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  1. #26


    Big Dog,

    Been there and have done that, THANKS!

    I'll go head-to-head with anyone on the contents of the good book. Bring on the trivia contest!

    There are some 'charismatics' who remain within the Catholic tradition as well, many 'born-again' folks do not know about them. First time I ever met any was down in a church in Wyandotte that had a half-hour praise service after noon mass. There are many good people who are also Catholic, I am related to some with a very good and close walk. I do not wish to impune ANYONE with this simple request to insure I am not counted in their group.


  2. #27
    Vox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post

    If you think I would brag about any separation from Rome, you have no idea about me. MOST people who know me in person know that I am not a braggart, I rarely consider myself at all. Ive spent the past twenty years in a constant study on how to put my ego to death.
    Man, that is funny. You consistently rave on how special and different you are, how psychic and perceptive of life, more than the mere humans around you. And then you post that?

  3. #28
    LodgeDodger Guest


    I may [[or may not) address your comments later, but here are the Canons related to Excommunication by the Church. A simple web search would have given you your answer, but then that wouldn't have caused all the drama, now would it?

    Those who embrace schism, heresy, or apostasy incur automatic
    excommunication. Schism, heresy, and apostasy are offenses against the Catholic
    faith and the unity of the Church. The schismatic refuses subjection to the
    Roman Pontiff, or to maintain communion with those subject to the Holy Father;
    the heretic, despite having been baptized into the faith, obstinately denies a
    well-defined Christian truth; and the apostate totally renounces Christ and the
    Christian faith. The canon permits the competent ecclesiastical authority to add
    other penalties, including dismissal from the clerical state, when the offense
    is committed by a deacon, priest, or bishop.

    A more serious excommunication arises automatically when an individual commits a
    sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament—either by throwing away the Sacred
    Species, or by desecrating them. This automatic excommunication is reserved to
    the Holy See, meaning that only the Holy See can remove it [[canon 1367). The
    canon allows for additional penalties, including reduction to the lay state,
    when the offender is a cleric.

    Canon 1370.
    Canon 1370 imposes an automatic excommunication upon any individual who
    physically attacks the Holy Father. Other penalties may be added if the offender
    is a cleric. If the victim is a bishop, then the canon imposes an automatic
    interdict, as well as a suspension if the offender is another cleric. Of course,
    there’s an unwritten exception to this law when bishops, priests, and
    seminarians square off in a game of football.

    Canon 1378.
    Canon 1378 automatically excommunicates a priest who absolves, through the
    sacrament of confession, his partner in a sexual sin. This excommunication is
    also reserved to the Holy See. The purpose of this canon is clear: It helps
    prevent a priest from abusing his priesthood by immediately absolving his
    partner after engaging in illicit sexual relations. This is among the more
    serious crimes a priest can commit, and it is taken most seriously when the
    priest also uses the confessional to lure his partner into illicit sexual
    relations [[canon 1387). In fact, the Code of Canon Law demands dismissal
    from the clerical state in the most serious cases.

    One of the most serious crimes, as we have seen already, is the consecration of
    a bishop without a papal mandate. This is because bishops enjoy the fullness of
    the priesthood, which allows them to ordain and consecrate more clergy. Thus an
    illicitly ordained bishop can easily consecrate more illicit bishops, who in
    turn can do the same ad infinitum. Thus canon 1382 automatically
    excommunicates both the bishop who presides over the unlawful consecration and
    the bishop who receives unlawful consecration. Because of the gravity of the
    offense, this latae sententiae excommunication can only be lifted by the
    Holy See. The most recent example of its being lifted is in the Diocese of
    Campos, Brazil, where SSPX-consecrated Bishop Licinio Rangel reconciled with the
    Holy See and became head of the Apostolic Administration of St. John Marie

    Canon 1388 severely punishes a priest who violates the seal of confession. If
    the violation is direct—that is, the priest reveals to a third party the
    contents of a penitent’s confession—then the penalty is automatic
    excommunication reserved to the Holy See. The canon also punishes interpreters
    and translators who violate the seal of confession. Christ’s faithful approach
    the sacrament of confession to share their sins and to receive Christ’s
    forgiveness. Their confidence in the secrecy of this sacrament must be absolute.
    Finally, as already noted, canon 1398 imposes an automatic excommunication upon
    those who successfully procure an abortion, provided no diminishing causes are
    present. This should not surprise any Catholic: Abortion is one of the most
    serious offenses against human life. The act is intrinsically evil and the child
    in the womb is among the most defenseless of human life.

    is a word that is often bandied about by Catholics, non-Catholics, and the
    media. However, when properly understood within the context of canon law, it is
    a penalty that the Church only applies in the rarest of cases, as a last resort,
    and for the purpose of helping to bring about the offender’s repentance.

  4. #29


    Thank You, LodgeDodger.

    I think I've got it covered in 1364 alone.

    Automatic. Never thought of that.

    But I have a tough time with that last paragraph.

    'Automatic' doesn't seem to include any form of 'last resort'. There seems to be some extraordinary confusion with their language...or intent...or both.


  5. #30


    And, what does anyone think THIS phrase means?!

    "A more serious excommunication".

  6. #31


    To those I know, there is nothing more serious than excommunication.

    We were NEVER taught that there were various levels of it.

  7. #32


    Well Mr G, you have posed the question many of us have been wondering about.

    It may not be too easy to be excommunicated.

    If you were female and demanded priesthood, that would do it... but no.

    If you marry a noncatholic, that might do it... but no.

    This is tougher than I thought...

    Since Nazis responsible for genocide weren't, it's looking tougher.

    Since rapist priests aren't excommunicated, hmmmm.... your chances are

    Maybe asking your local parish priest to read Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and
    Christopher Hitchens with you would work?

    Dang! Mission Impossible?

    Good luck and best wishes,


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    I really, really want to not be counted as one of them.

    They got my parents to baptize me.

    They convinced me for some time to follow their ways.

    They even had me agree to be confirmed.

    Now, at 47, I am certain beyond any doubt that I'd like to not be a part of that institution and want to make it legal.

    I'd like to thank them for the instruction on reading, writing, and arithmetic. That was fine. The REST of it?! Whoa.

    Cheers on this beautiful day.

    John J. Gannon
    Class of '81, St. Alphonsus High School.

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    I asked a simple question.

    NOBODY has given me an answer.
    Gannon, sincerely, maybe nobody here knows. I don't think it's a simple question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Found out they still count me, and I want that to stop.
    I'm asking this sincerely...how are they counting you? I don't know of any kind of auditing or census-type thing in the church. I could see that maybe they would tally up numbers of registered members of parishes to get a general idea, but I don't know of any other way that the church would count people.

  9. #34


    Ok, this is easy. Get married, get divorced.

    Or you could do what my husband did and become a closet ex pat by joining a non catholic church.

    My poor Catholic raised husband [[yes, choir, yes, Alter boy) joined my church years ago. [[Protestant) His Mom still doesn't know and I think, he thinks, he is most likely going to hell. The mind games seem to be forever.

    Think about it, my husband loves me enough to risk eternal damnation.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2009



    When people ask you about your religion at parties, you refer to yourself as a "recovering Catholic," but you never gave your baptism or confirmation much thought beyond that. Now, though, you've had it. You're tired of waiting for Pope Ratzi to hang up his funny- shaped hat, and you're tired of being associated with the moral monstrosity that is the Catholic Church. You need to excommunicate yourself! It's a relatively easy thing to do, and though the Catholic Church still considers excommunicated people to be Catholics—albeit of the "unforgiven" variety—you can at least take comfort that you've removed yourself as far as humanly possible from an organization you detest.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I'm not following that comment. Explain?
    And who is George Carlion? Some theologian?

    Funny thread.

  12. #37


    the Catholic Church still considers excommunicated people to be Catholics
    Apparently the excommunicatee has no say in the matter. That leaves only one option. Excommunicate them from you. LOL!

  13. #38


    Okay, I probably ticked someone off by finding amusement in an amusing universe.

    So I'll get serious.

    Never hand the keys to your happiness over to someone else—and if you do so accidentally, change the locks immediately.

  14. #39


    I don't believe that ex-communication means that you are no longer a Catholic, but rather that some of your rights are removed. You can't undo your baptism... especially if your name is John.

    Here, read this tonight:


  15. #40
    LodgeDodger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post

    I've decided to reconsider. Your post was too much to ignore. I really tried.

    How in any way, shape, or form is your post NOT an attack upon me and my character and my choices in life?!

    I just re-read it.

    You went after my religious practices.

    You assumed a ton about something, and indicated I am within some group I've never heard of...which sounded quite derogatory to boot.

    You know NOTHING of my pursuit of Catholicism, my studies AND devotion...and what sent me packing AS SOON AS I WAS ABLE.

    You know NOTHING of my spiritual life afterwards.

    You know nothing of WHY I asked this question...assuming that I wanted to 'erase' something from my past. I do not, and WILL not disavow anything I've ever chosen to do...nor avoid that which had ever been done TO me.

    Read that again so it sinks in. Now, read it again. Do you understand?! I surely hope so.

    If you think I would brag about any separation from Rome, you have no idea about me. MOST people who know me in person know that I am not a braggart, I rarely consider myself at all. I've spent the past twenty years in a constant study on how to put my ego to death, which is one of the KEY things Jesus is recorded to have taught. You would know it as 'dying to oneself'.

    And then the direct comment regarding my employment status. THAT was a nice dig, and you want me to go with your fantasy that you AREN'T attacking me?! You don't have ANY idea what I'm involved with in my life. I don't even want to know what you imagine it is that I do.

    According to you, becoming an adult means putting to death all wonder and awe and hope and...apparently...joy. You have at least one foot already in the grave. You might as well go on and jump all the way in.

    I'll stay on this side of the dirt for a while, and strive to make this place better for the rest of those who wish to actually enjoy life.

    While you may not be a braggart, you certainly are an attention whore. Starting this thread instead of directly contacting the Archdiocese of Detroit about the process is just another of your attention-seeking ploys.

    Your timing couldn't have been worse--you chose the holiest time of the Catholic calendar to post such foolishness. If Catholicism isn't for you, then go. Gee John, I get it--you want people to believe you march to a different drummer. You want people to believe organized anything isn't for you. You want people to believe you're some sort of mystic. Anyone with a lick of sense can see through your act.

    I didn't read anything into my posts that would constitute an "attack" on your religious practices. I did make a comment about erasing your Catholicism. What's done is done--nothing changes that. I'm making the assumption that you're not a member of a Catholic parish. [[Gee John, is it okay to assume such things?) Interestingly enough, if you're not actively involved in a parish, you're more than likely not counted in the Church census. Therefore, you're not considered a member of the Church. Is this taking that heavy burden off your shoulders--the burden of having been baptised and confirmed in the Catholic church? Gee, I certainly hope so. Goodness knows, you shouldn't have to walk around with such a terrible burden.

    I really don't care what it is you think you do. I do know that you bumble through life jumping from one conspiracy to another. You know what? People who have too much time on their hands have the luxury of seeking conspiracy where none exists.

    You've made assumptions about me--incorrect assumptions. Contrary to what you believe, I don't have one foot in the grave. There is much joy in my life--in fact, I am very thankful for the life that I have. I owe a lot of my joy to my faith--my Catholic faith.

    I get it, John. You don't want to be a Catholic. Whatever. Just go to another church. As far as your wish for excommunication, it's probably not going to happen. If you pester the AOD, you might get a letter stating you're not a member of any AOD parish, but I don't believe they're going to go through the actual excommunication process for you.

    You see John, your grievances could have been handled in a different manner. Trumpeting to the world that you don't wish to be counted as a Catholic is "your way", I get it. The only problem is, many of us saw through your attention-getting ploy. That's just not something well-adjusted grownups do.

  16. #41


    John, I simply walked away from the Catholic Church 25-35 years ago [[the process was somewhat evolutionary). Excommunication was never an issue, as simply I stopped considering myself to be a Catholic. I was probably spiritually out before that, as I had substantial disagreement with some of the beliefs and dogma that the Church considered core and did a few things [[like divorce and remarry, amongst others) that were considered verboten. The Church's behavior and failure to address the issue when faced with a rash of pedophile priests supported some of my feeling about it.

    My gripe is with those that refer to me as a "lapsed Catholic", as if I forgot to do something or simply need to come back. I left, consciously, purposefully and knowingly, and am not going back.

  17. #42


    Thanks, Pam.


  18. #43


    This thread reads like a bottle of Dr. Bronners soap. Get those Moral ABCs every morn with a slash n dash .

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Was it the outpouring of Catholic forgiveness, tough love, and guidance via private messages during this holiest time of the year?

    Or was it the public thrashing?

  20. #45


    You found out they are still counting you? How did you do that? This is intriguing.

  21. #46


    Here is your info. There are nine canonical violations for which you will be excommunicated. Five apply only to priests. It seems counterprocuctive at this point to become a priest just so you can be excommunicated. The other four:

    1. Physically attack the Pope.
    2. Desecrate a Eucharist host.
    3. Procure an abortion [[automatic excommunication, but applies only to the woman and the abortionist). Working in the cause of abortion may qualify but not automatically.
    4.Apostasy, hereticism or schism. Most commonly, joining another religion will qualify. Or atheism.

    To start this, you need to write to your current parish or your birth parish. Explain all the reasons you should be excommunicated. Renounce the church teachings. Go all out and describe the teachings as abominations or however you like to put it.

    Go for it!
    Last edited by gazhekwe; March-18-11 at 08:02 AM.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by East Detroit View Post
    Was it the outpouring of Catholic forgiveness, tough love, and guidance via private messages during this holiest time of the year?

    Or was it the public thrashing?
    The emperor has no clothes.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    I don't know where to start with this, so I'll just say the least I can to avoid encountering your assinine preprogrammed judgement again.

    IF you are baptized AND confirmed in the Catholic Church, you are counted as one until you die.

    AS SOON AS anyone can prove otherwise, that is what I have come to understand.

    I simply do not want to be counted in their worldwide accounting scam any longer.

    Simple as that.

    As for the rest of it...wow. I will bring out that note from my 7th grade teacher once more, it seems to be time to defend myself again.

    If I remember correctly, you were the one who had the most difficult time with me turning late-night red lights into four-way stops. You couldn't get it through your head that it did NOT equate with 'blowing through them'. LOL.

    John J. Gannon
    ex-Catholic just wantin' it to be official

    Gannon, I can understand your position. While i was kept constantly reminded by my Protestant family of the "evils" of the RC church while growing up, i have developed a respect for the institution.

    This is mostly a "feel good" exercise for you. Write a polite, decent, and non-accusatory letter to the church where you were concerned saying that you "resign" from the faith and wish no more communication with the RC church or any of its clergy or adherents.

  24. #49



    I have never been so mesmerized, informed [[in a fashion) and whimsically entertained by any previous post, including my own, than this one.
    It will take me awhile to put my thoughts into a coherent order, or not, we will see. I have a 35 year advantage over you in the doldrums ways and means of Catholicism. Especially the early years, starting in 1935.
    Here is a hint of what I am thinking about. PBS Television has been running an Irish Soap Opera, entitled. “Ballykissangel.” It is a modern day story of life in an Irish village, and it takes me way back to,,,,,1935, and it sometimes make my eyeballs, glisten.
    It will take a day or two so i think I will 'page' you when I finish it.

  25. #50


    Gannon, how about checking yourself when you state how "preprogrammed we are". Perhaps you are the one who is programmed because of your need to constantly NOT be in a group and/or have a different way of thinking.
    Sorry but I am me and no one is going to say otherwise. So for your outburst of not wanting to be "attacked" it was you who attacked those who think different from you. Perhaps a quick check of yourself may be in order.

    Good luck with the excommunication. Hopefully you find whatever you are searcing for.

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