Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
Well more cops on the streets of Detroit would certainly help. More cops, more cars, more visibility and vigilance. The idea that a thousand more police would not help is ridiculous.

I imagine what Logan and Bing were trying to do instead was mimic the "Sorry, we're broke" rhetoric from Bing/Snyder.

But instead of their statement coming across like this...

"The catastrophic crime wave we're experiencing in this great city of Detroit is absolutely unacceptable and as leaders we do take full responsibility for not doing more to prevent the killings of 386 of our fellow citizens throughout the past year. However, given the city's precarious financial situation, we just don't have the resources alone to put anymore patrol officers in our street and we're begging on hands and knees for ANY help that can be offered by surrounding jurisdictions, in addition to ANY help from federal and state law enforcement agencies."

Instead, both Logan and Bing came across as bumbling idiots by not only blaming the folks in this city who keep food on their tables, but also ignorantly stating that we DON'T need more resources at all to address what has become a third-world crisis.