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  1. #51


    We have no sense of community in this country, and certainly no sense of shared sacrifice. It's all just one big selfish ego-fueled contest to see who can get the most toys, wear the most bling, and bang the most broads.
    Well, capitalism is all about competition and exploitation, not cooperation.

    "The genius of capitalism consists precisely in its lack of morality. Unless he is rich enough to hire his own choir, a capitalist is a fellow who, by definition, can ill afford to believe in anything other than the doctrine of the bottom line. Deprive a capitalist of his God-given right to lie and cheat and steal, and the poor sap stands a better than even chance of becoming one of the abominable wards of the state from whose grimy fingers the Reagan Administration hopes to snatch the ark of democracy..."
    LEWIS H. LAPHAM, "Moral Dandyism," Harper's, Jul. 1985

  2. #52


    [[to promote) stability of prices to help preserve the purchasing power of the dollar.
    -The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Since then, the dollar has lost 96% of it's spending power.
    The median wage in the U.S. has increased by only $10,000 since 1975 while the rich have become the super rich under Reaganomics. Meanwhile prices have gone up partly because of oil prices. But CEO salaries have inflated enormously since 1975. The strength of the dollar depends on its desirability among the nations that buy and sell currencies, and that depends on how those nations perceive the strength and stability of our economy.

  3. #53


    Yes, I got mad because this guy has made things worse and has improved nothing.

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    Yes, I got mad because this guy has made things worse and has improved nothing.
    Geez, don't get bogged down in mundane details or anything.

  5. #55


    ''Worse'' would imply that the previous administration of 8 years did nothing except sit on his hands and chase the boogey man

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    The median wage in the U.S. has increased by only $10,000 since 1975 while the rich have become the super rich under Reaganomics. Meanwhile prices have gone up partly because of oil prices. But CEO salaries have inflated enormously since 1975. The strength of the dollar depends on its desirability among the nations that buy and sell currencies, and that depends on how those nations perceive the strength and stability of our economy.
    Our standard of living has been in decline since Kennedy. Oil prices haven't gone up so much as the dollar has lost value recently. The $600B just off the Fed's printing press has done wonders to further reduce the value of the dollar's 'desirability among the nations that buy and sell currencies' The dollar has lost 13.6% of it's value internationally since June so it buys about that much less oil.

    Even "World Bank president Robert Zoellick has urged leading economies to consider bringing gold back into the global monetary system to stabilise currency movements and ensure a strong economic recovery."

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
    After The 8 Years Of The Bush/Cheney Disaster, Now You Get Mad?

    You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

    You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq .

    You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.

    You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.

    You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

    You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion [[and counting) on said illegal war.

    You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.

    You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq .

    You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.

    You didn't get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.

    You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.

    You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.

    You didn't get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.

    You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

    You didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans , drown.

    You didn't get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the filthy rich, over a trillion dollars in tax breaks.

    You didn't get mad with the worst 8 years of job creations in several decades.

    You didn't get mad when over 200,000 US Citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.

    You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US Citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values.

    You finally got mad when a black man was elected President and decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick.

    Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, job losses by the millions, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, and the worst economic disaster since 1929 are all okay with you, but helping fellow Americans who are sick...Oh, Hell No!!

    Whats up with y'all??
    Good points, but........

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by woodwardboy View Post
    Well, Obama hasnt closed down the torture bases, hasnt ended the wars in Iraq/Afghanistan.
    Nor has he used his commander in chief status to end "dont ask dont tell."
    Job loses have increased
    China has bought more US debt.
    Federal prosecutions for marijuana possessions have increased.
    Deportations of illegals have increased.
    White folk, black folk, rich folk, poor folk, mexican folk, gay folk are all doing worse...
    The policies of GW continue under Obama.....
    .........but........you are right on. And since the election, there's been no end to Obama's ass kissing. He just can't kowtow enough to the righties.

  9. #59


    Watched Obama on 60 Minutes. If a question requires a yes or no, or even a damn right, or hell no, he manages to answer it in 10 paragraphs. This guy is stuck in a classroom, an ivory tower or a board room. He's trying to say as little as possible in as much time as possible. He needs to get pissed off and start talking some shit. Point some fingers. Call out some idiots. Alas, we're the losers while Obama articulates and explains and diagrams and extrapolates and ..............Rome is burning, Mister President.

  10. #60


    Is his kowtowing exclusive to the 'righties'?
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    .........but........you are right on. And since the election, there's been no end to Obama's ass kissing. He just can't kowtow enough to the righties.

  11. #61


    Yes, I noted the 'no-answer, answer' at-the-lecturn, stuff-shirt, professor style early on. A good reporter or interviewer would address this, but they're too dew-eyed dazzled in their front-loaded obligation to obey the obscure, rhetorical responses to require or recall what constitutes clear, 'concise' answers.

    The more obscure the more they are spell bound... After all 'he speaks so well...'. In their own condescension they [[the media and others) are still titillated by that.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Watched Obama on 60 Minutes. If a question requires a yes or no, or even a damn right, or hell no, he manages to answer it in 10 paragraphs. This guy is stuck in a classroom, an ivory tower or a board room. He's trying to say as little as possible in as much time as possible. He needs to get pissed off and start talking some shit. Point some fingers. Call out some idiots. Alas, we're the losers while Obama articulates and explains and diagrams and extrapolates and ..............Rome is burning, Mister President.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-09-10 at 07:17 AM.

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Is his kowtowing exclusive to the 'righties'?
    Obama is kowtowing to everyone. I don't mean speaking civilly and having a respectful dialogue, I mean kowtowing. He doesn't have the b*^ls god gave Bush 2. Somehow I thought we'd get a guy who was smart and a fighter. Shame on me for ever working for the guy. Boner and McKernal are eating Obama for lunch.

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Yes, I noted the 'no-answer, answer' at-the-lecturn, stuff-shirt, professor style early on. A good reporter or interviewer would address this, but they're too dew-eyed dazzled in their front-loaded obligation to obey the obscure, rhetorical responses to require or recall what constitutes clear, 'concise' answers.

    The more obscure the more they are spell bound... After all 'he speaks so well...'. In their own condescension they [[the media and others) are still titillated by that.
    This is probably the only time you and I will be in full agreement on anything - but yes, you are entirely correct.

  14. #64


    I hear that... I voted independent, I could not vote for McCain or Obama....
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Obama is kowtowing to everyone. I don't mean speaking civilly and having a respectful dialogue, I mean kowtowing. He doesn't have the b*^ls god gave Bush 2. Somehow I thought we'd get a guy who was smart and a fighter. Shame on me for ever working for the guy. Boner and McKernal are eating Obama for lunch.

  15. #65


    Aw shucks - Such a moment indeed ...... !
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    This is probably the only time you and I will be in full agreement on anything - but yes, you are entirely correct.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-09-10 at 04:11 PM.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Watched Obama on 60 Minutes. If a question requires a yes or no, or even a damn right, or hell no, he manages to answer it in 10 paragraphs.
    I enjoyed 60 minutes. Well, I enjoyed 10 minutes of the 60 minutes. It put me right to sleep. Best night of sleep I have had in ages. Thanks, Barack!

  17. #67


    He needs to get pissed off and start talking some shit. Point some fingers. Call out some idiots. Alas, we're the losers while Obama articulates and explains and diagrams and extrapolates and ..............Rome is burning, Mister President.
    I agree, but that wasn't always easy to do when some of the idiots are in your own party. Like Clinton, I think Obama will do better in the public's eye in the next two years. Allowing the lunatic fringe of the Republican party to speak has been their downfall for years. Let certain Tea Party members have the floor and show their true colors. Anyone who thinks balancing the national budget at this time is surely a lunatic....at least in my opinion.

    And being a demmie, if anyone thinks keeping Pelosi around for more exposure is crazy too. It's akin to signing Millen to a contract extension !

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I hear that... I voted independent, I could not vote for McCain or Obama....
    That was me for many years. I relented this time. Or, should I say I was suckered. The demicans and republicrats are about as different as the Bobbsy twins. All those people out there shouting and carrying on about "why would you vote for someone [[a third party candidate) that has no chance"? That's exactly what the demican national corporation and the republicrat national corporation want you to think. And that's where they put their money - all of it. Obama is a loser.
    Last edited by 1KielsonDrive; November-09-10 at 04:57 PM.

  19. #69


    Fo' sure Pelosi is a 'sea-anchor' to the admin that will be dropped at some point... and she can go on with her riches contented that she had her moment in the sun. That's the way of the mega rich and this woman is loaded and connected. Let's not forget that......
    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    I agree, but that wasn't always easy to do when some of the idiots are in your own party. Like Clinton, I think Obama will do better in the public's eye in the next two years. Allowing the lunatic fringe of the Republican party to speak has been their downfall for years. Let certain Tea Party members have the floor and show their true colors. Anyone who thinks balancing the national budget at this time is surely a lunatic....at least in my opinion.

    And being a demmie, if anyone thinks keeping Pelosi around for more exposure is crazy too. It's akin to signing Millen to a contract extension !
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-09-10 at 05:12 PM.

  20. #70


    I heard that... I say be informed above all [[withstanding party loyalty) and vote for who you want to... [[mainline or indie) if you choose to vote for that candidate listed on said ballot. Or write one in. Sometimes a vote is for conscious... and if a 'yes' or 'no' is not an option then we are really at the stage that EVERYONE vote the same -- so goes the illusion of choice....
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    That was me for many years. I relented this time. Or, should I say I was suckered. The demicans and republicrats are about as different as the Bobbsy twins. All those people out there shouting and carrying on about "why would you vote for someone [[a third party candidate) that has no chance"? That's exactly what the demican national corporation and the republicrat national corporation want you to think. And that's where they put their money - all of it. Obama is a loser.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-09-10 at 05:12 PM.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I heard that... I say be informed above all [[withstanding party loyalty) and vote for who you want to... [[mainline or indie) if you choose to vote for that candidate listed on said ballot. Or write one in. Sometimes a vote is for conscious... and if a 'yes' or 'no' is not an option then we are really at the stage that EVERYONE vote the same -- so goes the illusion of choice....
    My sentiments exactly for many years. Haven't been a demican since the 60's. Never voted a straight ticket in my life. Somehow, and it was probably due to how bad Cheney and Bush were for eight years, I fell for a knight in shining armor. Well, that knight turned out to be Don Quixote flailing at windmills.

  22. #72


    No arguing about the unfilled promises and lack of balls in calling out the Senators and Reps,but unfortunately Obama is saddled by the Jackie Robinson syndrome.

    I'm sure he's been told 1000x over that he can't take the "screw you" attitude of GW, for fear of backlash and being labeled as the angry black man.

    Given that fact, he still definately needs to take the offensive. Even though he's getting resistance at every step from the Repubs [[and even some of the Dems), he still actually has made significant accomplishments.
    Prevention of the bankruptcy of the domestic auto industry.
    Health care bill passage [[watered down).
    Credit card reform [[watered down).
    Supreme Court Justice appointees.

    If he can pull us out of the "War on Terror" it will be huge. That would both support the desires of the majority of US citizens and take a big bite out of our budget deficit. If he does, I'd be hard pressed to think of a U.S. President who has had more impact in his 1st term in office.

  23. #73


    Many in my immediate community felt obligated to vote for Obama. The anything not resembling "Bush" charge, and that McCain/ Palin useless offering made it an easy choice! Even for some repubs!!! Others like me voted indie as a 'protest' to the wonderful dem/ repub option.

    I don't do 'straight' ticket either. Though a dem of sorts, I DO NOT find the dems offerings so perfect or defacto benevolent to receive an across-the-board YES vote. Thus, sometimes I vote 'indie', sometimes I vote 'repub'... [[oh the horror)... LOL!
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    My sentiments exactly for many years. Haven't been a demican since the 60's. Never voted a straight ticket in my life. Somehow, and it was probably due to how bad Cheney and Bush were for eight years, I fell for a knight in shining armor. Well, that knight turned out to be Don Quixote flailing at windmills.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-11-10 at 09:07 AM.

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    That was me for many years. I relented this time. Or, should I say I was suckered. The demicans and republicrats are about as different as the Bobbsy twins. All those people out there shouting and carrying on about "why would you vote for someone [[a third party candidate) that has no chance"? That's exactly what the demican national corporation and the republicrat national corporation want you to think. And that's where they put their money - all of it. Obama is a loser.
    Here is a site for you Kielson.


  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Here is a site for you Kielson.

    Pam, thanks for the link. I've seen it already. It's demican party propaganda. What about DADT? What about Gauntanamo? What about Iraq? What about Afghanistan? What about us 99'ers? What about foreclosures? What about holding those of previous administrations accountable? What about legalizing marijuana? Or at least finally decriminalizing marijuana? What about that f*#+ed up health care plan? Doesn't do me a bit of good, in fact, may harm me. His was a third grader's attempt at negotiating. What about the budget deficit? Are we, the middle class, now going to pay the price for career politicians and corporate honchos neglect and criminal behavior? Obama promised 'Change You Can Believe In'. He has yet to deliver on that promise. Policy changes? Maybe. Some legislation? Maybe. What will he do about Social Security? He hedges his bets and prevaricates just like a lifer politician. The 60 Minutes interview was the best evidence of that. He says one thing and his administration and attorney general do another. This guy will take a stand on NOTHING!

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