Quote Originally Posted by Magnatomicflux View Post
There's nothing wrong with a beer or two for lunch. The guys I was refering to anyways are COMPLETELY HAMMERED or completly screwed up on coke. And it's not at lunch, it's on the job, everyday, all day. I can't tell you how many vodka and OJ's I've encountered on the plant floor. And it's so common place, that they just walk around with it in a clear plastic party cup. On top of that, they then get on their fork lift, pick up a 10,000 pound ladel of molten aluminum and drive around with it spilling it everywhere along the way. These privilaged driveres also reserve the RIGHT to run your ass down if you're in the way. I mean....if he has to jam on those brakes for sober little me, he's going to have a tidle wave of 780 degree aluminum flying at everyone within 15 feet.
So no...this is not acceptable.

Source - my eyballs taking in my daily environment.
So you are psychic then I suppose. To presume that someone is "hammered" requires an insight within this person's brain THAT YOU DON'T HAVE.

And which of the Big 3 do you work for that this occurs at? Pray tell....