Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
Couldnt be more eloquently put. So many of these companies have been on life support or at least dependant on govt monies to exist that they have a culture of arrogance and dismissal well ingrained.
They surf on the capitalist notion of free enterprise, yet they are completely at the mercy of federal sustenance. Canada has a lot of these companies run by bigwigs with a heart of gold when it comes to their salaries and benefits, but will abandon a city or region wholesale for short term profit.
Correct. It's especially insulting when taxes pale in comparision to the other costs of running a business, such as payroll, insurance, physical plant, inventory, and any vendor contracts.

Bringing this full-circle back to the topic of the thread, I don't feel the least bit sorry for Hoffmann Estates, Illinois. They may have thought they hit a gravy train by suckering Sears out of Chicago, but it's clear the local geniuses never had a plan for the end game that now approaches.