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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by 48091 View Post
    My wife and I had full time jobs while we put ourselves through college. We paid for our own food.
    I have said it before and I will say it again: Find me a full-time job and I will work. I am dropping off even more applications today, but I have been on the full-time job search for about two years now and I haven't had luck finding one. I am usually told that I am overqualified for service jobs and underqualified for skilled jobs.

  2. #52


    I hope the state takes the bridge card away from everyone and goes back to food stamps. There is no reason why you should be able to take cash out of an atm with them and use them like a debit card.

  3. #53


    I like the idea of them being loans though. Even if they were at zero interest and you only had to pay back 50-75%, it would still make people think before spending recklessly.

  4. #54
    bartock Guest



    The only change being made is that students will now have to meet federal guidelines for food assistance. Like students in other states have to.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by epiphany View Post
    I have said it before and I will say it again: Find me a full-time job and I will work. I am dropping off even more applications today, but I have been on the full-time job search for about two years now and I haven't had luck finding one. I am usually told that I am overqualified for service jobs and underqualified for skilled jobs.
    If you can't find work here then you need to expand your search to other states, and be willing to move. Here's 10 states with unemployment rates at 6% or less. Millions have moved in order to support themselves and their families. No reason why you shouldn't be expected to do the same before reaching into other people's pockets.

    Unemployment Rates for States
    Monthly Rankings
    Seasonally Adjusted
    June 2011p
    Rank State Rate
    1 NORTH DAKOTA 3.2
    2 NEBRASKA 4.1
    3 SOUTH DAKOTA 4.8
    5 OKLAHOMA 5.3
    6 VERMONT 5.5
    7 WYOMING 5.9
    8 HAWAII 6.0
    8 IOWA 6.0
    8 VIRGINIA 6.0

  6. #56


    You can only do that if you get a monthly cash allowance. You can't use your Bridge card food stamps like a debit card and just get cash instead of food stamps.

    In an earlier post I said I worked and put myself through school while raising a kid. Had I been eligible for food stamps, I would have gladly taken them, at that point. Full time jobs [[and good ones) were easy to come by back then, at one point I was working two full time jobs that paid decent money. I didn't qualify for food stamps because of my income [[and I wasn't over the allowable amount by much, just a few dollars). It's not as easy now. I am all for ANYONE who NEEDS help getting it, student or not. I even gave an example of someone I know now who really needs them [[and I do help the kid out when I can and have even given her a place to stay). She has looked everywhere for a job. She does work around my house for money, even. She volunteers so she is giving back in some way. Her parents are deadbeats and won't help her. She just registered for school and received loans and a Pell Grant. It's still not enough for her to find a place to live. The kid has to eat. She gets a bridge card. She needs it. She's going to school for a high demand field. It wasn't her choice of careers but it's what she knows she can get as soon as she finishes her training. Please don't take what I said about "me doing it" wrong. It was a different time and a different economy back then.

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    I hope the state takes the bridge card away from everyone and goes back to food stamps. There is no reason why you should be able to take cash out of an atm with them and use them like a debit card.
    Last edited by DetroitTeacher; August-10-11 at 08:26 AM.

  7. #57


    When I was going to WSU in the 80's, I was living in Ferndale in a lower flat with 2 roommates, working a part-time job on the east side, a part-time job on the west-side, a part-time job downtown. That's 3 jobs. Still managed to have Sunday's off too! School was also part-time, but I managed without help from the government or my parents. No cable. No cell phone. No PC. No new clothes. A ratty old Ford Escort. Plenty of Raman noodles, mac and cheese, salads up the ying yang. Nobody wants to pay their dues anymore. No wonder kids are all fat and lazy these days.

  8. #58



    People have gotten soft and spoiled.

    It's not really that hard to cut out some of the toys and frills if you're determined.

  9. #59


    "Not everybody needs a degree. They should only be for certain specialty fields."

    I used to think that way. In fact, it was my mantra for many, many years. I worked for about 15 years only cracking the $30,000 mark once, and that was only after averaging 70 + hours per week. Once I got turned down for the seventh time for a position that I had a tremendous amount of experience, yet no college degree and only a technical certification, I went back to school and did what I should have done in the first place. I figure because I didn't get my degree right out of high school that I've lost about $600,000 dollars in pay.

    Many of those years worked was at an educational tech center where our motto was "you don't need college to be successful". While that may be true for a few, those good paying jobs are now overseas courtesy of NAFTA, CAFTA and other lopsided trade deals.

    If I could go back in time, I would tell every one of those kids to go to college instead. Don't do what I did; I completely screwed myself by convincing myself that I didn't need a degree.

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by bartock View Post
    And some stories are simply that people are getting over.

    Nobody has suggested that single mothers going to school should be denied a bridge card. This is a fantasy that you've concocted.

    A couple of people have pointed out that they struggled and made it through without food stamps.

    One in particular pointed out that she did it as a single mother and put herself through school.

    She didn't say that single mothers shouldn't receive bridge cards. You made that up. You should be complimenting her, yet you call her mean-spirited.

    People who call other people mean-spirited are cheap, cold, heartless, mean and double-evil. No, triple-evil.
    Can you read? yikes.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    "Not everybody needs a degree. They should only be for certain specialty fields."

    I used to think that way. In fact, it was my mantra for many, many years. I worked for about 15 years only cracking the $30,000 mark once, and that was only after averaging 70 + hours per week. Once I got turned down for the seventh time for a position that I had a tremendous amount of experience, yet no college degree and only a technical certification, I went back to school and did what I should have done in the first place. I figure because I didn't get my degree right out of high school that I've lost about $600,000 dollars in pay.

    Many of those years worked was at an educational tech center where our motto was "you don't need college to be successful". While that may be true for a few, those good paying jobs are now overseas courtesy of NAFTA, CAFTA and other lopsided trade deals.

    If I could go back in time, I would tell every one of those kids to go to college instead. Don't do what I did; I completely screwed myself by convincing myself that I didn't need a degree.
    While I generally agree with the value of a college degree [[from a GOOD college, in a RIGOROUS, NEEDED field), I have friends in Detroit who've done quite well without a degree. For example, one has run a service business since his mid-teens, he's in his mid-twenties now, he makes $75K - $100K profit per year at that and another $50K in his real estate endeavors, with a couple other business projects in the works. Fours years parked in college would have killed his momentum, but he's driven, smart, and entrepreneurial. I guess some people would need a more formal path to success.

  12. #62
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by oldredfordette View Post
    Can you read? yikes.
    Predictably, you've resorted to being disingenuous.

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    If you can't find work here then you need to expand your search to other states, and be willing to move. Here's 10 states with unemployment rates at 6% or less. Millions have moved in order to support themselves and their families. No reason why you shouldn't be expected to do the same before reaching into other people's pockets.

    Unemployment Rates for States
    Monthly Rankings
    Seasonally Adjusted
    June 2011p
    Rank State Rate
    1 NORTH DAKOTA 3.2
    2 NEBRASKA 4.1
    3 SOUTH DAKOTA 4.8
    5 OKLAHOMA 5.3
    6 VERMONT 5.5
    7 WYOMING 5.9
    8 HAWAII 6.0
    8 IOWA 6.0
    8 VIRGINIA 6.0
    I have already considered moving back home, but because I only have one year left in school it wouldn't be the greatest idea. Aside from that, I don't have a car [[or a decent job), so how do you expect me to afford moving?

    I mean, seriously. What is wrong with you people?

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Zackdog View Post
    When I was going to WSU in the 80's, I was living in Ferndale in a lower flat with 2 roommates, working a part-time job on the east side, a part-time job on the west-side, a part-time job downtown. That's 3 jobs. Still managed to have Sunday's off too! School was also part-time, but I managed without help from the government or my parents. No cable. No cell phone. No PC. No new clothes. A ratty old Ford Escort. Plenty of Raman noodles, mac and cheese, salads up the ying yang. Nobody wants to pay their dues anymore. No wonder kids are all fat and lazy these days.
    Considering that I have difficulty finding one part-time job, I think that it would be nearly impossible to find 3. And lazy? I am far from it, but thanks for making that assumption just like everyone else. I don't have any new clothes, either. I have been wearing the same ratty clothes for about 6 years now 'cause I have BEEN broke. I can't eat ramen OR Mac n' cheese because I have a gluten intolerance and that would make me so sick that I would be worthless.

    I said it before and I will say it again: I have worked since I was 13 and I am still working. I'll lose this job soon because WSU didn't offer many students WS for next year. I will gladly take either part or full time work if someone offers it to me. But, hey. This isn't the 80's anymore, dude. Jobs aren't as abundant as they were during your golden years. I am happy that you were so privileged, but I am not.

    And for those that think that student loans and grants can pay my expenses, you are trippin'. I already do without a car because I can't afford a car and insurance. My lazy butt walks, bikes and takes the bus year-round in the rain and snow. Try that for a while, it's not fun in the winter. I pay $500 a month for my rent in a small studio apartment and I don't have any extras like cable TV cause I can't afford it. I was awarded about 12,000 [[total with loans) in financial aid for next year and about 10,000 will go to paying tuition and even more towards books.

    Not only is there no money left over to eat, there isn't money to pay my rent. I make about $600 a month with a part-time minimum wage work-study job. That BARELY covers my rent. And then there is my bus pass.

    I don't get to go out. I don't get to go to restaurants. I don't even get to have friends because I am so freaking broke that I can't afford to do anything. I am pretty damn close to being homeless.

    You do the math.

    All of this ignorance makes me so angry. I have worked so hard my entire life and when it became increasingly difficult to find work I made the choice to go back to school. Excuse me for trying to make things better. Apparently I made a huge mistake. Since everyone treats me like such a loser, maybe I should just throw in the towel and live in the streets, cause I am pretty much about there anyway.

  15. #65
    bartock Guest


    It sounds like you need to have a sudden realization or comprehension of the larger essence or meaning of something. You don't seem to be getting it.
    Last edited by bartock; August-10-11 at 12:10 PM.

  16. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by epiphany View Post
    I have already considered moving back home, but because I only have one year left in school it wouldn't be the greatest idea. Aside from that, I don't have a car [[or a decent job), so how do you expect me to afford moving?

    I mean, seriously. What is wrong with you people?
    A straight-A college kid like you can't figure out how you could cheaply get to some low-unemploymnet state and find work? Seriously?

    You'd find a way if you knew you had to. Hitch, rideshare, couch surf, day labor, flop with friends/relatives, borrow the money, sell something, need more? No, dropping out with one year to go may not be appealing but many others have alternated going to college and working to pay for college. You prefer to do what you've chosen to do, and our modern welfare system assists you.

    You're good at finding excuses that attempt to justify the path you've chosen to follow, a path that involves opting to use welfare benefits paid for by the rest of us. By your own admission you could borrow more, but you prefer not to because you can't "afford to", whatever that means.

    I have already taken out a ton in student loans and I really can't afford to take out more.
    So instead of carrying your own weight, you lean on the taxpayers. That's a choice you've made and you're upset you've been called out for it. Man up and face the music. You're mis-using what ought to be a safety net for those truly in dire need to subsidize your desire to attend college the way you prefer.

  17. #67


    There are special situations in which state governments should be feeding students to make sure they get through school ASAP. For instance, students with disabilities might otherwise languish on the government dole.

    There has been a reduction in the number of private sector jobs open to students because of government regulations and job competition from foreign workers in starting level construction, ag, and McDonalds type jobs. Remedying those government created problems would be an inexpensive way for government to help students more easily pay for their own food. The benefits of work experience are under appreciated. From the perspective of an employer, would you rather hire someone who has learned how to earn his/her way or someone who knows how to cash government checks?

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by epiphany View Post
    Considering that I have difficulty finding one part-time job, I think that it would be nearly impossible to find 3. And lazy? I am far from it, but thanks for making that assumption just like everyone else. I don't have any new clothes, either. I have been wearing the same ratty clothes for about 6 years now 'cause I have BEEN broke.
    I don't think you're lazy but you're certainly quite whiny.

    I said it before and I will say it again: I have worked since I was 13 and I am still working. I'll lose this job soon because WSU didn't offer many students WS for next year. I will gladly take either part or full time work if someone offers it to me. But, hey. This isn't the 80's anymore, dude. Jobs aren't as abundant as they were during your golden years. I am happy that you were so privileged, but I am not.
    Michigan's highest unemployment rate was in December 1982 at 16.8%. It's 10.5% now. Suck it up.

    And for those that think that student loans and grants can pay my expenses, you are trippin'. I already do without a car because I can't afford a car and insurance. My lazy butt walks, bikes and takes the bus year-round in the rain and snow. Try that for a while, it's not fun in the winter. I pay $500 a month for my rent in a small studio apartment and I don't have any extras like cable TV cause I can't afford it. I was awarded about 12,000 [[total with loans) in financial aid for next year and about 10,000 will go to paying tuition and even more towards books.
    Wow, you walk outside in the winter time? You're a carless college student? Without cable? What a frickin' hero. In other words, you're a typical college student. BFD

    I don't get to go out. I don't get to go to restaurants. I don't even get to have friends because I am so freaking broke that I can't afford to do anything. I am pretty damn close to being homeless.
    No going out? No restaurants? How brave! You "don't get to have friends" because you're short on cash? What whiny BS. Now you really sound like a spoiled little brat talking back to his parents, "If you don't let me go to Jimmy's party then I won't have any friends." Wow.

    All of this ignorance makes me so angry. I have worked so hard my entire life and when it became increasingly difficult to find work I made the choice to go back to school. Excuse me for trying to make things better. Apparently I made a huge mistake. Since everyone treats me like such a loser, maybe I should just throw in the towel and live in the streets, cause I am pretty much about there anyway.
    You are being whiny, self-absorbed, overly dramatic and immature. I compare what you've said to what other people I know have done to get through college and if you're representative of our current crop of college students I'm vitally concerned for our future.

  19. #69


    Not to knock you down any and NO, you didn't make a huge mistake going back to school. But, I didn't have 2 roommates so we could party all night - I had 2 roommates so my share of the rent would be $250 a month for a 9 x 12 bedroom and shared bath. I paid for my schooling as I could and it took a LONG time to finish. I took the bus when my 82 Escort with 120k miles on it broke down, all over town. And the jobs you say that were so plentiful back then were crap jobs - cleaning up a Racquetball Club, working fast food, and parking cars at a restaurant. Every spare minute was spent reading books and every $ was spent before I had it in my hand. I returned pop bottles I'd found [[no $ to buy pop) for food and had popcorn for dinner.

    Everyone ISN'T treating you like a loser - that's how you're looking at yourself. You 'don't get to have friends' because you're broke? That's a choice. If they were REAL, it wouldn't matter so it only matters to you. Can't go out? Bus tables, wash dishes, wait tables. Restaurants always give free food plus they are fun to work at. Volunteer at the DMC or DIA or wherever. Make work your social life.

    Can't find a job? I've been on the hiring end of things for 20 years being in retail management - yup that's what my business degree got me. And I couldn't tell you the number of times people have come in applying for jobs without a pen to fill out the application. Here are your hints: No pen = no job. Can't fill out the application 100% and I mean 100% = no job. Having to have someone else fill it out for you = no job. Looking sloppy = no job. Bad hygiene = no job. Can't carry on anything more than a monosyllable conversation = no job. Resume with the word "I" in it 100 times = no job. Can't work Sundays = no job. Can't work nights = no job. Traveling in packs = no job. Thinking your God's gift to the world = no job. Acting presentable, speaking properly while making eye contact and showing a genuine interest in the job and my business and knowing what you can do to make my business successful = A JOB!

    I can schedule around anyone's other jobs or school obligations, but don't lie and tell me you spend all day on Sunday at church. If you're willing to commit to the same 2 days a week at the same time and are reliable = A JOB.

    And I STILL ride a bike - but now it's for pleasure. You try riding one from Van Dyke and E. Jefferson up the I-75 service drive at midnight in order to get home because your clutch gave out and we'll see how many dues you've paid.

  20. #70


    This graph shows the unemployment rate rate of these individual groups relative to the overall unemployment rate.

    Here's another graph which shows jow growth by education. Not that this graph is from 1976 to 1996 [[15 years old), and I can only imagine that these trends have gotten stronger.

    Basically ever stat that's out there points to people with high school or less having no future.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Zackdog View Post
    Not to knock you down any and NO, you didn't make a huge mistake going back to school. But, I didn't have 2 roommates so we could party all night - I had 2 roommates so my share of the rent would be $250 a month for a 9 x 12 bedroom and shared bath. I paid for my schooling as I could and it took a LONG time to finish. I took the bus when my 82 Escort with 120k miles on it broke down, all over town. And the jobs you say that were so plentiful back then were crap jobs - cleaning up a Racquetball Club, working fast food, and parking cars at a restaurant. Every spare minute was spent reading books and every $ was spent before I had it in my hand. I returned pop bottles I'd found [[no $ to buy pop) for food and had popcorn for dinner.

    Everyone ISN'T treating you like a loser - that's how you're looking at yourself. You 'don't get to have friends' because you're broke? That's a choice. If they were REAL, it wouldn't matter so it only matters to you. Can't go out? Bus tables, wash dishes, wait tables. Restaurants always give free food plus they are fun to work at. Volunteer at the DMC or DIA or wherever. Make work your social life.

    Can't find a job? I've been on the hiring end of things for 20 years being in retail management - yup that's what my business degree got me. And I couldn't tell you the number of times people have come in applying for jobs without a pen to fill out the application. Here are your hints: No pen = no job. Can't fill out the application 100% and I mean 100% = no job. Having to have someone else fill it out for you = no job. Looking sloppy = no job. Bad hygiene = no job. Can't carry on anything more than a monosyllable conversation = no job. Resume with the word "I" in it 100 times = no job. Can't work Sundays = no job. Can't work nights = no job. Traveling in packs = no job. Thinking your God's gift to the world = no job. Acting presentable, speaking properly while making eye contact and showing a genuine interest in the job and my business and knowing what you can do to make my business successful = A JOB!

    I can schedule around anyone's other jobs or school obligations, but don't lie and tell me you spend all day on Sunday at church. If you're willing to commit to the same 2 days a week at the same time and are reliable = A JOB.

    And I STILL ride a bike - but now it's for pleasure. You try riding one from Van Dyke and E. Jefferson up the I-75 service drive at midnight in order to get home because your clutch gave out and we'll see how many dues you've paid.
    Thanks for making so many assumptions about me. When I turned in application s today, I went in to each place wearing a suit and my application was already filled out. This is how I always do it and no one has given me a job yet. I never tell my employers that I spend all day on Sunday at church because I am not a religious fool. I don't make excuses, I have open availability, and a strong work ethic. Every employer that I have worked for enjoyed having me as an employee because I am committed and strong-working. Just because no one will even give me a chance for an interview at this point IS NOT my fault.

  22. #72
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post

    This graph shows the unemployment rate rate of these individual groups relative to the overall unemployment rate.

    Here's another graph which shows jow growth by education. Not that this graph is from 1976 to 1996 [[15 years old), and I can only imagine that these trends have gotten stronger.

    Basically ever stat that's out there points to people with high school or less having no future.

    Note that less than a college degree, but some college has had a pretty static -2% unemployment rate.

  23. #73


    Also, for every application I turn in I say that I have open availability and that I would be THRILLED to work weekends, night shift, and on Christmas freaking day. Just give me a job!!!! No one will!

  24. #74


    I would throw a freaking party if McDonalds offered me a job. You don't understand the difficulty I have had even getting interviews! You people seriously have no idea!

  25. #75


    I think all the people commenting on how they put themselves through college don't really understand the situation here. College [[not to mention food) is far more expensive now than it was even 10 years ago. Plus jobs are harder to come by, and adjusted for inflation minimum wage is the lowest its been in 50 years.

    For example a student attending Wayne State [[a "cheap" school) for four years today at current tuition and fees rates pays close to $40,000, but students paid only $17,000 as recently as 2001. Tuition and fees at Wayne State have skyrocketed by over 231% over the past ten years! So I appreciate the sentiment that you "worked and paid your way through it" but times have changed my friends. I say that if college students are trying to better themselves we as a society have a responsibility to ensure that they are fed.

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