Anyone want to start speculating where he's getting the money to spring for all of this opulence??

-Is it Momma Cheeks wanting to take care of her grandkids and Kwame & Carlita riding out that good life?

-Pete Karmanos still paying some form of blood money?

-They've got some stash of dirty money gotten from his days in office are are foolishly just going through it?

-Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster passing the hat and collecting money to help their buddy Kwame out?

Seriously though how are they paying for this? They must know [[they can't be that stupid, can they?) that the folks of Detroit, rightfully or wrongfully are watching them like hawks until he pays off that debt. Kwame agreed to that deal- some can say he was coerced into it but when it comes down to it, I'm sure it was his signature on that legal document agreeing to settle.