Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
Looking into the future, we now see Bing quite frankly sucks as Mayor and likely will get voted out.

But this begs the question, what other [[realistic) candidate do you know that will be any better than he is?

Lets face it, the pickings for real leadership in this city are very slim, at least when it comes to those who are interested at all in politics and government.
I'm going to look at someone who is not dependent on politics for their lively hood but want to serve. The changes that have to be made in the city requires someone who is a high-risk high-reward type of person. I thought Bing would be that person. It also requires someone who can really explain to the people why we are going thru these hardships and inspire people to keep the faith and do some concrete things to show the people that things will be different once we get thru the hardships.

The only person who might even remotely fit that criteria is Gary Brown and he would need more vetting before I would throw my hat in to the ring with him.