurt the cities sinking national image. If They are interested in helping the city and its residents, resign!
    Last edited by McIPor; June-27-09 at 06:11 PM.

  21. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean2026 View Post
    The best thing for Detroit would be for some citizen - outraged at all the corruption and negative national attention your city is getting would be to simply SHOOT Conyers and Kwame. Show that someone cares. I don't think it would be hard to find a gun.
    I am not actually advocating anyone's murder just saying if this happened people might think some Detroiters are actually fed up.
    Typically ignorant.
    Last edited by East Detroit; June-27-09 at 07:04 PM.

  22. #97


    East Detroit stop whining - there was a thread where the economics of people buying real estate in Detroit and you were discussed - you had your chance but you hid. Most people were in agreement that anyone buying property in Detroit and fixing it up, was a good thing. Basic economics but you're too dumb to realize that with people leaving Detroit - there won't be demand for all the old buildings and even this week another landmark - the Lafayette is being demolished.

    Detroit needs all the investors it can get- check the latest population figures. Its educated people for the most part who are leaving - that leaves those dedicated to making Detroit better to stay along with the uneducated who need to bitch and moan about anyone who might invest there- that's you.

    You don't care what kind of reputation people like Kwame and Conyers give to Detroit and anyone who would even consider going there. They are the issue here, but as is your style you sit back and take pot shots. Go find the thread where we talked about outside investment - most said to IGNORE YOU.
    Last edited by Ocean2026; June-27-09 at 07:13 PM.

  23. #98
    Downtown diva Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by RayStar View Post
    I was so hoping Ken Cockrel would be next or sitting beside her. I hope she stays on the council until sentencing. The people who work for her still need a paycheck.
    Regardless, of how many feel about her she is the smartest woman on the council. Too bad she acts up.
    now even i am not dumb enough to believe this crud.

  24. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean2026 View Post
    East Detroit stop whining - there was a thread where the economics of people buying real estate in Detroit and you were discussed - you had your chance but you hid. Most people were in agreement that anyone buying property in Detroit and fixing it up, was a good thing. Basic economics but you're too dumb to realize that with people leaving Detroit - there won't be demand for all the old buildings and even this week another landmark - the Lafayette is being demolished.

    Detroit needs all the investors it can get- check the latest population figures. Its educated people for the most part who are leaving - that leaves those dedicated to making Detroit better to stay along with the uneducated who need to bitch and moan about anyone who might invest there- that's you.

    You don't care what kind of reputation people like Kwame and Conyers give to Detroit and anyone who would even consider going there. They are the issue here, but as is your style you sit back and take pot shots. Go find the thread where we talked about outside investment - most said to IGNORE YOU.
    Don't think I've seen the word "you" used so much in one post.

    Don't worry, I'm not equally obsessed with you. Nice touch for you to pretend you're now the champion of Detroit, rather than someone who looks down their nose at the region. However, that doesn't do enough to assure me that you're not obsessed with me. Shudder.

    I just don't like your armchair carpet bagging, your denigration of Detroit, and now your call for violence.

    Any chance you could troll from afar in some other Metropolitan specific forum?
    Last edited by East Detroit; June-27-09 at 07:58 PM.

  25. #100


    Any chance you could gain some integrity? You made up facts and you got called on them and then disappeared for a few weeks.

    Unfortunately the only way you will be taken seriously is if you get everyone else to leave Detroit- you don't want anyone moving in because they might possess education and income - something you lack.

    Why defend Conyers and Kwame- why not deal with them rather than me. Did I harm Detroit? if you're not happy with the way things are change them.

    As for Conyers and Kwame a few years of probation will neither rehabilitate them nor will it send a message to other crooks that there are real penalties for stealing from the public.

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