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  1. #26
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Fnemecek View Post
    Mayor Bing may or may not run for a second term. If he doesn't, there's a lengthy list of people in his administration who will want to the job. They had to know that he would be serious political competition. Therefore, they eliminated him.
    ...and that lengthy list would include nut jobs like Puke and Detroit taxpayers would be nutty enough to vote him into office to take over where Bing left off.

  2. #27


    Low hanging fruit DID indeed get HIM enough street-level seizures to calculate such a ridiculous figure.

    Do you have ANY idea how they calculate those numbers?!

    I know for a FACT that in the neighborhoods where I know enough of the players, the low-level street boyz were nabbed and their suppliers went unhindered and were back in business the INSTANT the immediate police presence was moved to another target neighborhood.

    The problem did NOT go away, and dozens of fresh blood was added to the rosters of incarcerated black boys who will now go through life with more against them...while those they were WORKING FOR get a pass and can continue along as before.

    So, to heck with all these numbers, it really didn't alter a thing in the city.

    It didn't alter a thing. If you think it did, you are deluded. I am merely trying to help shake you awake.

    If the arson figures don't go way up with Godbee, then we know for sure those figures aren't being reported properly.

  3. #28


    [[thanks for that update on the Devil's Night fires, Buy, I didn't see that while I was typing my response, I've felt it for years and it is good to have some confirmation)

  4. #29
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    [[thanks for that update on the Devil's Night fires, Buy, I didn't see that while I was typing my response, I've felt it for years and it is good to have some confirmation)
    You're welcome.

  5. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    You are right about one thing crumbled, all the problems are from people who live in Detroit, I don't think that the gang bangers and murderers all all from "somewhere else" do you?

    In my opinion, Detroit needs more police protection and they need good people to do the jobs. Start recruiting some law abiding men and women; and if that means you have to reach out to suburbs, do it....just get them. Bring the Police force up to standards, get qualified people to head the department and not some lackey or cronie who you owe favors and maybe there will be a turnaround. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that Detroit needs manpower and good leadership, and right now, she has none of that.
    1) What sense does it make to bring in suburbanites to police Detroiters to get Detroit's crime rate down when you could just move the Detroiters out. Wouldn't that be the true solution, especially when you said
    2) It doesn't matter if God is police chief, Detroit thugs are going to do what they want to do.

  6. #31


    For those of you playing along at home, I have also seen Fnemecek and Warren Evans in the same hallway at the same time...within a week of my calling Evans the Sheriff of Guttingham here. They indeed are NOT the same person. Not even close. I'd never drink with Warren Evans...but even with our disagreement over him, F and I will enjoy our next round.

  7. #32


    FWIW -- When we moved to my area of the planet, hearing AK fire and other calibers was a lot more common coming from the south of us. Over the last 9 years we only hear it once in a while. There's a lot less fire truck and DP siren traffic late at night as well.

  8. #33
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    1) What sense does it make to bring in suburbanites to police Detroiters to get Detroit's crime rate down when you could just move the Detroiters out. Wouldn't that be the true solution, especially when you said
    2) It doesn't matter if God is police chief, Detroit thugs are going to do what they want to do.
    You took my statement about God too literal Crumbled....and most importantly, wherever that place is that you would want to move Detroiters out to wouldn't want them if they were not law-abiding citizens interested in their community,and caring about their neighbors.

    My point was that you don't have to live in Detroit to care about it. Like I said, just ask those 4 firemen who are STILL laying in hospital beds from the Friday the 13th fire on Jefferson....what they and their families would tell you would be the same...whether it be Detroit, Troy, Harper Woods or Wyandotte, it wouldn't have mattered; we fought the blaze for the community we care for and work in...period, end of story.

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    You took my statement about God too literal Crumbled....and most importantly, wherever that place is that you would want to move Detroiters out to wouldn't want them if they were not law-abiding citizens interested in their community,and caring about their neighbors.
    And so they'll become law abiding citizens if we could just some good hard working suburbanites in to police them?

    P.S.: I don't recall a single person on this thread suggesting no suburbanites care about the city.

  10. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Fnemecek View Post
    You guessed it. I am indeed Warren Evans.

    All of those times when the name Frank Nemecek [[along with my home phone number, home address, and so on) were posted on one thread or another, were just a diversion.

    A diversion several years in the making so I could praise one particular chief of police and criticize another.
    I KNEW IT!!!

    I never did trust your beady little Frank Nemecek AKA Warren Evans Eyes!!

  11. #36


    As has been said by Bing and by Godbee - the department would not be changing any tactics - they would continue to use the data driven strategy. So, if crime is indeed back up, I guess it is a failure of Evans' policies.

    Of course, you have not yet displayed any numbers stating crime is up under Godbee.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Low hanging fruit DID indeed get HIM enough street-level seizures to calculate such a ridiculous figure.

    Do you have ANY idea how they calculate those numbers?!
    Why, yes, I do. It came from a DPD press release and from there appeared on my blog.


  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    For those of you playing along at home, I have also seen Fnemecek and Warren Evans in the same hallway at the same time...within a week of my calling Evans the Sheriff of Guttingham here. They indeed are NOT the same person. Not even close. I'd never drink with Warren Evans...but even with our disagreement over him, F and I will enjoy our next round.
    Thank, God. Politics should never interfere with alcohol.

  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Fnemecek View Post
    Why, yes, I do. It came from a DPD press release and from there appeared on my blog.


    Actually, they don't say a damn thing about how they HIGHLY INFLATE the true value of the contraband seized during these raids.

    Just with hemp alone, they have an unrealistic yield figure from plants that are seized, taking the entire weight of the plant instead of merely the good parts. They ALWAYS break down the value of any stash to nickel bags, the least efficient means of procuring said substance. If we all bought nickel and dime bags, every $100 ounce of commercial Mexican would be worth at least $280. When you realize that the street ounce price is set to still make money from their bulk purchases, you can see that our fine officers of the law only report the HIGHEST POSSIBLE profits, but not any figures which actually relate with reality at all. [[and you can see how neighborhood kids can be found to peddle them away from their supplying dealer's house or gas station at a handsome-enough profit)

    Same with all other drug numbers, they show the highest achievable potential...which is a LIE to make themselves look better, as if they have SOME worth to society at large when in fact they do not. At all. One bit.

    Wish I could get my hands on this book, http://www.jstor.org/pss/1227462. Sounds like this fellow is onto something.

    It apparently is a world-wide phenomena, police lie EVERYWHERE to make themselves and their prohibitionist lawmakers and judges look better. Gotta give them some worth, doncha know?! http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/1...0.00189.x/full

    Apparently there is another story to the 'Stop Snitching' campaign as well, here is some food for thought: http://www.slate.com/id/2132092/ .

    Very curious. The so-called Drug War must end, it is failed and will always fail. Prohibition doesn't work, ever. And it will never, not since the Garden of Eden. Oops. Darned if it isn't that old Free Will again.

    In conclusion, I couldn't have said this any better, so I'll let this guy do it. http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/...ritings4.shtml

    Cheers, one toke at a time.

  15. #40


    Here is one snippet from that last tome I linked to, it is a lengthy read...but a juicy one if you're up for some deep truths on the matter. If this doesn't grab your attention, you may indeed be beyond slumber.

    Even more suspect is the tendency of the "problem drug" of the
    United States to follow the area of covert operations of the C.I.A. In
    the 1950's-1970's, the problem drug was heroin; the U.S. was involved in
    the "Golden Triangle" at the time. In the 1980's, C.I.A. operations
    turned to Central and South America; the problem drug of the U.S. became
    cocaine. As the U.S. intensifies its presence in the Middle East, we see
    a resurgence of marijuana and heroin as the problem drugs. The Middle
    East has long been considered a mecca of marijuana and hashish production,
    and the "Golden Crescent" area in Afghanistan has increased its output of
    heroin to large levels, particularly in areas controlled by the U.S.
    backed Mujahideen. The correlation is clear and disturbing. When we also
    consider that President Bush is an ex-C.I.A. director, how can we do
    anything but doubt his sincerity about his "War on Drugs"?

  16. #41


    Everybody knows the numbers are always cooked. You can even cook the raw data by varying how the information is gathered or what questions are asked.

  17. #42


    I guess 'everybody knows', but those who profit from the lies remain quiet about it?!

    I cannot wait to hear from the apologists.

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Actually, they don't say a damn thing about how they HIGHLY INFLATE the true value of the contraband seized during these raids.
    The estimated street value of a given contraband is indeed subject to inflation. However, since the inflation is fairly consistent [[every police chief in every department does it and has since longer than either of us have been breathing), I believe it's still a reasonably good barometer of how effective DPD narcotics has been.

    Besides, in the blog post that I linked to above, it also includes the raw weight of the narcotics. Seizing 35.27 lbs. of cocaine from January 1, 2010 - June 2, 2010 vs. 13.91 lbs. for all of 2009 is a significant increase anyway one looks at it.

    Just with hemp alone, they have an unrealistic yield figure from plants that are seized, taking the entire weight of the plant instead of merely the good parts.
    Sort of. They weigh everything that is seized. If an entire plant is seized, they weigh the entire plant. If the dealer was only carrying the good parts, that's what they weigh.

    From the photos and video that I've seen, it appears that the vast majority of the time, we're talking about dealers only transporting the good parts. That's what gets seized and weighed.

    There's video of Chief Evans announcing the seizure of 1,100 lbs. of marijuana in the video @ http://warrendale.blogspot.com/2010/...pounds-of.html

    The bales of marijuana are in the background. It looks to me like it's nothing but the leaves. You can judge for yourself by looking at it.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Everybody knows the numbers are always cooked. You can even cook the raw data by varying how the information is gathered or what questions are asked.
    In this case, the raw data is what does a given seizure weigh and how much cash did they have. How exactly does one cook that data?

  20. #45


    I am not making light of a bad situation, but it does give the writers of Detroit 187 a lot of new scripts. Having said that, there is Pleanty of blame as to why this happens and we can spread it around... After the fires the other day, I heard that on any given day in Detroit there are 35 fires in the city, so between that and killings, the question is.....how much longer can the people of Detroit take this? The leaders need to take a Big Stand instead of making little farm areas in the city and other BS projects, do something!!!! IMHO

  21. #46
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    P.S.: I don't recall a single person on this thread suggesting no suburbanites care about the city.
    On this thread or on this website?

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by spiritofdetroit View Post
    As has been said by Bing and by Godbee - the department would not be changing any tactics - they would continue to use the data driven strategy. So, if crime is indeed back up, I guess it is a failure of Evans' policies.
    Wow! Even for you, that's an incredibly stupid statement.

    Of course, you have not yet displayed any numbers stating crime is up under Godbee.
    I'm sorry, I guess you missed the newspaper article that was posted above. And every other newspaper article published in the past 2 month.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Fnemecek View Post
    In this case, the raw data is what does a given seizure weigh and how much cash did they have. How exactly does one cook that data?
    Well, one way [[as you mention above) is to count the weight of the total plant instead of just the marketable leaves and buds. Also a load of fresh plants will weigh more than dried and processed product. Now, that OK to do that, if you make note of it in reports and press releases and anywhere else weights are recorded. 100Lbs or freshly uprooted plants won't be as valuable as 100 lbs
    of processed, ready to sell product.

    With cocaine or heroin, is it pure or cut? Big difference in value.

    Product seized in Detroit may or may not be of the same quality and value as product seized in Miami.

    When seizing currency, do they always state the country if not U.S. currency? $100 isn't always $100 if you're talking about Canadian vs. U.S.

  24. #49


    Here is the perfect gear for your next drive by....Made in Detoit, used in Detroit.....Go figure.
    http://carseatholster.com/ Only $36......WTF I saw a guy selling these at the Gibralter Gun show.

    Your in your car, locked I would imagine, 1st line of defense, cell phone at the ready, Second line of defense....so the only reason you would need this item is a Drive By.
    Last edited by Searay215; September-12-10 at 01:59 PM. Reason: Adding info

  25. #50


    If more neighborhoods banned together like the one where a 90 yr old grandma got raped, you'd see crime go down no matter who was chief of police.
    That's what's been lacking for all these years...citizen involvement. Getting rid of the no snitch mentality would also help a lot too.

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